
Ordinands' vows (4)Il-programm tas-Sibt 11 ta’ Mejju ħa xejra differenti minn tas-soltu.  Il-komunità sebħet kmieni u wettqet pellegrinaġġ għas-Santwarju Ta’ Pinu fl-Għarb.  L-atmosfera kalma ta’ filgħodu għenet biex nitolbu t-talba tant mixtieqa minn Ommna Marija, ir-Rużarju.  Dun Alex Refalo ħeġġiġna biex fir-Rużarju nitolbu għall-ordinandi u anke għalina lkoll biex nagħrfu naqtgħu l-frott li l-Mulej kabbar fina tul din is-sena.

Mal-wasla Ta’ Pinu l-komunità nġabret fil-kappella tad-dehra u hemm ġiet iċċelebrata l-quddiesa.  Wara x-xandir tal-Evanġelju; b’id waħda fuq il-Kelma ta’ Alla, quddiem ix-xbieha tal-Assunzjoni ta’ Marija, u fil-preżenza tal-Ewkristija, is-Seminarista Daniel Sultana stqarr il-Fidi tiegħu, wiegħed l-ubbidjenza u l-fedeltà għat-tagħlim tal-Knisja, u wiegħed ukoll li bil-għajnuna ta’ Alla se jħaddan il-ħajja ċelibi.  Wara, id-Djaknu Gabriel Gauci stqarr il-Fidi tiegħu u ġedded il-wegħdiet li hu kien għamel is-sena l-oħra, qabel ġie ordnat djaknu.

Ordinands' vows (10)Gabriel Gauci se jiġi ordnat saċerdot fil-Katidral ta’ Għawdex is-Sibt 25 ta’ Mejju fis-6.00pm.  Filwaqt li Daniel Sultana se jiġi ordnat djaknu fil-Katidral is-Sibt 22 ta’ Ġunju fis-6.00pm.  Il-Ġimgħa 24 ta’ Mejju se ssir velja ta’ talb għall-ordinandi fis-Seminarju tal-Qalb ta’ Ġesù fid-9.00pm.  Fi tmiemha Ġesù Ewkaristija se jibqa’ espost lejl sħiħ fil-kappella tas-Seminarju.  Kulħadd hu mistieden jingħaqad magħna fit-talb għal sħabna Gabriel u Daniel li se joffru ħajjithom lil Alla u għall-qadi tal-Knisja tiegħu.


Ordinands' vows (4)

The programme of Saturday 11th May was different from other programmes we usually follow.  The community woke up early and set off on a pilgrimage to the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Ta’ Pinu at Għarb.  The calm atmosphere of the early morning accompanied us in our saying of the Rosary, the prayer which the Virgin Mother wants us to recite.  Fr Alex Refalo urged us to pray for the ordinands and also for ourselves so that we reap the fruit of our endeavours of the past year.

On arriving at Ta’ Pinu we gathered in the chapel for the celebration of the Mass.  Following the reading from the Gospels, Seminarian Daniel Sultana placed his hand on the Bible, and in front of the image of the Assumption of the Holy Virgin and in the presence of the Holy Eucharist, he proclaimed his faith and promised obedience and faithfulness to the teaching of the Church.  He also promised to embrace celibacy while humbly imploring God’s help.  Then, Deacon Gabriel Gauci proclaimed his faith and renewed the promises he had made last year, before his ordination as deacon.

Ordinands' vows (10)Gabriel Gauci is to be ordained priest on Saturday 25th May at 6.00pm at the Gozo Cathedral.  The ordination of Daniel Sultana as deacon is to be held on Saturday 22nd June at 6.00pm at the Gozo Cathedral.  On Friday 24th May, there is going to be an evening of prayer for the ordinands at the Seminary.  The evening of prayer will start at 9.00pm.  The adoration of the Holy Eucharist will continue throughout the night at the chapel of the Seminary.  Everybody is invited to join us in prayer for our companions, Gabriel and Daniel, who will be offering their life in service to God and to his Church.


