
Qalb ta' GesuThe academic year at the Seminary has just come to an end and it is examination time for the seminarians.  It is a time of intensive studying for all students.  The examinations started on Tuesday 4th June and will end on Thursday 13th June.

On Friday 7th June, the community of the Seminary joined the rest of the world in celebrating the solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.  This is a special feast for us, primarily because our Seminary bears the name of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.  Moreover, this feast day is a world day of prayer for the sanctity of priests.  On Friday morning, Rector Fr Daniel Xerri led the celebration of the Holy Mass.  All the members of the staff at the Major Seminary were invited to participate in the celebration.  In his homily Fr Daniel said that Jesus is the Good Shepherd, who laid down his life for all the sheep of his flock.  We are invited to accept this infinite love of Christ.  The priest is called to follow the example of Jesus and spread God’s love to all mankind.

Community with Crdinal Prospero GrechHis Eminence, Cardinal Prospero Grech osa was on his first official visit to Gozo as Cardinal.  On Friday afternoon he joined the Gozitan clergy and members of the Religious Communities in prayer at the Parish Church of The Sacred Heart of Jesus in Fontana.  On Saturday morning, feast of the Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary, he visited the Seminary and celebrated the Eucharist with us.  Bishop Mario Grech was also present.  In his homily, His Eminence Cardinal Grech quoted Pope Francis and said that the Rosary is a most effective means by which the priest, in his ministry, remains faithful to and united with God.  He proceeded to explain, line by line, the prayer of the Hail Mary.  Through this prayer we would be beseeching Our Lady to intervene to God on our behalf in every moment of our life and particularly at the hour of our death.  Later Cardinal Grech joined us for breakfast.

Qalb ta' GesuHekk kif ġiet fi tmiemha s-sena akkademika, is-seminaristi bħalissa għaddejjin bl-eżamijiet tagħhom.  Dan hu żmien ta’ ħidma intensiva għal kull student.  Is-seminaristi bdew l-eżamijiet it-Tlieta 4 u se jispiċċawhom il-Ħamis 13 ta’ Ġunju.

Nhar il-Ġimgħa 7 ta’ Ġunju l-komunità tas-Seminarju ngħaqdet mad-dinja kollha fiċ-ċelebrazzjoni tas-Solennità tal-Qalb ta’ Ġesù.  Għalina, din hi festa speċjali.  L-ewwel u qabel kollox għax is-Seminarju jġib l-isem tal-Qalb ta’ Ġesù.  Barra minn hekk jum is-Solennità tal-Qalb ta’ Ġesù hu jum dinji ta’ talb għall-qdusija tas-saċerdoti.  Il-Ġimgħa filgħodu r-Rettur, Dun Daniel Xerri mexxa l-quddiesa, li għaliha kienu mistiedna l-membri kollha tal-istaff tas-Seminarju Maġġuri.  Fl-omelija tiegħu Dun Daniel stqarr li Ġesù hu r-ragħaj it-tajjeb: li jagħti l-ħajja tiegħu għal kull nagħaġa.  Min-naħa tagħna aħna mistednin naċċettaw din l-imħabba infinita ta’ Kristu.  Is-saċerdot hu msejjaħ biex fuq l-eżempju ta’ Ġesù jwassal l-imħabba t’Alla lil kull persuna.

Community with Crdinal Prospero GrechL-Eminenza Tiegħu, il-Kardinal Malti, Prospero Grech osa kien fostna f’Għawdex għall-ewwel żjara uffiċċjali tiegħu bħala kardinal.  Il-Ġimgħa filgħaxija ngħaqad mas-saċerdoti u r-reliġjużi Għawdxin għal mument ta’ talb fil-Knisja Parrokkjali tal-Qalb ta’ Ġesù, il-Fontana.  Is-Sibt filgħodu, Festa tal-Qalb bla tebgħa ta’ Marija, ġie s-Seminarju u ċċelebra magħna l-Ewkaristija.  Għal din il-quddiesa kien hemm ukoll Mons. Isqof Mario Grech.  Fil-prietka l-Eminenza Tiegħu l-Kardinal Grech ikkwota lill-Papa Franġisku u qal li t-talba tar-rużarju hi mezz mill-aktar effikaċji biex is-saċerdot jibqa’ fidil u magħqud m’Alla fil-ministeru tiegħu.  Hu kompla billi spjega vers vers it-talba tal-Ave Maria.  Permezz ta’ din it-talba aħna nkunu nitolbu lil Ommna Marija tidħol għalina quddiem Alla f’kull mument ta’ ħajjitna, speċjalment fil-mument ta’ mewtna.  Wara l-Ewkaristija l-Kardinal Prospero Grech baqa’ magħna għall-kolazzjon.

