
Another tradition linked with the feast of St Martin is the Lungo Passeggio, which this year took place on the 15th November.  Seminarians and formators drove together to Dwejra and then walked along the coast until they came to the cliffs of Ta’ Saguna, at Ta’ Sannat.  The walk was quite tiring but it served us to enjoy the impressive and wonderful natural environment of Gozo.  At about 1.45pm, just as we were about to come to the end of the walk, a storm brew up and soon it started raining heavily.  It seemed that even the weather did not dare discourage the seminarians from enjoying their annual hike…



Tradizzjoni oħra marbuta mal-festa ta’ San Martin hija l-Lungo Passeggio.  Din is-sena sar il-Ħamis 15 ta’ Novembru.  Is-seminaristi flimkien mal-formators niżlu d-Dwejra bil-karozzi u minn hemm telqu bil-mixi mal-kosta sa ma waslu fuq l-irdumijiet Ta’ Saguna, Ta’ Sannat.  Il-mixja kienet ftit impennjattiva però fl-istess waqt kien mument fejn is-seminaristi setgħu jammiraw is-sbuħija tan-natura li għandna Għawdex.  Eżatt fi tmiem il-passiġġata, għas-1.45pm, infetħu bwieb is-sema u wasal il-maltemp tant mistenni tal-Ħamis li għadda.  Anke l-maltemp ta ċans lis-seminaristi jagħmlu l-passiġġata tagħhom…



This year the feast of St Martin of Tours fell on Sunday, 11th November.  On this occasion, the Seminary holds its annual dinner known as L-Ikla ta’ San  Martin.  This year the dinner was held on Saturday 10th November.  This activity has become a tradition since it has been held for many years.  L-Aħwa Ħbieb tas-Seminarju were in charge of the organisation of this activity.  This is a fund raising activity for the Major Seminary.  About one hundred and sixty persons attended, packing the Seminary main hall where the dinner was held.  The delicious dishes were prepared by the nuns at the Seminary, helped by a number of volunteers.  During the activity the seminarians play a different role from their usual one – that of waiters…  So guests at this dinner were served by ‘seminarian waiters’!…  Manuel Rapa animated the evening with his music, songs and jokes.  H.E. Mons Bishop Mario Grech, and Mr and Mrs Anton Tabone were guests of honour.



Il-festa ta’ San Martin ta’ Tours din is-sena ħabtet il-Ħadd 11 ta’ Novembru.  Fl-okkażjoni ta’ din il-festa, ta’ kull sena, is-Seminarju jorganizza l-Ikla ta’ San Martin.  Din is-sena l-ikla saret nhar is-Sibt 10 ta’ Novembru.  Din l-attività llum nistgħu nsejħulha tradizzjoni għax ilha ssir għal għexieren ta’ snin.  L-organizzazzjoni tagħha kienet f’idejn l-Aħwa Ħbieb tas-Seminarju.  L-iskop prinċipali ta’ din l-ikla huwa wieħed ta’ ġbir ta’ fondi b’risq is-Seminarju Maġġuri.  Din is-sena wkoll, ammont kbir ta’ nies (mal-mija u sittin ruħ) ippakkjaw is-sala tas-Seminarju sabiex jieħdu gost flimkien filwaqt li jduqu mill-benna tal-ikel imħejji mill-volunitiera flimkien mas-sorijiet tas-Seminarju.  F’din l-attività s-seminaristi jiksbu rwol differenti mill-bqija tas-sena:  huma jaqdu bħala waiters…  Għalhekk min jattendi għal din l-ikla jista’ jgħid li jiġi servut mis-seminaristi…  Manuel Rapa ħa ħsieb biex iżomm ambjent feliċi permezz tal-kant u l-battuti tiegħu.  Mons. Isqof Mario Grech, is-Sur Anton Tabone u s-Sinjura tiegħu onorawna bil-preżenza tagħhom.



