For the fourth consecutive year, the seminarians organised a sports day for altar boys and members of Vocations Groups. Sports Day was on Thursday 19th March, Feast of St Joseph. This year, as in previous years, quite a large number of children and students attended this activity. The day started at 9.00 am with a short prayer, followed by games. Break time was at 11.00 am and the children could have their lunch. Then games started again at 2.00 pm. At the end of the day, all the partecipants received a memento for the occasion.
Attivitajiet Vokazzjonali
Kull Nisrani msejjaħ jaqsam id-doni tiegħu mal-oħrajn. Dan jgħodd b’mod speċjali għad-don tal-vokazzjoni. Minn hawn joħroġ is-sens ta’ kull laqgħa u attività vokazzjonali li jorganizza s-Seminarju u s-seminaristi.
Żmien ir-Randan hu opportunità sabiħa biex dan jista’ jsir. Nhar is-Sibt 7 ta’ Marzu filgħaxija s-seminaristi stiednu lill-abbatini u l-istudenti tal-gruppi tal-vokazzjonijiet (minn forms 1-4) biex jinġabru s-Seminarju. Grupp sabiħ, ta’ madwar sittin student, mill-maġġoranza tal-parroċċi nġabar għal din l-attività. It-tema kien: “Inqum u mmur għand missieri!” L-adolexxenti nqasmu f’żewġ gruppi, skont l-età, u kull grupp żviluppa flimkien mas-seminaristi, dan it-tema. Kollox ġie fi tmiemu bi snack u b’logħba futbol.
Nhar il-Ġimgħa 13 ta’ Marzu kien imiss l-istudenti tal-form 5 u tas-6 form. Huma ngħaqdu mal-komunità filgħaxija (madwar għaxar studenti) u sar mument ċkejken ta’ talb bl-Iskrittura Mqaddsa. Dan kien mument interessanti għal kulħadd peress li ġie mħaddem metodu ta’ talb(imsejjaħ Scrutatio) li kien ġdid għal ħafna minn dawk preżenti. Is-silta tal-Vanġelu li mexxiet l-attività kienet is-sejħa ta’ Levi (Mk 2,13-17). Wara kien imiss li dawk kollha preżenti jieklu flimkien. Kulħadd ħareġ kuntent bl-ikel li ħejjiet il-kċina tas-Seminarju! Ċertament l-aktar parti tal-attività mistennija kienet dik li ġiet l-aħħar, jiġifieri, il-logħba futbol mas-seminaristi. Xi studenti għażlu li jitħalltu mas-seminaristi billi jilgħabu xi board games magħhom.
Vocational Activities
Every Christian is called upon to share his gifts with others. This applies especially to the gift of the priestly vocation which forms the basis of every vocational meeting and every vocational activity organised by the Seminary and the Seminarians.
Lent offers a good opportunity for such activities. On Saturday evening, 7th March, the seminarians invited the altar boys and the students of the Vocations Groups (Forms 1 to 4) to meet at the Seminary. Quite a number of students, about sixty in all, hailing from the majority of the parishes, attended this activity. The theme was: “I shall arise and go to my father!” The adolescents were divided into two group, according to age, and each group developed this theme with the help of the seminarians. The activity ended with a snack and a game of football.
On Friday, 13th March, it was the turn of Form 5 and Form 6 students. They met the community of the Seminary in the evening. They were about ten students and together they participated in a short moment of prayer through the Holy Scriptures. This was an interesting moment for everybody since a particular type of prayer (known as Scrutatio) was applied. It was a new experience for many of those present. The passage from the Gospel on which this activity was based was the calling of Levi (Mk 2:13-17). Then the partecipants could enjoy the delicious lunch prepared by the kitchen of the Seminary! The last part of the activity was by far the most looked forward to. This was a football match with the seminarians. Some of the students socialised with the seminarians and played board games with them.
Il-Komunità tas-Seminarju ta’ Malta żżur is-Seminarju ta’ Għawdex
Nhar is-Sibt 7 ta’ Marzu s-seminaristi Maltin flimkien mal-formators tagħhom żaru s-Seminarju ta’ Għawdex. Dan hu wieħed mill-ftit mumenti li fih is-seminaristi jkollhom mument ta’ fraternità flimkien.