Dun Gabriel Gauci

On Saturday 25th May, feast of The Holy Trinity, Bishop Mario Grech led the ordination of Deacon Gabriel Gauci to the Priesthood, who hails from the parish of Our Lady of Succour and of St Gregory the Great in Kerċem.  The ordination ceremony took place at the Cathedral of the Assumption, in Victoria.

A number of priests, members of the community of the Seminary, members of the parochial communities of Ta’ Kerċem and of Għajnsielem and various other people accompanied Gabriel in this very important moment of his life.  Many others followed the ceremony on Radju Marija.

Rublev Holy Trinity

Bishop Grech started his homily by drawing a contrast between the icon of The Holy Trinity of the Russian iconographer Andrey Rublyov (1411) and the same icon of the Russian artist Marc Zaharovich Chagall (1956).  In the first icon, the Holy Trinity is presented on a golden background and facing the viewer while in the second it is on a red background giving its back to us.  Bishop Grech said that modern man is no longer aware of the real identity of God.  In Rublyov, the golden background represents the unity and the perfect relationship among the Father, the Son and The Holy Spirit.  Our God is Love: He is perfect Love.  God wants to light our world through this love relationship.  In fact, in the Gospel, Jesus invites us to try to love in the way He loved us.  Bishop Grech said that our world is fragmented and built on division.  This is not in conformity with the unity that exists in God.

Chagall Holy TrinityIn Chagall, red represents this fragmentation.  Contemporary man does not know who is God, that’s why God’s face is not depicted.  The newly ordained priest together with the other priests, are called to sew together the fragmented parts.  Bishop Grech explained that, with his words and particularly by his example, the priest is called to use golden thread to sew together the fragmented humanity.  This is the thread that represents God’s love.  In other words, the priest is called to be the one who conveys God’s love to the heart of every human being.  It is only in this way that modern man can rediscover the real identity of God.  It is only in this way that our world can be a world that reflects the unity of love that exists in God Himself.

Dun Gabriel GauciIs-Sibt li għadda, 25 ta’ Mejju, id-Djaknu Gabriel Gauci, mill-parroċċa tal-Madonna tas-Sokkors u ta’ San Girgor il-Kbir, Ta’ Kerċem, ġie ordnat saċerdot.  Mons. Isqof Mario Grech ordnah qassis waqt quddiesa fil-Katidral ta’ Marija Assunta, il-Belt Victoria.  Dakinhar il-Knisja kienet qed tiċċelebra s-Solennità tat-Trinità Qaddisa.

Numru sabiħ ta’ saċerdoti, il-membri tal-komunità tas-Seminarju, membri mill-komunità parrokkjali Ta’ Kerċem u t’Għajnsielem, flimkien ma’ diversi persuni oħra akkumpanjaw lil Gabriel f’dan il-mument tant importanti għalih f’ħajtu.  Ħafna oħra segwew il-quddiesa permezz ta’ Radju Marija.

Rublev Holy TrinityFl-omelija tiegħu Mons. Isqof beda billi għamel kuntrast bejn l-ikona tat-Trinità Qaddisa tal-ikonografu Russu Andrey Rublyov (1411), u l-istess ikona ppreżentata mill-pittur Russu Marc Zaharovich Chagall (1956).  Fl-ewwel ikona t-Trinità Qaddisa hi ppreżentata tħares lejna fuq sfond tad-deheb.  It-tieni, min-naħa l-oħra, hi mpittra fuq sfond aħmar u qed tagħtina daharha.  Mons. Grech stqarr li l-bniedem tal-lum m’għadux jagħraf min hu Alla.  Rublyov jippreżenta l-għaqda immensa u r-relazzjoni perfetta li teżisti bejn il-Missier, l-Iben u l-Ispirtu s-Santu permezz tal-isfond dehbi.  Alla tagħna hu Mħabba: Hu l-Imħabba perfetta.  Alla jixtieq li jdawwal lid-dinja tagħna permezz ta’ din ir-relazzjoni ta’ mħabba.  Fil-fatt Ġesù fl-Evanġelju jistedinna biex aħna wkoll nippruvaw inħobbu hekk kif ħabbna hu.  Mons. Isqof qal id-dinja tagħna hi dinja mibnija fuq id-diviżjoni, dinja frammentata.  Dan ma jaqbilx mal-għaqda li teżisti fi ħdan Alla tagħna.

