
The programme for Saturday 7th May was rather different from that of other Saturdays.  The community left the Seminary early in the morning for the annual pilgrimage to The Madonna Ta’ Pinu Sanctuary.  The early morning serenity provided the right atmosphere to accompany us in our recital of the Rosary. The Spiritual Director explained that in the context of the Jubilee of Mercy this pilgrimage should take the dimension of a penitential pilgrimage.

weghdietIn the last part of the pilgrimage, the Rector of the Sanctuary, Fr Gerard Buhagiar, shared some reflections linked with the niches situated on the road that leads to the Sanctuary. Then we went through the Door of Mercy and on to the Chapel of the Apparition for the celebration of the Holy Mass.  Following the reading of the Gospel, Seminarians Michael Grima and Carl Scerri, and Deacons Joseph Attard, Massimo Buttigieg and Mario Curmi, placed one hand on the Gospel and, in the presence of the Blessed Eucharist and in front of the holy image of the Assumption, they pledged their vows prior to their ordination as deacons and priests respectively.

Deacons Joseph, Massimo and Mario are to be ordained priests at the Gozo Cathedral on Friday 20th May.  Seminarians Michael and Carl are to be ordained deacons on Friday 24th June at the same cathedral.

13048101_798456906953550_7273986352909400816_oFestabbatini, ġiet organizzata għall-abbatini u għall-familji tagħhom, kienet organizzata mis-seminaristi fl-okkażjoni ta’ Ħadd il-Vokazzjonijiet (17 ta’ April) kif ukoll bħala parti miċ-ċelebrazzjonijiet djoċesani tal-Ġublew tal-Ħniena. Din inżammet quddiem is-Santwarju Nazzjonali Ta’ Pinu. Dawk kollha li attendew setgħu jifhmu b’mod viżiv l-istorja tar-Ragħaj it-tajjeb permezz ta’ rappreżentazzjoni ħelwa u komika ta’ ragħaj – b’ħarufa ċkejkna fuq il-palk. Madwar din il-ġrajja kien idur ukoll il-messaġġ tal-Vanġelu tal-istess Ħadd.

13041484_798457110286863_2233785154143817326_oWara dan, ilkoll flimkien wara r-Ragħaj tad-Djoċesi, l-Isqof Mario Grech, dħalna f’purċissjoni mill-Bieb tal-Ħniena tas-Santwarju. Hemm sar mument ta’ talb li fih ġew involuti abbatini minn kull parroċċa. Fil-ħsieb tiegħu l-Isqof Grech qal li l-missjoni tas-saċerdot hi dik li jkun qrib tal-bniedem u jgħinu jġarrab il-faraġ ta’ Alla. “Għalina s-saċerdoti: mhux ‘in-nies’ huma tagħna, imma aħna tan-nies”. L-Isqof tenna li bħal Ġesù, ir-Ragħaj it-tajjeb, li juri mħabba partikulari lejn in-nagħġa mtertqa, hekk is-saċerdot għandu l-missjoni li jdewwi l-ġrieħi tal-bnedmin. Hu fakkar li anki llum Ġesù għadu jsejjaħ, u qal li jqis lill-gruppi tal-abbatini bħala “seminarju ċkejken” fejn “iż-żgħar jedukaw qalbhom biex tilqa’ fiha ż-żerriegħa ta’ vokazzjoni għal saċerdot jew għall-ħajja reliġjuża”.

13047741_798457663620141_1030354919315741348_oL-attività kompliet fil-pjazza tas-Santwarju, fejn l-abbatini kellhom divertiment u logħob organizzat apposta għalihom. Is-seminaristi ħadu ħsieb iħejju xi ħaġa tajba tal-ikel. Kien hemm ukoll rokna ta’ promozzjoni vokazzjonali fejn wieħed seta’ jsegwi wkoll filmati ta’ esperjenzi mill-ħajja tas-Seminarju, kif ukoll jiltaqa’ mal-Isqof u mas-seminaristi.

Ara xeni mill-attività billi tagħfas hawn.



13048101_798456906953550_7273986352909400816_oFestabbatini was organized by the seminarians for altar boys and members of their families.   It was held on 17th April, which happened to be Vocations Sunday and it was part of the diocesan celebrations of the Jubilee of Mercy.  Festabbatini was held in the square in front of  Ta’ Pinu Sanctuary.  The parable of the Good Shepherd was presented in the form of a short play.  In the play, which was a comic representation enjoyed by the whole congregation, the  shepherd was accompanied by a lamb, brought especially for the occasion.  The parable was linked with the message of the Gospel of that same Sunday.

13041484_798457110286863_2233785154143817326_oThen, the Diocesan Shepherd, Bishop Mario Grech, led a procession through the Door of Mercy at the Sanctuary.  Altar boys from different parishes prayed together.  In his short homily, the Bishop stressed that the mission of the priest is to be close to man and to help man feel the mercy of God.  “The people are not at the service of us, priests.  It is the priest who is at the service of the people.”  The Bishop said that as Jesus, the Good Shepherd, shows a particular love towards the injured sheep, so should the priest cure the wounds of man.  He said that Jesus is still calling for vocations and that he looks at the group of altar boys as a “small seminary where the young ones are prepared to embrace the priestly or religious vocation.”

