
New Year greetings (2)January marks the beginning of a new year.  It is a time when people meet and exchange greetings.  On Saturday, 18th January, priests, monks and seminarians met at the Seminary to exchange greetings with Bishop Mgr Mario Grech.

The meeting started with a prayer of thanksgiving to God for standing by the Gozitan Church during the year 2013.  Then, on behalf of the members of the clergy, Archpriest Canon Tarcisio Camilleri thanked Bishop Grech for his committment to the Diocese of Gozo and wished him all the best for the new year.  He mentioned some future activities to be held for the clergy.  Archpriest Canon Tarcisio Camilleri, delegate for the Gozitan Clergy, was standing in for the Vicar General, Mgr Giovanni Bosco Gauci.

It was then Bishop Grech’s turn to deliver his message for the occasion. He said that the Church is losing its importance even in our country. The Church is no longer the main voice of the people but has become just one of many voices.

However, the Bishop stressed that the Church should not be discouraged but should find its strength in the Holy Spirit and come forward and deliver its message.  The Church should not be afraid of surprises that may cross its path, but should keep its doors open to new experiences.  God may use these experiences to cultivate the faith of His people from a small mustard seed.

Click here to download Bishop Grech’s speech (in maltese)

The members of the clergy were then invited to present their views. After the meeting, refreshments were served.



Vocational Promotion (5)Bħala parti mill-promozzjoni vokazzjonali, ta’ kull ġimgħa, fil-ġurnata tal-Ħamis, l-komunita’  tas-Seminarju ħadet l-inizjattiva li tinżel fil-ground tal-iskola tas-Seminarju Minuri waqt il-break ta’ nofsinhar fejn s-seminaristi jkollhom ċans li jiltaqgħu mal-istudenti, u waqt li jitkellmu magħhom ikollhom ċ-ċans li jsiru jafu aktar lil xulxin.

Dan il-kuntatt jgħin mhux ftit fil-binja tar-relazzjoijiet bejn is-seminaristi u l-istudenti b’mod partikulri ma’ dawk l-istudenti li magħhom is-seminarista imbagħad jiltaqa’ fil-laqgħat tal-pastorali li jsiru fil-weekends.

Minn żmien għall-żmien ma jonqosx ukoll li l-komunita’ tieħu sehem f’xi logħba futbol li tiġi organizzata bejn l-istudenti u s-seminaristi.


Vocational Promotion (5)On Thursday of every week, the community of the Seminary joins the students of the Minor Seminary during the mid-day break.  This is part of the programme for the promotion of vocations which the community is holding.  During the break, seminarians and students have the opportunity of meeting and getting to know one another better.

This sort of contact helps a lot in the cultivation of a relationship of the seminarians with students, particularly with those students whom the seminarians meet during the weekend, when they are engaged in pastoral work.

From time to time, members of the community join the students in a friendly football game.


Ecumenical Service 2014 (2)Fl-okkażjoni tal-Ġimgħa ta’ Talb għall-għaqda fost il-knejjes Insara, nhar l-Erbgħa 15 ta’ Jannar filgħaxija il-komunita’ tas-Seminarju ħadet sehem f’laqgħa ekumenika li ġiet organizzata fil-Knisja ta’ Santu Wistin, ir-Rabat. Din il-laqgħa tipi organizzata ta’ kull sena mill-membri tal-Leġjun ta’ Marija.

Il-laqgħa tmexxiet mill-E.T. Mons. Isqof Mario Grech u minn Rev. Neill Robb, rapreżentant tal-komunita’ Anglikana. Waqt il-laqgħa kien hemm mumenti ta’ talb, kif ukoll mesaġġi mir-rapreżentanti tal-Knejjes.

Wara, fil-kunvent tal-komunita’ Agostinjana kien hemm ftit refreshments tal-okkażjoni.



Ecumenical Service 2014 (2)On Wednesday, 15th January, on the occasion of the Week of Prayer for unity among Christian Churches, the community of the Seminary took part in an ecumenical meeting held at St Augustine’s Church in Victoria.  This meeting is organised annually by the members of the Legion of Mary.