Mons. Isqof Mario Grech ingħaqad maż-żewġ komunitajiet u ċċelebra l-Ewkaristija. Fil-ħin tal-prietka hu rrifletta fuq il-Vanġelu msejjaħ tal-Iben il-Ħali. Ħa l-okkażjoni biex iħeġġeġ kemm lis-seminaristi u kif ukoll lis-saċerdoti preżenti biex qabel kollox huma stess ma jibżgħux b’indiema jersqu quddiem Alla. “Aħna lkoll midinbin”, hekk stqarr Mons. Isqof. Min-naħa l-oħra, Alla hu għani fil-ħniena: “hu se jkun dejjem jistenniena b’idejh miftuħa”.
Mons. Grech kompla jgħid li Alla jistenna li s-saċerdot jilbes il-kwalitajiet tiegħu, b’mod speċjali l-kwalità tal-paċenzja. “Alla juri paċenzja kemm ma’ dawk li jzappu minħabba kawża tranżitorja, kif ukoll ma’ dawk li ma jistgħux jimxu minħabba kawża permanenti u għaldaqstant probabbli li qatt ma jistgħu jimxu bħall-oħrajn.” Għaldaqstant Mons. Isqof appella biex is-seminaristi, ’il quddiem fit-twettiq tal-ministeru tagħhom “ma jkunux saċerdoti bla paċenzja man-nies”.
Fi tmiem il-quddiesa r-Rettur tas-Seminarju tal-Qalb ta’ Ġesù, ta’ Għawdex, Fr Tony Sciberras mssp wera l-apprezzament tiegħu lill-komunità tas-Seminarju tal-Arċisqof, għaż-żjara tagħhom. Hu tenna l-istedina tiegħu: “you are always welcomed”. Iż-żjara ntemmet permezz tal-ikel flimkien.
The Community of the Malta Seminary pays a visit to the Gozo Seminary
On Saturday 7th March, seminarians and formators from the Malta Seminary paid a visit to the Gozo Seminary. This is one of the few occasions in which seminarians from the two Seminaries meet and share their experiences.
Mgr Bishop Grech joined the two communities and celebrated Mass. During the homily, Mgr Grech reflected on the Parable of the Prodigal Son. He encouraged the priests and the seminarians who were present not to be afraid of asking God’s forgiveness. Mgr. Grech said: “We are all sinners.” On the other hand, God’s mercy is limitless: “He is always waiting for us with open arms.”
Mgr Grech added that God expects every priest to wear His own virtues, especially the virtue of patience. “God is patient with both those who are lame because of a transitory cause and those who are lame because of a permanent cause and thus have to limp all the way. For this reason Mgr Grech appealed to the seminarians to endorse the virtue of patience when they are on their priestly mission.
At the end of the Mass, Fr Tony Sciberras MSSP, Rector of the Seminary of The Sacred Heart of Jesus, thanked the community of the Malta Seminary for their visit. He assured the Malta community that they are always welcome. The Gozo Seminary then hosted the group at lunch.
L-Għoti tal-ministeru tal-Lettorat
Is-seminaristi li jinsabu fil-ħames sena, Michael Grima (San Lawrenz) u Carl Scerri (Katidral – Victoria), irċivew il-ministeru tal-Lettorat nhar il-Ħadd 15 ta’ Frar 2015.
Mons. Isqof Mario Grech istitwixxa lil Michael u lil Carl f’dan il-ministeru waqt quddiesa fil-bażilka ta’ Marija Bambina, ix-Xagħra. Diversi qassisin ikkonċelebraw waqt il-quddiesa, fosthom il-formators tas-Seminarju. Il-familjari tas-seminaristi flimkien ma’ diversi persuni, kemm mill-parroċċa tax-Xagħra kif ukoll mill-parroċċi tal-Katidral, ta’ San Lawrenz u tax-Xewkija (fejn qed iservi pastoralment Carl Scerri) kienu wkoll preżenti.