The Exhibition Redemptione (7)Nhar il-Ħamis 9 ta’ Mejju filgħaxija Mons. Isqof Mario Grech u l-Ministru għal Għawdex, l-Onor. Anton Refalo, ingħaqdu mal-komunità tas-Seminarju għall-ftuħ tal-wirja Redemptione li qed tittella’ fl-okkażjoni tas-Sena tal-Fidi.  Din ġiet organizzata mill-Kummissjoni Djoċesana tal-Arti Sagra f’kollaborazzjoni mas-Seminarju tal-Qalb ta’ Ġesù.

L-ewwel parti ta’ din il-wirja ttellgħet fi żmien il-Milied u ġabet l-isem Incarnatione.  Kif jixhdu t-titli: il-wirja ta’ Diċembru li għadda ppreżentat il-misteru tal-Inkarnazzjoni filwaqt li dik ta’ issa ttrattat il-misteru tal-mewt u l-qawmien ta’ Sidna Ġesù Kristu.  Wieħed jista’ jsib diversi xogħlijiet tal-arti sagra esibiti f’din il-wirja.  Fr Joseph Calleja, mill-Kummissjoni Djoċesana tal-Arti Sagra, fil-ftuħ tal-wirja, spjega tajjeb li dawn ix-xogħlijiet sagri nġabu minn diversi knejjes Għawdxin u anke minn xi kollezzjonijiet privati f’Għawdex.

News feed 37.12-13 Wirja FlyerDakinhar tal-ftuħ Fr Daniel Xerri, ir-Rettur tas-Seminarju, wera l-apprezzament tiegħu li għal darboħra s-sala tas-Seminarju ntgħażlet biex tilqa’ fiha għal esibizzjoni xogħlijiet tal-arti daqstant sbieħ.  Min-naħa tiegħu, il-Ministru għal Għawdex, l-Onor. Anton Refalo, tkellem mir-rabta sħiħa li hemm bejn il-fidi u l-kultura.  Hu qal li l-fidi Kattolika kellha u għad għandha sehem imprezzabli fil-formazzjoni tal-kultura Maltija u Għawdxija.  Il-Ministru spiċċa billi wera x-xewqa li aktar żgħażagħ Għawdxin ikomplu jitħarrġu fl-arti.  Mons. Isqof apprezza li l-Ministru għal Għawdex tkellem mir-rabta tal-fidi u l-kultura.  Min-naħa tiegħu żied li l-kultura hi mistiedna biex tgħin lill-persuna tikber fil-fidi u fl-esperjenza tagħha ta’ Alla.

Il-wirja Redemptione se tibqa’ miftuħa sal-Ħadd 19 ta’ Mejju.



The Exhibition Redemptione (7)On Thursday 9th May, Bishop Mario Grech and the Hon. Anton Refalo, Minister for Gozo, joined the community of the Seminary for the inauguration of the exhibition Redemptione, on the occasion of the Year of Faith.  This exhibition has been launched by the Diocesan Commission for Works of Sacred Art in collaboration with the Seminary of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.  The first part of this exhibition, Incarnatione, was held at Christmas time.  From the title of both exhibitions, one can deduce that the first one presented the mystery of the Incarnation while the second presents the mystery of the death and resurrection of Our Lord.  The exhibition hosts various works of sacred art.  In the inauguration speech, Fr Joseph Calleja, from the Diocesan Commission for Works of Sacred Art, explained that these works of art have been brought to the exhibition from various churches in Gozo and also from private collections.

News feed 37.12-13 Wirja FlyerFr Daniel Xerri, Rector of the Seminary, expressed his appreciation of the fact that for the umpteenth time the Seminary Hall had been chosen to host such an exhibition of precious works of sacred art.  The Hon. Anton Refalo, Minister for Gozo, talked about the close link between faith and culture.  He said that the Catholic Religion has always played an invaluable role in the culture of Malta and Gozo.  He expressed his wish of seeing more Gozitan young people being trained in Arts.  Bishop Mario Grech welcomed the link drawn by the Minister of Gozo between faith and culture and he explained that through culture, the individual can grow in faith and in his experience of God.

The exhibition will remain open up to Sunday 19th May.



Prayer for Vocations at the Parish of St Lawrence (2)Il-komunità tas-Seminarju organizzat ġimgħa ta’ talb għall-vokazzjonijiet fil-parroċċa ta’ San Lawrenz, f’San Lawrenz Għawdex bejn il-Ħadd 5 u l-Ġimgħa 10 ta’ Mejju.  Din kienet l-aħħar waħda għal din is-sena ta’ formazzjoni.  L-ewwel waħda saret fil-parroċċa tal-Viżitazzjoni fl-Għarb (f’Novembru li għadda) u l-oħra saret fil-parroċċa ta’ San Ġużepp u l-Kunċizzjoni fil-Qala (f’Marzu 2013).

