
Meetings with a pastoral orientation (1)Bħala parti mill-formazzjoni tas-seminaristi, minn din is-sena is-seminarju ħa l-inizjattiva li jibda’ jorganizza laqgħat b’orjentament pastorali. Dawn il-laqgħat ser iservu biex is-seminaristi jsiru jafu aħjar bid-diversi grupp, għaqdiet u ħidmiet pastorali li għandna fid-Djoċesi tagħna waqt li jiffamiljarizzaw aktar ruħhom ma’ dawn l-għaqdiet u l-ħidma li qed iwettqu.

L-ewwel laqgħa bdiet nhar l-Erbgħa, 9 t’Ottubru fejn il-kelliem kien Dun Giovanni Curmi, Segretarju Pastorali Djoċesan. Waqt din il-laqgħa, Dun Giovanni qasam magħna l-ħidma li d-djoċesi qed twettaq b’rabta mal-viżta pastorali li l-isqof ser ikun qed iwettaq fid-Djoċesi ta’ Għawdex kif ukoll l-iskop u r-riżultati li bħala Knisja tixtieq li joħorġu minn din il-vista.

Meetings with a pastoral orientation (4)Huwa tkellem ukoll magħna dwar il-pjan pastorali li d-djoċesi ser tkun qed tniedi għas-sentejn li ġejjin bl-iskop li tgħin lill-insara imma wkoll lill-komunita’ Għawdxija tkompli tagħraf il-preżenza u l-imħabba ta’ Alla.

Meetings with a pastoral orientation (1)As part of the seminarians’ formation, the seminary has this year taken the initiative to organize meetings with a pastoral orientation.  Through these meetings, the seminarians will familiarize themselves with the various groups and organizations and with the pastoral work carried on in the Diocese.

The first meeting was held on Wednesday, 9th October.  The speaker was Fr Giovanni Curmi, Pastoral Secretary for the Diocese.  During this meeting, Fr Curmi talked about the preparations for the coming pastoral visit which the Bishop will be paying to the various parishes of the Diocese of Gozo.  He talked also about the aim of the visit and the results that the Church is expecting to reap from this visit.

Meetings with a pastoral orientation (4)He explained the pastoral plan that the Diocese will be following in the coming two years.  The aim of this pastoral plan is to help Christians and the Gozitan community as a whole to continue to feel the presence of God and His love for us.

Mass for Vocations (5)Nhar it-Tlieta, 7 t’Ottubru, il-komunita’ tas-Seminarju kienet mistiedna mill-Komunita tal-Patrijiet Franġiskani Konventwali fir-Rabat, sabiex tieħu sehem fil-Quddiesa fl-okkażjoni tal-festa ta’ San Ġużepp ta’ Copertino. Wara t-talba tar-Rużarju li kienet animata mis-seminaristi, ir-Rettur flimkien mas-Superjuri tas-Seminarju ċċelebra l-Quddiesa fejn qasam ukoll riflessjoni fuq il-ħajja ta’ San Ġuzepp ta’ Copertino u kif dan il-qaddis jista’ jservi ta’ mudell għas-seminaristi fil-formazzjoni tagħhom kif ukoll għal dawk li qed jiddixxernu l-vokazzjoni tagħhom.

Fi tmiem il-quddiesa, il-Gwardjan, Patri Joe Scerri OFM Conv. ippreżenta lir-rettur relikwija ta’ San Ġużepp ta’ Kopertino sabiex tinżamm fis-seminarju kif ukoll inkwadru bix-xbieha tal-Qaddis li hemm meqjuma fil-Knisja tagħhom. Wara imbagħad ppreżenta lis-seminaristi ktieb dwar il-ħajja tal-Qaddis.



Mass for Vocations (5)On Tuesday, 7th October, the community of the Seminary was invited by the Community of Franciscan Monks of Victoria to take part in the Mass celebrated on the feast of St Joseph of Copertino.  First, the congregation said the Rosary which was animated by the Seminarians, and then the superiors of the Seminary joined the Rector for the celebration of Mass.  During the homily, the Rector shared with the congregation his reflections on the life of St Joseph of Copertino.  He showed how this saint can be a model to the seminarians during their years of formation and a model also to those who are still in the phase of discerning their vocation.

At the end of the Mass, Prior Fr Joe Xerri, OFM Conv., presented to the Rector a relic of St Joseph of Copertino to be kept in the chapel of the Seminary.  He presented also a framed picture with the image of the Saint which is venerated in their church.   The seminarians were presented  a book about the life of the Saint.




