
Mission Week 2021

During the last week, the Liturgical and Missionary Group organised various activities in view of the World Mission Day celebrated on Sunday 23rd October 2021. The theme of this week was inspired by the phrase “You go, and do likewise” (Lk 10:37) from the Parable of the Good Samaritan. The Group wished to convey the message that in our times, we can encounter situations similar to that in the parable, and we are invited to act on the example of the good Samaritan.

This Mission Week started on Monday 18th October 2021. On this day, the community prayed for bishop George Bugeja OFM, a Gozitan missionary in Tripoli.

On Tuesday 19th October, the community prayed for Fr Mario Curmi, a Gozitan missionary in Guatemala. In the evening, the community had the opportunity to make a video call with Fr Mario. During this video call, Fr Mario shared his missionary experience of these last three years. He also talked about the difficulties encountered, especially during these times of the COVID-19 pandemic. Fr Mario emphasised the beauty of giving tour life to evangelising the Gospel and spreading God’s love to the poor. Each member of the community had the opportunity to ask him questions.

On Wednesday 20th October, the Seminary community prayed for Fr Anton Grech, a Gozitan missionary in Guatemala. After dinner, the seminarians watched the film “The Letters”. This film is about Saint Teresa of Calcutta, an Albanian nun who dedicated her life to serving the poorest of the poor in India.

On Thursday 21th October, the Seminary community welcomed Fr Carmel Portelli to celebrate mass. Fr Carmel works in the Gozo Diocese’s Missionary Office. During the homily, Fr Carmel described the work done by the Missionary Office. During that day, the Seminary community prayed for Fr Raymond Portelli, a Gozitan missionary in Peru, who happens to be Fr Carmel’s brother.

On Friday 22nd October, the Seminary community prayed for Fr Victor Zammit MSSP, a Gozitan missionary in Peru. In the evening, a Eucharistic adoration with a missionary theme was held, for which the altar boys of Nadur, Qala and Għajnsielem parishes were invited.

On Saturday 23rd October, the Seminary community prayed for bishop Giovanni Cefai MSSP, a Gozitan missionary in Peru.

Apart from the activities mentioned above, a brief video prepared by the Liturgical and Missionary Group was sent to all the Gozitan secondary schools to deliver a message for this week. The activities for Mission Week came to an end during the weekend, where the seminarians continued to spread the message among the groups in the parishes where they are assigned for their pastoral work. Although this Mission Week was quite different due to the COVID-19 restrictions, its message was still delivered effectively.

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