
IMG_3629On Saturday 11th April, the community of the Seminary received the news of the death of Fr Anton Azzopardi SJ, who had served for nine years as rector of the Sacred Heart Seminary.  On Monday 11th May, a month after the death of Fr Azzopardi, Bishop Mgr Mario Grech led the celebration  of Mass for the repose of the soul of Fr Azzopardi.  Various priests who had pursued their studies at the Seminary between the years 1969 and 1978 joined in the concelebration.  Provincial Fr Patrick Magro and Fr John Scicluna, who was the last Jesuit Rector who served at the Gozo Seminary (1995-1997), were also present.

Bishop Mgr Mario Grech thanked God for the Company of Jesus.  Its members had, for many years, served the Gozo Seminary with love and dedication.  During the homily, the bishop invited the priests, especially those who help in the formation of seminarians, to pray God to bestow on them the gift of the Spirit of Truth.  The Spirit will enlighten them in their continuous discernment of the candidates for priesthood.  At the same time, the Spirit will help them educate the seminarians in their charge to be able to read God’s will for them and to be able, as priests, to  follow God’s will in the situations they find themselves in.  The Bishop ended his homily by stating that Fr Anton Azzopardi SJ was surely enlightened by this Spirit, especially in the reforms which he succeeded in introducing at the Gozo Seminary during his term as Rector.

Fr Anton Azzopardi SJ was born at Hamrun on 14th January 1925.  He joined the Jesuits on the 1st October 1945 and was ordained priest on 29th July 1956.  He made his solemn profession on 2nd February 1963.  He served as rector at St Aloysius College and then, in 1969, he became rector of the Gozo Seminary.  He succeeded Fr Joseph Mercieca, who later became Archbishop of Malta.  Fr Azzopardi was the first in a new line of Jesuits to act as rector at the Seminary.  The last Jesuit who had served as rector before Fr Azzopardi was Fr Emmanuele Grima SJ, who was rector of the Seminary up to 1909.  The Gozo Seminary had Jesuit rectors for 28 years, from 1969 (with Fr Azzopardi) to 1997 (with Fr John Scicluna).  After ending his term as rector at the Gozo Seminary, Fr Anton Azzopardi was again made rector of St Aloysius College, a position which he held up to 1985.  Fr Azzopardi died at Naxxar on 11th April 2015.



IMG_3620L-1 ta’ Mejju, il-Festa ta’ San Ġużepp Ħaddiem, hi vaganza pubblika.  Il-komunità tas-Seminarju, ta’ kull sena, tieħu l-okkażjoni biex dakinhar tqatta’ nofstanhar ta’ mistrieħ f’Malta.

Din is-sena, nhar il-Ġimgħa 1 ta’ Mejju, is-seminaristi flimkien mal-formators bdew il-ħarġa bi żjara lis-Sorijiet Agostinjani tal-klawsura ta’ Santa Katarina Verġni u Martri, fil-Belt Valletta.  Fl-okkażjoni tas-sena ddedikata lill-erwieħ ikkonsagrati, dan kien mument sabiħ sabiex is-seminaristi setgħu jiġu f’kuntatt ma’ dawn l-erwieħ li ddedikaw ħajjithom biex jinterċedu għall-poplu fit-talb.  Wara li talbu u tkellmu ftit flimkien, il-komunità marret żaret Casa Rocca Piccola li tinsab propju faċċata tal-monasteru ta’ Santa Katarina.

Iż-żjara f’Casa Rocca Piccola kien ukoll mument interessanti.  Il-komunità kellha x-xorti li tiġi ggwidata mill-Baruni Nicholas De Piro nnifsu.  F’Casa Rocca Piccola wieħed seta’ jifhem x’livell kulturali għoli kellhom nies Maltin bħalna, antenati tagħna.

F’nofsinhar il-komunità kienet mistiedna għall-ikel fis-Seminarju tal-Virtù.  Dan kien mument sabiħ peress li ż-żewġ komunitajiet, dik tas-Seminarju tal-Arċisqof u dik tas-Seminarju tal-Qalb ta’ Ġesù setgħu jiltaqgħu u jitkellmu flimkien.



IMG_3620The 1st of May, Feast of St Joseph the Worker, is a public holiday.  This is the day when the Seminary community has its annual half-day outing to Malta.

This year, the community first visited the Monastery of  Augustinian Cloistered Nuns of St Catherine, Virgin and Martyr, in Valletta.  Since this year is dedicated to consecrated souls, the visit to the nuns was a special occasion during which the seminarians shared their experience with these nuns who dedicate their life to prayer for the world.  After spending some time in prayer with the nuns, the Seminary community paid a visit to Casa Rocca Piccola situated opposite the Monastery of St Catherine.