Wara l-Vanġelu r-Rettur ippreżenta lill-kandidati u Mons. Isqof laqa’ t-talba tiegħu. Waqt il-prietka l-Isqof tratta l-Vanġelu tal-ġurnata (il-fejqan tal-lebbruż, Mk 1,40-45) u anki silet xi riflessjonijiet mill-Pastorali tar-Randan 2015, li nqrat dakinhar fil-knejjes kollha ta’ Għawdex. Mons. Mario Grech stieden lil kulħadd biex ma jibżax jersaq lejn Ġesù biex dan ifejqu: għax Ġesù jħobb lil kulħadd “speċjalment lill-midneb”. Għaldaqstant, Mons. Isqof qal li Ġesù ġie biex joħroġna mill-mentalità żbaljata tagħna: li Alla ma jaħfirx jew li Alla jkeċċi lill-midinbin. Hawn hu dar fuq il-letturi l-ġodda u stedinhom biex huma wkoll “joħorġu” minn din il-mentalità u jfittxu li jxandru l-bxara t-tajba lil kulħadd (b’mod speċjali lil dawk li qegħdin “jibku”).
Wara l-prietka Mons. Isqof talab fuq il-kandidati u tahom il-Bibbja. Fi tmiem il-quddiesa l-Isqof ippreżenta lil dawk preżenti r-Rettur il-ġdid, Fr Tony Sciberras MSSP.
Ritratti: Ray Grech
The Bestowing of the Ministry of the Lectorate
On Sunday 15th February 2015, two fifth-year seminarians, Michael Grima (St Laurence Parish) and Carl Scerri (Gozo Cathedral) received the Ministry of the Lectorate,.
Bishop Mario Grech bestowed the ministry to Michael and Carl during Mass at the Basilica of Maria Bambina, in Xagħra. Various priests, including the formators of the Seminary, concelebrated. The celebration was attended also by relatives of the seminarians and people from the parish of Xagħra, the Gozo Cathedral, St Laurence and Xewkija, where Carl Scerri is doing pastoral work.
Following the reading of the Gospel, the Rector presented the candidates and Bishop Grech accepted them as Lectors. In the homily, the Bishop reflected on the Gospel of the day, (the healing of the leper, Mk 1,40-45) and on extracts from the Lenten Pastoral 2015, which was being read that day in all the churches of the diocese. The Bishop invited the faithful not to be afraid of reaching out to Jesus to be healed, since Jesus loves us all, especially sinners. Jesus came to lead us away from our mistaken mentality that God does not forgive and that he turns away from the sinner. Bishop Grech turned to the new Lectors and invited them to discard this mentality and seek to spread the Good News to all, especially to those who “wail”.
After the homily, Bishop Grech prayed upon the candidates and presented the Bible to them. At the end of the Mass, the Bishop presented the new Rector, Fr Tony Sciberras MSSP, to the congregation.
Images: Ray Grech
Quddiesa fil-bidu tal-ministeru ta’ Fr Tony Sciberras
Nhar is-Sibt 14 ta’ Frar saret quddiesa ta’ ringrazzjament lil Alla fil-bidu tal-ministeru ta’ Fr Tony Sciberras MSSP bħala rettur tas-Seminarju.
Mons. Isqof Mario Grech mexxa din il-quddiesa li għaliha kienu mistiedna Fr Frankie Cini (is-Superjur tas-Soċjetà Missjunarja ta’ San Pawl f’Malta), Fr Paul Sciberras (ħu r-Rettur), il-formators tas-Seminarju, is-seminaristi, is-sorijiet u anki rappreżentanza tal-ħaddiema u tal-voluntiera tas-Seminarju. Fil-mument tal-prietka Mons. Isqof tkellem fuq il-mandat li qed jafda f’idejn Fr Tony, dan filwaqt li radd ħajr lis-Soċjetà Missjunarja ta’ San Pawl u lill-familja ta’ Fr Tony, li għamluha possibbli li hu jaċċetta din il-missjoni.
Mons. Isqof qal li l-Vanġelu tal-ġurnata (Lq 10,1-12) jispjega tajjeb il-mandat ta’ Fr Tony. Hu Ġesù li jibgħat lid-dixxipli tiegħu u hu Ġesù li jsejjaħ u jibgħat lis-saċerdoti biex ixandru l-bxara t-tajba. Ix-xandir tal-aħbar afdat f’idejn is-saċerdot hu s-sliem li jilħaq qalb kull bniedem, anki qalb il-bniedem tal-ġurnata tal-lum, li jinsab daqstant imtaqqal. Għalhekk Ġesù jistieden kontinwament biex l-imsejħin iġeddu l-motivazzjonijiet tagħhom u jagħrfu jagħtu prijorità assoluta lil din il-missjoni. “Il-ħaddiema huma ftit.” Mons. Isqof qal li dan ma jirriflettix biss il-kwantità imma wkoll huma ftit il-ħaddiema li huma tassew ta’ kwalità.
