
15240172_1501370466546190_935373133_nNhar is-Sibt 19 ta’ Novembru l-Aħwa Ħbieb tas-Seminarju flimkien mas-Seminarju u voluntiera oħra organizzaw l-Ikla ta’ San Martin b’fundraising għas-Seminarju.  Din l-ikla għandha storja twila ħafna f’rabta mal-festa ta’ San Martin ta’ Tours li taħbat fil-11 ta’ Novembru.  Hi tradizzjoni antika li s-seminaristi, waqt din l-ikla ikunu l-waiters. Din is-sena wkoll, kien hemm numru sabiħ ta’ nies li attendew.  Fi tmiem l-ikla Mons. Isqof u Dun Richard N. Farrugia raddew ħajr lil kulħadd għall-preżenza tagħhom.

15240172_1501370466546190_935373133_nOn Saturday 19th November, the Aħwa Ħbieb tas-Seminarju together with some volunteers prepared a fund raising activity, St Martin’s Dinner. This activity has a long tradition and has always been related to the feast of St Martin of Tours which is celebrated on the 11th November. Many people attended this dinner which was served by the semarians, as dictated by tradition.  Mgr Bishop Grech and Fr Richard N. Farrugia rounded up the evening with words of gratitude to all the guests.

img_1363Bejn il-Ħadd, 6 u s-Sibt 12 ta’ Novembru, il-parroċċa ta’ San Lawrenz organizzat ġimgħa ta’ talb għall-vokazzjonijiet. Matul din il-ġimgħa waqt il-quddies saret enfasi fit-talb tal-komunita’ għall-vokazzjonijiet. Il-Ħamis 10 imbagħad, il-komunita’ kollha tas-Seminarju flimkien mas-superjuri mexxew il-quddiesa ta’ filgħaxija u l-adorazzjoni fil-knisja parrokkjali fejn is-seminarista Gabriel Vella qasam l-esperjenza tal-vokazzjoni tiegħu.


img_1363From Sunday 6th to Saturday 12th November, the St Laurence Parish organized a week of prayer for vocations.  The prayers of the community  at Mass, said during the week, centred on vocations.  On Thursday 10th, the Seminary community led the evening Mass and the Adoration in the parish church. On this occasion Seminarian Gabriel Vella talked about his vocational experience.


img_1052Bejn it-Tnejn 7 u l-Ġimgħa 11 ta’ Novembru is-Seminarju tagħna fetaħ il-bibien tiegħu għall-istudenti tal-iskejjel sekondarji kemm dawk tal-Knisja u kemm dawk tal-istat. Waqt iż-żjajjar, is-seminaristi kienu jfiehmu lill-istudenti x’isir f’ dan il-post u jdawruhom dawra ma’ kull rokna tas-Seminarju, mill-Kċina sal-kmamar tas-seminaristi. Kienu mumenti sbieħ għax il-maġġoranza tal-istudenti qatt ma kienu raw dawn l-irkejjen fis-seminarju. Bħala tifkira ta’ dawn iż-żjajjar is-seminaristi ħejjew xi keychains bi frażi mill-vanġelu fuqhom li tgħid hekk: You are the light of the world! Dan sar sabiex jitwassal messaġġ, li s-sejħa ta’ Ġesu’ lil kull persuna hija sabiex ilkoll inkunu dawl fejn hemm id-dlam. Matul din il-ġimgħa ukoll xi seminaristi għamlu katekeżi permezz tal-arti fis-6th Form. Dawn il-katekeżi saru waqt il-lezzjonijiet tas-Systems of Knowledge fis-sezzjoni tal-arti.


img_1052From Monday 7th to Friday 11th November, our Seminary opened its doors to students from Church and State Secondary Schools.  During these visits, the seminarians showed the students every nook and cranny of the building and explained how they spend their day at the Seminary.  The majority of the students had never visited the Seminary building.  As a memento of these visits, the students were presented with a keychain on which the following phrase from the Bible is written: You are the light of the world! This phrase conveys the message that Jesus calls every person to be a beacon of light wherever there is darkness.  During the same week, the seminarians did “cathechesis through art” at the Post-Secondary School, during the lessons of the arts section of Systems of Knowledge.


bannerNhar l-4 ta’ Novembru sebħet ġurnata ferm importanti għalina u għas-Seminarju tagħna – il-150 anniversarju mill-ftuħ tas-Seminarju tagħna. Il-ġurnata tista’ tgħid kienet maqsuma fi tlitt mumenti mportanti. L-ewwel mument kien il-Pontifikal immexxi mill-Isqof Mario Grech fil-Katidral sabiex jitfakkar dan il-jum tant għażiż u bħala ringrazzjament lil Alla ta’ dawn is-snin kollha. Preżenti għal din il-quddiesa kien hemm, uħud mill-ogħla awtoritajiet tal-pajjiż flimkien mal-istudenti kollha tal-iskola tas-Seminarju Minuri. Waqt l-omelija l-Isqof saħaq fuq l-importanza li aħna nagħrfu li għal Alla kollox hu possibli. Wara, fis-Seminarju tagħna inżamm pranzu għall-qassisin kollha fejn lejn it-tmiem l-Isqof ikkomunika lil dawk preżenti xi nomini ġodda fi ħdan id-djoċesi tagħna. Filgħaxija saret adorazzjoni speċjali fil-kamerata jiġifieri fil-post fejn jgħixu s-seminaristi li għaliha kienu mistednin speċjali l-istudenti l-kbar tal-gruppi tal-vokazzjonijet, l-ġenituri tagħna u anke l-benefatturi tas-Seminarju tagħna.


