On Saturday, January 21st, which happed to be on the eve of the Sunday dedicated to the Word of God. our community gathered at the chapel for the annual blessing of the Icon that represents this year’s theme took place. The theme for this year’s icon was inspired by the Gospel of Luke (Lk1,39-45), with a particular focus on the verse “set out and traveled”. This passage served as the primary source of inspiration for the creation of the icon.
Fr. Peter Paul Sultana, the iconographer, was present during the celebration of the blessing of this year’s icon. The celebration was led by Canon Richard N. Farrugia, the rector. Prior to the blessing, Seminarian Franklin Micallef read the passage from Luke’s Gospel. Then Fr. Sultana gave a theological explanation of the technique and symbols used in the icon, highlighting the profound significance of each detail and how it can inspire anyone seeking to explore the biblical message of the passage through the icon. Fr. Rector subsequently blessed the icon.