
IMG_4578Nhar it-Tnejn 12 ta’ Ottubru ngħaqad mal-komunità tas-Seminarju ż-żgħażugħ li se jibda l-esperjenza tas-Sena Propedewtika.  Joseph Bajada mill-parroċċa ta’ Marija Bambina, ix-Xagħra se jkun qed jagħmel l-esperjenza tal-Propedewtika fis-Seminarju. Hu għandu programm speċifiku għalih imqassam tul il-ġimgħa bejn it-Tnejn u l-Ġimgħa.  Fin-nofstanhar ta’ filgħodu jmur fuq il-post tax-xogħol, li s-Seminarju assenjalu.  Waranofsinhar Joseph jingħaqad mal-bqija tal-komunità għall-attivitajiet li jsiru fis-Seminarju.  Tul din is-sena Joseph ser jagħmel ukoll xi korsijiet introduttorji għall-filosofija u għat-teoloġija.  Is-sena Propedewtika tkun għalih ukoll mument importanti ta’ riflessjoni u ta’ dixxerniment biex fi tmiemha jressaq t-talba biex jiġi aċċettat għall-ewwel sena tal-kors bħala seminarista.  Merħba fostna Joseph!

IMG_4578On Monday, 12th October, Joseph Bajada from the parish church of Marija Bambina, started his one year propaedeutic course at the Seminary.  He is to follow a specific programme spread over the week, from Monday to Friday.  During the morning he is at work, a job assigned to him by the Seminary, and then, in the afternoon, he joins the seminary community in the activities at the Seminary.  During this year, Joseph is going to follow introductory courses in philosophy and theology.  The propaedeutic year will be for him a year of reflection and discernment and at the end of the year he will present his request to be accepted as a first year seminarian.  Welcome, Joseph!

IMG_4553Nhar il-Ħamis 8 ta’ Ottubru ħabat l-ewwel Ħamis mid-disa’ Ħamisijiet ta’ talb għall-vokazzjonijiet.  Filgħodu bdejna bil-Quddiesa fil-Kappella tas-Seminarju u wara saret l-esposizzjoni ta’ Ġesù Ewkaristija.  L-adorazzjoni kompliet fis-skiet sal-4.00pm.  Filgħaxija l-komunità tas-Seminarju ngħaqdet flimkien ma’ dik tal-Għarb għal siegħa adorazzjoni fil-bażilka tal-Viżitazzjoni fl-Għarb.  Fl-ewwel parti tal-adorazzjoni r-Rettur, Fr Tony Sciberras mssp, għamel ħsieb marbut mas-sejħa li kull imgħammed għandu biex iwettaq ir-rieda ta’ Alla.  Dan għamlu billi kkwota siltiet mir-riflessjonijiet ta’ Dun Mikiel Attard.  Fit-tieni parti mbagħad, is-seminaristi mexxew it-talba tar-Rużarju b’meditazzjonijiet marbuta mas-sejħat li għamel Alla fl-Iskrittura.  Fi tmiem l-adorazzjoni r-Rettur ta l-Barka Sagramentali u wara l-Arċipriet Mons. Joseph Sultana rringrazzja lis-Seminarju talli ngħaqad mal-komunità tal-Għarb għal dan il-mument ta’ talb.  L-adorazzjoni li jmiss se ssir il-Ħamis 12 ta’ Novembru.  Dakinhar, sal-4.00pm it-talb isir fil-kappella tas-Seminarju u fis-7.00pm fil-Bażilka ta’ Marija Bambina fix-Xagħra.



IMG_4553Thursday 8th October was the first of nine Thursdays of prayer for vocation.  In the morning, Mass was celebrated in the Seminary Chapel and then the exposition of the Holy Eucharist and Adoration in silence followed.  The Adoration in silence ended at 4.00pm.  In the evening, the Seminary community joined the community of Gharb for an hour of Adoration in the Basilica of the Visitation at Gharb. In the first part of the Adoration, the Rector, Fr Tony Sciberras MSSP shared with us his thoughts about the call of every baptised person to do God’s will.   He quoted selections from the reflections of Fr Mikiel Attard.  In the second part, the seminarians led the recitation of the Rosary with meditations associated with God’s calls in the Sacred Scripture.  At the end of the Adoration, the Rector blessed the congregation with the Holy Eucharist. Archpriest Mgr Joseph Sultana thanked the Seminary community for joining the community of Gharb in this day of prayer.  The next day of Adoration will be on Thursday 12th November.  Prayers will be said in the Seminary Chapel till 4.00pm and at the Basilica of Maria Bambina at Xaghra at 7.00pm.