15049932_10208194281280869_106117913_nNovember 4th was a red letter day for us and for our Seminary – it marked the 150th anniversary of the founding of our Seminary.  The day was marked by three important moments.  The first was the Pontifical Mass led by Bishop Mario Grech at the Gozo Cathedral to commemorate this day so dear to us and to give thanks to God for the Seminary’s 150 years.  Members of the higher authorities of the Nation together with all the students of the Minor Seminary Secondary School were present for the Mass.   During his homily, Bishop Grech stressed the importance of us knowing that nothing is impossible for God.

Later, all the priests were invited to luncheon at the Seminary.  At the end of the luncheon,
the Bishop announced to all present the new nominations for the diocese.

In the evening the Blessed Sacrament was exposed for adoration at the kamerata, the place where the seminarians live.  The older student members of the Vocations Groups, parents and benefactors of the seminary were invited for this adoration.


15049932_10208194281280869_106117913_nNovember 4th was a red letter day for us and for our Seminary – it marked the 150th anniversary of the founding of our Seminary.  The day was marked by three important moments.  The first was the Pontifical Mass led by Bishop Mario Grech at the Gozo Cathedral to commemorate this day so dear to us and to give thanks to God for the Seminary’s 150 years.  Members of the higher authorities of the Nation together with all the students of the Minor Seminary Secondary School were present for the Mass.   During his homily, Bishop Grech stressed the importance of us knowing that nothing is impossible for God.

Later, all the priests were invited to luncheon at the Seminary.  At the end of the luncheon, img_0926the Bishop announced to all present the new nominations for the diocese.

In the evening the Blessed Sacrament was exposed for adoration at the kamerata, the place where the seminarians live.  The older student members of the Vocations Groups, parents and  benefactors of the seminary were invited for this adoration.


15034149_1481354338547803_1640046684_oNhar l-Erbgħa 2 ta’ Novembru, il-Knisja Kattolika ċċelebrat it-Tifkira Solenni tal-Fidili Mejtin Kollha. F’din l-okkażjoni, il-komunita’ tas-Seminarju ċċelebrat Quddiesa fil-Kappella taċ-Ċimiterju tal-Parroċċa tax-Xewkija. Waqt il-Quddiesa, il-viċi-rettur qasam riflessjoni fuq din il-festa fejn enfasizza l-importanza li n-nisrani jagħraf l-iskop li għalih qed jgħix u jifhem li fuq din l-art huwa biss pellegrin għax id-destinazzjoni aħħarija tiegħu hi s-sema. Wara il-Quddiesa żorna l-oqbra li jinsabu f’dan iċ-ċimiterju filwaqt li tlabna flimkien.


On Wednesday, 2nd November, the Catholic Church celebrated All Souls Day.  On this occasion, the community of the Seminary celebrated Holy Mass at the Chapel of the Cemetery of the Parish of Xewkija.  During Mass, the vice-rector shared his reflections on this feast.  He emphasised the reason why it is important that every Christian realizes why he is living and understands that he is just a pilgrim on earth, his final destination being Heaven.  When the Mass was over, we visited the graves of this cemetery and prayed for the souls of the persons buried there.

thumb_img_0462_1024Nhar il-Ħadd 23 t’Ottubru l-Knisja ċċelebrat Jum il-Missjoni.  Dan hu jum fejn kulħadd huwa mistieden jirrifletti u jagħraf kif jista’ jaqdi s-sejħa tiegħu biex ikun missjunarju fl-ambjent li hu jgħix fih. Hu mument ukoll fejn nitfgħu ħarsitna fuq il-Knisja li tinsab ’il barra minn pajjiżna, speċjalment fil-pajjiżi tat-tielet dinja.

F’din l-okkażjoni l-Grupp Missjunarju fi ħdan il-komunità tas-Seminarju jieħu ħsieb iħejji ġimgħa ta’ attivitajiet. B’hekk anki s-seminaristi jkunu jistgħu jilqgħu s-sejħa li jkunu missjunarji!  Għal din is-sena, it-tema magħżula kienet ‘Il-Missjoni tibda mid-dar’, ispirata mill-qaddisa ta’ żminijietna, Madre Tereża. Għalhekk bejn il-Ħadd 16 u s-Sibt 22 t’ Ottubru tħejja programm b’ diversi attivitajiet.img_0673

Il-Ħadd 16, filgħodu bħala komunità morna l-Isptar Ġenerali t’ Għawdex fejn hemm hekk tajna d-demm. Il-Ħamis 20 filgħodu saret l-Ikla tal-Ġnus għall-istudenti tal-Form 4 tal-iskola tas-Seminarju Minuri. Permezz ta’ din l-ikla l-istudenti setgħu jagħrfu iktar il-faqar li hawn madwarna u li aktarx ħadd minna mhu konxju tiegħu. Filgħaxija kellna magħna lil Fr Martin Cilia MSSP li tana talk dwar l-evanġelizzazzjoni l-ġdida f’ Malta. Imbagħad is-Sibt 22 waqt il-quddiesa ta’ filgħodu Mons. Ġużeppi Farrugia wasslilna riflessjoni dwar l-evanġelizzazzjoni l-ġdida fil-maġisteru ta’ Ġwanni Pawlu II.

img_0767Tul il-ġimgħa sar ukoll talb għall-missjunarju li jinsabu ‘l bogħod minn xtutna.