Throughout this week, from Sunday 4th to Friday 9th November, the Vocations Group within the Seminary organised a week of prayer for vocations at the parish of Għarb.  All the Masses said at Għarb during this week included an invocation of the faithful for vocations.  Various other activities were held to mark this week.  On Tuesday 6th November, two seminarians visited Għarb and led a gathering for children attending catechism lessons.  This meeting was held at the parish church.  The seminarians based their talk on Samuel’s call and shared with those present their own call for priesthood.  On Thursday evening, two other seminarians led an hour of solemn adoration for vocations.  Prayers were said for priests and for further vocations from the parish.  The last activity was held on Friday evening when the whole community of the Seminary joined the parrochial community for Mass at the parish church.  Fr Daniel Xerri, Rector of the seminary, led the celebration and Deacon Gabriel Gauci delivered the homily.  The Deacon explained that the first reading of the day (Ez 47,1-2.8-9.12) calls on the parish community, the living stones of the Church, to be like a spring of water that carries Christ from the source (the Church) to every place (especially to that place where the presence of God is missing).  If such a call is addressed to every Christian, it is addressed more strongly to the priest, who is the chosen one of Christ.



Tul din il-ġimgħa, bejn il-Ħadd 4 u l-Ġimgħa 9 ta’ Novembru, il-Grupp tal-Vokazzjonijiet fi ħdan is-Seminarju organizza ġimgħa ta’ talb għall-vokazzjonijiet fil-parroċċa tal-Għarb.  Fil-quddies kollu li sar tul din il-ġimgħa fl-Għarb, saret talba tal-fidili għall-vokazzjonijiet.  Barra minn hekk ġew organizzati wkoll xi attivitajiet li mmarkaw din il-ġimgħa.  It-Tlieta 6 ta’ Novembru żewġ seminaristi żaru l-Għarb u mexxew laqgħa għat-tfal tad-duttrina fil-knisja parrokkjali.  Huma bnew ir-riflessjoni tagħhom fuq is-sejħa ta’ Samwel u qasmu magħhom l-esperjenza tal-vokazzjoni tagħhom.  Il-Ħamis filgħaxija żewġ seminaristi oħra mexxew l-adorazzjoni għall-vokazzjonijiet li s-soltu ssir fl-Għarb.  F’ambjent ta’ ġabra dawn is-seminaristi ngħaqdu mal-parroċċani f’talb għas-saċerdoti u anke talb għall-vokazzjonijiet fi ħdan l-istess parroċċa.  L-aħħar attività saret il-Ġimgħa filgħaxija.  Dakinhar il-komunità kollha tas-Seminarju żaret il-knisja parrokkjali tal-Għarb u ċċelebrat l-Ewkaristija flimkien mal-komunità parrokkjali.  Ir-Rettur Fr Daniel Xerri mexxa l-quddiesa u d-djaknu Gabriel Gauci għamel l-omelija.  Gabriel spjega kif l-ewwel qari tal-ġurnata (Eż 47,1-2.8-9.12) hu sejħa biex l-komunità parrokkjali, il-ġebel ħaj tal-Knisja, ikunu bħax-xmara ta’ ilma ħelu li twassal lil Kristu mill-għajn (mill-knisja) għal kull post (b’mod speċjali f’dak l-imkien fejn il-preżenza ta’ Alla ma tinħasx).  Jekk din hi sejħa għal kull Nisrani, hi tgħajjat b’mod aktar qawwi lis-saċerdot:  il-mibgħut tal-Mulej per eċċellenza.



During the Year of Faith, the Major Seminary is organizing various courses in formation.  These courses are open to the laity, consecrated persons and priests.  The first course, Re-discovering the Vatican Concil II, is spread over a period of eight non-consecutive days.  It started on Saturday 3rd November and will come to an end on Wednesday 28th November.  Fr John Anthony Berry SThD is conducting the course.  The second course, Faith in the experience of the Church and of the Christian, is to be conducted also by Fr John Anthony Berry SThD and will also be spread over eight non-consecutive days, between Wednesday 16th January and Saturday 9th February, 2013.  The last course, The Catechism of the Catholic Church, will be conducted by various speakers and will also be spread over eight non-consecutive days, from Wednesday 10th April to Saturday 4th May, 2013.  For further information on these courses, please consult the attached leaflet.