Għaldaqstant Mons. Mario Grech ġabar il-messaġġ tiegħu lil Fr Tony fit tliet sejħat: li jaħdem biex is-seminaristi jsiru dejjem aktar bnedmin ta’ Alla (bnedmin ta’ talb); li jsiru persuni li lesti biex jidħlu b’mod sħiħ u responsabbli għall-missjoni; u li jagħmel mis-seminaristi persuni li jħaddnu l-faqar (distakkati).
Wara l-prietka Mons. Isqof flimkien mal-konċelebranti talbu l-Ispirtu s-Santu fuq Fr Tony fil-bidu ta’ din il-ħidma speċjali. Ir-Rettur, min-naħa tiegħu, fi tmiem il-quddiesa għamel messaġġ ċkejken ta’ ringrazzjament.
Il-komunità tas-Seminarju tawgura lil Fr Tony fil-bidu tal-missjoni tiegħu bħala rettur tas-Seminarju.
A Thanksgiving Mass to mark the beginning of the ministry of Fr Tony Sciberras
On Saturday 14th February a Thanksgiving Mass was celebrated to mark the beginning of the ministry of Fr Tony Sciberras MSSP as Rector of the Seminary.
Bishop Mario Grech led this Mass which was attended also by Fr Frankie Cini (Father Superior of the Missionary Society of St Paul in Malta), Fr Paul Sciberras (the Rector’s brother), the formators of the Seminary, the seminarians, the nuns and representatives of the workers and voluntary helpers of the Seminary. In the homily the Bishop spoke about the mandate that he is entrusted Fr Tony with and he showed his gratitude to the Missionary Society of St Paul and to Fr Tony’s family that made it possible for Fr Tony to accept this mission.
Bishop Grech said that the Gospel of the day (Lk 10,1-12) explains well Fr Tony’s mandate. It is Jesus who sent his disciples to spread the Good News and it is Jesus who calls and sends the priests on the same mission. The preaching of the Good News, entrusted in the hands of the priest, brings peace to the heart of man, even to the heart of contemporary man, which is so burdened. Thus, Jesus is continually inviting the chosen to renew their motivations and to give absolute priority to this mission. “The workers are a few.” Bishop Grech said that this reflects not only the quantity but also the quality of the workers.
Bishop Grech summarised in three points the mission entrusted to Fr Tony. As Rector, he must see that the seminarians spend more time in prayer, thus getting closer to God; that the seminarians take their mission in a full and responsible manner; that the seminarians embrace poverty.
Bishop Grech and the concelebrating priests invoked the Holy Spirit to inspire Fr Tony during his special mission. On his part, the Rector showed his gratitude in a short message which he delivered at the end of the Mass.
The community of the Seminary welcomes Fr Tony in his mission as Rector of the Seminary.
Jiġi fi tmiemu l-Ewwel Semestru
Is-seminaristi temmew l-ewwel semestru għal din is-sena nhar it-Tnejn 26 ta’ Jannar. Tmiem ta’ perjodu ta’ studju jġib miegħu l-eżamijiet. Dawn saru bejn il-Ħamis 29 ta’ Jannar u s-Sibt 7 ta’ Frar. Fi tmiem l-eżamijiet il-komunità kellha jumejn ta’ mistrieħ f’Malta. B’dan il-mod kulħadd kien ippreparat biex jagħti bidu għat-tieni semestru ta’ studju, li beda nhar l-Erbgħa 11 ta’ Frar, l-għada tas-Solennità tan-Nawfraġju ta’ San Pawl.
End of the First Semester and Beginning of the Second Semester.
This year, the first semester at the Seminary ended on Monday 26th January. Every period of studies ends with examinations. This year the seminarians had their examinations from Thursday 29th January to Saturday 7th February. Examination days were followed by a couple of days of relaxation in Malta. The second semester started on Wednesday 11th February, on the morrow of the Feast of St Paul’s Shipwreck.
A Week of Prayer for Unity among Christians
From Monday 19th till Friday 23rd January, the Church held a Week of Prayer for Unity among Christians. The community of the Seminary held moments of prayer to foster awareness of ecumenism among the seminarians. The seminarians participated also in the ecumenical service held every year at St Augustine Church at Victoria.