
Merħba Dun Tony SciberrasFil-bidu tas-sena l-ġdida ngħaqad magħna Dun Tony Sciberras.  Eventwalment, Dun Tony f’Jannar li ġej se jsir ir-Rettur il-ġdid tas-Seminarju Maġġuri tal-Qalb ta’ Ġesù.  F’dan iż-żmien qabel jieħu f’idejh it-tmexxija tas-Seminarju, Dun Tony qed jgħix fil-komunità u jipparteċipa fl-attivitajiet kollha li jsiru fis-Seminarju tagħna.

Dun Tony Sciberras mssp għandu 62 sena.  Fi tmiem il-kors tat-teoloġija li hu għamel fil-Kulleġġ San Tumas,f’San Duminku r-Rabat, Malta, ordna saċerdot fid-9 ta’ Lulju 1978.  Wara kompla l-istudji tiegħu ġewwa l-Università Gregorjana f’Ruma u fl-1982 kiseb liċenzja fit-Teoloġija tal-Ispiritwalità.  Fl-1989 kiseb ukoll id-diploma tal-Postulaturi mill-Kongregazzjoni tal-Kawżi tal-Qaddisin.  Fl-2005 ħa d-dottorat minn Ruma fit-Teoloġija tal-Ħajja Kkonsagrata.

Hu kellu diversi rwoli fi ħdan is-Soċjetà Missjunarja ta’ San Pawl.  Dun Tony għal xi żmien kien il-prefett tal-prenovizzi, surmast tan-novizzi, moderatur tal-istudenti mssp, assistent tas-superjur ġenerali, delegat tas-superjur ġenerali għal Malta, ekonomu provinċjali, superjur ta’ Sant’Agata fir-Rabat, u postulatur tal-kawża ta’ Mons. Ġużeppi De Piro.

Dun Tony Sciberras kien ko-fundatur u membru ta’ Centre for Religious Institutes (CIR) u koordinatur tal-korsjiet u lecturer fi CIR u INSERM.  Hu visiting lecturer tat-Teoloġija u tat-Teoloġija Spiritwali tal-Ħajja Kkonsagrata fl-Università ta’ Malta.  Jagħti wkoll dan il-kors tal-Ħajja Kkonsagrata fis-Seminarju Maġġuri tal-Qalb ta’ Ġesù.  Dun Tony hu d-direttur tal-Istitut tal-Ħajja Kkonsagrata (IHK).

Illum huwa wkoll il-postulatur tal-kawża tal-beatifikazzjoni ta’ Dun Mikiel Attard, viċi postulatur tal-kawżi ta’ Mons. Ġużeppi De Piro u ta’ Ineż u Henry Consolani.  Kien ukoll il-postulatur tal-kawża ta’ Maria Theresa Nuzzo.

Merħba Dun Tony Sciberras!

Merħba Dun Tony SciberrasFr. Tony Sciberras joined our community at the beginning of the new year of formation.  In January he will be appointed Rector of the Major Seminary of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.  Fr. Tony is residing at the Seminary and is taking part in all the activities held at the Seminary.

Fr. Tony Sciberras MSSP aged 62, was ordained on the 9th of July 1978, after completing a theology course at St. Thomas College, St. Dominic, Rabat, Malta. He continued his studies at the Gregorian University in Rome, where in 1982 he obtained a license in Spiritual Theology.  In 1989 he obtained a Diploma the Congregation of the Causes of Saints.  In 2005 he obtained a Doctorate in Theology of Consecrated Life Rome. Within the Missionary Society of St. Paul, Fr. Sciberras was Prefect of Prenovices, Head of Novices, Moderator of students MSSP, Assistant General Superior, the Superior General Delegate for Malta, Provincial Bursar, Superior of Agatha’s in Rabat, and the Vice-Postulator of the Beatification Cause of Mons. Joseph De Piro.

He was also co-founder and member of the Centre for Religious Institutes (CIR) and the course coordinator and lecturer for CIR and INSERM. He is a visiting lecturer of Theology and Spiritual Theology of Consecrated Life at the University of Malta, and he gives the same course at the Major Seminary of the Heart of Jesus, Gozo.  He is also director of the Consecrated Life Institute (IHK).

He is Postulator of the Beatification Cause of Fr. Michael Attard and Deputy Postulatur of the Beatification Causes of Mgr Joseph De Piro and Henry and Inez Casolani.  Fr. Sciberras was also Postulatur of the Beatification Cause of Maria Theresa Nuzzo

Welcome Fr. Tony!