Chagall Holy TrinityChagall jippreżenta din id-diviżjoni bil-kulur aħmar.  Il-bniedem kontemporanju ma jafx min hu Alla.  Għal din ir-raġuni l-pittur ipitter it-Trinità b’wiċċha l-ġewwa.  Is-saċerdot novell flimkien ma’ sħabu s-saċerdoti l-oħra, huma msejħin biex ikunu ħajjata.  Mons. Grech spjega li l-qassis hu msejjaħ biex bi kliemu imma fuq kollox bl-eżempju tiegħu jħit lill-bnedmin flimkien permezz ta’ ħajt tad-deheb.  Dan hu l-ħajt tal-imħabba ta’ Alla.  Fi kliem ieħor is-saċerdot hu msejjaħ biex ikun dak li jwassal l-imħabba ta’ Alla fil-qalb ta’ kull bniedem.  Hekk biss jista’ l-bniedem tal-lum jerġa’ jara l-wiċċ ta’ Alla u jiskopri l-identità tat-Trinità.  Hekk biss id-dinja tagħna tista’ tkun dinja li tirrifletti l-għaqda tal-imħabba li teżisti fi ħdan Alla.

Velja tal-Ordinazzjoni (10)The end of the academic year brings with it moments of joy to the community of the Seminary, to the Diocese and to the Church as a whole.  These moments of joy are primarily the ordination to the priesthood and the diaconate ordination.

This year, Gabriel Gauci from the Parish of Our Lady of Succour and of St Gregory the Great of Kerċem was ordained priest on Saturday 25 May.  Daniel Sultana from the Parish of Maria Bambina of Xagħra is to be ordained deacon on Saturday 22 June.  As preparation for these special moments, the Church in Gozo was invited to join the ordinands in moments of prayers on Friday 24 May.

Velja tal-Ordinazzjoni (21)

This evening of prayer, aired live on Radju Marija, was divided into three sections.  The evening started with a prayer to Our Lady Help of Christians, whose feast was being celebrated that day.  Then there was the reading from the Scriptures, followed by a homily by the Rector of the Seminary.  At the end of the homily, the congregation was invited to join in moments of adoration of the Holy Eucharist.  Then, Gabriel prayed Our Lord to accompany him in the new mission which was being entrusted to him through priesthood.  Daniel thanked God for the gifts that He endowed him with, especially the gift of the priestly vocation.  Prior to the Sacramental Blessing, the congregation was invited to proclaim its faith on the occasion of the Year of Faith.

Velja tal-Ordinazzjoni (26)

The Holy Eucharist was then accompanied to the Chapel where the faithful could proceed with the adoration of the Holy Host throughout the night. Bishop Mario Grech delivered his message at the end of the evening of prayer.  He said that that day was a feast day of faith.  Every vocation is primarily a declaration of faith.  Pope Francis says that a Church without faith is not a Church, but merely an NGO.  Bishop Grech said that our society still abounds in faith.  The respect of the faithful to the priest and their trust in him are evidence of this fact.   Because of faith, the way the faithful correlate to the priest-to-be before his ordination changes when he is ordained.  “Today the faithful regard Gabriel in a certain way and tomorrow, following his ordination, they will approach Gabriel and ask him to offer the Eucharist for their needs, to administer the sacraments to them, and above all, to intercede for them.”  This is a confirmation of the fact that Malta and Gozo still believe and trust in God.  Bishop Grech ended his message by urging the congregation to ponder upon and to mature in faith.

Velja tal-Ordinazzjoni (10)It-tmiem tas-sena akkademika jġib miegħu żewġ mumenti ta’ ferħ kemm għall-komunità tas-Seminarju imma wkoll għad-djoċesi u għall-Knisja kollha.  Dawn huma l-ordinazzjoni presbiterali u l-ordinazzjoni djakonali.

Din is-sena l-ordinazzjoni presbiterali ta’ Gabriel Gauci, mill-Parroċċa tal-Madonna tas-Sokkors u San Girgor il-Kbir, Ta’ Kerċem, saret is-Sibt 25 ta’ Mejju filwaqt li Daniel Sultana, mill-Parroċċa ta’ Marija Bambina, ix-Xagħra, se jiġi ordnat djaknu s-Sibt 22 ta’ Ġunju.  Bi tħejjija għal dawn il-mumenti qawwija l-Knisja ta’ Għawdex ġiet mistiedna biex il-Ġimgħa 24 ta’ Mejju tinġabar fis-Seminarju biex tingħaqad mal-ordinandi u titlob flimkien magħhom.