The visit to Casa Rocca Piccola was a memorable one since the community was shown around by Baron Nicholas De Piro himself.  Casa Rocca Piccola is a testimonial of the high cultural standard of our Maltese ancestors.

The community of the Gozo Seminary joined the community of Tal-Virtu Seminary at lunch during which the two communities socialised and shared  their experiences.




IMG_3565Fir-Raba’ Ħadd tal-Għid, magħruf bħala Ħadd ir-Ragħaj it-Tajjeb, il-Knisja ta’ kull sena tistedinna sabiex nitolbu lil “Sid il-ħsad biex jibgħat aktar ħaddiema għall-ħsad tiegħu.”  Din is-sena Jum il-Vokazzjonijiet ġie ċċelebrat il-Ħadd 26 ta’ April 2015.

Is-Seminarju ta’ Għawdex organizza diversi attivitajiet sabiex joħloq aktar awareness vokazzjonali fid-djoċesi Għawdxija.  Il-Ħamis 23 ta’ April filgħaxija, il-komunità tas-Seminarju nġabret fil-knisja parrokkjali ta’ San Lawrenz għal Quddiesa, li mexxa r-Rettur Dun Tony Sciberras.  Fi tmiem il-Quddiesa s-seminaristi mexxew mument ta’ adorazzjoni b’talb għall-vokazzjonijiet.

IMG_3600Is-Sibt 25 ta’ April waranofsinhar l-abbatini kollha tad-djoċesi flimkien mal-membri tal-gruppi tal-vokazzjonijiet ġew mistiedna s-Seminarju għal laqgħa li s-seminaristi ħadu ħsieb jorganizzaw għalihom.  Fi tmiem il-laqgħa t-tfal u l-istudenti ngħataw snack u dawk kollha li xtaqu setgħu jipparteċipaw f’logħba futbol.

F’Jum il-Vokazzjonijiet, il-Ħadd 26 ta’ April, is-seminaristi, waqt li kienu fil-parroċċi assenjati lilhom, kellhom iċ-ċans jaqsmu l-esperjenza vokazzjonali tagħhom fil-ħin tal-priedka, waqt il-Quddiesa prinċipali.





IMG_3565On the Fourth Sunday of Easter, known as the Good Shepherd Sunday, the Church invites us to pray The Lord of the harvest to send more workers to harvest his fields.  This year, Vocatations Day was celebrated on Sunday, 26th April.

The Gozo Seminary organised various activities to increase awareness regarding vocations in the Gozo diocese.  On Thursday evening, 23rd April, the community of the Seminary participated in the celebration of  Holy Mass officiated by Fr. Tony Sciberras, the rector of the Seminary.  The Mass was celebrated at the parish church of St Laurence.  Mass was followed by moments of Adoration of the Blessed Eucharist.  Invocations for vocations were offered by the seminarians.

IMG_3600On Saturday afternoon, 25th April, altar boys and members of theVocations Groups from Gozo gathered at the Seminary for an activity organised by the Seminarins.  A light snack was offered to all the participants.  Football games followed.

On Vocations Day, Sunday 26th April, the seminarians shared their vocational experience with the congregation gathered for Mass in various parish churches.  This sharing of experience took place in those parishes in which the seminarians are doing pastoral work.




IMG_3588Nhar  il-Ħamis 23 ta’ April Mons. Isqof għarraf lill-komunità tas-Seminarju li hu ħatar lil Dun Michael Curmi, sal-lum Viċi Rettur tas-Seminarju, bħala Arċipriet tal-Parroċċa ta’ Santa Margerita, Ta’ Sannat.  Mons. Grech għamel dan waqt Quddiesa li hu mexxa fis-Seminarju, il-Ħamis filgħodu.  F’isem il-Komunità, ir-Rettur, Dun Tony Sciberras mssp radd ħajr lil Dun Michael Curmi.  Hu stqarr li fil-ftit żmien li ilu hawn bħala rettur, hu għaraf kemm verament Dun Michael uża t-talenti tiegħu sabiex ikun ta’ servizz għas-seminaristi u għall-formazzjoni tagħhom.  Dun Michael qeda l-ministeru ta’ Viċi Rettur għal kważi sitt snin: bejn l-2009 u l-2015.  Il-Komunità ngħaqdet mar-Rettur f’dan ir-ringrazzjament filwaqt li  wiegħdet it-talb u s-sapport kollu tagħha lil dan is-saċerdot li qdiha mill-qalb.