The meeting was led by Mgr Bishop Mario Grech and Rev Neill Robb, representative of the Anglican Community.  During the meeting, messages from representatives of various Churches were delivered.  There were also moments of prayer.

At the end of the service, refreshments were served by the Agostinian community.



Advent & Christmas time (7)Nhar il-Ħadd, l-1 ta’ Diċembru l-Knisja tat bidu għas-sena liturġika tagħha permezz tal-ewwel Ħadd tal-Avvent. Dan hu żmien li fih il-Knisja tħeġġeġ lill-insara kollha sabiex jiftakru iktar fit-tieni miġja ta’ Kristu waqt li wkoll jippreparaw biex jiċċelebraw il-festa tal-Milied.  Dan hu wkoll żmien partikulari fil-ħajja tas-Seminarju, għax fih il-programm tas-Seminarju jieħu svolta differenti waqt li l-ambjent tas-seminarju jilbes l-ilbies festiv tal-Milied.

Il-komunità tas-Seminarju tat bidu għal dan iż-żmien nhar it-Tnejn, 2 ta’ Diċembru, permezz tat-Tħabbira tal-Avvent.  Din hi ċelebrazzjoni li ssir ta’ kull sena u li tinkludi fiha qari ta’ lezzjoni mill-Iskrittura flimkien ma’ spjagazzjoni tagħha, bl-iskop li tħeġġeġ lill-komunità biex tħejji ruħha għall-miġja ta’ Kristu; u l-preżentazzjoni flimkien mat-tberik tal-ikona li se takkompanja lill-komunità tul din is-sena.  Wara li jsiru xi invokazzjonijiet ir-Rettur jindika xi tibdiliet fil-programm tal-komunità, li jkunu se jieħdu posthom tul dawn il-ġranet, biex ifakkruna li dan hu żmien speċjali. L-ikona, miktuba apposta għal din is-sena minn Loreta Grech, ġiet ispirata mis-silta:  “Hawn hi Ommok”, meħuda minn Ġw 19,27. Hija l-kelma li Ġesù minn fuq is-salib qal lid-dixxiplu l-maħbub tiegħu Ġwanni waqt li tah lil Marija biex tkun Ommu.

Advent & Christmas time (14)Dan hu wkoll żmien li fih nibdew naraw l-ambjent ta’ madwarna jilbes il-libsa tal-Milied, u dan ma jonqosx fis-seminarju fejn is-seminaristi kif ukoll il-formators jieħdu ħsieb li jżejnu s-seminarju bl-istatwi ta’ Ġesu’ Bambin, b’siġar, dwal, u anke il-presepju ma jonqosx.

Matul iż-żmien tal-Avvent il-liturġija fis-Seminarju tkun xi ftit differenti. Ta’ kuljum filgħodu kmieni jiġi ċċelebrat l-Uffiċċju tal-Qari. Dan jiġi ċċelebrat f’ambjent ta’ dawl baxx u bix-xemgħat, b’sens ta’ stennija. Waqt il-quddiesa issir ukoll spjega qasira tal-Liturġija tal-Kelma minn wieħed mill-formators, waqt li fiż-żmien tan-Novena din issir mis-seminaristi. Marbuta wkoll ma’ dan iż-żmien hija Quddiesa, li l-komunita’ tas-seminarju tiċċelebra f’għar li jinsab fir-raħal tax-Xagħra, fejn l-ambjent tal-għar u d-dawl tax-xema tgħin iktar biex wieħed jidħol fl-atmosfera tal-Milied u jħalli l-ħsieb tiegħu itir lejn il-ġrajja ta’ Betlehem, fejn l-Iben ta’ Alla sar bniedem.

