
IMG_2130Kien eżattament nhar it-18 ta’ Jannar 1987 li Sr Giuseppina spostat ruħha mill-Casa Madre, għas-Seminarju. Minn hemm hi bdiet isservi fil-kċina tas-seminarju billi flimkien ma’ erba’ sorijiet oħra kienet tipprpara l-ikel għas-seminaristi. Aktar ma għadda ż-żmien kienu diversi s-sorijiet li ċċaqilqu iżda hi baqgħet isservi fis-seminarju u dan dejjem għamlitu bi mħabba kbira. Illum tletin sena wara, Sr Giuseppina flimkien ma Sr Pier Antonia, għadha tħabbrek sabiex tara li s-seminaristi ma jkun jonqoshom xejn speċjalment dak li għandu x’jaqsam mal-ikel.

Għalhekk, nhar it-Tlieta 17 ta’ Jannar, fis-seminarju tagħna ċċelebrajna dan l-anniversarju permezz tal-Ewkaristija li mexxa r-rettur flimkien mal-formators u wara ċena tal-okkażjoni. Kien mument verament sabiħ. Minn qalbna nirringrazzjaw lil Sr Giuseppina u  nawgurawlha iktar ħidma fostna. Ad Multos Annos!


IMG_2130On January 18th, 1987, Sr Giuseppina left the Casa Madre to start service at the Seminary.  Together with four other nuns, she used to prepare lunch for the seminarians.  Throughout the years, many nuns have been called to offer their service in other places but Sr Giuseppina has never left the Seminary and she has always given her service with dedication.  Thirty years on, together with Sr Pier Antonia, she is still at the Seminary, to see that the seminarians are well looked after and well fed!  So, on Tuesday 17th January, the Seminary celebrated this anniversary with Mass concelebrated by the Rector together with the formators. Dinner followed.  It was a moment worth celebrating.  We heartily thank Sr Giuseppina for her service and we hope she will be with us for long.  Ad Multos Annos!


IMG_3186Bejn l-Erbgħa 18 u l-Erbgħa 25 ta’ Jannar il-Knisja ċċelebrat il-ġimgħa ta’ talb għall-għaqda fost l-Insara.  Il-komunità tas-Seminarju organizzat diversi mumenti ta’ talb biex titqajjem awareness fost is-seminaristi fuq it-tema tal-ekumeniżmu.  Is-seminaristi pparteċipaw ukoll fis-servizz ekumeniku li jiġi organizzat ta’ kull sena fil-knisja ta’ Santu Wistin fir-Rabat.

IMG_3186In the week between Wednesday 18th January and Wednesday 25th January, the Church celebrated a week of prayer for unity among Christians.  The Seminary community organized various prayer meetings to raise an awareness of ecumenism among the seminarians.  The seminarians participated also in an ecumenical service  which is held every year at Saint Augustine Church in Victoria.

IMG_3169Nhar is-Sibt 14 ta’ Jannar is-saċerdoti Għawdxin inġabru fis-Seminarju għall-awgurju tal-bidu tas-sena.  Mons. Isqof jieħu din l-okkażjoni biex jawgura s-sena t-tajba lis-saċerdoti kif ukoll iwassal il-messaġġ tiegħu fil-bidu tas-sena l-ġdida. Mons. Isqof tenna li s-saċerdot għandu jkun dak li jifforma il-kuxjenzi u mhux jeħdilhom posthom. Id-dixxerniment għandu jkun wieħed personali. Hu kompla jgħid li s-saċerdot għandu japplika l-arti tal-poroposta tal-verità filwaqt li jistenna b’sabar lill-penitent sabiex japplikaha. L-Isqof qara ukoll il-linji gwida dwar l-applikazzjoni ta’ kapitlu tmienja tal-Amoris Laetitia li ġew ippubblikati ġurnata qabel minnu u mill-Arċisqof ta’ Malta. Is-seminaristi attendew ukoll għal din l-attività.


IMG_3169On Saturday 14th January the Gozitan priests met at the Seminary to exchange New Year’s greetings.  Every year, on this occasion Bishop Grech exhanges greetings with the priests and passes on a message for the new year.  Bishop Grech said that the priest should be the one who forms the conscience of man and who not replaces it.  The discernment has to be personal and the priest has to apply the art of the proposal of truth and waits patiently for the penitent to accept it.  The Bishop also read the guide lines regarding the application of chapter 8 of the Amoris Laetitia.  The guide lines had been published the day before by Bishop Grech in conjunction with Archbishop Scicluna.  The seminarians attended this activity too.