IMG_3588On Thursday morning, 23rd April, during Mass celebrated at the Seminary, Bishop Mario Grech announced that he had nominated Fr Michael Curmi Archpriest of the Parish of St Margaret at  Sannat.  Fr Michael Curmi had been Vice Rector of the Seminary for six years, since 2009.  On behalf of the community, Rector Fr Tony Sciberras thanked Fr Michael Curmi for his sterling work at the Seminary.  He said that, in the short time he has been serving as rector, he became fully aware that Fr Michael used his talents to be of service to the seminarians and to help them in their formation.  The Seminary community promised Fr Michael its prayers and full support.

IMG_3504F’jum is-Solennità tat-Tħabbira tal-Mulej, 25 ta’ Marzu 2015, is-seminarista Mario Curmi u Massimo Buttigieg ippreżentaw it-talba tagħhom lil Mons. Isqof biex jaċċettahom għall-ordinazzjoni djakonali.  Dan sar waqt quddiesa fil-kappella tal-Lunzjata, ir-Rabat.  Il-komunità nġabret fil-kappella flimkien mal-kongregazzjoni preżenti għall-kant tat-II Għasar tas-Solennità, li mexxih ir-Rettur tas-Seminarju.  Wara Mons. Isqof mexxa l-quddiesa.

Waqt il-prietka hu ppreżenta lil Marija bħala mudell għal dawk li jaħbtu jaqtgħu qalbhom fl-għażliet li jwettqu.  Marija li għażlet twieġeb “iva” lil Alla, li kellimha permezz ta’ Gabrijel.  Din l-“iva” switilha sagrifiċċji kbar, kif jidher ċar fil-festa ta’ Marija Addolorata.  Madankollu l-Verġni Marija ma qatgħetx qalbha, għax fil-mumenti diffiċli hi kienet tiftakar fil-kliem sabiħ li qalilha l-anġlu fit-tħabbira.  Mons. Isqof stqarr li hemm tliet mumenti, fil-ħajja ta’ kuljum, li fihom il-bniedem jaħbat jaqta’ qalbu jwieġeb “iva” għas-sejħa tal-Mulej.  L-ewwel mument hu meta wieħed jagħżel li jkun ġust u jinduna li n-nies ta’ madwaru qed jisirqu.  Għaldaqstant wieħed jaħbat jaqta’ qalbu jgħix skont kif titlob minnu l-kuxjenza għax iblah.  Mument ieħor fejn wieħed jaħbat iħossu jaqta’ qalbu hu meta jħoss li Alla qed jagħmillu sejħa vokazzjonali.  Anki hawn jeħtieġ li wieħed, bħal Marija, iwieġeb “iva” u jagħmel minn kollox biex din l-“iva”IMG_3514 jwassalha sat-tmiem.  Fl-aħħar hu qal li fil-Festa tat-Tħabbira tal-Mulej aħna niċċelebraw il-ħajja.  Ħafna koppji jsibu ruħhom jibżgħu jkunu miftuħa għall-ħajja, jibżgħu mis-sagrifiċċju.  Anki hawn, kemm hu sabiħ li l-koppja tkun miftuħa biex tilqa’ d-doni li Alla jogħġbu joffrilha.  F’dawn it-tliet aspetti hemm it-tentazzjoni kbira tal-qtigħ ta’ qalb, madankollu, Alla jipprovdi l-anġli li jwasslu kliem ta’ faraġ u kliem ta’ kuraġġ biex wieħed iwettaq bis-sħiħ ir-rieda ta’ Alla għalih fil-ħajja tiegħu.

Waqt il-mument tal-offertorju Mario u Massimo ppreżentaw it-talba tagħhom.  Fl-aħħar tal-quddiesa Mons. Karm Borg, ir-Rettur tal-kappella tal-Lunzjata, għat-tieni sena konsekuttiva, ippreżenta borża ta’ studju lis-Seminarju, li nġabret mill-komunità ċkejkna li tiltaqa’ f’din il-kappella.



IMG_3504On the 25th March 2015, Feast of the Annunciation, Seminarian Mario Curmi and Seminarian Massimo Buttigieg asked Bishop Mario Grech to accept to ordain them as deacons.  The ceremony was held at the Chapel of the Annunciation in Victoria.  The community of the Seminary joined the congregation in the singing of the Second Vespers of the day, led by the Rector of the Seminary.  Bishop Grech then led the celebration of the Eucharist.