Download Leaflet


Tul is-Sena tal-Fidi s-Seminarju Maġġuri qed jorganizza xi korsijiet ta’ formazzjoni.  Dawn huma miftuħa għal-lajċi, għall-persuni kkonsagrati u għas-saċerdoti.  L-ewwel kors, Nerġgħu niskopru l-Konċilju Vatikan II, mifrux fuq tmint ijiem (mhux konsekuttivi), beda s-Sibt 3 ta’ Novembru u għandu jintemm l-Erbgħa 28 ta’ Novembru.  Fr John Anthony Berry SThD qed imexxi dan il-kors.  It-tieni kors, Il-Fidi fl-esperjenza tal-Knisja u tan-Nisrani, se jkun immexxi ukoll minn Fr John Anthony Berry SThD u mifrux fuq tmint ijiem (mhux konsekuttivi) bejn l-Erbgħa 16 ta’ Jannar u s-Sibt 9 ta’ Frar 2013.  L-aħħar kors, Il-Katekiżmu tal-Knisja Kattolika, se jkun immexxi minn kelliema varji u se jkun mifrux ukoll fuq tmint ijiem (mhux konsekuttivi) din id-darba bejn l-Erbgħa 10 ta’ April u s-Sibt 4 ta’ Mejju 2013.  Min jixtieq aktar informazzjoni fuq dawn il-korsijiet jirreferi għall-fuljett anness.

Niżżel Il-fuljett


On Thursday, 1st November, at the end of the conference by Mgr Enrico dal Covolo, we assisted to the presentation of the new website of the Major Seminary of Gozo.  The Rector, Fr Daniel Xerri, made a speech for the occasion.  He explained that, as stated by one the Padres of the Synod, the Church needs to come closer to the virtual world.  The fact that there are people who live solely in a virtual world should motivate us to move in this direction.  A website is a useful means by which the Church can reach these people and deliver to them God’s message of love.  The Rector explained that this is the main reason why the Seminary felt the need to embark on this project.  Seminarian Joseph Hili rounded up by explaining the sections of the site.  His explanation was accompanied by a virtual presentation on screen.




Nhar il-Ħamis 1 ta’ Novembru, fi tmiem il-konferenza ta’ Mons. Enrico dal Covolo, saret il-preżentazzjoni tas-sit elettroniku l-ġdid tas-Seminarju Maġġuri ta’ Għawdex.  Ir-Rettur, Fr Daniel Xerri, għamel kelmtejn tal-okkażjoni.  Hu spjega li, kif stqarr wieħed mill-Padres Sinodali, hemm bżonn li l-Knisja tersaq aktar qrib tad-dinja virtwali.  Il-fatt li llum hawn nies li qed jgħixu biss f’ħajja virtwali għandu jimmotivana għal dan il-pass.  Sit elettroniku hu mezz utli biex il-Knisja tkun tista’ tilħaq aktar lil dawn in-nies u, anke lil dawn, twasslilhom l-imħabba ta’ Alla.  Ir-Rettur spjega li dan hu l-iskop prinċipali għalfejn is-Seminarju ħass li għandu jinvesti f’dan il-mezz.  Is-Seminarista Joseph Hili, fi tmiem il-kelmtejn tar-Rettur, spjega t-taqsimiet kollha li fih is-sit elettroniku.  Dan għamlu bil-għajnuna ta’ preżentazzjoni viżwali fuq skrin.





Fl-għodwa tal-Ħamis 1 ta’ Novembru 2012 żar is-Seminarju l-E.T. Mons. Isqof Enrico dal Covolo, ir-Rettur tal-Università Pontifiċja tal-Lateran.  Hu kien jinsab Malta biex imexxi xi konferenzi.  Waħda minn dawn il-konferenzi saret fis-Seminarju ta’ Għawdex u kienet indirizzata lill-kleru, lir-reliġjużi u lis-seminaristi Għawdxin.  It-tema tal-konferenza kienet La sintesi tra consacrazione e missione nella vita del ministro ordinato.  Il-laqgħa saret fl-okkażjoni tal-mija u sitta u erbgħin anniversarju mit-twaqqif tas-Seminarju tal-Qalb ta’ Ġesù (li jaħbat proprju l-Ħadd 4 ta’ Novembru).

