
Two Seminarians and a Deacon present their Request for Ordination

IMG_5808On Thursday 18th February 2016, during Mass celebrated at the Seminary chapel, seminarians Michael Grima and Carl Scerri presented their request to the Bishop to be ordained deacons.  Deacon Massimo Buttigieg presented his request to be ordained priest.  The formators, the seminarians and the nuns were present for the Mass.

During the homily, the Bishop said: “we, priests, do not take the vote of poverty but nevertheless we should not use the priesthood to become rich”.  The Bishop said that the attitude of ‘beggars’ should help the priests to assess wisely their relation with riches.  He said that when a priest relies mainly on worldly goods and not on God and on God’s Providence, the priest tends to focus on how much money he can earn and he ends up treating his priesthood as a career or a job.  He insisted that a person cannot join the priesthood and think at the same time of leading a comfortable life and of never having to go through difficult moments.

Massimo, Michael and Carl presented their request during the Offertory.


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