
Pasta Night – Fundraiser in Aid of the Seminary

Last Tuesday, 28th July, a pasta night was held at Villa Fiorita in Marsalforn as a fundraising activity for the Seminary.  Each year, at the end of all the courses of Lenten spiritual exercises organised in the Diocese of Gozo, a collection is made in aid of the Seminary. Due the to the Covid-19 restrictions which were in effect for several months, these collections did not take place this year.  Thus, this pasta night was organised to help finance the works being done at the Seminary, namely: a new Wi-Fi system, new bathroom facilities for the seminarians and the renovation of the refectory.

Our whole-hearted thanks goes to the many volunteers who helped in the preparations of this event. We would also like to thank the various shops and establishments for the gifts and gift vouchers they offered as prizes for the raffle held. Finally, we would like to thank all those who attended the event.

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