This year, the first semester at the Seminary ended on Monday 26th January. Every period of studies ends with examinations. This year the seminarians had their examinations from Thursday 29th January to Saturday 7th February. Examination days were followed by a couple of days of relaxation in Malta. The second semester started on Wednesday 11th February, on the morrow of the Feast of St Paul’s Shipwreck.
A Week of Prayer for Unity among Christians
From Monday 19th till Friday 23rd January, the Church held a Week of Prayer for Unity among Christians. The community of the Seminary held moments of prayer to foster awareness of ecumenism among the seminarians. The seminarians participated also in the ecumenical service held every year at St Augustine Church at Victoria.
Ġimgħa ta’ talb għall-għaqda bejn l-Insara
Bejn it-Tnejn 19 u l-Ġimgħa 23 ta’ Jannar il-Knisja ċċelebrat il-ġimgħa ta’ talb għall-għaqda bejn l-Insara. Il-komunità tas-Seminarju organizzat diversi mumenti ta’ talb biex titqajjem awareness fost is-seminaristi fuq it-tema tal-ekumeniżmu. Is-seminaristi pparteċipaw ukoll fis-servizz ekumeniku li jiġi organizzat ta’ kull sena fil-knisja ta’ Santu Wistin fir-Rabat.
Awgurju tal-Bidu tas-Sena
Nhar is-Sibt 17 ta’ Jannar is-saċerdoti Għawdxin inġabru fis-Seminarju għall-awgurju tal-bidu tas-sena. Mons. Isqof jieħu din l-okkażjoni biex jawgura s-sena t-tajba lis-saċerdoti kif ukoll iwassal il-messaġġ tiegħu fil-bidu tas-sena l-ġdida. Din is-sena Mons. Grech ħeġġeġ lis-saċerdoti biex ikomplu joħorġu mill-ambjenti tagħhom sabiex jilħqu lill-persuni l-aktar imbiegħda, dawk li l-aktar jeħtieġu l-aħbar it-tajba. Is-seminaristi wkoll kienu mistiedna għal din l-attività.
Greetings for the New Year
On Saturday, 17th January, Gozitan priests met at the Seminary to exchange greetings for the new year. Every year, the Bishop takes this opportunity to exchange greetings with the priests and to pass on his message for the coming year. Bishop Grech encouraged the priests to continue to reach out to those people who are in the suburbs of the Church and who need most the Good News. The seminarians were invited to this activity.
Tislima lil Dun Daniel Xerri
Kif kien tħabbar f’Settembru li għadda, fl-aħħar ta’ Diċembru 2014, Dun Daniel Xerri kellu jtemm il-ministeru tiegħu bħala rettur tas-Seminarju. B’dan il-mod, Dun Tony Sciberras mssp, ikun jista’ jibda l-ministeru tiegħu mas-sena l-ġdida.
Għaldaqstant, tul ix-xahar ta’ Diċembru 2014, ġew organizzati xi attivitajiet li permezz tagħhom il-komunità setgħet trodd ħajr lil Dun Daniel għas-servizz tiegħu. L-ewwel mument kien is-Sibt 6 ta’ Diċembru. Dakinhar filgħodu, il-lecturers u l-formators tas-Seminarju ġew mistiedna għall-quddiesa li mexxa Mons. Isqof. Fil-ħin tal-omelija Mons. Grech tkellem dwar is-sejħa li l-Mulej qed jagħmel lill-Knisja biex tiġġedded, u fuq l-eżempju ta’ Kristu tinħall minn irbit li għadu jrażżanha milli toħroġ u xxandar il-Kelma ta’ Alla lil kull bniedem. Fi tmiem il-Quddiesa Mons. Isqof irringrazzja lir-Rettur tas-servizz tiegħu. Dun Richard N. Farrugia, f’isem il-lecturers u l-formators għamel ukoll messaġġ ta’ radd il-ħajr. Dun Daniel min-naħa tiegħu stqarr li dawn kienu għalih snin challenging imma snin sbieħ, li fihom hu pprova jkun “il-qaddej li wettaq biss dak li kellu jagħmel”.
