
Request for ordination (17)It-Tnejn 8 ta’ April 2013 ġiet iċċelebrata s-Solennità tat-Tħabbira tal-Mulej (din ġiet trasferita mit-Tnejn 25 ta’ Marzu peress li ħabtet fil-Ġimgħa Mqaddsa).  Dakinhar s-seminaristi rritornaw fis-Seminarju mill-vaganzi tal-Għid għall-aħħar ġimgħat ta’ formazzjoni għal din is-sena.  Fl-okkażjoni ta’ din il-festa, filgħaxija, il-komunità ngħaqdet mal-pellegrini li żaru l-kappella tal-Lunzjata fir-Rabat, u magħhom iċċelebrat l-Ewkaristija.




Request for ordination (8)

Ir-Rettur tas-Seminarju, Dun Daniel Xerri, mexxa l-Quddiesa.  Hu bena l-omelija tiegħu fuq il-versett li ġie rrepetut fis-Salm Responsorjali: “Hawn jien, Mulej, ġej nagħmel ir-rieda tiegħek”.  Hi din ir-risposta, mgħixa fil-ħajja ta’ kuljum li timla bil-ferħ u l-paċi ’l-qalb tal-bniedem.  Hekk seħħ fil-ħajja kollha ta’ Ġesù, speċjalment fl-Ort tal-Ġetsemani.  Ġesù għex il-mument tal-Kalvarju b’paċi tal-qalb għaliex b’konvinzjoni għaraf jaċċetta r-rieda tal-Missier, u kien kommess li jwettaq din ir-rieda sal-aħħar.  L-istess ġara fil-ħajja ta’ Marija.  Hija wkoll wieġbet fl-affermattiv għall-missjoni kbira li Alla għoġbu jħabbrilha permezz tal-anġlu Gabrijel.  Ir-Rettur fakkar lil dawk preżenti li dawn il-personaġġi għandhom ikunu mudelli għal kull wieħed minna.  Aħna wkoll għandna nfittxu li nwettqu r-rieda ta’ Alla b’mod sħiħ fil-ħajja tagħna.

Request for ordination (11)Fi tmiem it-talb tal-fidili r-Rettur sejjaħ lid-Djaknu Gabriel Gauci sabiex jippreżenta t-talba tiegħu għall-ordinazzjoni presbiterali u lis-Seminarista Daniel Sultana biex jippreżenta t-talba għall-ordinazzjoni djakonali.  Huma għamlu dan filwaqt li l-kongregazzjoni ngħaqdet magħhom f’talba fis-skiet.


Request for ordination (17)The Solemnity of the Annunciation was celebrated on Monday, 8th April 2013, after being transferred from Monday, 25th March, which fell during the Holy Week.  On that day the seminarians returned to the Seminary following the Easter Holidays.  They were about to start the remaining weeks of formation for present scholastic year.  On the occasion of this feast, the community joined the many pilgrims who visited the Chapel of the Annunciation, at Rabat, and celebrated the Eucharist.

Request for ordination (8)

Fr Daniel Xerri, Rector of the Seminary, led the celebration.  He based his homily on the Responsorial Psalm: “Here I am, o Lord, I am coming to do your will”.  It is this answer which we put to action in our everyday life and which fills our heart with happiness and peace.  This is what Jesus did throughout his life, especially in the Garden of Gethsemane.  Jesus passed through Calvary in serenity since He accepted with a strong conviction the will of the Father and He was committed to follow this will to the very end.  Our Lady acted in the same way.  She too accepted willingly the great mission that God announced to her through the angel Gabriel.  The Rector reminded the congregation that these personalities should be a model to all of us.  We too should try to follow God’s will thoroughly in our life.

Request for ordination (11)At the end of the Prayers of the Faithful, the Rector called Deacon Gabriel Gauci to present his request for his ordination to the priesthood and Seminarian Daniel Sultana to present his request for his ordination as deacon.  The congregation joined them in silent prayers.


Poster Mysterium UltimumIs-Seminarju Maġġuri tal-Qalb ta’ Ġesù, bil-kollaborazzjoni tal-Aħwa Ħbieb tas-Seminarju, għal sena oħra, fil-jiem tal-Ġimgħa Mqaddsa, ħa ħsieb itella’ wirja ta’ arti sagra fis-Sala tal-istess Seminarju.  Din l-esibizzjoni tkun imħejjija minn xi artist lokali: din is-sena ntgħażel Aaron Formosa.

