The 4th of November 2020 marks the 154th anniversary of the inauguration of our Seminary. During all these years this building has housed many young men who answered the call of the Father and accepted to follow Him. On this day we pray God to continue blessing our diocese with more holy vocations and to help all the priests who have left this Seminary to continue with their mission of love. We also pray for the many benefactors that throughout the years have sustained our Seminary.
Mission Week 2020
Last week the Liturgical and Missionary Group organised various activities in view of the World Mission Sunday celebrated on 18th October 2020. The theme of this week was inspired by the phrase “We are all in the same boat” which was used by Pope Francis during his Urbi et Orbi blessing last March. The message that the Group wished to convey was that every human being can spread God’s love, even during these particular times of the COVID-19 pandemic.
This Mission Week started on Monday 12th October 2020. On this day the community prayed for Fr Manuel Cutajar, who is a Gozitan missionary in Albania.
On Tuesday 13th October 2020, the Seminary community made a video call with Fr Victor Zammit MSSP, who is a Gozitan missionary in Peru. During this video call Fr Victor shared with the community his missionary experience of these last 17 years. He also talked about the difficulties encountered, especially during these times of the COVID-19 pandemic. Fr Victor emphasised the importance of inculturation and evangelisation which render mission a beautiful adventure. He also prayed that each one of us would have a mission-oriented heart. Each member of the community had the opportunity to ask him questions.
On Wednesday 14th October 2020, the Seminary community prayed for bishop George Bugeja OFM, who is a Gozitan missionary in Tripoli. After dinner the seminarians watched the film “Alla luce del sole”. This film is about the life of Don Pino Puglisi, a Sicilian priest killed by the mafia on his birthday because of his emphasis against corruption.
On Thursday 15th October 2020, the Seminary community welcomed Fr Joseph Camilleri, who is a Gozitan missionary in Guatemala. Fr Joseph celebrated mass, in which he shared his missionary experience. The community also made a prayer for his mission.
On Friday 16th October 2020, the Seminary community prayed for Fr Mario Curmi, a Gozitan missionary in Guatemala.
On Saturday 17th October 2020, the Seminary community prayed for bishop Giovanni Cefai MSSP, who is a Gozitan missionary in Peru. During this day the community attended a half-day seminar at Manresa Retreat House in Victoria, led by Fr Noel Debono. This year’s theme is inspired by 1 Kings 19, 1-15.
Apart from the above mentioned activities, every day a poster with an extract from the Pope’s message for the Mission Sunday was uploaded on the Seminary’s Facebook and Instagram page. Also, a brief video prepared by the Liturgical and Missionary Group was sent to all the Gozitan secondary schools so as to deliver a message for this week. The activities for the Mission Week came to an end during the weekend, where the seminarians continued to spread the message among the groups in the parishes where they are assigned for their pastoral work. Although this Mission Week was quite different due to the COVID-19 restrictions, its message was still delivered effectively.
The Beginning of Another Year of Formation at the Seminary
The summer holidays are over and the Seminary opened its doors again to welcome the Seminary community for a new year of formation. Although summer is a time of relaxation, the community made sure to meet once a month for a half-day retreat. These were led by the Rector Fr Richard N. Farrugia and were held at Stella Maris Retreat House in Żebbuġ and at Manresa Retreat House in Victoria. Also, an intensive course about Media and Evangelisation was held between 27th and 29th July. This was led by Fr Daniel Sultana and Mark Lawrence Zammit.
On Monday 23rd September, Rector Fr Richard Nazzareno Farrugia led the celebration of the Holy Mass with the participation of the seminarians. After Mass, the seminarians shared their personal summer experience. On Tuesday 22nd September, the community joined the Maltese seminarians at the Archbishop’s Seminary for a retreat which lasted till Sunday 27th September. Fr Fabio Attard SDB led the retreat which was based on the themes of love and service.
On Tuesday 29th October, life at the Seminary came in tune with its day-to-day routine. The official academic year 2020-2021 started on Friday 2nd October with the celebration of the Mass. This was led by the Bishop of Gozo Msgr Anton Teuma. Formators, lecturers, sisters, and relatives of the seminarians participated in this celebration which was held in the Seminary hall. At the end of the mass the Veni Creator was prayed as an invocation to the Holy Spirit in the beginning of this new formative year.
Spiritual Retreat at the Archbishop’s Seminary
Each year, the Seminary community goes on a silent spiritual retreat as a preparation for the coming year of formation. This year’s retreat was held with the Seminary community of the Archdiocese of Malta between the 22nd and 27th of September at the Archbishop’s Seminary in tal-Virtù in Rabat Malta. The preacher was Rev. Fabio Attard sdb who hails from Gozo. The seminarians were accompanied by the Rector Can Richard Farrugia and the new Vice-Rector, Rev. Samuel Grech.
Throughout the retreat Fr Fabio preached about the importance of love, listening and being of service to others. He also emphasised the importance of prayer to develop a closer relationship with God. Only when one is spiritually mature does true pastoral activity take place.
This retreat was a moment of grace for both communities to commence a new year united with God and each other in prayer.
Mgr Anton Teuma consecrated Bishop
On 21 of August, Mgr Anton Teuma, Gozo’s Bishop-elect, was ordained Bishop at the hands of Mgr Mario Grech, Pro-Secretary General of the Synod of Bishops. The co-consecrating bishops were Mgr Charles J. Scicluna, Metropolitan Archbishop of Malta and Mgr Alessandro d’Errico, Apostolic Nunzio to Malta. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the consecration, which started at 5.30pm, was held in the Xewkija Rotunda Church instead of the Cathedral, since the former is much larger in space.