Il-komunità tas-Seminarju reġgħet lura għal sena oħra ta’ formazzjoni t-Tnejn 22 ta’ Settembru.  Tul il-waqfa tas-sajf kien hemm diversi mumenti li fihom il-komunità ltaqgħet flimkien, fosthom in-nofstanhar ta’ riflessjoni li sar nhar il-31 ta’ Lulju fil-kappella tal-Monasteru tal-Klarissi Dar Nazaret, ir-Rabat.  Mexxiet ir-riflessjoni Sr. Rose Ellis.  Fl-aħħar ġimgħa tal-vaganzi s-seminaristi taw daqqa t’id fit-tindif u fit-tħejjija tas-Seminarju għal sena oħra ta’ formazzjoni.

Lura mill-Vaganzi (3)It-Tnejn 22 ta’ Settembru, wara li ġiet iċċelebrata l-Ewkaristija, is-seminaristi ltaqgħu flimkien u tkellmu waqt sharing fuq id-diversi esperjenzi ta’ volontarjat li huma wettqu fis-sajf.  Filgħaxija niżlu Marsalforn għal barbeque.  F’din il-ġurnata ngħaqad mal-komunita Dun Tony Sciberras mssp, ir-Rettur il-maħtur għas-Seminarju.  Dun Tony se jibda l-ministeru tiegħu fl-1 ta’ Jannar 2015, sadanittat, f’dawn it-tliet xhur, hu se jkun jgħix fis-Seminarju.  F’dan iż-żmien Dun Daniel Xerri se jibqa’ r-Rettur tas-Seminarju. 

Lura mill-Vaganzi (5)Bejn l-għada t-Tlieta 23 u s-Sibt 27 ta’ Settembru l-komunità kienet ġewwa r-Rabat Malta, għand is-Sorijiet tas-Saint Joseph, għall-irtir tal-bidu tas-sena.  Din id-darba kien Dun Joe Mifsud, Viċi Rettur tas-Seminarju ta’ Malta, li mexxa l-irtir.

Il-ħajja fis-Seminarju qabdet ir-rittmu normali nhar l-Erbgħa 1 ta’ Ottubru.  It-Tlieta 30 ta’ Settembru ngħata bidu għas-sena akkademika permezz tal-Quddiesa lill-Ispirtu s-Santu, immexxija minn Mons. Isqof Mario Grech. 

Lura mill-Vaganzi (11)L-Isqof waqt l-omelija tkellem fuq il-Vanġelu tal-ġurnata.  Ġesù dar u mar b’determinazzjoni sħiħa lejn Ġerusalemm.  Mons. Grech ħeġġeġ lis-saċerdoti preżenti u lis-seminaristi sabiex bħal Ġesù jkollhom viżjoni lejn fejn huma mexjin.  Din il-viżjoni għandha tkun it-twaqqif tas-Saltna ta’ Alla.  Huma bħal Ġesù għandhom jimxu lejn Ġerusalemm b’rieda sħiħa.  Fit-triq għal Ġerusalemm, bħal Ġesù, għandhom jidħlu fis-Sammarija: il-periferija tas-soċjetà u tal-Knisja tagħna.  Għal din l-Ewkaristija kienu mistiedna l-professuri, il-familjari tas-seminaristi u l-membri tal-Għaqda Ħbieb tas-Seminarju.

Fi tmiem il-Quddiesa saret bibita.  Dan kien il-waqt fejn Dun Tony Sciberras mssp iltaqa’ għall-ewwel darba kemm mal-lecturers u kif ukoll mal-persuni kollha preżenti.


During the summer holidays members of the community took part in various activites, one of which was a half-day retreat in the Chapel of Dar Nazaret, which houses the community of the Poor Clare Sisters.  The retreat was led by Sr Rose Ellis.  During the last week of the summer holidays, the seminarians gave a helping hand with the cleaning up of the Seminary and with the preparations for a new year of formation.

On Monday, 22nd September, Lura mill-Vaganzi (3)following the celebration of the Holy Eucharist, the seminarians met to share their experience of voluntary work during the summer holidays.  The day ended with a barbeque at Marsalforn. The seminarians were joined by Fr. Tony Sciberras, new Rector of the Seminary, who will start his new ministry on the 1st January and who will be residing at the Seminary for the coming three months.  Fr. Daniel Xerri will still serve as Rector for these three months.