13047741_798457663620141_1030354919315741348_oThe activity proceeded with recreational activities in the same square.  Delicacies were prepared by the seminarians.  A stand was dedicated to vocational promotion.  Those present could follow videos about life at the Seminary and meet the Bishop and the seminarians.

Click here to watch a video of the activity.



facebook pageFil-jiem li għaddew, bi tħejjija għaċ-ċelebrazzjoni tal-150 sena anniversarju mit-twaqqif tas-Seminarju, is-seminaristi ħejjew feature bl-isem: 150 Sena Seminarju: L-Istorja Tagħna. Dan sar bil-għan li titqajjem iktar kuxjenza vokazzjonali fost iż-żgħażagħ. Skop ieħor kien dak li s-Seminarju tagħna jasal ukoll għand dawk in-nies li f’ħajjithom qatt ma kellhom iċ-ċans jiġu f’kuntatt ma’ din ir-realtà.

Fl-aħħar ġimgħat, qabel id-dokumentarju, dehru erba’ filmati qosra fuq il-Paġna Uffiċjali tal-Facebook tas-Seminarju Maġġuri ta’ Għawdex (SacredHeartSeminaryGozo). L-għan tagħhom kien li juru l-wiċċ uman tas-saċerdoti tagħna. Hu interessanti li s-saċerdoti kollha intervistati huma wħud mis-600 saċerdot li ħarġu mis-Seminarju tal-Qalb ta’ Ġesù minn meta ġie mwaqqaf 150 sena ilu.

facebook pageIn the past few days, as part of the celebration of the 150th anniversary of the Seminary, the seminarians prepared a feature called: 150 Sena Seminarju: L-Istorja Tagħna.  The feature aims at creating more vocational awareness among youth and at opening the doors of the Seminary to those people who have never had the opportunity of knowing what life at the Seminary is like.

In the weeks prior to the release of the documentary, the Facebook page of the Major Seminary (SacredHeartSeminaryGozo) showed four short videos which gave a humane face to priesthood.  The priests who were interviewed are from among the 600 priests who were  prepared for priesthood  at the Sacred Heart Seminary during these 150 years.

20160414_195015Nhar il-Ħamis 14 ta’ April ġie organizzat is-seba’ Ħamis b’talb għal iktar vokazzjonijiet. Filgħodu bdejna bil-Quddiesa fil-Kappella tas-Seminarju u wara saret l-esposizzjoni li tat bidu għall-Adorazzjoni li ġiet fi tmiemha fl-4.00pm. Filgħaxija, kif kien ipprogrammat, ġiet organizzata siegħa Adorazzjoni fil-knisja ta’ San Lawrenz, f’San Lawrenz. Għaliha kienu mistiedna b’mod speċjali l-parruċċani. Fl-ewwel parti tal-Adorazzjoni, ir-Rettur qasam ma’ dawk preżenti ħsieb ta’ Dun Mikiel Attard fuq il-misteru kbir tal-Għid, bi promozzjoni għall-kawża tal-beatifikazzjoni tal-qaddej tiegħu. It-tieni parti tal-Adorazzjoni mexxewha s-seminaristi.  Tulha sar ħsieb marbut ma’ dan iż-żmien tal-Għid li qed ngħixu u mas-Sena tal-Ħniena. Qabel il-Barka Sagramentali saru xi talbiet quddiem Ġesù Ewkaristija. L-Adorazzjoni li jmiss se ssir il-Ħamis 12 ta’ Mejju 2016 filgħodu fis-Seminarju u fis-7.25pm fiż-Żebbuġ.

20160414_195015Thursday 14th April was the seventh Thursday of prayer for vocations.  Mass was said in the morning at the Seminary Chapel. The Blessed Sacrament was then exposed and Adoration continued till 4.00pm.  In the evening the programme continued with one hour adoration in the Parish Church of San Lawrenz.  The parishioners attended this hour of prayer.  In the first part, the Rector meditated on the works of Dun Mikiel Attard, related with the mystery of Easter.   This is in line with the promotion for the cause of beatification of Dun Mikiel.  The second part of the Adoration was led by the seminarians, who reflected on Eastertide and on the Year of Mercy.  Prayers were said in the presence of the Holy Eucharist, followed by the Sacramental Blessing.  The next meeting will be held on Thursday 12th May 2016.  Activities will start in the morning at the Seminary and will proceed at 7.25pm at Żebbuġ.