Advent & Christmas time (21)Huwa wkoll żmien marbut mar-rigali, u dan ma jonqosx ukoll fl-ambjent fratern tas-Seminarju fejn is-seminaristi u l-formators jagħtu rigali lil xulxin. Iktar mill-valur tar-rigal, dan juri sens ta’ ġenerozita’ u għotja fejn il-persuna tkun lesta li taqsam ma’ ħaddieħor b’mod partikulari ma’ dawk li int ma tkun qed tistenna xejn mingħandhom. Dan joħroġ b’mod partikulari fl-attivita’ li s-seminarju jorganizza ta’ kull sena fejn iżur post li fih jinsabu jgħixu nies fil-bżonn. Din is-sena, il-komunita’ għamlet żjara lid-dar tal-anzjani li tinsab fir-raħal ta’ San Lawrenz, fejn wara li ċċelebrat ma’ din il-Komunita’ il-quddiesa, tqassam rigal żgħir lill-anzjani li jgħixu f’din ir-residenza, waqt li s-seminaristi animaw lill-anzjani bil-kant tal-innijiet tal-Milied.

Dan hu wkoll żmien li fih is-seminaristi jkollhom ukoll xi ftit tal-vaganzi sabiex igawdu xi ftit aktar lill-familja. Għalhekk nhar il-Ġimgħa 21 ta’ Diċembru filgħaxija s-seminaristi bdew il-waqfa tagħhom għall-Milied. Mons. Isqof Mario Grech, dakinhar filgħaxija, ġie s-Seminarju jmexxi l-quddiesa ta’ radd il-ħajr fi tmiem l-ewwel term.  Għal din il-quddiesa kienu mistiedna l-ġenituri tas-seminaristi.

Min hawn f’isem il-komunita’ nixtiequ nawgurawlkom Milied hieni u l-isbaħ xewqat għas-Sena l-Ġdida.


Advent & Christmas time (7)

On Monday, 2nd December, the Annunciation of Advent marked the beginning of events for the Seminary community.  This is an annual celebration which includes the reading of a passage from the Scriptures followed by a short explanation.  The aim of this celebration is to encourage the community to prepare itself for the coming of Christ.  It includes also the presentation and blessing of the icon which will accompany the community during the year.  Invocations follow, and then the Rector refers to the changes in the programme of events in the Seminary.  These changes remind one and all that the coming days are special.  The icon for this year, written by Loreta Grech, was inspired by the extract: “Here is your Mother”, from Jn 19,7.  This is the phrase which the crucified Christ said to John, his beloved disciple,  while bequeathing to him Mary as his mother.

Advent & Christmas time (14)These are days during which the environment around us wears a festive dress, and the Seminary too decks itself for the festivities with the statue of Baby Jesus, Christmas trees, lights and the crib.

During Advent, the liturgy at the Seminary is different.  Every day, early in the morning, there is the celebration of the Divine Office, held in an environment of dim light and candles, a sign of expectation.  At Mass, one of the formators gives a short explanation of the Liturgy of the Word.  During the Novena, this explanation is given by one of the seminarians.  Another Mass is said annually in a cave at Xagħra.  The dim candlelight and the natural environment of the cave makes it easier for the mind to go back to the Nativity of Christ in the cave at Betlehem.

Advent & Christmas time (21)Christmas time is linked with the exchange of gifts and this practice is followed also In the homely environment of the Seminary where seminarians and formators exchange gifts.  It is not the cost of the gift that matters.  What matters is the sense of generosity and giving that this exchange of gifts entails, for it shows that a person is ready to give to others without expecting anything in return.  This spirit is shared particulary every year when the Seminary community pays a visit to a home housing the needy.  This year the community visited the home of the elderly at San Lawrenz. A Mass was celebrated at the home and then the seminarians sang Christmas carols and distributed gifts to the residents.

Christmastime is holiday time, for the seminarians return home to celebrate Christmas with their family.  The holidays started on Friday evening, 21st December.  That same evening Mgr Bishop Grech celebrated a Mass of thanksgiving to mark the end of term.  The parents of the seminarians participated in this Mass.

On behalf of the community, we wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.



Christmas activity for vocational groups (2)Nhar il-Ġimgħa, 13 ta’ Diċembru, l-abbatini u l-membri tal-gruppi tal-vokazzjonijiet kienu mistiedna s-Seminarju fejn ta’ kull sena tiġi organizzata għalihom attività tal-Milied.  Din is-sena wkoll, grupp sabiħ ta’ tfal attendew għal din l-attività.