Ta’ kuljum saret talba għall-vokazzjonijiet fil-quddies.  Il-Ħamis 9 ta’ Mejju, żewġ seminaristi marru jkellmu lit-tfal tad-duttrina fiċ-Ċentru Parrokkjali.  Huma qasmu magħhom riflessjonijiet fuq is-sejħa li Alla għandu għal kull wieħed minna.  Wara tkellmu wkoll fuq l-esperjenza tal-vokazzjoni tagħhom.  Fl-istess ġurnata, filgħaxija, żewġ seminaristi oħra flimkien mad-djaknu Gabriel, ingħaqdu mal-komunità parrokkjali fl-adorazzjoni għall-vokazzjonijiet li ssir ta’ kull ġimgħa.

Prayer for Vocations at the Parish of St Lawrence (6)Il-Ġimgħa 10 ta’ Mejju l-komunità kollha tas-Seminarju flimkien mal-formators mexxew il-quddiesa ta’ filgħaxija fil-knisja parrokkjali.  Ir-Rettur waqt l-omelija stqarr li fil-missjoni tiegħu s-saċerdot faċilment jaħbat jaqta’ qalbu u jħossu waħdu.  Imma Ġesù, min-naħa tiegħu, wiegħdna li se jibqa’ magħna sat-tmiem.  Hu ħeġġeġ għalhekk lill-poplu ta’ Alla biex isostnu bit-talb tagħhom lill-presbiteri, biex dawn jiftakru dejjem li l-għalqa hi tal-Mulej u mhux tagħhom.  Hekk huma jkunu dejjem aktar konxji tal-preżenza ta’ Alla fil-ħajja tagħhom.


Prayer for Vocations at the Parish of St Lawrence (2)From Sunday 5th May to Friday 10th May, the community of the Seminary organised a week of prayer for vocations at the parish of Saint Lawrence.  This was the last week of prayer for this year of formation.  The first week of prayer was held in November at the parish of The Visitation in Għarb and the second one was held in March at the parish of Saint Joseph and the Immaculate Conception in Qala.

Prayers for vocations were said daily during Mass.  On Thursday 9thMay two seminarians gave talks to children who attend religious lessons at the parochial centre.  They reflected on God’s call to each and every one of us, focusing mainly on their own vocation and experiences.  In the afternoon of the same day, two other seminarians, together with Deacon Gabriel, joined the parochial community in an hour of prayer for vocations.

Prayer for Vocations at the Parish of St Lawrence (6)On Friday 10th May, the community of the Seminary and the formators celebrated the evening Mass at the parochial church.  During the homily, the Rector said that often, the priest has nobody to share the burden of his mission with him and he can easily be disheartened.  However, Jesus has promised to be with us till the end of time.  The Rector urged the people of God to include the priests in their prayers so that the priests will never forget that they are in the service of the Lord.  In this way, the priests will never ignore the presence of God in their life.




Holiday in Malta (6)Ta’ kull sena, fl-okkażjoni tal-festa ta’ San Ġużepp Ħaddiem, il-komunità tas-Seminarju flimkien mal-formators, jieħdu ġurnata ta’ mistrieħ f’Malta.  Hekk sar ukoll din is-sena, nhar l-Erbgħa 1 ta’ Mejju.

L-ewwel tlajna l-Belt Valletta u żorna l-Prokatidral Anglikan ta’ San Pawl.  Din iż-żjara saret frott l-istedina tal-Kanċillier Rev. Can. Simon Godfrey, li f’Jannar li għadda ta lecture lis-seminaristi Għawdxin fuq il-Knisja Anglikana.  Il-Kanċillier laqagħna tajjeb ħafna u fissrilna l-istorja tal-Prokatidral u tal-Anglikaniżmu f’Malta.

