
Vocational Week Qala  (5)Following a period of preparation, Vocations Week started on 15th November, at Qala Parish.This experience, which lasts from 15th to 22nd November, aims to increase awareness about priestly vocations. God is beseeched to encourage more people to work in His field.

The week started with a Mass, led by the Reverend Rector accompanied by the formators and all the priests of the parish.  Later the seminarians joined a group of adoloscents in a meeting at the parish centre.  Together they discussed themes related with religious vocations.   On 16th November, the community of the Seminary led the recitation of the Rosary at the Sanctuary of the Immaculate Conception.  The congregation included a number of children and youths.

Vocational Week Qala  (11)During the weekend, the formators took turns in attending Mass said in the parish church.  On Monday 18th November, the seminarians visited the students at the centres where cathecism lessons are held and then they started home visits to meet families with adolescents. While the seminarians on home visits, the formators will be conducting a session of Adoration of the Holy Eucharist at the Parish Chuch.



Lungo Passegio (21)

Tradizzjoni li daħlet sew fil-kalendaju tas-Seminarju hija l-lungo passeggio, li din is-sena ġiet organizzata nhar il-Ħamis, 14 ta’ Novembru. Is-seminaristi flimkien mal-formators telqu bil-mixi mis-Seminarju u mxew lwjn il-wied tar-Ramla sa ma waslu fil-bajja tar-Ramla l-Ħamra. Minn hemm imbagħad imxew mal-kosta lejn il-Qala. Il-mixja kienet ftit impennjattiva però fl-istess waqt kien mument fejn is-seminaristi setgħu jammiraw is-sbuħija tan-natura li għandna Għawdex. Nistgħu ngħidu li t-temp kien favorevoli għax wara jiem ta’ maltemp, il-Ħamis ħareġ jum xemxi li għen sabiex il-mixja tkun waħda sabiħa.


Lungo Passegio (21)

One of the Seminary’s long-standing traditions is the Lungo Passeggio.  This year, it took place on Thursday, 14th November.  The seminarians and their formators left the Seminary for Ramla Valley and reached Ramla Bay.  Then they proceeded along the coast to Qala.  The hike was rather challenging but it provided the seminarians with an opportunity to admire the beauty of the Gozitan countryside. The weather was fine, following a number of stormy days.  Thursday dawned bright and sunny and this contributed to the success of our hike.




Activity for vocation groups (5)Bħala parti mill-attivitajiet misjuba fil-pjan ta’ ħidma vokazzjonali fid-Djoċesi ta’ Għawdex, nhar s-Sibt, 9 ta’ Novembru, fis-Seminarju ġiet organizzata attivita’ għall-istudenti minn Forms 2 sa 5 li huma membri fil-gruppi tal-Abbatini u tal-Vokazzjonijiet.

L-attivita’ bdiet b’laqgħa mmexxija mis-seminaristi bit-tema tkun ‘l-importanza li nkun naf x’nixtieq u anke x’jixtieq Alla minni’. F’din il-laqgħa s-seminaristi ppruvaw juru lil dawn l-istudenti l-importanza li wieħed ikun konxju tax-xewqat tiegħu, għax Alla jista’ jagħmel użu minn dawn ix-xewqat biex jgħin lill-bniedem jiskopri l-vokazzjoni tiegħu.

L-attivita’ imbagħad kompliet b’mument qasir ta’ Adorazzjoni quddiem Ġesu’ Sagramentat li saret fil-kappella ta’ fuq tas-Seminarju Maġġuri. Il-laqgħa ntemmet bi ftit ħin ta’ rikreazzjoni fejn l-istudenti kellhom iċ-ċans li jsiru jafu aħjar lil xulxin kif ukoll li jiltaqgħu mas-seminaristi waqt li jieklu xi ħaġa u jilgħabu xi logħba futbol fil-bitħa tas-Seminarju.



Activity for vocation groups (5)On Saturday 9th November, the Seminary held an activity for Form 2 – Form 5 students who form part of the various Vocation Groups or are altar boys. This activity was held as part of the plan of action for vocations in the Diocese of Gozo.