9 Thursdays of prayer for vocations (4)Thursday, 3rd October, marked the start of the 9 Thursdays of prayer for vocations at the Seminary.  On every first Thursday of the month, the Chapel of the Seminary hosts a day of Adoration of the Holy Eucharist.  Prayers for vocations are said, and members of the public are invited to join the seminarians for the celebration of the Mass and for the different moments of  prayers of the Liturgy of the Hours.  On these Thursdays, the members of the public are encouraged to pray for more priestly and religious vocations and also to beg the Harvest Master to send more labourers to gather his harvest.



Nhar il-Ħamis, 3 t’Ottubru fis-Seminarju ingħata bidu għall-disa’ Ħamisijiet ta’ talb għall-

9 Thursdays of prayer for vocations (4)

vokazzjonijiet. Din hi laqgħa ta’ darba f’xahar fejn kull ewwel Ħamis tax-xahar fil-Kappella tas-Seminarju tiġi organizzata ġurnata ta’ Adorazzjoni Ewkaristika sabiex flimkien nitolbu għall-vokazzjonijiet. Din il-ġurnata tkun ukoll immarkata b’mumenti fejn il-pubbliku jkun jista’ jingħaqad mas-seminaristi għaċ-ċelebrazzjoni tal-Quddiesa, kif ukoll għaċ-ċelebrazzjoni tal-mumenti differenti tal-Liturġija tas-Siegħat. Matul dawn il-ġranet il-pubbliku ħu msejjaħ biex jiftakar aktar fil-ħtieġa ta’ vokazzjonijiet saċerdotali u reliġjuzi waqt li jitlob il-Sid il-ħsad sabiex ikompli jibgħat aktar ħaddiema fl-għalqa tiegħu.



DeaconOn Monday, 23rd September 2013, the community of the Seminary reunited for another year of formation.  During the summer the members of the community met on various occasions.  One of these occasions was the ordination of Deacon Daniel Sultana on Saturday, 22nd June, at the Gozo Cathedral. Deacon Sultana hails from the Xagħra Parish of Marija Bambina.  The seminarians offered their services also during the celebrations of the feasts of St George and of St Mary. In mid-Summer, on Friday, 2nd August, the seminarians met at Dar Manresa for a half-day of reflection, led by Fr Joseph Bajada.  The seminarians gave also a helping hand in the maintenance work going on at the Seminary.

Irtir Bidu tas-sena  (3)On their first day at the Seminary, the seminarians met for the celebration of the Holy Eucharist and then shared the experiences they had passed through during the summer.  In the evening, they had a barbeque at Ħondoq. From Tuesday 24th to Saturday 28th September, the community met at Dar St. Joseph in Rabat, Malta, for a retreat led by Mgr Pawlu Cardona.  The retreat is held every year at the beginning of a new year of formation.

On Monday, 30th September, life at the Seminary returned to its normal routine.  The start of a new academic year was marked by a Mass of The Holy Spirit, celebrated by Bishop Mario Grech.  Professors, relatives of the seminarians and the members of the Friends of the Seminary were invited for this Mass.


DeaconIl-komunità tas-Seminarju reġgħet inġabret flimkien, għal sena ta’ formazzjoni ġdida, nhar it-Tnejn 23 ta’ Settembru 2013.  Tul il-waqfa tas-sajf kien hemm diversi mumenti li fihom il-komunità ltaqgħet flimkien.  Ta’ min isemmi l-ordinazzjoni djakonali tas-Seminarista Daniel Sultana, mill-Parroċċa ta’ Marija Bambina fix-Xagħra, fil-Katidral ta’ Għawdex nhar is-Sibt 22 ta’ Ġunju. Is-Seminaristi taw ukoll is-servizz tagħhom fil-festi ta’ San Ġorġ u Santa Marija.  F’nofs is-sajf, nhar il-Ġimgħa 2 t’Awwissu, is-seminaristi inġabru għal nofs ta’ nhar ta’ riflessjoni mmexxi minn Dun Jopseph Bajada f’Dar Manresa, ir-Rabat.  Kien hemm ukoll mumenti fejn is-seminaristi taw daqqa t’id fix-xogħol li kien għaddej fis-Seminarju.