Velja tal-Ordinazzjoni (21)Din il-velja ta’ talb, li ġiet imxandra b’mod dirett fuq Radju Marija, ġiet imqassma fi tliet partijiet prinċipali.  Fl-ewwel mument ingħatat tislima lil Marija Għajnuna tal-Insara, li dakinhar kienet qed tiġi ċċelebrata l-festa tagħha.  Wara ġiet imxandra l-Kelma ta’ Alla u r-Rettur tas-Seminarju spjegaha permezz tal-omelija.  Fi tmiem il-prietka ġie espost Ġesù Sagramentat għal ftit mumenti ta’ adorazzjoni.  Kien wasal imbagħad il-mument biex Gabriel jitlob lill-Mulej jakkumpanjah fil-missjoni l-ġdida li afdalu f’idejh permezz tas-saċerdozju.  Wara, Daniel irringrazzja lil Alla tad-doni kollha li għoġbu jagħtih fil-ħajja tiegħu b’mod speċjali d-don tal-vokazzjoni.  Qabel il-Barka Sagramentali, il-kongregazzjoni ġiet mistiedna biex fl-okkażjoni tas-Sena tal-Fidi tistqarr il-fidi tagħha.

Velja tal-Ordinazzjoni (26)Ġesù Ewkaristija ġie meħud imbagħad fil-kappella u baqa’ espost il-lejl kollu sabiex il-fidili setgħu jinġabru għat-talb personali.  Mons. Isqof Mario Grech għalaq il-Velja billi wassal il-messaġġ tiegħu tal-okkażjoni.  Hu stqarr li ċ-ċelebrazzjoni ta’ dakinhar kienet festa ta’ fidi.  Kull vokazzjoni hi qabel kollox stqarrija ta’ fidi.  Kif iħobb jgħid tajjeb il-Papa Franġisku: Knisja mingħajr fidi mhix il-Knisja imma hi NGO.  Mons. Mario Grech stqarr li fis-soċjetà tagħna għad fadal ħafna fidi.  Xhieda ta’ dan hu r-rispett u l-fiduċja speċjali fis-saċerdot.  Hu qal li minħabba l-fidi n-nies iqisu lill-persuna qabel l-ordinazzjoni differenti milli wara l-ordinazzjoni: “illum iħarsu lejn Gabriel mod u għada, minn wara l-ordinazzjoni, se jersqu lejn Gabriel u jitolbuh joffri l-Ewkaristija għall-bżonnijiet tagħhom, jamministralhom is-sagramenti u fuq kollox jinterċedi għalihom”.  Dan kollu jafferma li l-poplu Malti u Għawdxi hu poplu li jemmen u jafda lil Alla.  Mons. Isqof spiċċa billi ħeġġeġ lil kulħadd ikompli jgħarbel u jikber fil-fidi tiegħu.

Tv HemmNhar il-Ħamis 23 ta’ Mejju filgħaxija t-telespettaturi ta’ TVM kellhom iċ-ċans li jiltaqgħu mal-komunità tas-Seminarju ta’ Għawdex.  Mhix xi ħaġa li tiġri sikwit.  Is-Seminarju fil-fatt, aċċetta bil-qalb din l-istedina tad-direzzjoni tal-programm TvHemm.  Din l-esperjenza żgur li se tibqa’ stampata f’moħħ is-seminaristi kollha, speċjalment dawk li ħadu sehem b’mod dirett fil-programm.

Xi ġimgħat qabel il-programm ġew iżuruna fis-Seminarju xi membri mid-direzzjoni tal-programm TvHemm biex iqattgħu jum magħna.  Huma iffilmjaw il-mumenti prinċipali f’ġurnata tipika tas-Seminarju u għamlu xi intervisti mas-seminaristi, fosthom mad-Djaknu Gabriel li ġie ordnat saċerdot is-Sibt 25 ta’ Mejju.  Permezz ta’ dawn il-filmati huma tellgħu feature li ġie ppreżentat tul il-programm.  Tista’ tara dan il-feature billi tagħfas fuq u