Tul il-laqgħa Mons. dal Covolo spjega kif mal-mixja tal-istorja tal-Knisja  ̶  mill-istess bidu tagħha (fil-mandat ta’ Ġesù Kristu); tul iż-żmien tal-Iskola ta’ Antijokja (b’mod speċjali Sant’Injazju t’Antijokja u San Ġwann Krisostmu); wara, fil-ħsieb ta’ Santu Wistin; fil-Konċilju Vatikan II permezz tad-Digriet Presbyterorum Ordinis; u anke fl-Eżortazzjoni Post-Sinodali Pastores Dabo Vobis  ̶  dejjem ġiet ippreżentata unità sħiħa bejn il-konsagrazzjoni tal-ministru ordnat (l-għaqda intima bejn is-saċerdot u Ġesù Kristu) u l-missjoni tiegħu (is-saċerdot li jirgħa l-merħla ta’ Ġesù).  Tul il-konferenza Mons. dal Covolo spjega kif il-Konċilju Vatikan II, biex juri li m’hemmx qasma bejn il-konsagrazzjoni u l-missjoni tas-saċerdot, ma esprimiex ruħu b’termini ġodda imma uża l-massima ta’ Santu Wistin:  “Sit amoris officium pascere dominicum gregem” (li tirgħa l-merħla tal-Mulej għandu jkun dmir ta’ mħabba).  Kemm Sant’Injazju ta’ Antijokja u San Ġwann Krisostmu bix-xhieda ta’ ħajjithom u bil-kitbiet tagħhom kienu diġà affermaw dak li stqarr Santu Wistin.  Il-Papa Ġwanni Pawlu II ikkonferma dan kollu fl-Eżortazzjoni Pastores Dabo Vobis 23, meta qal:  “La carità pastorale è quella virtù con la quale noi imitiamo Cristo nella sua donazione di sé e nel suo servizio.  Non è soltanto quello che facciamo, ma il dono di noi stessi, che mostra l’amore di Cristo per il suo gregge”.

Fl-intervent tiegħu Mons. Isqof Mario Grech (li għadu kif irritorna mis-Sinodu dwar l-Evanġelizzazzjoni l-Ġdida) ikkonferma li dak li stqarr Mons. Enrico dal Covolo hu l-ispirtu tas-saċerdot ministerjali li l-Knisja kkontemplat fis-Sinodu.  Hu ħeġġeġ għalhekk lill-kleru preżenti biex jagħmel eżami tal-kuxjenza, anke fid-dawl ta’ dak li Dun Mikiel Attard kien jgħid lis-seminaristi u lill-qassisin:  “wieħed ma jsirx saċerdot dakinhar tal-ordinazzjoni; isir saċerdot b’mixja gradwali, minn ġurnata għal ġurnata”.

L-E.T. Mons. Isqof Enrico dal Covolo baqa’ mal-komunità għall-ikel.



On Thursday morning, 1st November 2012, His Lordship Mgr Enrico dal Covolo, Rector of the Lateran Pontificial University, paid a visit to the Seminary.  He had been invited to Malta to hold conferences on the island.  One of these conferences was held at the Gozo Seminary and it was attended by members of the Clergy, members of religious orders and the Gozitan seminarians.  The theme of the conference was La sintesi tra consacrazione e missione nella vita del ministro ordinato.  The conference was held on the occasion of the hundred and forty sixth anniversary of the founding of the Sacred Heart Seminary.  This anniversary falls on Sunday, 4th November.

During the conference, Mgr dal Covolo explained how throughout the ages there has always been a strong bond between the consecration of the ordained minister (the intimate union between the priest and Jesus Christ) and the priest’s mission (the priest who herds Jesus’ flock).  Mgr dal Covolo traced the history of the Church, from its very foundation by Jesus Christ, to the times of the School of Antioch (making special references to St Ignatius of Antioch and St John Chrysostom), the thoughts of St Augustine, the Decree Presbyterorum Ordinis of the Vatican Council II and on to the post-Synodal exhortation Pastores Dabo Vobis.

During the conference Mgr dal Covolo explained how the Vatican Council II, instead of using new terminology, used the maxim of St Augustine to show that there is no dichotomy between the consecration and the mission of the priest:  “Sit amoris officium pascere dominicum gregem” (to herd the Lord’s flock should be a duty of love).   By the life they led and in their writings, both St Ignatius of Antioch and St John Chrysostom had already affirmed the declaration of St Augustine.  Pope John Paul II confirmed all this in the exhortation Pastores Dabo Vobis 23, when he stated:  “La carità pastorale è quella virtù con la quale noi imitiamo Cristo nella sua donazione di sé e nel suo servizio.  Non è soltanto quello che facciamo, ma il dono di noi stessi, che mostra l’amore di Cristo per il suo gregge”.

Bishop Mario Grech, who has just attended the Synod about the New Evangelisation, confirmed that what Mgr Enrico dal Covolo had just stated embraces the spirit of the ministerial priest that the Church contemplated during the Synod.  He exhorted the members of the clergy to do an examination of conscience, quoting thereby Fr Michael Attard who used to remind fellow priests and the seminarians that:  “one does not become a priest on the day of one’s ordination; one becomes a priest gradually, day by day”.

Later, His Excellency Mgr Enrico dal Covolo joined the community at lunch.

