
The Rector, staff and seminarians are very grateful to all the supporters who help our Seminary in its mission of preparing priests for service to the universal Church. In order to pay all its expenses our Seminary relies completely on the generosity of our benefactors as a sign of Divine Providence.

“Each one should give as much as he has decided on his own initiative, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.”

2 Cor 9, 7

How to help

By Offering a Scholarship

By depositing €600 you will be offering a scholarship to our Seminary.  In this way you will be helping a seminarian in his formation for priesthood.  You can offer the scholarship in your own name or you can invite others to join you.  They may be members of your family, friends, workmates, etc.

By making an offer on a particular event

The event may be the loss of someone dear to you.  Mourners may be asked to offer money donations to the Seminary instead of presenting flower bouquets and wreaths at the funeral service.  On such a sad occasion, you yourself may make a financial donation to the Seminary as suffrage for the souls of your dear departed.  Such donations may be made on other special occasions such as Baptism, First Holy Communion, Confirmation, weddings, etc.

By making a Legacy of Holy Masses

You may leave a sum of money the interest on which will go to Masses celebrated according to your intentions.  The period covered by such a legacy is of 25 years.  At the end of this period, the sum of money left as legacy will automatically become a donation to the Seminary.

By remembering the Seminary in your will

Individuals sometimes remember the Seminary in their will and leave part of their wealth to it.  This would be beneficial to the Seminary, as long as you do not ignore those to whom you are indebted.

By giving a donation

You can help also simply by sending a donation to the Seminary through one of the local priests or by depositing it in a bank account.

  • APS Account Number: 2000162755-8
  • IBAN Number: MT27APSB77035008161820001627558

For more information please call at the Seminary on 2155 6479. We promise to remember you daily in our prayers.