
Enthronement of the New Icon representing this Year’s Theme

On Wednesday 2nd February, the annual blessing of the Icon that represents this year’s theme took place. The celebration was preceded by Can Richard N. Farrugia, the rector, who read the passage from Luke’s Gospel about the disciples of Emmaus (Lk 24:13-35). This passage, particularly the verse “What is this conversation that you are holding with each other” (v. 17), served as the source of inspiration for the Icon. This verse was chosen as it guides the Diocese’s pastoral plan for the year 2021-2022. At the end of the celebration, Daniel Mercieca Pavia, the iconographer, gave a theological explanation of the technique and symbols used and showed how every detail has a profound significance that serves as an inspiration to whoever wants to delve deeper into the biblical message of the passage through the Icon.

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