Iż-żmien liturġiku tar-Randan, minnu nnifsu hu żmien li jitlob eżerċizzju fit-talb, fis-sawm u fil-karità.  Is-Seminarju, għal din is-sena wkoll, offra l-opportunitajiet kollha biex is-seminaristi, kemm fuq livell personali kif ukoll bħala komunità, ikunu jistgħu japprofittaw tajjeb minn dan iż-żmien.  Fil-programm żdiedu l-mumenti tat-talb, fosthom it-talba ta’ nofs il-jum, il-Via Sagra u l-Via Matris. It-Tnejn 14 ta’ Marzu saret ukoll ċelebrazzjoni penitenzjali għas-seminaristi.  L-Erbgħa 16 ta’ Marzu saret il-korrezzjoni fraterna u l-Via Sagra fuq l-Għolja t’Għammar. Din is-sena s-seminaristi ħadu ħsieb jorganizzaw half day of recollection għall-istudenti tal-forms 3 u 4, tas-Seminarju Minuri tal-Qalb ta’ Ġesù kif ukoll attività għall-istudenti tas-6th Form li żaru s-Seminarju.  Kull nhar ta’ Ħamis, tul ir-Radan, is-seminaristi żaru wkoll l-eżerċizzi li kienu qegħdin jingħataw fil-parroċċi u fil-knejjes sabiex jiġbru l-offerta ġeneruża tal-poplu ta’ Alla għas-Seminarju Maġġuri tal-Qalb ta’ Ġesù.  Fil-ġranet tal-Ġimgħa Mqaddsa s-seminaristi kellhom l-irtir tagħhom u wara huma kellhom ħmistax vaganzi.  Il-komunità rritornat fis-Seminarju nhar it-Tnejn 4 ta’ April 2016.




IMG_5918Lent is a liturgical time that in itself asks of the faithful prayer, fasting and charity.  For this year too, the Seminary offered all the opportunities possible so that the seminarians can benefit from Lent, both on a personal level and on community level.  The programme included more time dedicated to prayer, including the mid-day prayer, the Way of the Cross and the Via Matris.  On Monday 14th March, the seminarians participated in a penitential celebration.  On Wednesday 16th March, they took part in a session of fraternal correction and the Way of the Cross at Għammar.  This year, the seminarians held a half day of recollection for Form 3 and Form 4 students of the Minor Seminary as well as an activity for the 6th Form students who visited the Seminary.  On every Thursday of Lent, the seminarians visited churches and parishes where Lenten sermons were being delivered, to collect donations for the Major Seminary from the congregation.  During Holy Week, the seminarians had a retreat and were on holiday for two weeks.  The community returned to the Seminary on Monday 4th April 2016.



Nhar il-Ġimgħa 11 ta’ Marzu s-seminaristi Maltin flimkien mal-formators tagħhom żaru s-Seminarju ta’ Għawdex.  Dan hu wieħed mill-ftit mumenti li fih is-seminaristi jkollhom mument ta’ fraternità flimkien.

Fr Tony Sciberras mssp mexxa l-adorazzjoni bit-talba tal-Għasar u wara kilna flimkien.  Iż-żjara ntemmet permezz ta’ mument fratern flimkien.  Ir-Rettur tas-Seminarju tal-Qalb ta’ Ġesù, ta’ Għawdex, Fr Tony Sciberras mssp, wera l-apprezzament tiegħu lill-komunità tas-Seminarju tal-Arċisqof, għaż-żjara tagħhom.



On Friday 11th March, our Seminary hosted the seminarians and formators of the Archbishop’s Seminary.  This is one of the few instances when the communities of the two seminaries meet.  Fr Tony Sciberras MSSP led the Adoration of the Blessed Eucharist and the Vespers.  Then we had dinner together.  Father Rector thanked the guests for their visit to our Seminary.



Il-Ħamis 10 ta’ Marzu ħabat it-30 anniversarju mid-dedikazzjoni tal-kappella tas-Seminarju tagħna.  Kien ukoll is-sitt Ħamis b’talb għal aktar vokazzjonijiet għal din is-sena.  Filgħodu mexxa l-quddiesa r-Rettur u waqt l-omelija fakkar li aħna lkoll tempji tal-Ispirtu s-Santu.  Wara, fetħet l-adorazzjoni li ġiet fi tmiema fl-4pm bil-Barka Sagramentali.  Fis-5.45pm iltqajna fil-knisja parrokkjali tax-Xewkija għal siegħa adorazzjoni flimkien mal-ġemgħa miġbura.  Fl-ewwel parti tal-adorazzjoni Fr Tony mssp għamel ħsieb fuq il-Vanġelu tal-ħames Ħadd tar-Randan, meħud minn waħda mill-omeliji ta’ Dun Mikiel Attard.  Fit-tieni parti xi seminaristi komplew l-adorazzjoni permezz ta’ xi ħsibijiet marbuta ma’ dan iż-żmien qaddis u anke mat-tema tal-ħniena.  L-adorazzjoni ntemmet permezz tal-Barka Sagramentali.

L-appuntament tagħna għal Ħamis ieħor b’talb għall-vokazzjonijiet hu għall-Ħamis 14 ta’ April fis-7.30pm, fil-knisja parrokkjali ta’ San Lawrenz.