
Nhar l-Erbgħa, 21 ta’ Novembru, saret laqgħa fis-Seminarju dwar il-ħarsien tal-ambjent u l-importanza tar-riċiklar u s-separazzjoni tal-iskart.  Din il-laqgħa tmexxiet mis-Sinjura Mary Mercieca , impjegata tal-WasteServ.  Hija spjegatilna xi jsir mill-iskart f’pajjiżna. Id-diversi impjanti li għandna f’pajjiżna jagħmlu xogħlijiet differenti.  Aktar ma nnaqsu l-konsum ta’ skart li f’pajjiżna ma jistax jiġi maħdum mill-ġdid, inqas ikollu problemi l-pajjiż.  Il-materjal organiku jista’ jintuża biex jittieħdu minnu gassijiet li jiġġeneraw l-elettriku u wara, dak li jibqa’ jintuża bħala kompost.  Il-metall u l-plastik jiġi kompressat u jinbiegħ barra minn Malta.  Rajna wkoll kif il-miżbla tal-Magħtab illum qed tiġi riġenerata bil-mod.  Ġejna konxji wkoll minn kemm għażliet ħziena jistgħu jħallu riperkussjonijiet twal fuq l-ambjent.  Minkejja li l-Magħtab ilu magħluq diversi snin, xorta għad baqa’ diversi gassijiet ħerġin minnu.  Il-WasteServ ħadmet sistema ta’ pajpijiet u turbini li jiġbdu dawn il-ġassijiet u minnhom joħolqu l-enerġija.  Dan jimpenjana biex inkunu responsabbli ta’ għemilna u nieħdu ħsieb tal-ambjent bl-aħjar mod li nistgħu, kemm b’rispett lejn il-bqija tal-umanità imma fuq kollox għaliex il-ħloqien huwa rigal li Alla ta lill-bniedem bid-dmir li jħarsu u jieħu ħsiebu.

On Wednesday, 21st November, the Seminary hosted Ms Mary Mercieca, a WasteServe employee, who talked to us about the importance of recyling and separation of waste.  She explained how waste is treated in our country.  The various plants in our country treat waste in different ways.   The less we produce unrecyclable waste, the less problems our country has to face.  Organic waste can be used to produce gases from which electricity can be generated.  The residue is then used as compost.  Metal and plastic is compressed and sold abroad. We were told how the Maghtab landfill is being gradually regenerated.  We became aware of the long term effects on the evironment, originating from our bad choices.  Despite the fact that the Maghtab landfill has been closed for many years, there still exist emissions of gas from it.  The WasteServ made use of a system of pipes and turbines to suck these gases and generate energy from them. We should take care of the environment in the best way possible.  In this way we would be showing respect to the rest of humanity. Above all,  we should remember that creation is God’s gift to mankind and man is duty bound to take care of it.

Nhar is-Sibt 17 ta’ Novembru, is-Seminarju organizza għal darb’ oħra l-ikla annwali fl-okkażjoni tal-festa ta’ San Martin. Din hija waħda mill-ftit attivitajiet ta’ fund-raising li jagħmel is-Seminarju matul is-sena.  Waqt din l-ikla, hija drawwa li s-seminaristi jservu lill-mistiedna bħala waiters.  Nirringrazzjaw lid-diversi voluntiera li għenu lis-sorijiet jippreparaw l-ikel fil-kċina.  Nuru l-aprezzament tagħna wkoll lil diversi ħwienet u individwi li offrew prodotti u rigali li ttellgħu waqt l-ikla.  Fl-aħħar nett nirringrazzaw lin-numru sabiħ ta’ nies li għoġobhom jattendu.

On Saturday, 17th November, the Seminary held its annual dinner on the occasion of St Martin’s feast.  This event is one of the few fund-raising activities organised during the year by the Seminary.  Tradition holds that the seminarians wait upon the guests at dinner. This tradition was kept this year as well.  We would like to thank the various volunteers who gave a helping hand to the nuns in the kitchen.  We would like to show our gratitude to the various outlets and individuals who donated gifts for the raffle.  We would like to thank also the guests who participated in the event.

It-tieni weekend ta’ Novembru, mis-Sibt 10 sal-Ħadd 11 ta’ Novembru, il-komunità tas-Seminarju attendiet għal jumejn ta’ formazzjoni umana mmexxija minn Dr Marlene Cauchi fid-dar tal-villeġġjatura tas-Sorijiet Sależjani f’Marsalforn.  F’dawn il-jumejn, Dr Cauchi mexxiet diversi talks dwar ir-relazzjonijiet, l-importanza tagħhom, u kif nibnu relazzjonijiet tajbin u b’saħħithom bejnietna u man-nies li niltaqgħu magħhom f’ħajjitna. Permezz ta’ diversi eżercizzji, is-seminaristi setgħu jibnu d-diskussjonijiet tagħhom fuq dak li josservaw fir-realtà.  Kellna wkoll xi mumenti ta’ talb flimkien.  Is-Sibt filgħaxija s-seminaristi ħarġu jieklu flimkien.

During the second weekend of November, 10th and 11th November, the seminarians attended a two-day human formation programme hosted by Dr Marlene Cauchi, at the summer residence of the Salesian Nuns in Marsalforn.  The programme included talks by Dr Cauchi about relationships and their importance, and about the way strong relationships are built among people in everyday life.  Through various exercises, the seminarians could focus their discussions on what they observe in life.  Intervalls of prayers were included.  On Saturday evening, the seminarians dined out.