Lura mill-Vaganzi (5)From Tuesday 23rd till Saturday 27th September, the community was on retreat the nuns of Saint Joseph in Rabat Malta.  The retreat was led by Fr. Joe Mifsud, Vice Rector of the Seminary of Malta.

Life at the Seminary took its normal course on Wednesday 1st October.  On Tuesday 30th September,  Mgr Bishop Mario Grech celebrated the Mass of the Holy Spirit to mark the beginning of the academic year.  In his homily, the Bishop explained the Reading of that day.  Our Lord turned and walked with determination towards Jerusalem.

Lura mill-Vaganzi (11)Mgr Grech urged the priests and seminarians to walk steadfastly towards their destination, as Jesus did.  Their destination should be the Kingdom of God.  Like Jesus, they should walk with determination towards Jerusalem.  On the way to Jerusalem, they should stop at Samaria, as Jesus did: at the suburbs of society and of our Church.  Professors, relatives of the seminarians and members of the GħaqdaĦbieb tas-Seminarju were present for the celebration of the Eucharist.

At the end of the Mass, the congregation was invited to meet Fr. Tony Sciberras.  Drinks were served.


End of accademic year 2014 (13)Nhar l-Erbgħa 18 ta’ Ġunju s-seminaristi temmew is-sena ta’ formazzjoni tagħhom fis-Seminarju.  Issa kull wieħed minnhom ikun jista’ jingħaqad mal-familjari tiegħu għat-tliet xhur tas-Sajf.  Tul dawn ix-xhur is-seminaristi jkunu impenjati fil-parroċċi tal-oriġini u anke fil-parroċċi fejn huma qed iwettqu l-esperjenza pastorali tagħhom.  Tul is-sajf ukoll kull seminarista jagħmel xi esperjenza ta’ volontarjat.  Ħafna minnhom jagħmluha f’art barranija.

L-aħħar tlitt ijiem fis-Seminarju kienu ġranet differenti mill-oħrajn.  Filgħodu l-komunità tat id-daqqa t’id tagħha fit-tindif u fil-manutenzjoni tas-seminarju.  Filgħaxijiet kellna diversi laqgħat u attivitajiet ta’ konklużjoni, fosthom il-barbeque ġewwa Ħondoq.  Dan sar it-Tlieta 17 ta’ Ġunju.  L-għada, l-Erbgħa, filgħaxija ngħaqdu magħna l-familjari u l-membri tal-Aħwa Ħbieb tas-Seminarju għall-quddiesa tal-aħħar tas-sena. Mons. Isqof Mario Grech mexxa l-quddiesa flimkien mal-formators, fejn radd ħajr lil Alla għal dak kollu li għamel mas-Seminarju u mad-Djoċesi ta’ Għawdex.

Wara l-quddiesa dawk preżenti kellhom festin ċkejken fil-bitħa tas-Seminarju.


End of accademic year 2014 (13)Wednesday 18th June marked the end of a year of formation for the seminarians at the Seminary.  Now, each and every one of us can join his family for the three summer months.  During these months, the seminarians give a helping hand in the parish of origin and also in the parishes where they are engaged in pastoral work.  During the summer all the seminarians do voluntary work, both in Malta and abroad.

The last three days at the Seminary were different from the normal school days.  In the morning the community gave a helping hand in the cleaning up of the premises and in maintenance work.  In the evenings we had various meeting and activities.  On Tuesday 17th June we had a barbeque at Ħondoq.  On Wednesday evening, our relatives as well as the members of the brothers and sisters, friends of the Seminary group joined us at Mass to mark the end of the year of formation. Bishop Mario Grech presided at Mass with the formators. He paid homage to God’s providence in the Seminary and the Diocese of Gozo.

After mass, refreshments were offered to those present.


Vigil + Ordination  (4)Nhar il-Ġimgħa, 30 ta’ Mejju, id-Djaknu Daniel Sultana, mill-parroċċa tat-Twelid tal-Verġni Marija, fix-Xagħra, ġie ordnat saċerdot minn idejn Mons. Isqof Mario Grech waqt quddiesa fil-Katidral ta’ Marija Assunta, il-Belt Victoria. 

Numru sabiħ ta’ saċerdoti, il-membri tal-komunità tas-Seminarju, membri mill-komunità parrokkjali tax-Xagħra, flimkien ma’ diversi persuni oħra akkumpanjaw lil Daniel f’dan il-mument tant importanti għalih f’ħajtu.  Ħafna oħra segwew il-quddiesa permezz ta’ Radju Marija.