It-tieni attività saret is-Sibt 13 ta’ Diċembru, flimkien mal-Grupp tal-Aħwa Ħbieb tas-Seminarju. Nhar il-Ħamis 18 ta’ Diċembru mess lis-seminaristi jorganizzaw attività biex iroddulu ħajr għal dak kollu li għamel magħhom u mas-seminaristi li ġew qabilhom tul dawn l-aħħar seba’ snin. Fi tmiem din l-attività s-seminaristi u s-superjuri ppreżentaw ir-rigal tal-okkażjoni lil Dun Daniel.
L-aħħar attività kienet il-Quddiesa ta’ radd il-ħajr li tmexxiet minn Mons. Isqof nhar il-Ġimgħa 19 ta’ Diċembru filgħaxija. Għal din il-Quddiesa kienu mistiedna wkoll il-familjari tas-seminaristi u l-ħaddiema tas-Seminarju. Mons. Isqof esprima r-radd il-ħajr tiegħu lil Dun Daniel f’isem dawk kollha preżenti u f’isem is-saċerdoti li ġew akkumpanjati minnu tul l-aħħar snin. Fi tmiem il-quddiesa ġie organizzat festin tal-okkażjoni, u b’dan il-mod is-seminaristi kollha rritornaw lejn djarhom, flimkien mal-familjari tagħhom, għall-vaganzi tal-Milied.
Farewell to Father Daniel Xerri
As had been announced last September, Fr. Daniel Xerri ended his ministry as Rector of the Seminary in December 2014. Fr. Tony Sciberras MSSP could thus start his ministry as Rector with the new year.
For this reason, various activities were held during the month of December so that the community could show Father Daniel its appreciation for his services. The first activity took place on Saturday, 6th December. In the morning, the lecturers and the formators of the Seminary were invited to Mass presided by H.L. the Bishop. During his homily, Mgr. Grech spoke of the invitation which the Lord made to the Church to renew itself and, on the example of Christ himself, to free itself from the bondage which still refrains it from going out and preaching the Word of God to mankind. At the end of the Mass, Bishop Grech thanked the Rector for his sevices. Fr. Richard N. Farrugia, on behalf of the lecturers and the formators, delivered a short address of thanks. In his answer, Fr. Daniel stated that the past few years had been both challenging and rewarding. During these years he had tried to be “the servant who did only what he had to do.”
The Grupp tal-Aħwa Ħbieb tas-Seminarju participated in the second activity, which took place on Saturday, 13th December. Then on Thursday 18th December, it was the seminarians’ turn to organise an activity to thank the Rector for all he had done for them and for other seminarians before them during these seven years. At the end of this activity the seminarians and their superiors presented Fr. Daniel with a memento.
The last activity was held on Friday evening, 19th December. Bishop Mario Grech presided at a Thanksgiving Mass to which relatives of the seminarians and employees of the Seminary were invited to attend. Bishop Grech expressed his thanks to Fr. Daniel on behalf of all those present and on behalf of all the priests accompanied by him during these last years. At the end of the Mass a party was thrown for the occasion. When the party was over all the seminarians went home for their Christmas holidays.
Żmien l-Avvent u Żmien il-Milied fis-Seminarju
Ix-xahar ta’ Diċembru hu xahar partikulari. F’dan iż-żmien ħarset kulħadd taqa’ fuq il-maxtura u fuq l-għar ta’ Betlehem. Dan huwa xahar speċjali għall-komunità tas-Seminarju wkoll. F’dan iż-żmien il-programm tal-ġurnata jiġi immodifikat. Jisbieħ ukoll il-bini tas-seminarju u anki jiġu organizzati attivitajiet li ma jsirux fil-bqija tas-sena.
Tul żmien l-Avvent jiżdiedu l-mumenti ta’ talb komunitarji. Fost l-oħrajn, ta’ kuljum fis-6.15am isir it-talb tal-Uffiċċju tal-Qari u f’12.00pm issir it-Talba ta’ Nofs il-Jum. Fil-quddiesa ta’ kuljum isir ħsieb fuq il-Kelma ta’ Alla. Eventwalment mill-15 ta’ Diċembru bdiet ukoll in-Novena tal-Milied bi ħsibijiet imħejjijin mis-seminaristi.
