
Beginning of a new year of formation

On Friday 6th October, a new year of formation was officially started at the Seminary. At 6.00pm, H.L. Mgr Anton Teuma led a meeting for the academic staff of the Seminary. Afterwards, at 7.00pm, the Bishop presided the Holy Sacrifice of Mass, with special prayers to the Holy Spirit to enlighten the minds of all those involved in the formation given at the Seminary. The members of the Seminary formation team, as well as several lecturers who are priests, concelebrated with the Bishop. Also present were the seminarians, the students of the Franciscans Minor receiving the academic formation in the Seminary, some of the seminarians’ relatives, the Seminary’s community of Franciscan Sisters, and the employees and volunteers of the Seminary.

At the end of the Mass, Mons. Teuma, delivered his thanks to three lecturers who will be finishing their work in the Seminary: Mgr George Borg who taught Psychology for the past 46 years, Mgr Saviour Grima who taught Fundamental and Dogmatic Theology for the past 47 years, and Mgr Lawrence Sciberras who taught Holy Scripture for the past 45 years. On behalf of the Seminary community, the Bishop presented to each of these three priests a commemorative plaque and also an icon of Our Lady. At the end of the celebration, the three ex-lecturers also delivered their message.

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