
On Tuesday, 2nd October, H.L. Mgr Benjamin Phiri, Auxiliary Bishop of Chipata in Zambia, joined the seminarians for lunch. Mgr Phiri was on his way to Rome to participate in the Bishops’ Synod on the New Evangelisation.  He was accompanied by Mgr Salvinu Micallef, director of the Missions Movement of Malta.

On Wednesday, 3rd October, H.L. Mgr Selim Sayegh, Bishop Emeritus of Jordan, paid a visit to the community of the Gozo Seminary.  He was on a visit to the members of Ordo Virginum of Malta and Gozo.  Bishop Sayegh also joined the seminarians for lunch.  When lunch came to an end, Mons Selim delivered a short message in which he urged the seminarians to be faithful to the small things in everyday life.  He said that this is the road that leads the seminarian to become a priest who earnestly loves Christ and His Church.



Nhar it-Tlieta 2 ta’ Ottubru ngħaqad għall-ikel, flimkien mas-seminaristi, l-E.T. Mons Benjamin Phiri, Isqof Awżiljarju ta’ Chipata fiz-Zambia.  Kien jinsab fi triqtu lejn Ruma biex jieħu sehem fis-Sinodu tal-Isqfijiet dwar l-Evanġelizzazzjoni l-Ġdida.  Flimkien miegħu ġie wkoll id-direttur tal-Moviment Missjunarju ta’ Malta, Mons. Salvinu Micallef.

L-għada l-Erbgħa 3 ta’ Ottubru żar il-komunità l-E.T. Mons Selim Sayegh, Isqof Emeritus tal-Ġordan.  Kien qed jagħmel żjara lill-membri tal-Ordo Virginum f’Malta u Għawdex.  Hu wkoll baqa’ għall-ikel.  Fi tmiem l-ikla Mons. Selim ta l-messaġġ tiegħu u ħeġġeġ lis-seminaristi biex minn issa jitgħallmu jkunu fidili fl-affarijiet iż-żgħar tal-ħajja ta’ kuljum.  Din hi t-triq li twassal lis-seminarista biex ’il quddiem ikun verament saċerdot li jħobb b’mod sħiħ lil Kristu u lill-Knisja tiegħu.



On Monday, 24th September 2012, the community of the Seminary was reunited for a new year of formation.  During the summer the community had met on a number of occasions.  Such an occasion was when Seminarian Gabriel Gauci, from the Kerċem Parish of Our Lady of Help and of St. Gregory, was ordained deacon on Friday 22nd June, at the Gozo Cathedral.   On Monday 24th June, a holy Mass was celebrated at the Convent of the Franciscan Sisters at Marsalforn.  The newly ordained priests and deacon participated.  Towards mid-summer, the seminarians got together for a day of reflection and prayer, led by Rev. Carmel Gauci.  This took place on 8th August at Dar Stella Maris at Żebbuġ.  During the last week of their holidays, the seminarians gave a helping hand in cleaning and preparing the Seminary for a new year of formation.

On their first day at the seminary, the seminarians participated in the celebration of the Eucharist.  Later they shared the different experiences which each of them had had during summer.  In the evening they went to Marsalforn for a barbeque. During the barbeque they welcomed Fr Alex Refalo as the new spiritual director for the community.  He was to replace Fr Joseph Farrugia who had had been spiritual director for the community for the last five years.  On the morrow, Tuesday 25th, and up to Saturday 29th, the community was at Dar il-Lunzjata in Rabat, Malta, for the beginning-of-year spiritual retreat.  The retreat was led by Fr Tony Sciberras.

Life at the Seminary returned to normal by Monday 1st October.  The new academic year began by the Holy Mass of the Holy Spirit, led by H.E. Mgr Bishop Mario Grech.  The lecturers and relatives of the seminarians joined this celebration of the Holy Eucharist.