Mument ieħor speċjali, li jaħbat f’dan iż-żmien, hija l-Festa tal-Immakulata Kunċizzjoni, li hi wkoll it-titular tal-kappella tas-seminarju t’Għawdex. Għaldaqstant, din hi festa speċjali għall-komunità. Din is-sena, filgħaxija, mess lil Mario Curmi jagħmel il-ħsieb tal-okkażjoni. Dan għamlu waqt it-talba tal-Għasar. Fil-festa tal-Kunċizzjoni filgħodu, is-seminaristi jagħtu s-servizz tagħhom għall-Quddiesa fil-Katidral, u filgħaxija jkunu mistednin biex bħala komunità jmexxu l-Ewkaristija fil-knisja konventwali ta’ San Franġisk.
Fl-aħħar jiem ta’ qabel il-Milied, is-seminaristi flimkien mal-formators, jieħdu ħsieb iżejnu l-binja tas-seminarju permezz tat-tiżjin tal-Milied. Hekk iħejju l-binja għall-attivitajiet li jiġu organizzati għal diversi gruppi fil-jiem ta’ qabel il-Milied. Fost dawn wieħed ta’ min isemmi l-attività għall-abbatini u għall-gruppi tal-vokazzjonijiet, l-attività lill-Aħwa Ħbieb tas-Seminarju, il-bibita tal-lecturers, il-bibita flimkien mal-komunità tal-Ingliżi u fl-aħħar l-attività flimkien mal-familjari tas-seminaristi.
Din is-sena s-seminaristi ħarġu għall-vaganzi tal-Milied nhar il-Ġimgħa 19 ta’ Diċembru. Dakinhar saru l-aħħar lectures għas-sena 2014. Nhar l-Erbgħa 17, is-seminaristi kellhom ir-revision de vie (nofstanhar ta’ riflessjoni) u wara organizzaw il-quddiesa fl-għar fix-Xagħra. Ta’ min jgħid li din kienet l-aħħar quddiesa li mexxa Dun Daniel Xerri, bħala rettur, flimkien mas-seminaristi.
Advent and Christmas time at the Seminary
December is a special time of the year. During this period, one’s attention is drawn to the manger and the shed at Betlehem. It is a special month for the Seminary as well. The daily timetable is modified. The Seminary itsef is decorated and special activities are organised.
During Advent the moments of community prayer increase. Everyday, there is the reading form the Divine Office at 6.15 a.m. while at noon the Mid Day Prayer is recited. A short sermon follows the Reading from the Gospels during the daily Mass. Then, from 15th December onwards, there was the Christmas Novena during which there were short semons prepared by the seminarians themselves.
Another special occasion which falls during this time of the year is the feast of the Immaculate Conception, the titular of the chapel of the Gozo Seminary. This is a special feast for our community. This year it was Mario Curmi’s turn to deliver a short sermon on the subject in the evening, during the prayer of the Holy Vespers. On the morning of the feast of the Immaculate Conception, the seminarians offered their services during the Solemn Mass celebrated at the Cathedral, and in the evening they were invited as a community to lead the Celebration of the Eucharist at the conventual church of Saint Francis.
During the last few days before Christmas, the seminarians, together with their formators, decorated the Seminary with festoons and other Christmas decorations. Thus the buiding itself was prepared for the activities organised for the various groups during the days prior to Christmas. Among these activities there is the activity organised for the altar boys and the members of the Vocations Groups. Then there is the activity of the Aħwa Ħbieb tas-Seminarju, the lecturers’ get-together, the get-together for the English-speaking community and finally the activity to which the relatives of the seminarians are invited.
This year the seminarians left for their Christmas vacations on Friday, 19th December. On that day the final lectures for the year 2014 were held. On Wednesday 17th, the Seminarians took part in their revision de vie (a half day of reflection) followed by a Mass in a cave at Xagħra. This was the last Mass which Fr. Daniel Xerri celebrated as Rector together with the seminarians.