Holiday in Malta (8)F’nofsinhar żorna s-Seminarju Tal-Virtù u hemm il-komunità tas-Seminarju tal-Arċidjoċesi laqgħetna għall-ikel.  Fi tmiem l-ikel iċċelebrajna l-Ewkaristija fil-kappella ta’ Ġesù r-Ragħaj it-Tajjeb, fis-Seminarju.  Fil-quddiesa ngħaqadna fit-talb mal-komunità parrokkjali taż-Żejtun li kienet qed tiċċelebra l-funeral tal-Arċipriet tagħha, Dun Eric Overend.



Holiday in Malta (6)On Wednesday, 1st May, on the occasion of the feast of St Joseph the Worker the formators and the community of the Seminary spent a day in Malta.

Our first visit was to the Anglican Pro-cathedral of St Paul.  Chancellor Rev. Can. Simon had forwarded the invitation during a visit to our Seminary last January when he delivered a lecture to the Gozitan seminarians on the Anglican Church.  We were warmly welcomed by the Chancellor who explained to us the history of the Pro-cathedral and of Anglicanism in Malta.

Holiday in Malta (8)

We then visited the Seminary at Tal-Virtù where we stayed for lunch.  Later, we celebrated the Holy Eucharist in the chapel at the Seminary.  This chapel is dedicated to Jesus, The Good Shepherd.  At Mass, we joined in prayer the parochial community of Żejtun, which, at the time, was holding the funeral service for its Archpriest, Fr Eric Overend.




Daniel Sultana accepted as candidate for the Ordination as DeaconNhar il-Ħadd 21 ta’ April, ġie ċċelebrat fil-Knisja Kattolika l-ħamsin jum dinji ta’ talb għall-vokazzjonijiet.  F’din l-okkażjoni l-komunità tas-Seminarju nġabret fil-knisja parrokkjali taż-Żebbuġ, flimkien ma’ Mons. Isqof Mario Grech u mal-komunità parrokkjali taż-Żebbuġ għal Ċelebrazzjoni tal-Kelma ta’ Alla u għar-Rit tal-Ammissjoni ta’ Daniel Sultana.

Wara li nqrat silta mit-Testment il-Qadim u oħra mill-Evanġelju, Daniel Sultana qasam l-esperjenza vokazzjonali tiegħu ma’ dawk preżenti.  Daniel stqarr li Alla, fil-konfront tiegħu għamel bħalma għamel mal-Profeta Ġeremija: għarfu u għażlu sa minn qabel ġie msawwar fil-ġuf ta’ ommu.  Dan hu l-kobor ta’ Alla u tas-sejħat tiegħu: hu ma jagħżilx għax il-persuna tkun għamlet xi ħaġa speċjali, imma jagħżel lill-persuna għax iħobbha, anke jekk dgħajfa.  Alla jagħżel u jitlob li l-persuna tikber fl-umanità tagħha.  Daniel irringrazzja lil Alla talli tul ħajtu, fil-familja tiegħu, fis-seminarju u fl-ambjenti li fihom trabba, tah nies li għenuh jikber bħala ‘raġel’.  Hu dan il-mod li permezz tiegħu Daniel seta’ jilqa’ s-sejħa ta’ Alla; hu dan il-mod li permezz tiegħu hu seta’ jsib il-ferħ, u li issa qed iħoss li għandu jaqsmu mal-bnedmin l-oħra.

Daniel Sultana accepted as candidate for the Ordination as Deacon (2)Mons. Isqof, fl-omelija tiegħu, ikkonferma dak li qal is-Seminarista Daniel Sultana.  Il-Knisja qed ixxandar il-messaġġ ta’ Kristu f’dinja fejn il-progress qed itellef lill-bniedem milli jkun verament uman.  Kull persuna hi msejħa għall-qdusija.  Mons. Isqof fakkarna li s-sejħa għall-qdusija trid tiġi msarrfa fil-ħajja ta’ kuljum: filli kull wieħed minna jipprova jkun aktar bniedem.  Hu rringrazzja lil Daniel li permezz tal-esperjenza tiegħu fakkarna f’din il-missjoni tas-saċerdot: li hu qabel kollox jgħix il-qdusija billi jgħix ta’ bniedem veru u integru; fl-istess ħin jaqsam il-ferħ li jiġi mill-qdusija mal-bnedmin l-oħra.  F’dan id-dawl Mons. Grech spiċċa billi fakkar lil dawk preżenti li dakinhar kien qed jiġi ċċelebrat Jum il-Vokazzjonijiet.  Ħeġġeġ għalhekk lil kull wieħed biex jitlob ħalli l-Mulej ikompli jibgħat ħaddiema, persuni qaddisin, li jkunu lesti li jkunu xhieda ta’ Kristu u qaddejja għal kull bniedem.