Attività komunitarja annwali hija l-lungo passeggio.  Ta’ kull sena tiġi magħżula rotta partikolari li tammonta għal madwar 5 sigħat ta’ mixi.  Din is-sena saret matul il-lejl.  Għalhekk fil-lejl tal-1 ta’ Novembru s-seminaristi, flimkien mas-superjuri, telqu mis-Seminarju għall-ħabta tal-11pm.  Huma rħewlha lejn Santa Luċija, wara għaddew minn ħdejn l-għajn ta’ Għar Ilma.  Komplew mexjin minn qalb ir-raba’.  Waslu fit-triq bejn ir-raħal ta’ San Lawrenz u r-raħal tal-Għarb.  Wara komplew il-mixja tagħhom lejn il-kappella ta’ San Dimitri.  Hemm iċċelebraw il-Quddiesa fis-solennità tal-mejtin kollha, fejn Dun Gabriel għamel ħsieb dwar il-purgatorju u dan x’għandu jfisser għan-Nisrani li jemmen fil-ħajja wara l-mewt.  Wara għaddew mill-Għasri, imbagħad mxew tul Wied Sara.  Għall-ħabta tal-4.15am waslu lura s-Seminarju.

Il-lungo passeggio is an activity held annually by the Seminary community. A new route to be followed is chosen every year.  The walk would take about 5 hours. This year, the activity took place on the night of the 1st November.  The seminarians and the superiors left the Seminary at about 11pm.  They set off to Santa Lucija, skirted Għar Ilma spring and proceeded across the fields to the road which links the village of San Lawrenz to Għarb.  From Għarb, they went on to the chapel of San Dimitri.  Being All Saints Day, Mass was celebrated in the chapel.  In his homily, Fr Gabriel talked about Purgatory and its significance to the Christian who believes in afterlife.  The walk then proceeded through Għasri to Wied Sara.  The seminarians reached the Seminary at about 4.15am.


L-4 ta’ Novembru 2018 jimmarka l-152 anniversarju minn meta s-Seminarju fetaħ il-bibien tiegħu.  Tul dawn is-snin, din il-binja laqgħet fiha bosta żgħażagħ li wieġbu għas-sejħa tal-Missier u aċċettaw li jimxu warajh. F’dan il-jum nitolbu ’l Alla biex ikompli jbierek lid-djoċesi tagħna b’aktar vokazzjonijiet qaddisa u jagħti l-għajnuna lis-saċerdoti kollha li ħarġu minn dan is-Seminarju biex ikomplu jaqdu l-missjoni tagħhom b’imħabba.

Fir-ritratt t’hawn taħt jidher kurċifiss li ilu snin twal f’waħda mill-kmamar tas-Seminarju u li dan l-aħħar intbagħat għar-restawr.  Issa li tlesta u reġa’ qiegħed lura fis-Seminarju, dan is-salib ġie mqiegħed fir-Refettorju. Dan sabiex f’dan il-post ċentrali, li fih għal tliet darbiet kuljum il-komunità tas-Seminarju tinġabar madwar il-mejda tal-ikel, din ix-xbieha sservi bħala eżempju ta’ kif ngħixu l-imħabba bejnietna.

The 4th of November 2018 marks the 152ndAnniversary of the inauguration of the Seminary.  During all these years, thi

s building has housed many young men who answered the call of the Father and accepted to follow Him. On this day we pray God to continue blessing our diocese with more and more holy vocations  and to help all the priests who have left this seminary to continue with their mission of love.

The photo further down shows the crucifix which, for many years, adorned one of the halls of the Seminary and which recently has been restored. Now it has been placed in the refactory which is a central place where, for three times each day, the Seminary community meets. The crucifix reminds us how to live love among us.

Nhar il-Ħadd 27 ta’ Ottubru 2018, bħala għeluq għall-attivitajiet marbuta mal-Ġimgħa Missjunarja, is-seminaristi u s-superjuri marru jagħtu d-demm.  Iltaqgħu fil-Berġa tax-Xewkija fil-11.00am u stiednu oħrajn jingħaqdu magħhom.  Peress li n-numru ta’ donaturi regolari f’Għawdex qiegħed dejjem jonqos, din kienet opportunità biex nies ġodda jkunu mħeġġa jibdew jagħtu d-demm.  Alvin Scicluna, mis-CVC media, ġie hemm biex jiġbed xi xeni qosra u anke jieħu l-kummenti ta’ xi wħud mis-seminaristi u tar-Rettur Fr. Richard N. Farrugia.  Dan sabiex jinħadem clip qasir li jkun jista’ jintwera waqt xi bulettin tal-aħbarjiet f’dawn il-jiem.  L-għoti tad-demm huwa ġest nobbli li jista’ jsalva l-ħajja ta’ bniedem li jkun jeħtieġ id-demm.  Bi ftit sforz u sagrifiċċju nkunu qed nagħtu l-isbaħ rigal lil min jeħtieġu: il-ħajja.  Għalhekk inħeġġukom tagħmlu dak il-pass, tegħlbu l-biża’, u tmorru tagħtu d-demm!

On Sunday 27th October 2018, the seminarians and their superiors donated blood as a gesture to mark the activities linked with Missions Week and invited friends to join them.  They met at 11.00am at the Blood Donation Unit in Xewkija. Since the number of regular donors in Gozo is gradually decreasing, the seminarian community deemed it fit to urge their friends to donate blood.  Mr Alvin Scicluna from CVC media joined them in this activity to take a short film and to register comments from the seminarians and from Rector Fr Richard N Farrugia.  The short clip and the comments will feature in the news bullettin in the coming days. Donating blood is a noble gesture which may save the life of those who need blood transfusion.  All it needs is some encouragement and sacrifice. Such an act leads to the donation of the most precious present to others – life.  So, we encourage all to follow our example, overcome fear and donate blood!