Nhar it-Tnejn 9 ta’ Jannar 2017, is-seminarista Joseph Hili ppreżenta it-talba tiegħu biex jiġi aċċettat għall-ordinazzjoni djakonali filwaqt li d-djakni Michael Grima u Carl Scerri ippreżentaw it-talba għall-ordinazzjoni presbiterali. Dan sar waqt il-quddiesa ta’ filgħodu fil-kappella tas-Seminarju, fil-preżenza tal-formators, is-seminaristi u anke s-sorijiet.

Joseph, Michael u  Carl ressqu t-talba tagħhom waqt il-mument tal-offertorju.


On Monday 9th, January 2017, seminarian Joseph Hili presented his request to be ordained deacon while deacons Michael Grima and Carl Scerri asked to be ordained priests.  The request was presented during the morning mass at the Seminary chapel.  The formators, the seminarians and the nuns were present for the mass.  Joseph, Michael and Carl presented their request during the Offertory.


img_1501Ix-xahar ta’ Diċembru huwa xahar speċjali anki għall-komunità tas-Seminarju.  F’dan iż-żmien il-programm tal-ġurnata jiġi mibdul.  Jisbieħ il-bini tas-seminarju u jiġu organizzati attivitajiet li ma jsirux fil-bqija tas-sena.Tul żmien l-Avvent fis-6.15am isir it-talb tal-Uffiċċju tal-Qari u fil-Quddiesa ta’ kuljum isir ħsieb wara l-Vanġelu.

Fl-aħħar jiem ta’ qabel il-Milied, is-seminaristi flimkien mal-formators, iżejnu s-Seminarju u jiġu organizzati diversi attivitajiet fosthom il-quddiesa fl-għar u l-attività flimkien mal-familjari tas-seminaristi.

Din is-sena s-seminaristi ħarġu għall-vaganzi tal-Milied nhar il-Ġimgħa 16 ta’ Diċembru.  Dakinhar saru l-aħħar lectures għas-sena 2016.  Huma se jirritornaw lura nhar it-Tlieta 3 ta’ Jannar 2017.


img_1501December is a special time of the year.  It is a time when mankind reflects on Baby Jesus in the cradle in the cave at Betlehem.  It is a special time for the Seminary community too.  The programme of the day is adjusted accordingly, decorations are set up and various activities are held.

During Advent, we have more communal prayers.  Everyday at 6.15 a.m. we participate in the reading of the Litugy of the Hours.  At Mass, then, we have reflections on the Word of God. In the days before Christmas, seminarians and formators help with the decorations for Christmas time.  Various activities are held, including the activity for altar boys and Vocation Groups, the Mass in the cave and the activity for relatives of seminarians.

The seminarians start their Christmas holidays on Friday, 16th December, when they attend the last lectures for 2016.  They will return to the Seminary on Tuesday, 3rd January 2017.


ddBħala parti mill-attivitajiet tal-150 sena seminarju, nhar is-Sibt 3 ta’ Diċembru ġie mtella’ il-Kunċert Sur Sum Corda fis-sala tas-Seminarju. Tul dan il-kunċert mill-Cordia String Quartet b’diversi silitiet mużikali b’tema vokazzjonali u anke tal-Milied, ġie mniedi l-ktieb The Sacred Heart Smienary – The Heart of Gozo. miktub minn Mons. Joseph Bezzina dwar l-istorja tas-seminarju.

L-għada l-Ħadd 4 ta’ Diċembru filgħaxija, Mons. Isqof inawgura wirja kommemorattiva li magħha kien hemm abbinata wkoll open week għall-pubbliku. Fil-wirja kien hemm esposti diversi dokumenti u oġġetti marbuta mat-twaqqif u l-ħajja tas-seminarju. Wara l-wirja, wieħed seta’ wkoll iżur l-imkejjen fejn is-seminaristi jgħixu u jqattgħu l-parti l-kbira tal-ġurnata. L-open week ġiet fi tmiemha l-Ħadd 11 ta’ Diċembru.


ddOne of the activities to commemorate the 150th anniversary of our Seminary was the Concert Sur Sum Corda, held on Saturday, 3rd December, in the Seminary hall.  The Cordi String Quartet played various pieces related with Christmas and vocations.   The Sacred Heart Seminary – The Heart of Gozo, a book written by Mgr Joseph Bezzina, was launched during the concert.  The book traces the history of the seminary.

On Sunday, 4th December, Bishop Grech inaugurated an exhitibion which included various documents and artefacts related with the history of the Seminary.  The same evening marked also the beginning of the Open Week at the Seminary.  During this week, visitors could tour the building which hosts the seminarians during their years of preparation for priesthood.  The Open Week ended on Sunday, 11th December.