L-attività bdiet b’laqgħa fis-sala tas-Seminarju, immexxiha mid-Djaknu Daniel Sultana.  Wara dawk preżenti ġew imqassma fi tliet gruppi: tal-primarja, tal-forms 1 u 2 u tal-forms 3 u 4 sabiex jieħdu sehem f’xi logħob u attivitajiet oħra li ġew organizzati għalihom mis-seminaristi.

Fi tmiem l-attività Mons. Isqof żar lil kull grupp ta’ tfal u wrihom l-apprezzament tiegħu għas-servizz li huma jwettqu fil-knejjes parrokkjali u fil-kappelli li hawn imxerrda madwar Għawdex.  Awguralhom l-isbaħ xewqat għall-Milied u f’isem is-seminaristi ppreżentalhom ir-rigal tal-Milied.

Christmas activity for vocational groups (19)

Intant filgħaxija ġiet organizzata attività għall-membri tal-gruppi tal-vokazzjonijiet minn form 5 il-fuq. L-attività bdiet b’mumenti ta’ talb u adorazzjoni flimkien mas-seminaristi fil-Kappella u wara setgħu iqattgħu ftit ħin flimkien. L-attività kienet imżewqa b’logħob, ikel, kif ukoll b’mumenti rikreattivi fejn l-istudenti u s-seminaristi kellhom iċ-ċans li jitkellmu u jsiru jafu aħjar lil xulxin.



Christmas activity for vocational groups (2)On Friday, 13th December, the altar boys and members of Vocation Groups were invited for the annual Christmas activity at the Seminary.  A fairly large group of boys attended this activity.

Deacon Daniel Sultana opened the activity by a talk to the boys at the Seminary hall. The boys were then divided into three groups: Primary school students, Forms 1 and 2 students, and Forms 3 and 4 students. These groups participated in games and various activities prepared for them by the seminarians.

Mgr Bishop Grech met all the participants and showed his appreciation for the services that the boys render in the parochial churches and the various chapels round the island.  He exchanged with them the season’s greetings and, on behalf of the seminarians, he gave them Christmas presents.

Christmas activity for vocational groups (19)That same afternoon, another activity was held for the Vocation Groups whose members are students attending Form 5 and the post secondary schools.  The students joined the seminarians at prayer and moments of Adoration in the chapel.  Then they shared moments of recreation which included games and refreshments.  Seminarians and students had the opportunity to chat and to get to know one another better.



Nhar il-Ħadd, 15 ta’ Diċembru, fil-knisja parrokkjali tal-Madonna ta’ Loreto f’Għajnsielem, l-Isqof ta’ Għawdex Mons. Mario Grech ta l-Ministeru tal-Akkolitat lis-seminaristi Joseph Attard mill-parroċċa taż-Żebbuġ u Mario Curmi mill-parroċċa tax-Xagħra. Permezz tal-Ministeru tal-Akkolitat lil dawn is-seminaristi ingħatatilhom il-fakultà li jgħinu fit-Tqarbin Imqaddes waqt il-Liturġija kif ukoll fid-djar tal-morda., waqt li jkomplu f’mixja ta’ formazzjoni lejn is-saċerdozju.

Ministry of the Acolytate  (10)Fl-omelija, l-Isqof Grech tkellem dwar Ġwanni l-Battista bħala mudell tal-virtù tal-umiltà.  Għalkemm hu kien bniedem sod f’fehmietu, mill-ħabs ta’ Erodi fejn kien miżmum hu ried ikompli jistħarreġ l-għarfien tiegħu ta’ min hu Kristu, biex ukoll jagħraf aħjar lilu nnifsu.  Fi kliem l-Isqof Grech, dan hu messaġġ ċar għall-komunità Nisranija li qed titħejja għall-Milied.  Aħna trabbejna f’kultura Nisranija bir-riskju li naħsbu li lil Ġesù nafuh biżżejjed.  Imma anki aħna bħal Ġwanni għandna bżonn nagħrfu lil Ġesù iżjed u nistħarrġu lilna nfusna aħniex ngħixu bil-fedeltà s-sejħa Nisranija tagħna.