The Seminary community would like to wish well to H.L. Mgr Teuma on the beginning of his ministry as Bishop and also accompany him in prayer.
Pasta Night – Fundraiser in Aid of the Seminary
Last Tuesday, 28th July, a pasta night was held at Villa Fiorita in Marsalforn as a fundraising activity for the Seminary. Each year, at the end of all the courses of Lenten spiritual exercises organised in the Diocese of Gozo, a collection is made in aid of the Seminary. Due the to the Covid-19 restrictions which were in effect for several months, these collections did not take place this year. Thus, this pasta night was organised to help finance the works being done at the Seminary, namely: a new Wi-Fi system, new bathroom facilities for the seminarians and the renovation of the refectory.
Our whole-hearted thanks goes to the many volunteers who helped in the preparations of this event. We would also like to thank the various shops and establishments for the gifts and gift vouchers they offered as prizes for the raffle held. Finally, we would like to thank all those who attended the event.
The Church and the Media – A Summer Intensive Course
Between the 27th and the 29th of July, an intensive course about the Church and its relation and use of the media was held at the MSSP’s Stella Maris House in Żebbuġ. The course was coordinated by the Seminary’s new prefect of studies, Rev. Fr Noel Debono. It was delivered by two speakers: Rev. Fr Daniel Sultana who holds a degree in Church Communication and the T.V. journalist Mark Laurence Zammit. The course was not addressed only to the seminarians but was open to the rest of the Gozitan clergy and the lay people involved in the Diocese’s media.
In the first day Rev. Sultana tackled the theoretical aspects of the subject. Mr Zammit led the following two days and took a more practical approach which involved hands on exercises. In today’s world, learning how to speak the language of the media is of fundamental importance to the Church. The media is the place where people meet and thus the Church should be present in this space to make Christ’s message heard and known.
Priestly and Diaconal Ordination at Ta’ Pinu Sanctuary
On the 19th of June, a priest and two deacons were ordained. Deacon Mario Mercieca from the parish of the Cathedral of the Assumption of Our Lady, Victoria was ordained a priest. Andrew Grima from the Parish of St Lawrence Martyr, San Lawrenz and Bro. Etienne Gilson of the Franciscan Conventuals were ordained deacons.
The ordination took place at the parvis of Ta’ Pinu Sanctuary at 5.30pm, by the hands of H.L. Mgr Mario Grech, Apostolic Administrator for Gozo. Present also was the Bishop-elect Mgr Anton Teuma.
Prayer Vigil before the Priestly and Diaconal Ordination
Yesterday, was a busy day for the Seminary. Whilst awaiting the news of the appointment of Fr Anton Teuma as the new Bishop of Gozo, the seminary community was making preparations for the prayer vigil which took place in the evening. The vigil, held at the seminary hall, was a moment of prayer as preparation for the Priestly and Diaconal Ordination which is to take place tomorrow at Ta’ Pinu National Sanctuary.
This year, due to the Covid-19 circumstances, only a very limited number of people could attend the vigil. However, the vigil was transmitted live on the social media of the Diocese and the Seminary.
The three ordinands for this year are: Rev. Mario Mercieca for priestly ordination and the Bro. Etienne Gilson and seminarian Andrew Grima for diaconal ordination.
Fr Anton Teuma – The New Bishop of Gozo
Fr Anton Teuma has been named bishop by His Holiness Pope Francis and will succeed Mgr Mario Grech as the ninth bishop of the Diocese of Gozo. The Apostolic Nuncio H.E. Alessandro D’Errico made the announcement at the Ta’ Pinu Sanctuary today at noon. Afterwards, the bishop-elect visited our Seminary.
During his priesthood, Fr Teuma has been quite close to the Seminary. Apart from having served as rector for ten years, between 1997 and 2007, he is also a member of the Seminary board and lecturer.
Profession of Faith and Oath of Fidelity
This morning, during mass at 7.00am, in the Immaculate Conception Chapel of our Seminary, the deacon Mario Mercieca and the seminarian Andrew Grima made their profession of faith and oath of fidelity in the presence of H.L. Mgr Mario Grech, Apostolic Administrator for the Diocese of Gozo. This was done in view of their presbiteral and diaconal ordination, respectively, which is to be held on the 19 of June at the National Sanctuary of Our Lady of Ta’ Pinu.
In his homily, Bishop Grech, spoke about doubt in pursuing one’s vocation.
Certainty is wonderful; but as much as it is necessary it may be of a disadvantage. When one feels certain of himself, one does not feel the necessity to question more and thus certainty may become an obstacle for one to continue growing. From you who are approaching Sacred Orders, one expects that you are certain of the step you are going to make; but I would appreciate it if in you there was a little doubt. When I was still at the Seminary, the Servant of God, Fr Mikiel Attard used to tell us that before the Ordination, it was enough for one to have “reasonable conviction”. There is no need of absolute certainty, indeed it is better not to have this certainty, because this would mean a great blockage for one to become more mature in his vocation. Lack of doubt conceives in one the presumption that he knows everything.
Bishop Mario Grech
A new Vice-Rector and Prefect of Studies for our Seminary
Today, the Apostolic Administrator for the Diocese of Gozo, H.L. Mons. Mario Grech, nominated a new Vice-Rector and Prefect of Studies for our Seminary. As of 1st June 2020, our Seminary would have Fr Samuel Grech as Vice-Rector and Fr Noel Debono, as Prefect of Studies. The community would like to thank Fr Gabriel Gauci who formerly had these roles. Whilst wishing them well, we continue accompanying them in prayer.