Aaron Formosa twieled fil-Belt Victoria fl-1980 u hu kiseb l-M.A. fil-Filosofija mill-Università ta’ Malta.  Hu bażikament tgħallem ipitter waħdu u x-xogħlijiet tiegħu jinsabu f’diversi kollezzjonijiet f’Malta u anke barra minn Malta.  Aaron ħa sehem f’diversi esibizzjonijiet tal-arti, imma Mysterium Ultimum hi l-ewwel esibizzjoni tal-arti mtella’ minnu b’mod individwali.

Il-wirja ġiet miftuħa minn Mons. Isqof Mario Grech, nhar is-Sibt 23 ta’ Marzu 2013.  Dakinhar ir-Rettur tas-Seminarju, Fr Daniel Xerri, introduċa din l-inizjattiva u stqarr li fil-kollezzjoni tiegħu, Aaron Formosa rnexxielu joħroġ tajjeb ħafna l-kobor tal-misteru tal-Għid.  Hu spjega li l-isem tal-esibizzjoni ġie meħud mir-riflessjoni tat-Teologu Kattoliku, Karl Rahner, li sejjaħ il-misteru paskwali: Mysterium Ultimum, il-misteru fundamentali.

Mysterium Ultimum (3)Fi tmiem l-introduzzjoni tar-Rettur, l-artist innifsu, Aaron Formosa spjega l-messaġġ li jixtieq li joħroġ mill-arti tiegħu, speċjalment dik li kienet esibita fil-wirja.  Imbagħad, Joe Camilleri ġie mistieden biex jagħmel apprezzament tal-biċċiet tal-arti esibiti.  Mons. Isqof għalaq billi stqarr li l-arti tista’ tkun mezz tajjeb ħafna biex issir l-evanġelizzazzjoni l-ġdida.  Hu ħeġġeġ għalhekk sabiex dawn l-opportunitajiet li qed joffri s-Seminarju jkunu mezz biex jgħinu lill-bniedem ikompli jersaq aktar lejn Alla.  Fi tmiem id-diskors tiegħu Mons. Isqof iddikkjara l-wirja miftuħa.  L-esibizzjoni baqgħet miftuħa sal-Erbgħa 3 ta’ April.


Poster Mysterium UltimumThe Sacred Heart of Jesus Major Seminary, with the collaboration of the Aħwa Ħbieb tas-Seminarju, has again hosted a collection of sacred art in the hall of the same Seminary.  This exhibition is usually put up by a local artist: this year it was the turn of Aaron Formosa.

Aaron Formosa was born in 1980 at Victoria, Gozo.   He read for Master of Arts in Philosophy at the University of Malta.  Basically he is a self-taught artist and his works form part of various collections both in Malta and abroad.  Mr Formosa took part in many art exhibitions, but Mysterium Ultimum is the first art exhibition put up by Mr Formosa on his own.

The exhibition was inaugurated by Mgr Bishop Mario Grech, on Saturday 23rd March 2013.  Fr Daniel Xerri, Rector of the Seminary, gave a welcoming talk.  He said that in his collection, Aaron Formosa succeeded in exploring well the greatness of the mystery of Easter.  He explained that the exhibition took its name from the reflections of the Catholic Theologian, Karl Rahner, who called the Easter Mystery: Mysterium Ultimum, the fundamental mystery.

Mysterium Ultimum (3)Following the introductory speech by the Rector, the artist himself explained the message that he wanted his works of art to evoke, especially the works of art presented in the exhibition.  Then Mr Joe Camilleri was invited to give an appreciation of the exhibited works of art.  In his concluding speech, Mgr Bishop Grech stated that art can be an effective means for a new type of evangelisation.  He augured that these opportunities that are being offered by the Seminary will be a means by which man can continue to feel closer to God.  After his speech, Mgr Bishop Grech declared the exhibition open.  The exhibition was open to the public till Wednesday, 3rd April.


CruxifixNhar il-Ġimgħa 22 ta’ Marzu ġiet iċċelebrata t-tifkira devozzjonali ta’ Marija Addolorata.  Waranofsinhar is-seminaristi kellhom l-opportunità li jmorru fil-parroċċi tagħhom biex jiċċelebraw din il-festa flimkien mal-komunitajiet tagħhom.