Irtir Bidu tas-sena  (3)Dakinhar li s-seminaristi daħlu lura mis-sajf, wara li ġiet iċċelebrata l-Ewkaristija, huma qasmu flimkien id-diversi esperjenzi li għexu tul is-sajf u filgħaxija niżlu Ħondoq għal barbeque. Bejn l-għada t-Tlieta 24 u s-Sibt 28 ta’ Settembru l-komunità nġbret ġewwa r-Rabat Malta, f’Dar St. Joseph, għall-irtir tal-bidu tas-sena.  Din id-darba kien Mons. Pawlu Cardona li mexxa l-irtir.

Il-ħajja fis-Seminarju qabdet ir-rittmu normali nhar it-Tnejn 30 ta’ Settembru.  Dakinhar ingħata bidu għas-sena akkademika permezz tal-Quddiesa lill-Ispirtu s-Santu, immexxiha minn Mons. Isqof Mario Grech.  Għal din l-Ewkaristija kienu mistiedna l-professuri, l-familjari tas-seminaristi, kif ukoll l-għaqda ħbieb tas-Seminarju.



This year being the Year of Faith, the Gozitan Seminarians, accompanied by their superiors, joined other participants from 66 countries for the International Meeting of Seminarians, Novices and all those who are discerning God’s call to them.  This meeting was held in Rome.  We left for Italy on the 24th June and we were lodged at the residence of the Compassionate Nuns close to the parish of St Ignatius of Antiochia.

Rome in the Year of Faith (15)The first few days of the pilgrimage were days of relaxation. We spent the two days in Assisi, the city of St Francis.  We visited various churches and places of interest, including the Basilica of St Francis, Santa Chiara, San Damiano and Santa Maria degli Angeli, better known as Porziuncola.  We paid a visit also to La Verna, the place where tradition holds that St Francis received the stigmata.  We then visited the city of Pompey and the ancient city which was destroyed by the volcanic eruption of Vesuvius about the year 79 A.D.  We attended Mass in the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Pompey and we met Mgr Tommaso Caputa, bishop of this city.  Up to some months ago, Bishop Caputa was the Apostolic Nuncio for Malta.  While at Pompey, we also climbed Mount Vesuvius.

Rome in the Year of Faith (25)On Thursday, 4th July, the programme prepared at the Vatican for the Seminarians and Novices was launched.  The programme started with a pilgrimage to the Tomb of St Peter where we made a Declaration of Faith.  On the following day,  many churches in Rome held Catechesis in various languages.  In the afternoon, we visited the Catacombs of San Kallistu where many martyrs and saints, including 16 popes, are buried.  On that same evening, we took part in an International Feast at Piazza del Campidoglio.  Various singing groups participated and some guests talked about their experience associated with their vocation.

The climax of this pilgrimage was reached during two meetings with Pope Francis. The first audience with the Pope was on Saturday, 6th July, in the Paul VI Hall at the Vatican.  The Irish group The Priests entertained the congregation while some guests talked about their experiences.  Then it was the turn of the Pope to address the audience.  He said that the priest had to live his vocation in joy because there is no holiness in austerity.  He said that the priest had to love the poor in a special way by leading a simple life without excessive luxuries.  Following the audience with the Pope, we participated in a Marian vigil of prayer in the gardens of the Vatican where we said the Rosary.

Rome in the Year of Faith (33)The International Meeting came to an end on Sunday morning when Pope Francis said Mass in the Basilica of St Peter.  At noon we joined the Pope in the prayer of the Angelus, said in the Vatican square. That same evening, we were joined by a number of Gozitan priests who are offering their services in various parishes in Rome.  On Monday, our last day in Rome, we visited Greccio where St Francis built his first crib, the Sactuary of Fonte Colombo and also the Cascate delle Marmore.

The days we spent as a community in Rome for the International Meeting  have surely served to strenghten our qualities and to look at the priest as a human being who, in his simple ways, is always ready to be of service to others.



Fl-okkażjoni tas-sena tal-fidi, aħna s-seminaristi Għawdxin flimkien mas-superjuri tagħna konna fost 66 pajjiż mid-dinja preżenti Ruma għal-Laqgħa Internazzjonali tas-Seminaristi, Novizzi u dawk kollha li qed jiddixxernu dwar is-sejħa li Alla qed jagħmlilhom. Tlaqna lejn l-Italja nhar l-24 ta’ Ġunju fejn konna alloġġjati fir-residenza tas-sorijiet Kompassjonisti qrib il-parroċċa ta’ Sant’Injazju ta’ Antijokja f’Ruma.

