December is a special time of the year. It is a time when humankind reflects on the figure of Baby Jesus, born for its salvation. It is a special time for the Seminary community too. The building itself is donned with Christmas decorations and the daily program of events takes on a different schedule. During Advent, we had more communal prayers. Every day at 6.10 am we recited together the Office of Readings. At Mass, then, we had reflections on the Word of God by our formators. The seminarians conducted the reflections on the Novena days. The seminarians and formators decorated the building with images of Baby Jesus, the crib, the Christmas tree, and Christmas lights. Christmas time is associated with gifts. The seminarians and formators too exchanged gifts, which are appreciated not for their value but for what they represented: a sense of generosity on the part of an individual who is ready to give and expects nothing in return.
Wednesday 21st December was the final day of the first term at the Seminary. We concluded this first term by celebrating the Mass at 6.30 pm. This was led by the Bishop of Gozo H.L. Mgr Anthony Teuma. Formators, sisters, and relatives of the seminarians participated in this celebration which was held in the Seminary chapel. At the end of the Mass, everyone exchanged his wishes for this festive season. Afterward, the seminarians started their Christmas holidays. They will return to the Seminary on Monday, 16th January 2023, to start their second term. We wish all our readers a Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year.