The activity started with a meeting led by the seminarians.  The theme of discussion was: The importance of knowing what I long for and what God expects of me.  During the discussion, the seminarians tried to show the students how important it is for a person to be conscious of what he really wants in life.  Thus God will help this person to discover and embrace his vocation.

The activity continued with moments of prayer and adoration of the Holy Eucharist in the Seminary Chapel.  Later the students spent some time playing football and socializing.



Prayer Meeting - Dun Mikiel Attard (19)Wara li fix-xahar t’Ottubru ingħata bidu għal disa’ Ħamisijiet ta’ talb għall-vokazzjonijiet li jiġu organizzati kull l-ewwel Ħamis tax-xahar; fejn matul dan il-jum fil-Kappella tas-Seminarju tiġi organizzata ġurnata adorazzjoni; mix-xahar ta’ Novembru, bdiet tiġi organizzata il-laqgħa ta’ talb Dun Mikiel Attard. Din il-laqgħa li fis-snin li għaddew kienet tiġi organizzata kull l-ewwel Ħamis tax-xahar, issa bdiet tiġi organizzata waqt l-adorazzjoni li s-Seminarju jkun qiegħed jorganizza b’talb għall-vokazzjonijiet – propjament mis-sebgħa sat-tmienja ta’ filgħaxija.

Nistgħu ngħidu li Dun Mikiel Attard għandu rabta speċjali mas-Seminarju tagħna. Biżżejjed ngħidu li għal 17-il sena sħaħ kien Direttur Spiritwali tas-Seminarju Maġġuri u ma nkunux qed niżbaljaw jekk ngħidu li numru mhux żgħir ta’ Saċerdoti li llum iwettqu l-ħidma tagħhom mhux biss f’Għawdex imma wkoll l-barra mill-gżira tagħna sabu f’Dun Mikiel sostenn fil-vokazzjoni tagħhom.



Prayer Meeting - Dun Mikiel Attard (19)On every first Thursday of the month, for nine consecutive months, the Seminary Chapel hosts a day of Adoration of The Holy Eucharist. During the day, prayers for vocations are said.  This year, this series of Thursdays started in October.  As from the month of November, the Dun Mikiel Attard prayer meeting, usually held also on every first Thursday of the month, is being included in this day of prayer. The prayer meeting lasts from seven to eight o’clock in the evening.

It is to be said that Dun Mikiel Attard has a special relationship with our Seminary.  Suffice it to say that for seventeen years he was Spiritual Director of the Major Seminary and a large number of priests who are doing pastoral work in Gozo and abroad found in him support in their vocation.



Action Plan for the promotion of priestly vocations in the Diocese of Gozo  (2)Nhar it-Tnejn 4 ta’ Novembru, Festa ta’ San Karlu Borromeo, Isqof u Protettur tas-Seminarji u fl-okkażjoni tal-147 sena mill-ftuħ tas-Seminarju, fis-Seminarju maġġuri ġiet organizzata laqgħa għas-Saċerdoti kollha tad-Djoċesi ta’ Għawdex, fejn fiha ġie imħabbar il-pjan ta’ ħidma b’risq il-Vokazzjonijiet Saċerdotali fid-Djoċesi Għawdxija.

Wara introduzzjoni minn Dun Michael Curmi, Viċi Rettur u Direttur Djoċesan tal-Vokazzjonijiet, imbagħad ir-Rettur Dun Daniel Xerri spjega f’hiex jikkonsisti dan il-pjan. Fil-bidu tkellem dwar s-sejħa ta’ kull nisrani li jitlob u li jagħti attenzjoni speċjali lill-Vokazzjoni Saċerdotali. Dawn jinkludu fost l-oħrajn lill-ġenituri, l-għalliema, l-Kappillani u s-Saċerdoti. Imbagħad tkellem dwar il-ħidma li qiegħda sseħħ u li għandha sseħħ fil-Parroċċi speċjalment fost il-gruppi tal-abbatini u l-vokazzjonijiet. Fl-aħħar huwa semma l-ħidma li diġa qiegħdha ssir fid-Djoċesi ta’ Għawdex kif ukoll inizjattivi ġodda li ser jitwettqu favur il-ħidma vokazzjonali.

