

13048101_798456906953550_7273986352909400816_oFestabbatini was organized by the seminarians for altar boys and members of their families.   It was held on 17th April, which happened to be Vocations Sunday and it was part of the diocesan celebrations of the Jubilee of Mercy.  Festabbatini was held in the square in front of  Ta’ Pinu Sanctuary.  The parable of the Good Shepherd was presented in the form of a short play.  In the play, which was a comic representation enjoyed by the whole congregation, the  shepherd was accompanied by a lamb, brought especially for the occasion.  The parable was linked with the message of the Gospel of that same Sunday.

13041484_798457110286863_2233785154143817326_oThen, the Diocesan Shepherd, Bishop Mario Grech, led a procession through the Door of Mercy at the Sanctuary.  Altar boys from different parishes prayed together.  In his short homily, the Bishop stressed that the mission of the priest is to be close to man and to help man feel the mercy of God.  “The people are not at the service of us, priests.  It is the priest who is at the service of the people.”  The Bishop said that as Jesus, the Good Shepherd, shows a particular love towards the injured sheep, so should the priest cure the wounds of man.  He said that Jesus is still calling for vocations and that he looks at the group of altar boys as a “small seminary where the young ones are prepared to embrace the priestly or religious vocation.”

13047741_798457663620141_1030354919315741348_oThe activity proceeded with recreational activities in the same square.  Delicacies were prepared by the seminarians.  A stand was dedicated to vocational promotion.  Those present could follow videos about life at the Seminary and meet the Bishop and the seminarians.

Click here to watch a video of the activity.



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