Il-komunità tas-Seminarju reġgħet inġabret flimkien, għal sena ta’ formazzjoni ġdida, nhar it-Tnejn 24 ta’ Settembru 2012.  Tul il-waqfa tas-sajf kien hemm diversi mumenti li fihom il-komunità ltaqgħet flimkien.  Ta’ min isemmi l-ordinazzjoni djakonali tas-Seminarista Gabriel Gauci, mill-Parroċċa tal-Madonna tas-Sokkors u ta’ San Girgor f’Ta’ Kerċem, fil-Katidral ta’ Għawdex nhar il-Ġimgħa 22 ta’ Ġunju.  Saret il-quddiesa flimkien mas-saċerdoti u d-djaknu l-ġodda nhar it-Tnejn 24 ta’ Ġunju ġewwa l-Kunvent tas-Sorijiet Franġiskani tal-Qalb ta’ Ġesù f’Marsalforn.  F’nofs is-sajf, nhar it-8 ta’ Awwissu, is-seminaristi inġabru għal nofs ta’ nhar ta’ riflessjoni mmexxi minn Dun Karm Gauci f’Dar Stella Maris, iż-Żebbuġ.  Fl-aħħar ġimgħa tal-vaganzi huma taw daqqa t’id fit-tindif u fit-tħejjija tas-Seminarju għal sena oħra ta’ formazzjoni.

Dakinhar li s-seminaristi daħlu lura mis-sajf, wara li ġiet iċċelebrata l-Ewkaristija, huma qasmu flimkien id-diversi esperjenzi li għexu tul is-sajf u filgħaxija niżlu Marsalforn għal barbeque.   Din kienet l-okkażjoni li fiha ngħatat merħba lil Fr Alex Refalo bħala d-direttur spiritwali l-ġdid tas-Seminarju.  Hu ħa post Fr Joseph Farrugia li qeda lill-komunità bħala direttur spiritwali għal dawn l-aħħar ħames snin.  Bejn l-għada t-Tlieta 25 u s-Sibt 29 ta’ Settembru l-komunità kienet ġewwa r-Rabat Malta, f’Dar il-Lunzjata, għall-irtir tal-bidu tas-sena.  Din id-darba kien Fr Tony Sciberras M.S.S.P. li mexxa l-irtir.

Il-ħajja fis-Seminarju qabdet ir-rittmu normali nhar it-Tnejn 1 ta’ Ottubru.  Dakinhar ingħata bidu għas-sena akkademika permezz tal-Quddiesa lill-Ispirtu s-Santu, immexxiha minn Mons. Isqof Mario Grech.  Għal din l-Ewkaristija kienu mistiedna l-professuri u l-familjari tas-seminaristi.


The 15th June brought to an end the examinations of the second semester.  The seminarians spent together the following three days to mark the end of the year of formation at the Seminary.  On Monday 18th June, Fr Joseph Farrugia, the Spiritual Director, held Revision de Vie. On Tuesday an evaluation of the term was drawn, followed by a barbeque at Marsalforn.  The year ended formally on Wednesday 20th June with a Mass led by Mgr Bishop Mario Grech.  Relatives of the seminarians and the Dames of the Seminary formed part of the congregation.


Wara li fil-15 ta’ Ġunju ġew fi tmiemhom l-eżamijiet tat-tieni semestru, is-seminaristi nġabru għal tlitt ijiem oħra li fihom għalqu s-sena ta’ formazzjoni fis-Seminarju.  Nhar it-Tnejn 18 ta’ Ġunju saret Revision de Vie li tmexxiet mid-Direttur Spiritwali Dun Joseph Farrugia, u t-Tlieta saret evalwazzjoni ta’ tmiem it-term u wara barbeque f’Marsalforn.  Is-sena ġiet fi tmiemha nhar l-Erbgħa 20 ta’ Ġunju, meta saret Quddiesa mmexxija minn Mons. Isqof Mario Grech li għaliha kienu mistednin il-familjari tas-seminaristi u d-Dami tas-Seminarju.


Fit-2 ta’ Ġunju, lejliet l-ordinazzjoni għall-presbiterat u ftit jiem qabel dik għad-djakont saret velja ta’ talb: qari mill-Iskrittura u Adorazzjoni Ewkaristika fis-seminarju, biex flimkien mal-poplu miġbur, isir talb għall-ordinandi.  Matul il-velja, fil-preżenza ta’ Ġesù Ewkaristija, id-djaknu Daniel Grech għamel talba ta’ ringrazzjament għas-sena tad-djakonat, u d-djaknu Mark Bonello għamel talba għall-għajnuna quddiem il-ħajja saċerdotali.  Is-seminarista Gabriel Gauci wkoll għamel it-talba tiegħu misluta mill-esperjenza tal-ħajja u l-vokazzjoni tiegħu.