L-Għoti tal-Ministeru tal-Akkolitat
Mons. Isqof Mario Grech għamel lis-Seminarista Massimo Buttigieg (mill-parroċċa tal-Katidral, Victoria) akkoltu, nhar il-Ħadd 14 ta’ Diċembru 2014. Il-komunità tas-Seminarju flimkien mal-familjari tas-seminaristi, inġabru għall-Quddiesa fil-bażilka tal-Viżitazzjoni fl-Għarb.
Mons. Isqof mexxa l-Quddiesa u waqt l-omelija tkellem fuq is-sejħa li n-Nisrani għandu biex ikun dawl f’dinja li ħafna drabi hi ddominata mid-dlam. Dan għandu jagħmlu fuq l-eżempju ta’ San Ġwann il-Battista, personaġġ ċentrali fil-Liturġija tal-Kelma ta’ dakinhar (it-3 Ħadd tal-Avvent). Mons. Isqof qal li din is-sejħa hi indirizzata b’mod speċjali għal dawk kollha li għażlu li jaċċettaw li jimxu wara Ġesù. Għal ħafna nies, żagħżugħ li jwieġeb “iva” u jħalli kollox biex ikun saċerdot jew reliġjuż, ikun ħela ħajtu – “waste of life”. Il-bniedem tal-fidi jaf li dan mhux minnu. Madankollu hi l-missjoni tas-seminarista u tas-saċerdot, li bil-mod kif hu jgħix ħajtu, iġiegħel lin-nies jistaqsu u jirriflettu!
Fi tmiem il-priedka sar ir-rit tal-għoti tal-ministeru tal-akkolitat, Massimo ġie mogħti l-patena bil-ħobż u l-kalċi bl-inbid. Mil-lum ’il quddiem hu jista’ jgħin fit-tqarbin u anki joħroġ l-Ewkaristija mit-tabernaklu.
The Bestowing of the Ministry of the Acolytate
On Sunday, 14th December, 2014, Seminarian Massimo Buttigieg (hailing form the Cathedral Parish, Victoria) was bestowed the ministry of the acolytate by H.L Bishop Mario Grech. The community of the Seminary, together with the relatives of the seminarians, were present for a Mass celebrated at the Basilica of the Visitation at Għarb.
Bishop Grech presided at Mass. During his homily he spoke of the mission each Christian has to be a source of light in a world which is often dominated by darkness. In his mission the Christian has to follow the example of John the Baptist, a central character in the Liturgy of the Word that day (the 3rd Sunday of Advent). Bishop Grech said that this invitation is addressed especially to all those who choose to accept to follow Jesus. For many, the young man who answers ‘yes’ and leaves every thing behind to become a priest or a member of a religious order, is wasting his time – ‘a waste of life’. The person of faith knows that this is not true. However, it is the mission of the seminarian and the priest to make people ask and reflect, and this is done by the way he lives!
At the end of the sermon, the rite of the bestowment of the Minstry of the Acolytate took place. Massimo was given the paten with the bread and the chalice with the wine. From this day on he will be able to administer holy communion and take out the Holy Eucharist from the tabernacle.
Attività għall-Abbatini u għall-Gruppi tal-Vokazzjonijiet
Is-Sibt 13 ta’ Diċembru filgħodu, bosta abbatini nġabru fis-Seminarju għall-attività tal-Milied. Din is-sena l-attendenza għal din l-attività kienet sabiħa ħafna.
Fid-9.00am saret laqgħa li mexxiha Joseph Attard. Hu tkellem fuq is-sejħa li żmien il-Milied jagħmlilna biex inkunu ġenerużi u nitgħallmu nkunu aħna l-ewwel li nagħtu rigal lil xi ħadd ieħor. Fi tmiem il-laqgħa, Fr Tony Sciberras, ir-rettur il-ġdid, għamel messaġġ ċkejken ta’ apprezzament lill-abbatini filwaqt li awguralhom għall-Milied.
Wara s-seminaristi qassmu lit-tfal fi tliet gruppi, organizzawlhom logħob adattat għall-okkażjoni u anki pprovdewlhom xi snacks. Mons. Isqof Mario Grech żar lill-gruppi u qassam lill-abbatini r-rigal tal-Milied, li s-seminaristi kienu ħejjew għal din is-sena.