Rome in the Year of Faith (15)L-ewwel ftit jiem ta’ dan il-pellegrinaġġ tagħna f’Ruma kienu jiem ta’ mistrieħ fejn jumejn minnhom għaddejnihom fil-belt ta’ San Franġisk – Assisi. Hemmhekk żorna l-postijiet u l-knejjes prinċipali bħal, Bażilika ta’ San Franġisk, Santa Kjara, San Damjan u Santa Maria degli Angeli, magħrufa aħjar bħala l-Porziuncola. Kif konna Assisi, għaddejna ukoll minn La Verna, il-post fejn jingħad illi hawn San Franġisk irċieva l-pjagi. Wara Assisi żorna wkoll il-Belt ta’ Pompej kif ukoll il-belt l-antika milquta mill-vulkan Vessuvju qrib is-sena 79 W.K. Għamilna quddiesa fis-Santwarju sabiħ tal-Madonna ta’ Pompej fejn hemm kellna l-okkażjoni li niltaqgħu ma’ Monsinjur Tommaso Caputa, l-isqof ta’ din il-belt li ftit xhur ilu kien in-Nunzju Appostoliku għal Malta. Esperjenza sabiħa oħra li kellna f’Pompej, kienet li stajna nitilgħu fuq il-Vessuvju.

Rome in the Year of Faith (25)ll-Ħamis, 4 ta’ Lulju, beda l-programm imħejji għas-Seminaristi u n-Novizzi fil-Vatikan. Dan fetaħ b’pellegrinaġġ bil-mixi lejn il-Qabar ta’ San Pietru fejn saret l-Istqarrija tal-Fidi. L-għada imbagħad, f’diversi knejjes ta’ Ruma, saru Katekeżi b’diversi lingwi waqt li wara nofsinhar kellna ftit ħin liberu li fih żorna l-Katakombi ta’ San Kallistu li fih hemm midfuna ħafna martri u qaddisin fosthom 16 –il papa. Fl-istess ġurnata filgħaxija ġiet organizzata Festa Internazzjonali fi Piazza del Campidoglio bis-sehem ta’ gruppi tal-kant u wkoll bi qsim ta’ xhieda tal-ħajja vokazzjonali ta’ xi persuni.

Il-qofol ta’ dan il-pellegrinaġġ intlaħaq b’żewġ laqgħat sbieħ mal-Papa Franġisku. L-ewwel udjenza mal-Papa saret nhar is-Sibt 6 ta’ Lulju fis-Sala Pawlu VI fil-Vatikan. Qabel ma tkellem il-Papa, kien hemm ukoll mumenti ta’ qsim ta’ esperjenzi, kif ukoll mumenti ta’ ferħ fejn fost l-oħrajn kanta xi għanjiet magħrufa l-grupp Irlandiż The Priests. Tul din l-udjenza il-Papa wassal il-messaġġ tiegħu fejn qal li s-saċerdot għandu jgħix ferħan għax “m’hemmx qdusija f’min hu serju żżejjed”. Barra minn hekk hu kompla jgħid li s-saċerdot għandu jħobb il-faqar b’mod speċjali billi jgħix il-ħajja tiegħu bl-aktar mod sempliċi mingħajr ebda lussu. Wara l-laqgħa mal-Papa, saret velja Marjana fil-Ġonna tal-Vatikan fejn il-parteċipanti kollha imxejna madwar il-ġonna sbieħ tal-Vatikan waqt li tlabna bit-talba  tar-Ruzarju.

Rome in the Year of Faith (33)Il-Laqgħa Internazzjonali ntemmet il-Ħadd filgħodu b’Quddiesa mill-Papa fil-Bażilika San Pietru. Konna wkoll preżenti għat-talba tal-Angelus illi ssir ta’ kull nhar ta’ Ħadd mill-Papa stess f’nofsinhar fil-Pjazza tal-Vatikan. Il-Ħadd filgħaxija kellna okkażżjoni sabiħa ħafna, meta aħna ltqajna mas-saċerdoti Għawdxin li qed jaqdu l-ministru tagħhom ġewwa l-belt ta’ Ruma għall-ikel. It-Tnejn, li kienet l-aħħar ġurnata tagħna fil-Belt ta’ Ruma, żorna wkoll Greccio fejn San Franġisk ta’ Assisi għamel l-ewwel presepju, is-Santwarju ta’ Fonte Colombo, kif ukoll il-Cascate delle Marmore.