Fi tmiem il-ħsieb tiegħu, Mons. Mario Grech ħabbar li Daniel Sultana hu ammess uffiċjalment bħala kandidat għall-ordinazzjoni djakonali li ser issir f’Ġunju li ġej.

Daniel Sultana accepted as candidate for the Ordination as DeaconOn Sunday, April 21st, the Catholic Church celebrated the fiftieth World Day of Prayer for Vocations.  On this occasion, the parochial church of Żebbuġ hosted Bishop Mario Grech, the community of the Seminary and the parochial community of Żebbuġ for the celebration of the Word of God and for the Rite of Admission of Daniel Sultana.       

The congregation assisted first to the reading of a passage from the Old Testament and another passage from the Gospel.  Then Daniel Sultana shared with us his vocational experience.  Daniel stated that God’s attitude towards him was similar to His attitude towards Prophet Jeremiah: before he was formed in his mother’s womb, God knew him and appointed him.  The greatness of God and His calls amounts to this: God does not choose a person on the merits of his achievements; He chooses the person because He loves him, despite his weakness.  God chooses a person and helps him develop his humanity.  Daniel was grateful to God for the blessings he received during his life: his family, the seminary and the environment he grew up in.  All these helped him mature as a ‘man’.  Through this experience, Daniel was able to accept God’s call and find that happiness which he now feels he has to share with others.

Daniel Sultana accepted as candidate for the Ordination as Deacon (2)In his homily, Bishop Grech confirmed what Seminarian Daniel Sultana had just said.  The Church is proclaiming the message of Christ in a world where progress is hindering man from being truly humane.  Every person is called to holiness.  Bishop Grech reminded us that the call to holiness has to be answered in everyday life: each and every one of us should try to be more humane.  He thanked Daniel who, through his experience, reminded us of the mission of the priest: the priest lives his holiness first and foremost by being a true and honest man while sharing with others that happiness emanating from this holiness.

Bishop Grech ended his homily by reminding the congregation that that same day happened to be Vocations Day.  He urged everyone to pray so that the Lord sends more holy persons as workers ready to be witnesses of Christ and servants to all mankind.

Bishop Grech, then, proclaimed that Daniel Sultana had been officially accepted as candidate for the Ordination as Deacon.  The Ordination will be held next June.

Toledo Rector VisitTul l-aħħar jiem diversi nies żaruna fis-Seminarju.  Il-Ħamis 11 ta’ April ilqajna fostna lil saċerdot missjunarju mill-komunità tal-Missjunarji Qaddejja tal-Fqar tat-Tielet Dinja.  Hu kellimna dwar il-ħidma sabiħa li huma jwettqu bħala għaqda ta’ missjunarji fil-pajjiżi tat-tielet dinja, speċjalment fil-Perù.  Qalilna b’mod ċar li l-akbar bżonn li jeħtieġ il-bniedem, u għalhekk l-akbar rigal li wieħed jista’ jagħti lill-ieħor: hu Alla.  Għal aktar informazzjoni wieħed jista’ jżur is-sit elettroniku ta’ din il-komunità: jew facebook: Missionary Sptw-uk.

Maltese Seminarians (3)Il-Ġimgħa 12 ta’ April il-komunità tas-Seminarju tal-Arċidjoċesi ta’ Malta kienet qiegħda għal xi ġranet Għawdex.  Filgħaxija ngħaqadna flimkien magħhom fis-Santwarju tal-Madonna Ta’ Pinu fejn flimkien għamilna laqgħa ta’ talb fl-okkażjoni tas-Sena tal-Fidi.  Ir-Rettur tas-Seminarju ta’ Għawdex Dun Daniel Xerri u r-Rettur tas-Seminarju ta’ Malta Dun Jimmy Bonnici mexxew dan il-mument ta’ talb.  Dun Daniel, fil-bidu tiegħu stieden lis-seminaristi kollha sabiex iħarsu lejn Ommna Marija, f’din is-Sena tal-Fidi.  Din għandha tkun għal kull wieħed minna mudell, omm u gwida.  Bħalma hi għexet il-fidi tagħha b’mod sħiħ, hekk aħna msejħin biex bil-għajnuna u bl-interċessjoni tagħha nwettqu r-rieda ta’ Alla l-Missier sal-aħħar.

