
During the last week, the Liturgical and Missionary Group organised various activities in view of the World Mission Day celebrated on Sunday 23rd October 2022. The theme of this week was “witness of the Word” which was inspired by the from the diocesan pastoral plan. 

This Mission Week started on Monday 17th October 2022. On this day, the community prayed for Bishop Giovanni Cefai Mssp, a Gozitan missionary in Peru.

On Tuesday 18th October, the community prayed for Fr Anton Grech, a Gozitan missionary in Guatemala and seminarian Fabio Cini who is doing his intermediate year with Fr Anton. The seminarians went to the Minor Seminary during the assembly to speak with the Form 3 students how the effect the word of God makes a diffence in the life of a missionary. In the evening, Deacon Matthew Bajada led an Eucharistic adoration with a missionary theme. 

On Wednesday 19th October, the Seminary community prayed for Fr Fr Raymond Portelli, a Gozitan missionary in Peru. 

On Thursday 20th October, the Seminary community welcomed Fr Emanuel Cutajar to celebrate mass. Fr Emanuel was a missionary in Albania. During the homily, Fr Emanuel shared with the seminarians some of his experience in Albania. Afterwards the seminarians went to the Minor Seminary during the assembly to speak with the Forms 4 and 5 students how the effect the word of God makes a diffence in the life of a missionary. In the evening the community saw the film “of Gods and Man”.

On Friday 22nd October, the Seminary community prayed for Bishop Joe Bonello, a Gozitan missionary in Honduras. Afterwards the seminarians went to the Minor Seminary during the assembly to speak with the Forms 2 and 2 students how the effect the word of God makes a diffence in the life of a missionary. In the evening, the community had the opportunity to make a vide call with Bishop Joe Bonello in this call, Bishop Bonello shared his experience in Honduras, starting from how he ended in Honduras, together with the everyday experience. Each member of the community had the opportunity to ask him questions.

On Saturday 22rd October, the Seminary community prayed for Fr Victor Zammit, a Gozitan missionary in Peru.