Żgur li dawn il-jiem bħala komunità flimkien f’din il-Laqgħa Internazzjonali f’Ruma, komplew jibnuna l-ewwel u qabel kollox bħala bnedmin kif ukoll għenuna nħarsu lejn is-saċerdot bħala l-bniedem li fis-sempliċità tiegħu huwa dejjem disponibbli għall-qadi u s-servizz tal-oħrajn.



Nhar l-Erbgħa 19 ta’ Ġunju s-seminaristi temmew is-sena ta’ formazzjoni tagħhom fis-Seminarju.  Issa kull wieħed minnhom ikun jista’ jingħaqad mal-familjari tiegħu għat-tliet xhur tas-Sajf.  Tul dawn ix-xhur is-seminaristi jkunu impenjati fil-parroċċi tal-oriġini u anke fil-parroċċi fejn huma qed iwettqu l-esperjenza pastorali tagħhom.  Tul is-sajf ukoll kull seminarista jagħmel xi esperjenza ta’ volontarjat.  Ħafna minnhom jagħmluha f’art barranija.

L-aħħar tlitt ijiem fis-Seminarju kienu ġranet differenti mill-oħrajn.  Filgħodu l-komunità tat id-daqqa t’id tagħha fit-tindif u fil-manutenzjoni tas-seminarju.  Filgħaxijiet kellna diversi laqgħat u attivitajiet ta’ konklużjoni, fosthom il-barbeque ġewwa Marsalforn.  Dan sar it-Tlieta 18 ta’ Ġunju.  L-għada, l-Erbgħa, filgħaxija ngħaqdu magħna l-familjari għall-quddiesa tal-aħħar tas-sena.

Mons. Isqof Mario Grech mexxa l-quddiesa flimkien mal-formators u ma’ Dun Gabriel Gauci, is-saċerdot novell.  Mons. Isqof poġġa s-Seminarju taħt il-protezzjoni ta’ San Ġużepp, il-Patrun Universali tal-Knisja.  Dan għamlu minħabba l-fatt li l-Papa Franġisku, f’dawn il-ġranet, talab lill-Knisja Universali biex iddaħħal isem San Ġużepp fit-Talba Ewkaristika ta’ kull quddiesa.  Mons. Isqof radd ħajr lil Alla għal dak kollu li għamel mas-Seminarju u mad-djoċesi ta’ Għawdex.  Alla ħadem permezz ta’ kull wieħed minna: saċerdoti, seminaristi u lajċi; ta’ dan għandna għax inkunu grati lejh.

Fl-omelija Mons. Grech ikkummenta vers ta’ San Pawl, mill-ewwel qari tal-Quddiesa: “min jiżra’ ftit, jaħsad ftit; u min jiżra’ ħafna, jaħsad ħafna” (2 Kor 9,6).  Hu ovvju li l-ħsad jiddependi miż-żrigħ.  Kull wieħed minna hu msejjaħ biex jiżra’ ħafna u jagħmel ħafna frott.  Il-missjoni tagħna fid-dinja hi dik li nkunu l-melħ tal-art u d-dawl tad-dinja.  Mons. Isqof qal li din l-evanġelizzazzjoni mhijiex biss missjoni tas-saċerdot, imma kull imgħammed jipparteċipa minnha meta jirċievi l-Magħmudija.  Il-Papa Franġisku qal b’mod ċar li aħna m’aħniex imsejħin biex inkunu “Insara tas-salott” imma rridu nkunu Nsara li “inqalqlu l-ilma qiegħed fil-Knisja u fis-soċjetà tagħna”.  Mons. Grech żied jgħid li dan nistgħu nagħmluh billi nxandru s-sewwa u l-verità.  Ġesù Kristu hu l-verità.  Il-missjoni tan-Nisrani hi għalhekk li jgħix u jxandar din il-verità.

Jekk aħna ma nagħmlux hekk, hemm il-periklu li ninħonqu bis-sikrana: bit-tagħlim ħażin, bil-gidba.  Mons. Isqof stqarr li s-sikrana nistgħu nirbħulha biss jekk aħna nixhdu għal dak li nemmnu.  Il-Papa Franġisku f’omelija oħra stqarr li jekk il-Kattoliċi ma jevanġelizzawx permezz ta’ ħajjithom: “il-Knisja ma tibqax l-omm imma ssir sempliċi babysitter”.  L-Isqof ġibdilna l-attenzjoni fuq is-sikrana u qalilna li anke fis-soċjetà tagħna għandna s-sikrana li qed tifrex għeruqha: dan narawh l-aktar fit-tagħlim fuq il-familja.  Hu stedinna għalhekk biex aħna l-lajċi, flimkien mas-saċerdoti nkunu l-ewwel xhieda tas-sewwa anke f’dak li għandu x’jaqsam mar-realtà tal-familja.