L-għada, 3 ta’ Ġunju, Solennità tat-Trinità Qaddisa, Mark Bonello u Daniel Grech irċivew  l-ordinazzjoni presbiterali tagħhom minn idejn Mons. Isqof Mario Grech fil-knisja katidrali ta’ Għawdex.


On the 2nd June, the eve of the presbyterial ordination and some days before the ordination of deacons, a vigil of prayer was held at the Seminary.  The congregation offered prayers for the ordinands.  The vigil included readings from the Sacred Scripture and Adoration of the Holy Eucharist.  During the vigil, in the presence of the Holy Eucharist, Deacon Daniel Grech said a prayer of thanksgiving for his year as deacon.  Deacon Mark Bonello prayed God to lead him during his life of priesthood.  Seminarian Gabriel Gauci based his prayer on experiences of  life and on his vocation.

The following day, 3rd June, Solemnity of the Holy Trinity, Mark Bonello and Daniel Grech were ordained priests at the Gozo Cathedral.  The ordination was led by H.E. Bishop Mario Grech.



Ta’ kull sena, fix-xahar iddedikat lil Marija, isir pellegrinaġġ lejn is-Santwarju Nazzjonali tal-Madonna Ta’ Pinu.  F’din l-okkażjoni, l-ordinandi: id-djakni Mark Bonello u Daniel Grech qabel l-ordinazzjoni tal-presbiterat, u s-seminarista Gabriel Gauci qabel l-ordinazzjoni għad-djakonat, għamlu l-wegħdiet tagħhom f’riġlejn Marija, fosthom il-wegħda tal-ubbidjenza, il-wegħda taċ-ċelibat u l-istqarrija tal-fidi.




A pilgrimage to the National Santuary dedicated to Our Lady of Ta’ Pinu is held every year during the month dedicated to Our Lady.  On this occasion, the ordinands – Deacons Mark Bonello and Daniel Grech, prior to their presbiteral ordination, and Seminarian Gabriel  Gauci, prior to his ordination as Deacon – proclamed their vows of obedience and celibacy and made a Declaration of Faith, in front the holy image of Our Lady.




Nhar il-5 ta’ Mejju, fuq stedina uffiċċjali mis-Seminarju Maġġuri, in-Nunzju Appostoliku Mons. Tommaso Caputo, ġie jżur lis-Seminarju tagħna.  F’dan in-nofstanhar, huwa kellu diversi laqgħat: l-ewwel fosthom mas-seminaristi.  Mons. Caputo qasam mal-komunità tas-seminarju għaxar ħsibijiet dwar il-ħajja tas-saċerdot, u tkellem dwar il-prijoritajiet li s-saċerdot għandu jkollu fil-ħajja personali u pastorali.  Wara dan, huwa ltaqa’ mal-bord tas-seminarju, u mal-professuri taż-żewġ ċikli.  Fil-11.00am huwa mexxa konċelebrazzjoni fil-kappella tas-seminarju, li għaliha kienu mistiedna wkoll il-membri tal-istaff tas-seminarju.

In-Nunzju baqa’ magħna wkoll għall-pranzu, u fi tmiemu ġie mogħti nkwadru tal-istatwa tal-Qalb ta’ Ġesù li tinsab fis-seminarju bħala rigal ta’ tifkira.


Following an official invitation by the Major Seminary, the Apostolic Nuntio Mgr Tommaso Caputo paid a visit to our Seminary on the 5th May.  On this occasion Mgr Caputo had various meetings, foremost amongst them a meeting with the seminarians.  Mgr Caputo shared with the community of the Seminary ten thoughts about the life of a priest.  He talked about the priorities in the personal and pastoral life of a priest.  Then, Mgr Caputo met the Seminary Board and the lectureres of the two cycles.  At 11.00am he led a concelebrated Mass in the chapel of the Seminary.  Members of the staff were also present for this concelebrated Mass.  Later the Nuntio joined us at dinner.  He was presented with an image of the statue of The Sacred Heart of Jesus which the Gozo Seminary hosts.