Maltese Seminarians (4)F’mument ieħor taċ-ċelebrazzjoni, Dun Jimmy wassal ukoll il-ħsieb tiegħu.  Hu rrifletta fuq is-siltiet mill-Iskrittura li ġew imxandra u tkellem fuq is-sbuħija tal-fidi, li twassal lill-persuna biex f’ħajjitha tibqa’ dejjem miftuħa għal Alla: “Kienet il-fidi li ġagħlet lil Abraham jgħammar fl-art imwiegħda, qisu barrani f’art barranija…” (Lhud 11,9).  Bħal Abraham li f’ħajtu ma waqafx jistħarreġ u jwettaq ir-rieda t’Alla, Marija wkoll f’ħajjitha fetħet b’mod sħiħ il-qalb tagħha għal Alla.  It-tweġiba li hi tat lill-anġlu Gabriel ma kinitx “hawn jien” ta’ mument: hi baqgħet tgħix din ir-risposta affermattiva tul il-ħajja kollha tagħha.  Ġesù fi tmiem il-ħajja tiegħu ried li Marija tkun l-omm ta’ kull wieħed minna.  Għalhekk, aħna rridu nemmnu li l-Madonna hi verament l-omm tagħna lkoll: għandna nagħrfu l-imħabba tagħha u eventwalment nuruha r-rispett.  Aktar ma ninfetħu għar-rieda ta’ Alla u aktar ma nfittxu l-għajnuna ta’ ommna Marija, f’ħajjitna aħna nkunu kapaċi naqdfu aktar ’il barra u fil-fond.

Il-laqgħa ta’ talb intemmet permezz tal-istqarrija tal-fidi u bl-att ta’ affidament ta’ kull wieħed minna lill-Madonna.  Lura fis-Seminarju aħna lkoll kilna flimkien u kellna wkoll iċ-ċans li nitkellmu u naqsmu l-esperjenzi tagħna ma’ xulxin.


Toledo Rector VisitIn the last few days, various personalities paid a visit to the Seminary.  On Thursday April 11th we welcomed in our midst a priest from the community Missionary Servants of the Poor of the Third World.  He talked to us about the beneficial work of his community as missionaries in Third World Countries, especially in Peru.  He said explicitly that the greatest need of mankind, and so the greatest gift that man can bestow to another, is God.  For more information one can visit the website of this community: or facebook: Missionary Sptw-uk.

Maltese Seminarians (3)During the first weeks of April, the community of the Seminary from the Archdiocese of Malta spent some days in Gozo.  On Friday evening, April 12th, we joined the community at the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Ta’ Pinu.  This evening of prayer, on the occasion of the Year of Faith, was led by Fr Daniel Xerri, Rector of the Gozo Seminary, and Fr Jimmy Bonnici, Rector of the Malta Seminary.  At the beginning of the service, Fr Daniel invited all the seminarians to put their trust in Our Lady, who should be for each and every one of us a model, a mother and a guide.  Just as she lived her faith to the full, so are we, through the intercession and with the help of Our Lady, called to do the full, the will of God the Father.

Maltese Seminarians (4)During the service, Fr Jimmy reflected on the readings from the Sacred Scripture.  He talked about the beauty of faith that makes a person always ready to open his heart to God: “By faith Abraham sojourned in the promised land as in a foreign country…” (Heb. 11,9).  Like Abraham, who in his life never stopped exploring and doing the will of God, Mary, too, embraced God entirely throughout her life.  The answer “Here I am” which she gave to the angel Gabriel was not a mere reciprocation of a greeting: her whole life was an assertion of this affirmative answer.  For this reason, we have to believe that Our Lady is really a mother to us all: we have to acknowledge her love and eventually show her respect.  The more we open ourselves to the will of God and the more we ask help from our Mother Mary, the further and deeper will we be able to strive in life.

Confession of faith and the act of self-commitment to Our Lady brought to an end the evening of prayer.  When we went back to the Seminary, we had dinner and we shared our experiences.