Bi tħejjija għal dawn il-mumenti qawwija l-Knisja ta’ Għawdex ġiet mistiedna biex il-Ħamis, 29 ta’ Mejju, tinġabar fis-Seminarju biex tingħaqad mal-ordinand u titlob flimkien miegħu. Din il-velja ta’ talb, li ġiet imxandra b’mod dirett fuq Radju Marija, kienet tikkonsisti f’żewġ mumenti partikulari.  Fl-ewwel mument ġiet iċċelebrata l-liturġija tal-Kelma, fejn wara l-qari ta’ siltiet mill-Iskrittura, r-Rettur tas-Seminarju spjegaha permezz tal-omelija.  Fi tmiem il-prietka ġie espost Ġesù Sagramentat għal ftit mumenti ta’ adorazzjoni.  Kien wasal imbagħad il-mument biex Daniel jitlob lill-Mulej jakkumpanjah fil-missjoni l-ġdida li afdalu f’idejh permezz tas-saċerdozju. 

Vigil + Ordination  (10)Wara il-Barka Sagramentali, Ġesù Ewkaristija ġie meħud imbagħad fil-kappella u baqa’ espost il-lejl kollu sabiex il-fidili setgħu jinġabru għat-talb personali.  Mons. Isqof Mario Grech għalaq il-Velja billi wassal il-messaġġ tiegħu tal-okkażjoni. 




Vigil + Ordination  (4)On Friday, 30th May, Deacon Daniel Sultana, who hails from the parish of Maria Bambina at Xagħra, was ordained priest by Bishop Mgr Mario Grech, at the Cathedral of The Assumption of Our Lady, in Victoria.

A number of priests, members of the community of Seminary, members of the community of the Xagħra parish and many others accompanied Daniel in this greatest moment of his life. Many listeners tuned in on Radju Marija to follow the ceremony.

On the eve of the ordination, the Gozo Church invited its members to join Daniel at the Seminary for an evening of prayer.  The celebration was transmitted live on Radju Marija.  Two very important moments characterised the evening.  The first part was dedicated to the Liturgy of the Word.  After readings form the Bible, Rector Fr Daniel Sultana delivered a homily related with the readings.  Moments of adoration followed.  Then the congregation joined Daniel in praying to the Lord to accompany him on this new mission to which he has been assigned through priesthood.

Vigil + Ordination  (10)Following the Eucharistic Blessing,  the Host was taken in procession to the Seminary chapel for adoration through the night.  Bishop Mario Grech closed the evening of prayer with a message related with the occasion.


Raniero Cantlamessa Gozo (1)Bejn il-Ġimgħa 23 u l-Ġimgħa 30 ta’ Mejju f’Malta kien hawn żjara minn Patri Raniero Cantalamessa OFM Cap, li huwa l-predikatur tal-Papa, li mexxa konferenzi għall-kleru, għar-re;iġjużi, għall-persuni kkonsagrati, kif ukoll għal-lajċi impenjati fil-pastorali. Huwa mexxa wkoll irtir għar-reliġjużi

Nhar il-Ġimgħa 23 ta’ Mejju, propju fl-ewwel jum taż-żjara tiegħu, huwa żar Għawdex fejn mexxa konferenza fis-sala tas-Seminarju Maġġuri bit-tema magħżula tkun: Inxandru l-Evanġelju bil-Qawwa tal-Ispirtu s-Santu. Għal din il-konferenza, li kien hemm ukoll preżenti għaliha in-Nunzju Appostoliku għal Malta l-E.T. Mons Aldo Cavalli u l-Isqof ta’ Għawdex l-E.T. Mons Mario Grech, kienet miftuħa għall-kleru, għar-reliġjużi rġiel u nisa, kif ukoll għall-operaturi pastorali.

Il-konferenza bdiet b’introduzzjoni minn Patri Hayden Williams OFM Cap. Fi tmiem il-konferenza Mons Isqof għamel intervent waqt li in-Nunzju ta l-barka. Fi tmiem il-konferenza kien hemm xi refreshments għal dawk preżenti.

Aktar tard Patri Raniero flimkien man-nunzju u l-isqof kienu mistiedna għaċ-ċena fis-Seminarju.



Raniero Cantlamessa Gozo (1)Fr Raniero Cantalamessa OFM Cap, who is a preacher for the Pope, was in Gozo during the week 23rd May – 30th May.  He led various conferences for members of the clergy and the religious orders, for consecrated people and for lay people involved pastoral work.  He also led a retreat for members of religious orders.