Fit-tmiem il-laqgħa kien hemm moment ta’ diskussjoni kif ukoll ħin għar-refreshments.

Tista’ tara dan id-dokument billi tagħfas fuq il-pdf hawn taħt.

Pjan ta’ ħidma għall-vokazzjonijiet saċerdotali



Action Plan for the promotion of priestly vocations in the Diocese of Gozo  (2)Monday 4th  November was the feast day of Bishop St Charles Borromeo, Protector of the Seminary.  It was also the 147th anniversary of the founding of the Major Seminary.  On this occasion, the priests hailing from the Diocese of Gozo were called to a meeting where an action plan for the promotion of priestly vocations in Gozo was launched.

Fr Michael Curmi, Vice-Rector and Diocesan Director of Vocations, introduced the meeting.  Then, Fr Daniel Xerri explained the action plan. It is the duty of every Christian, including parents, teachers, parish priests and priests, to pray for and give particular attention to priestly vocations.  Fr Xerri explained what is being done and what should be done in this respect in the parishes, especially among the altar boys and the vocations groups.  Then he talked about what is already being done in the diocese of Gozo and also about the initiatives to promote vocations.

When the meeting was over, there were moments of discussion and refreshments were served.

The document, in Maltese, can be seen by clicking on the pdf link below.

Pjan ta’ ħidma għall-vokazzjonijiet saċerdotali



All Souls' Day (4)Nhar s-Sibt 2 ta’ Novembru, il-Knisja Kattolika ċċelebrat it-Tifkira Solenni tal-Fidili Mejtin Kollha. F’din l-okkażjoni, il-komunita’ tas-Seminarju ċċelebrat Quddiesa fil-Kappella taċ-Ċimiterju tal-Parroċċa tal-Għarb.

Waqt il-Quddiesa, ir-rettur qasam riflessjoni fuq din il-festa fejn enfasizza l-importanza li n-nisrani jagħraf l-iskop li għalih qed jgħix u jifhem li fuq din l-art huwa biss pellegrin għax id-destinazzjoni aħħarija tiegħu hi s-sema.

Wara il-Quddiesa żorna l-oqbra li jinsabu f’dan iċ-ċimiterju fejn waqafna u tlabna fost l-oħrajn fuq il-qabar tal-familja Mifsud fejn jinsab midfun missier s-seminarista Christian Mifsud li bħalissa qiegħed jagħmel l-esperjenza tas-sena intermedjarja.



All Souls' Day (4)On Saturday 2nd November, the Catholic Church celebrated All Souls’ Day.  On this occasion, the community of the Seminary celebrated Mass at the Chapel of Għarb cemetery.

During Mass, the rector reflected on this feast, emphasizing how important it is for the Christian to understand the reason why he is alive and to realize that he is only a pilgrim on earth, Heaven being his final destination.

After Mass, we paid our respects to the deceased buried in this cemetery. We prayed on the tomb of family Mifsud where the father of Christian Mifsud, a Seminarian who is at present in his intermediate year, is buried.



Week of Prayer for Vocations at the Parish of Fontana (15)Bejn il-Ħadd, 27 t’Ottubru u l-Ġimgħa l-1 ta’ Novembru, il-komunita’ tas-Seminarju organizzat ġimgħa ta’ talb għall-vokazzjonijiet fil-parroċċa tal-Fontana, iddedikata lill-Qalb ta’ Ġesu’. Matul din il-ġimgħa waqt il-quddies saret enfasi fit-talb tal-komunita’ għall-vokazzjonijiet.

F’din l-esperjenza, s-seminaristi ltaqgħu mat-tfal tad-duttrina fejn qasmu magħhom riflessjonijiet fuq is-sejħa li Alla għandu għal kull wieħed minna.

Il-Ħamis imbagħad, il-komunita’ kollha tas-Seminarju flimkien mas-superjuri mexxew il-quddies ta’ filgħaxija fil-knisja parrokjali fejn is-seminarista Mario Mercieca qasam l-esperjenza tal-vokazzjoni tiegħu. Wara l-Quddiesa imbagħad ġiet organizzata nofs siegħa adorazzjoni.

