On Monday, 24th September 2012, the community of the Seminary was reunited for a new year of formation. During the summer the community had met on a number of occasions. Such an occasion was when Seminarian Gabriel Gauci, from the Kerċem Parish of Our Lady of Help and of St. Gregory, was ordained deacon on Friday 22nd June, at the Gozo Cathedral. On Monday 24th June, a holy Mass was celebrated at the Convent of the Franciscan Sisters at Marsalforn. The newly ordained priests and deacon participated. Towards mid-summer, the seminarians got together for a day of reflection and prayer, led by Rev. Carmel Gauci. This took place on 8th August at Dar Stella Maris at Żebbuġ. During the last week of their holidays, the seminarians gave a helping hand in cleaning and preparing the Seminary for a new year of formation.

On their first day at the seminary, the seminarians participated in the celebration of the Eucharist. Later they shared the different experiences which each of them had had during summer. In the evening they went to Marsalforn for a barbeque. During the barbeque they welcomed Fr Alex Refalo as the new spiritual director for the community. He was to replace Fr Joseph Farrugia who had had been spiritual director for the community for the last five years. On the morrow, Tuesday 25th, and up to Saturday 29th, the community was at Dar il-Lunzjata in Rabat, Malta, for the beginning-of-year spiritual retreat. The retreat was led by Fr Tony Sciberras.
Life at the Seminary returned to normal by Monday 1st October. The new academic year began by the Holy Mass of the Holy Spirit, led by H.E. Mgr Bishop Mario Grech. The lecturers and relatives of the seminarians joined this celebration of the Holy Eucharist.