On his first day in Gozo, 23rd May, he led a conference in the hall of the Major Seminary.  The theme was: Spreading the Scipture led by the Holy Spirit.  Mgr Aldo Cavalli, Apostolic Nuncio for Malta, and Mgr Mario Grech, Bishop of Gozo, attended the conference, together with members of the clergy and the religious orders, and a number lay people who are involved in pastoral work.

Fr Hayden Williams OFM Cap delivered the introductory speech while the Bishop of Gozo rounded up the conference.  The meeting ended with the Eucharistic Blessing by the Papal Nuncio. The guests were then invited to refreshments.  Later on, Fr Raniero, the Nunciate and the Bishop joined the Seminary community at dinner.



Ta Pinu vows (1)Il-programm tas-Sibt 17 ta’ Mejju kien xi ftit differenti minn tas-soltu.  Il-komunità sebħet kmieni sabiex tagħmel il-pellegrinaġġ annwali għas-Santwarju tal-Madonna ta’ Pinu fl-Għarb.  L-atmosfera kalma ta’ filgħodu għenet sabiex nitolbu t-talba tar-Rużarju, tant mixtieqa minn Ommna Marija. Qabel bdejna r-Rużarju, quddiem il-monument tal-Papa San Ġwanni Pawlu II, r-Rettur ħeġġiġna sabiex dan il-pellegrinaġġ nagħmluh fl-ispirtu tal-mixja tal-vokazzjoni tagħna li aħna mħeġġin li fuq l-eżempju ta’ dan il-Papa qaddis nafdawha f’idejn Marija.

Mal-wasla fis-Santwarju ta’ Pinu, l-komunità nġabret fil-kappella tad-dehra u hemm ġiet iċċelebrata l-quddiesa.  Wara x-xandir tal-Evanġelju; b’id waħda fuq il-Kelma ta’ Alla, quddiem ix-xbieha tal-Assunzjoni ta’ Marija, u fil-preżenza tal-Ewkristija, id-Djaknu Daniel Sultana għamel il-wiegħda ta’ qabel l-Ordinazzjoni Saċerdotali. Wara bħala komunità għamilna l-att ta’ affidament f’riġlejn Marija.

Id-Djaknu Daniel Sultana se jiġi ordnat saċerdot fil-Katidral ta’ Għawdex nhar il-Ġimgħa 30 ta’ Mejju fis-6.00pm.  Il-Ħamis 29 ta’ Mejju se ssir velja ta’ talb fis-Seminarju tal-Qalb ta’ Ġesù fid-9.00pm.  Fi tmiemha Ġesù Ewkaristija se jibqa’ espost lejl sħiħ fil-kappella tas-Seminarju.  Kulħadd hu mistieden jingħaqad magħna fit-talb għal Daniel li permezz tas-saċerdozju se joffri ħajjtu lil Alla u għall-qadi tal-Knisja tiegħu.



Ta Pinu vows (1)The programme of Saturday, 17th May was rather different from usual.  The community woke up early to make the annual pilgrimage to the Sanctuary to Our Lady of Ta’ Pinu at Gharb.  The calm atmosphere of early morning accompanied our prayer of the Rosary, which Our Lady urged us to say.  Before we began to recite the Rosary, we stopped at the foot to the monument of Pope St John Paul II.  The Rector urged us to let the spirit of our vocational call accompany us on this pilgrimage, to follow in the footsteps of St John Paul II who entrusted his call to Our Lady.

On our arrival at the Sanctuary of Ta’ Pinu, the community gathered in the inner chapel where Mass was said.  After the reading of the Gospel, Deacon Daniel Sultana laid one hand on the Bible, and in front of the picture of the Assumption of Our Lady and in the presence of the Holy Eucharist, he took his vows prior to his Priestly Ordination.  Afterwards, the community proceeded with the act of trust at the foot of the picture of Our Lady.

Deacon Daniel Sultana will be ordained priest at the Gozo Cathedral on Friday, 30th May, at 6.00pm.  On Thursday 29th May, there is going to be an evening of prayer at the Sacred Heart Seminary, at 9.00pm.  Adoraton of the Holy Eucharist will proceed during the night in the chapel of the Seminary.  The public is invited to unite with us in prayer for Daniel who, through his priesthood, is offering his life to God and in service to his Church.