Ministry of the Acolytate  (7)L-eżempju tal-Battista jgħodd ukoll għall-Akkoliti l-ġodda f’mixja ta’ formazzjoni lejn il-ministeru saċerdotali.  Mhux biżżejjed li jkunu jafu lil Ġesù mill-klassijiet tal-formazzjoni tat-Teoloġija u t-talb personali.  F’din il-fażi ta’ dixxerniment tagħhom, jeħtieġ jitolbu lil Alla d-don tal-umiltà u bħal Ġwanni ma jehdew qatt jistaqsu jafux biżżejjed lill-Mulej Ġesù waqt li jkomplu jistħarrġu wkoll lilhom infushom.  Dan hu l-ministeru profetiku fil-Knisja, tenna l-Isqof.





Ministry of the Acolytate  (10)On Sunday, 15th December, at the parochial church of Our Lady of Loreto at Għajnsielem, Mgr Mario Grech, Bishop of Gozo, bestowed the Ministry of the Acolytate to Seminarian Joseph Attard from the Żebbuġ Parish and to Seminarian Mario Curmi from the Xagħra Parish.  With this Ministry the new acolytes can give Holy Communion during Mass and at the homes of the sick and the elderly.  This ministry is a further step in their  formation for priesthood.

In his homily, Mgr Bishop Grech talked about John the Baptist as a model of the virtue of humility. John the Baptist was a man of principle, but still he wanted to strengthen his beliefs in Christ and in himself even though he was in Herod’s prison.  Bishop Grech said that this serves as a clear message to the Catholic community during its preparation for Christmas.  Having been reared up in a Catholic culture, we run the risk of believing that there is nothing more left for us to know about Christ.  However, we too, like John the Baptist, need to know a lot more about Christ and we need to know a lot more also about ourselves, to determine whether or not we are being faithful to our Catholic call.

Ministry of the Acolytate  (7)The example of John the Baptist needs to be followed also by the new Acolytes during their years of formation for priesthood.  Knowing Jesus through lessons of Theology during their years of formation and through personal prayer, is not enough.  During this phase of discernment they need to pray God to instil in them the virtue of humility and follow John’s example in an unending query about Christ and about themselves.  The Bishop ended his homily by saying that this is the prophetical ministry of the Church.




Imaculate Conception 2013 (2)Nhar it-8 ta’ Diċembru, il-Knisja Kattolika tiċċelebra s-Solennita’ tal-Immakulata Kunċizzjoni. Din il-festa għandha rabta speċjali mas-Seminarju tagħna, minħabba l-fatt li l-Kappella tas-Seminarju għandha bħala titular tagħha l-Immakulata Kunċizzjoni.

Minħabba li din is-sena, s-Solennita’ tal-Immakulata ħabtet il-Ħadd, bħala komunita’ ċċelebrajna din il-festa xi ftit b’differenza mis-soltu. Għalhekk is-Sibt f’nofsinhar Mons. Isqof ingħaqad mal-komunità fis-Seminarju għat-Talba ta’ Nofs il-Jum. Wara l-Lezzjoni Qasira d-Djaknu Daniel Sultana għamel omelija tal-okkażjoni.

Imaculate Conception 2013 (10)Imbagħad kellna l-ikla tal-festa, li għaliha kienu mistiedna wkoll l-għalliema u l-formators, flimkien ma’ Mons. Isqof.

Is-Sibt filgħaxija imbagħad, is-seminaristi taw is-servizz tagħhom waqt il-kant tal-Għasar li kien iċċelebrat fil-Katidral.

L-għada l-Ħadd, is-seminaristi ħadu sehem fil-Pontifikal li Mons. Isqof mexxa fil-Katidral u filgħaxija ingħaqadna mal-Komunita tal-Patrijiet Franġiskani Konventwali li kienu qed jiċċelebraw il-festa titulari tal-Immakulata Kunċizzjoni fejn ħadna sehem fil-quddiesa ta’ filgħaxija li kienet immexxija mir-Rettur tas-Seminarju flimkien mal-formators.