During the homily, the Bishop presented Mary as a model to those who may have second thoughts about the choices they have made.  Mary chose to say “yes” to God, who spoke to her through Gabriel.  This “yes” brought Mary much suffering, which we meditate in the feast of The Sorrowful Mother of Christ.  However, the Virgin Mother was not discouraged, since when faced with difficulties, she used to remind herself of the words of the Archangel Gabriel.  The Bishop singled out three instances when a person may feel discouraged to say “yes” to the call of the Lord.  The first instance is when a person does his best to be correct but then is aware of others who cheat. This person may feel that it would be better if he were to ignore his conscience and act like the others.  The second instance is when a person feels that God is calling him for a vocation. Like Mary, this person must say “yes” to the call and must IMG_3514do his best to serve this “yes” to the end.  The third instance takes its cue from the Feast of the Annuciation when we celebrate life.  Many couples are afraid to be open to life and to sacrifice. How blessed is that couple who is open to the gifts that the Lord may offer!  In these three instances a person may feel tempted to lose heart.  However God has his angels who spread words of comfort and courage so that each and everyone of us follows God’s will.

During the Presentation of the Gifts, Mario and Massimo presented their petition.  At the end of the Mass, Mgr Karm Borg, Rector of the Chapel of the Annunciation, presented a scholarship to the Seminary.  This scholarship is being presented for the second consecutive year by the community that uses this chapel.


IMG_3480The liturgical time of Lent, in itself is a time which demands an exercise in prayer, in fasting and in charity.  As in previous years, this year also the Seminary offered various opportunities to the seminarians, both on a personal level and also as a community, to spend Lent in a worthwhile manner.  The programme for Lent included an increase in moments of prayer, for example the Mid day prayer, the Via Crucis and the Via Matris.  On Friday  20th March, the Seminarians had moments of fraternal correction and participated in the Via Crucis at T’Ghammar.  On Monday 23rd March, there was the penitential celebration for the seminarians.  Every week during Lent, the seminarians visited the Sacred Heart Minor Seminary to receive donations for Fr Raymond Portelli’s Mission in Peru.  This year, the funds would go for new beds in Fr Portelli’s hospital which hosts AIDS patients.  On very Thursday of Lent, the seminarians visited various churches to receive donations for the Seminary from the faithful.



Iż-żmien liturġiku tar-Randan, minnu nnifsu hu żmien li jitlob eżerċizzju fit-talb, fis-sawm u fil-karità.  Is-Seminarju, għal din is-sena wkoll, offra l-opportunitajiet kollha biex is-seminaristi, kemm fuq livell personali kif ukoll bħala komunità, ikunu jistgħu japprofittaw tajjeb minn dan iż-żmien.  Fil-programm żdiedu l-mumenti tat-talb, fosthom it-talba ta’ nofs il-jum, il-Via Sagra u l-Via Matris.  Il-Ġimgħa 20 ta’ Marzu saret il-korrezzjoni fraterna u l-Via Sagra fuq l-Għolja t’Għammar.  It-Tnejn 23 ta’ Marzu saret ukoll ċelebrazzjoni penitenzjali għas-seminaristi.  Ta’ kull ġimgħa, tul ir-Randan kollu s-seminaristi ħadu ħsieb imorru fis-Seminarju Minuri tal-Qalb ta’ Ġesù biex jiġbru l-karità għall-missjoni ta’ Dun Raymond Portelli fil-Perù, mingħand l-istudenti tal-Iskola.  Din is-sena nġabru l-flus biex Dun Raymond ikun jista’ jagħmel sodod ġodda għall-isptar tiegħu li jilqa’ fih nies morda bil-AIDS.  Kull nhar ta’ Ħamis, tul ir-Radan, is-seminaristi żaru wkoll l-eżerċizzji li kienu qegħdin jibgħataw fil-parroċċi u fil-knejjes sabiex jiġbru l-offerta ġeneruża tal-poplu ta’ Alla għas-Seminarju Maġġuri tal-Qalb ta’ Ġesù.


Ta’ kull sena, is-seminaristi jgħixu b’intensità l-liturġija nhar is-Solennità ta’ San Ġużepp fil-kappella tas-Seminarju.  L-Erbgħa 18 ta’ Marzu filgħaxija, is-seminaristi talbu r-rużarju ta’ San Ġużepp fil-kappella, li ġiet imżejna b’mod speċjali għal din l-okkażjoni.  L-għada filgħodu, imbagħad, Dun Michael Curmi ċċelebra l-Ewkaristija tal-Festa.  Wara t-tqarbin is-Seminarista Joseph Attard għamel ħsieb tal-okkażjoni.