Nhar Ħadd il-Palm, 24 ta’ Marzu, wara li filgħodu s-seminaristi taw is-servizz tagħhom fil-Katidral, huma nġabru f’Dar Stella Maris, fiż-Żebbuġ, għall-irtir tagħhom.  Din is-sena l-irtir tmexxa minn Fr Martin Micallef OFM Cap.  Hu ħeġġeġ lis-seminaristi sabiex iħallu l-irtir ikun għalihom opportunità ta’ laqgħa mal-ħniena ta’ Alla u konsegwenzjalment mument ta’ konverżjoni.  L-irtir ġie fi tmiemu l-Erbgħa 27 ta’ Marzu permezz tal-ikel ta’ nofsinhar.

Wara l-irtir is-seminaristi ngħaqdu mal-familjari tagħhom għal ħmistax ta’ waqfa  u mistrieħ.  Fiċ-ċelebrazzjonijiet liturġiċi tat-Tridu Mqaddes tal-Għid huma taw is-servizz tagħhom fil-Katidral.  Is-seminaristi għandhom jirritornaw is-Seminarju nhar it-Tnejn 8 ta’ April.

CruxifixOn Friday 22nd March, the Church commemorated the feast of Our Lady of Sorrows.  In the afternoon the seminarians left the Seminary to visit their parish where they celebrated this feast with their community.

On Palm Sunday, 24th March, after serving at the Cathedral in the morning, the seminarians met at Dar Stella Maris at Żebbug for a spiritual retreat, led by Fr Martin Micallef OFM Cap.  Fr Micallef urged the seminarians to let this retreat be an opportunity to embrace Divine Mercy and consequently be a moment of conversion.  The spiritual retreat ended on Wednesday 27th March, after the midday lunch.

The seminarians could then join their families for a fifteen-day holiday.  During the liturgical celebrations of the Pascal Triduum, the seminarians served at the Cathedral.  They will return to the Seminary on Monday, 8th April.

St Joseph statueHija drawwa sabiħa li fis-seminarju tagħna tiġi ċċelebrata bħala festa komunitarja s-solennità ta’ San Ġużepp, ħarries ta’ Ġesù u raġel ta’ Marija.  Barra minn dan, lejliet u nhar id-19 ta’ Marzu s-seminaristi taw s-servizz tagħhom fil-Katidral matul iċ-ċelebrazzjonijiet immexxija minn Mons. Isqof.

Fl-okkażjoni ta’ din il-festa wkoll, is-Sibt 16 ta’ Marzu, il-lecturers iltaqgħu fis-Seminarju għal laqgħa flimkien ma’ Mons. Isqof u wara ngħaqdu mal-komunità għall-ikel ta’ nofsinhar.



Id-19 ta’ Marzu 2013 se jibqa’ mfakkar bħala l-bidu tal-ministeru Petrin tal-Papa Franġisku.  Tul il-ġranet tal-konklavi l-komunità tas-Seminarju ngħaqdet mal-Knisja fit-talb għall-għażla tal-papa l-ġdid.  Aħna segwejna b’attenzjoni ċ-ċerimonji u l-istennija ta’ din l-aħbar permezz tal-mezzi tat-televiżjoni u l-internet; speċjalment nhar l-Erbgħa 13 ta’ Marzu filgħaxija, meta nġbarna flimkien quddiem it-televiżjoni biex nilqgħu lil Papa Franġisku.

St Joseph statueIt is a custom for our seminary to celebrate the feast of St Joseph, carer of Jesus and husband of Mary.  On the eve of the feast and on the feast day, the seminarians served at the Cathedral during the celebrations led by the Bishop.

As part of the celebrations, our lecturers met the Bishop at the Seminary on 16th March and later joined the community for lunch.


The 19th March 2013 is a special day since it witnessed the beginning of the Papal ministry of Pope Francis.  During the days of the conclave our community joined the Church at prayer for the election of a new Pope.  We followed the events on television and internet, especially on Wednesday evening, 13th March, when we followed the media to welcome the new Pope.

Sports day (5)

Għat-tieni sena konsekuttiva s-seminaristi ħadu ħsieb jorganizzaw sports day għall-abbatini u għall-istudenti tal-vokazzjonijiet tad-djoċesi.  Din saret fil-festa ta’ San Ġużepp, it-Tlieta 19 ta’ Marzu.