Mons. Isqof spiċċa billi stieden lis-seminaristi sabiex jużaw tajjeb iż-żmien, b’mod speċjali fil-waqfa tas-sajf.  Dan għandu jkun żmien fejn kull wieħed minna jersaq dejjem aktar lejn is-sors tal-verità: Ġesù Kristu.  Dan jista’ jseħħ permezz tat-talb u l-meditazzjoni, tal-qari spiritwali u permezz tal-esperjenzi li wieħed jiltaqa’ magħhom fil-ħajja ta’ kuljum.  Fi tmiem l-Ewkaristija Mons. Isqof radd ħajr lill-formators tal-ħidma kontinwa tagħhom fil-formazzjoni tas-seminaristi.  Radd ħajr ukoll lill-ġenituri u lill-ħbieb tas-seminaristi, li offrew lil uliedhom bħala don lill-Knisja ta’ Kristu.

Wara l-quddiesa dawk preżenti kellhom festin ċkejken fil-bitħa tas-Seminarju.

Wednesday 19th June marked the end of a year of formation for the seminarians at the Seminary.  Now, each and every one of us can join his family for the three summer months.  During these months, the seminarians give a helping hand in the parish of origin and also in the parishes where they are engaged in pastoral work.  During the summer all the seminarians do voluntary work, both in Malta and abroad.

The last three days at the Seminary were different from the normal school days.  In the morning the community gave a helping hand in the cleaning up of the premises and in maintenance work.  In the evenings we had various meeting and activities.  On Tuesday 18th June we had a barbeque at Marsalforn.  On Wednesday evening, our relatives joined us at Mass to mark the end of the year of formation.

Bishop Mario Grech presided at Mass with the formators and Fr Gabriel Gauci, the newly ordained priest.  Bishop Grech entrusted the Seminary in the care of St Joseph, the Universal Patron of the Church.  Recently Pope Francis asked the Universal Church to include the name of St Joseph in the Eucharistic Prayer of every Mass.  Bishop Grech paid homage to God’s providence in the Seminary and the diocese of Gozo.  We should be grateful to God for showing His providence through the work of priests, seminarians and laity.

In his homily, Bishop Grech commented on the lines of St Paul, from the first reading of the Mass: “He who sows sparingly will reap sparingly; and he who sows bountifully will reap bountifully” (2 Cor 9,6).  It is obvious that the harvest depends on the sowing.  Each one of us is called to sow a lot and to bear a lot of fruit.  Our mission on earth is to be the salt of the earth and the light of the world.  Bishop Grech said that this evangelisation is not the mission of the priest only but is the mission of whoever is baptised.  Pope Francis stated clearly that we are not called to be “Catholics of the living room”; we should be Catholics that “stir the still waters in the Church and in our society”.  Bishop Grech said that we can do this by proclaiming truth and righteousness.  Jesus Christ is the truth.  The mission of the Catholic is to live and proclaim this truth.

If we fail to do this, we risk being choked by weeds: lies and bad teachings.  Bishop Grech said that we can uproot the weeds only if we are witnesses to what we believe in.  In another homily, Pope Francis said that if Catholics do not evangelize by means of the life they lead, “the Church does not remain the mother but becomes simply a babysitter”.  The Bishop drew our attention to the weeds and told us that even in our society, weeds are gaining ground: this is evident mostly in the teachings about the family.  Therefore he invited us, laity together with priests, to be the first witnesses of truth even in matters regarding the reality of the family.

The Bishop concluded by telling the seminarians to make good use of time, especially during the summer.  It has to be a time when each and every one of us should come closer to the source of truth: Jesus Christ.  This can take place by means of prayer, meditation, spiritual literature and everyday life experiences.  At the end of the Eucharist, Bishop Grech thanked the formators for their continual help in the formation of the seminarians, the parents who offered their sons as a gift to the Church of Christ and the friends of the seminarians.

After mass, refreshments were offered to those present.