
This year, the Feast of St Joseph fell on the Forth Sunday of Lent, so the solemnity was observed on Monday 20th of March. The day at the Seminary started with the Lauds, and in the evening, a solemn mass was held, presided over by the Can Rector Fr. Richard Farrugia. Seminarian Matthew Borg delivered a reflection on St. Joseph. During the mass, which was attended by the Sisters of the Sacred Heart, several staff members, and helpers.

Following the mass, a dinner was organized for the seminarians, formators, and staff of the seminary, which took place at Vini e Capricci by Abrahams.

On Saturday, 12th November 2022, the Seminary hosted the traditional Saint Martin’s Dinner.  This dinner is the principal fundraising activity in aid of the Seminary and used to be hosted annually before the Covid-19 pandemic. After an absence of two years, this dinner was held at the Seminary Hall. Our whole-hearted thanks goes to the members of the Community of the Franciscan Sisters of the acred Heart of Jesus, present at the Seminary.  The nuns prepare the dinner with the help of many volunteers.  We would also like to thank the various shops and establishments for the gifts and gift vouchers they offered as prizes for the raffle held during the said dinner.  Finally, we would like to thank all those who attended the dinner.  It was an enjoyable evening for our guests who are always ready to give a helping hand to the Seminary.