Tv Hemm (2)Ir-Rettur, Dun Daniel Xerri, flimkien ma’ erba’ seminaristi oħra telgħu Malta biex jieħdu sehem b’mod dirett fil-programm.  Huma ġew imqassma f’żewġ panels u l-preżentatur, Norman Vella, għamlilhom xi mistoqsijiet li trattaw suġġetti varji.  Is-seminaristi ġew mistoqsija fuq l-esperjenzi u fuq l-istorja tal-vokazzjoni tagħhom.  Huma ġew mistoqsija wkoll fuq kif iħarsu lejn il-missjoni tal-Knisja fid-dinja tal-lum u fuq kif jaħsbu li wieħed jista’ jirbaħ l-isfidi li ġġib magħha l-ħajja tas-saċerdot.  Tul il-programm sar kollegament dirett mas-Seminarista Massimo Buttigieg, li bħalissa qiegħed jagħmel l-esperjenza tas-sena intermedjarja fil-Kanada.

Fi tmiem il-produzzjoni, ir-Rettur irringrazzja mill-qalb lid-direzzjoni tal-opportunità li għoġobhom jagħtu lis-Seminarju ta’ Għawdex.  Hu stqarr li l-vokazzjoni, is-sejħa saċerdotali, meta ġejja minn Alla, hi rigal.  Kemm hi ħaġa sabiħa li wieħed jaċċetta bil-ferħ id-don li Alla jogħġbu jagħtih!

Tv HemmOn Thursday 23 May, the community of the Gozo Seminary featured prominently in an evening programme on TVM.  The community willingly accepted this rare opportunity offered by the directors of the programme TvHemm.  All the seminarians, especially those who were directly involved in the programme, will treasure this experience.

Some weeks before the programme was aired, members of the production board of TvHemm spent a day with us at the Seminary.  They took random shots of the moments of a typical day at the Seminary and interviewed the seminarians, among them Deacon Gabriel Gauci who was to be ordained priest on the 25 May.  These shots were aired in a feature during the programme.  One can watch this feature by clicking on and

Tv Hemm (2)Rector Fr Daniel Xerri, accompanied by four seminarians, crossed over to Malta to participate live in the programme.  They were divided into two panels and the presenter, Mr Norman Vella, asked them questions on various topics.  The seminarians were asked questions related with their vocation, their experiences, the mission of the Church in modern times and the ways in which the challenges in the life of a priest can be faced.  A direct link was established with Canada where Seminarian Massimo Buttigieg is spending his intermediate year.

At the end of the programme, the Rector thanked the directors for the opportunity offered to the Gozo Seminary to present itself to the public.  He stressed the fact that the call for priesthood, originating from God, is a gift and the acceptance of such a gift from God is surely gratifying.

Farewell GabrielEvery beginning has an end.  The year of formation 2012-2013 is nearing its end.  On Monday 13th May, Deacon Gabriel sat for his final written examinations.  He sat for his orals on Thursday 16th May, thus bringing to an end his seven years of formation at the Major Seminary of The Sacred Heart of Jesus.  The next step is his ordination to the priesthood on Saturday 26th May at 6.00pm at the Gozo Cathedral.

For the rest of the community, the academic year is nearing its end too.  On Wednesday 15th May the seminarians presented their assignments to the Prefect of Studies.  Mgr Saviour Grima published the time-table for the annual examination.

Farewell Gabriel (3)

That same Wednesday, in the evening, the community gathered at Dar Ġużeppa Debono in Għajnsielem for a Mass that brings to an end the meetings of the ministries.  At different moments during the Mass, the seminarians offered a prayer to God.  Each seminarian shared with his companions the salient moments of his experiences of this year.

During these days of the Holy Spirit Novena, the community is joining the rest of the Church in prayer to the Holy Spirit to descend on and dwell in each and every one of us.  The prayer is addressed in a special way to the candidates for Confirmation and to the ordinands who are to be ordained in the following weeks.



Farewell GabrielKull bidu għandu tmiemu.  Is-sena formattiva 2012-2013 qed toqrob ukoll għal-konklużjoni tagħha.  It-Tnejn 13 ta’ Mejju, id-Djaknu Gabriel resaq għall-eżami finali tiegħu.  Dakinhar għamel il-parti tal-kitba.  Il-Ħamis 16, filgħodu kellu l-parti orali.  Hekk ġew fi tmiemhom is-seba’ snin ta’ formazzjoni li Gabriel Gauci kellu fi ħdan is-Seminarju Maġġuri tal-Qalb ta’ Ġesù.  It-tarġa li tmiss issa hija l-ordinazzjoni presbiterali li se ssir is-Sibt 26 ta’ Mejju fis-6.00pm, fil-Katidral ta’ Għawdex.