Għadd ta’ tfal u adoloxxenti nġabru fis-Seminarju fid-9.00am.  L-attività bdiet permezz ta’ mument ta’ talb immexxi minn Fr Joseph Curmi.  Wara li l-parteċipanti ġew imqassma f’erba’ gruppi, ingħata bidu għal-logħob.  F’12.00pm saret waqfa qasira u sar it-tqassim ta’ snack.  Il-logħob spiċċa fis-2.00pm permezz tal-logħba tant mistennija: it-tug-of-war.

Fi tmiem din il-ġurnata sabiħa tqassmet tifkira lil kull min attenda, magħmula mis-seminaristi stess.  L-abbatini kellhom l-opportunità li jiltaqgħu mas-seminaristi f’ambjent differenti minn dak li soltu jiltaqgħu magħhom.  Kellhom ukoll il-possibbiltà li jiltaqgħu mal-abbatini ta’ parroċċi oħrajn u magħhom jaħdmu f’team-work għal għan wieħed.



Sports day (5)For the second consecutive year the seminarians organised a sports day for altar boys and for members of the Groups for the Promotion of Vocations.  This activity was held on Tuesday 19th March, feast of St Joseph.

A number of children and youths met at 9.00am at the Seminary.  The activity started with a short prayer meeting led by Fr Joseph Curmi.  The participants were then grouped into four teams and then took part in the various games organised for them.  At noon the participants stopped for a snack.  The activity ended at 2.00pm with a tug-of-war.

All the participants received a memento, prepared by the seminarians.  During this activity the altar boys met the seminarians in a different environment from the one in which they usually meet. They also had the opportunity of teaming up with altar boys from other parishes.


Vocational ActivitiesMatul is-sena jiġu organizzati attivitajiet differenti għall-membri tal-gruppi tal-vokazzjonijiet u għall-abbatini.  Żmien ir-Randan kien mument opportun biex jiġu organizzati attivitajiet djoċesani għall-istudenti tal-vokazzjonijiet.  Nhar it-Tlieta 5 ta’ Marzu lqajna fostna numru sabiħ ta’ studenti tal-form 5 li għexu mas-seminaristi ftit mumenti mill-programm tas-seminarju: mument ta’ talb, l-ikel ta’ filgħaxija, u ħin ta’ mistrieħ.

Bejn il-Ħadd 3 u l-Ġimgħa 8 ta’ Marzu saret ġimgħa ta’ talb għall-vokazzjonijiet fil-parroċċa tal-Qala.  Il-mumenti prinċipali matul din il-ġimgħa kienu l-Adorazzjoni tal-Ħamis li tmexxiet minn żewġ seminaristi, u l-laqgħa mat-tfal tad-duttrina u l-quddiesa ċċelebrata fil-knisja parrokkjali l-Ġimgħa.

Vocational Activities (9)Ta’ kull ġimgħa, fil-parroċċi tagħna, diversi studenti jiltaqgħu għal-laqgħa tal-vokazzjonijiet.  Nhar is-Sibt 16 ta’ Marzu, dawn l-istudenti, li huma bejn il-form 1 u 4, iltaqgħu lkoll flimkien fis-seminarju għal laqgħa waħda li tmexxiet mis-seminaristi.  Fi tmiem il-laqgħa l-istudenti kellhom logħba futbol flimkien.


Vocational ActivitiesThroughout the year, various activities are organised for members of Groups for the Promotion of Vocations and for altar boys.  During Lent, such activities were held in the diocese for members of these groups.  On Tuesday, 5th March, the Seminary hosted a number of Form 5 students who joined us during prayer time and leisure activities and at supper.

Between Sunday and Friday, 3rd – 8th March, prayers for vocations were held at the parish of Qala.  The climax of the week was reached on two occasions: the first was on Thursday when two seminarians led the Adoration of the Holy Eucharist, and the second on Friday, when children who attend religious centres met at the parish church where Mass was celebrated.

Vocational Activities (9)Every week, our parishes host meetings for students who form part of Groups for the Promotion of Vocations.  These students are in forms 1 to 4 of Secondary Schools.  On Saturday 16th March, the students joined the seminarians for a meeting at the Seminary.  At the end of the meeting the students played football.