Il-bqija tal-komunità wkoll bdiet tħoss li s-sena qed tasal fi tmiemha.  L-Erbgħa 15 ta’ Mejju s-seminaristi ppreżentaw l-assignments lill-Prefett tal-istudju.  Min-naħa tiegħu, Mons. Salv Grima ppubblika t-time-table tal-eżamijiet tal-aħħar.

Farewell Gabriel (3)Nhar l-Erbgħa wkoll, filgħaxija, il-komunità nġabret ġewwa Dar Ġużeppa Debono f’Għajnsielem għall-quddiesa li ġġib fi tmiemhom il-laqgħat tal-ministeri.  Tulha, f’mumenti differenti, is-seminaristi ressqu talba lil Alla.  F’kull intervent is-seminaristi qasmu ma’ sħabhom l-esperjenza li huma kellhom tul is-sena li qed tasal fi tmiemha.

Tul dawn il-ġranet, fin-Novena tal-Ispirtu s-Santu, il-komunità qed tingħaqad mal-bqija tal-Knisja f’sejħa kontinwa lill-Ispirtu s-Santu biex jiġi u jgħammar f’kull wieħed minna.  It-talba qed issir b’mod speċjali għall-kandidati tal-Griżma tal-Isqof u għall-ordinandi li se jiġu ordnati fil-ġimgħat li ġejjin.



Lejlet Lapsi - Notte Gozitana (14)Is-Seminarju tal-Qalb ta’ Ġesù hu binja storika u qadima.  Dan ma jfissirx imma li din hi binja mejta.  Għal dawn l-aħħar mija sitta u erbgħin sena, sal-ġurnata tal-lum, din il-binja laqgħet fi ħdanha komunità ta’ żgħażagħ li fil-fjur ta’ ħajjithom jiddeċiedu li jieqfu biex jistħarrġu s-sejħa li l-Mulej ikun qed jagħmlilhom.

Din is-sena, is-seminaristi għarfu jieħdu l-okkażjoni ta’ Lejlet Lapsi – Notte Gozitana, li nżammet bejn il-Ġimgħa 10 u l-Ħadd 12 ta’ Mejju, biex jiftħu l-bibien tas-Seminarju u jilqgħu lil dawk kollha li xtaqu jsiru jafu aktar fuq il-ħajja ta’ din il-komunità.

Lejlet Lapsi - Notte Gozitana (5)

Is-Sibt filgħaxija ttella’ kunċert ta’ mużika sagra fil-kappella tas-Seminarju mis-Soprano Marouska Attard.  Wara s-seminaristi stiednu lil dawk preżenti u lil oħrajn li għoġobhom jgħaddu biex jitilgħu fil-kwartieri tagħhom.  Sadanittant ġie pproġettat filmat mill-ħajja tal-komunità tas-Seminarju meħud mis-seminaristi tas-sena 1970.  It-titwila fi żminijiet oħra hi dejjem xi ħaġa interessanti.  Dan jgħodd b’mod speċjali għal din l-okkażjoni.  Permezz tagħha wieħed seta’ jifhem kif kienet il-ħajja fil-komunità tas-Seminarju tas-saċerdoti li ġew iffurmati fi żminijiet differenti u li għal ħafna żmien (madwar tlieta u erbgħin sena) qdew u għadhom jaqdu minn qalbhom lill-Knisja ta’ Kristu.





Lejlet Lapsi - Notte Gozitana (14)The Seminary of the Sacred Heart of Jesus is an old historical building.  This does not mean that the building is inert.  For the last hundred and forty years, this building has hosted a community of young men who, in their prime of life, decide to stop and reflect on the Lord’s call to them.

This year, the seminarians took the opportunity offered to them on Lejlet Lapsi – Notte Gozitana, from Friday 10th May to Sunday 12thMay, to open the doors of the Seminary and welcome all those who wished to be better acquainted with the seminarians’ way of life.

Lejlet Lapsi - Notte Gozitana (5)On Saturday evening, a concert of sacred music, by Soprano Marouska Attard, was held at the chapel of the Seminary.  After the concert, the audience was invited to visit the living quarters of the seminarians.  At the same time, other visitors could enjoy viewing a video, filmed by the seminarians in 1970, featuring the life at the Seminary.  A glance at the past is always interesting and welcomed, more so on such occasions.  Through the video, the visitors could better appreciate the life of the seminarians in the past.  These same seminarians have now been serving the Church as ordained priests for the past thirty or forty years.