OpenBibleLast Monday, 5th October 2015, the sessions of Lectio Divina recommenced.  The Lectio Divina is a meeting of prayer based on the reading of the Holy Scriptures, and according to an old method.  For this year, contrary to what has taken place in the past, each Lectio is to be based on the Gospel of the following Sunday.  All the priests of the diocese are invited to take part.  The Rector, Fr Tony Sciberras mssp presented the first meditation for this year of formation.  During the sessions for this year, the Lectio Divina are going to be presented by different priests.  The meditation for next Monday, 12th October, will be presented by Archpriest Mgr Carmelo Refalo.

OpenBibleNhar it-Tnejn li għadda, 5 ta’ Ottubru, tajna bidu mill-ġdid għal-Lectio Divina.  Il-Lectio Divina hi laqgħa ta’ talb bl-Iskrittura Mqaddsa skont metodu antik.  Għal din is-sena b’differenza mis-snin l-imgħoddija l-Lectio se tibda ssir fuq il-Vanġelu tal-Ħadd li jkun imiss, u għal-Lectio huma mistiedna s-saċerdoti kollha tad-Djoċesi.  Ir-Rettur, Fr Tony Sciberras mssp, ippreżenta l-ewwel meditazzjoni għal din is-sena ta’ formazzjoni.  Matul din is-sena l-Lectio Divina se titmexxa minn saċerdoti differenti.  Nhar it-Tnejn li ġej, 12 ta’ Ottubru se jmexxiha l-Arċipriet Mons. Carmelo Refalo.

IMG_4529Il-komunità tas-Seminarju reġgħet lura għal sena oħra ta’ formazzjoni nhar it-Tnejn 21 ta’ Settembru.  Tul il-waqfa tas-sajf kien hemm diversi mumenti li fihom il-komunità ltaqgħet flimkien, fosthom in-nofstanhar ta’ riflessjoni li sar nhar il-11 ta’ Awwissu f’Manresa, ir-Rabat.  Mexxa r-riflessjoni Fr Martin Cilia mssp.

It-Tnejn 21 ta’ Settembru s-seminaristi taw daqqa t’id fit-tindif u fit-tħejjija tas-Seminarju għal sena oħra ta’ formazzjoni. L-għada, it-Tlieta 22 ta’ Settembru filgħodu ġiet iċċelebrata l-Ewkaristija u wara s-seminaristi ltaqgħu flimkien u tkellmu waqt sharing fuq id-diversi esperjenzi ta’ volontarjat li huma wettqu fis-sajf.  Ta’ min jgħid ukoll, li f’dan il-jum is-seminaristi ltaqgħu għall-ewwel darba mal-pastoral mentor, Dun Giovanni Curmi. Dun Giovanni se jakkumpanja lis-seminaristi fl-esperjenzi pastorali li jkollhom fil-parroċċi matul is-sena ta’ formazzjoni. Imbagħad filgħaxija l-komunità tat bidu għall-irtir tal-bidu tas-sena fir-Rabat Malta. Din is-sena sar ukoll fid-Dar tas-Sorijiet tas-Saint Joseph.  Din id-darba kien Mons. Anton Gouder li mexxa l-irtir li ntemm is-Sibt 26 ta’ Settembru.

L-Erbgħa 30 ta’ Settembru ngħata bidu għas-sena akkademika permezz tal-Quddiesa tal-Ispirtu s-Santu, immexxija minn Mons. Isqof Mario Grech.  Minħabba li dakinhar iċċelebrajna t-tifkira ta’ San Ġilormu, waqt l-omelija l-Isqof qasam magħna xi riflessjonijiet ta’ dan il-qaddis. San Ġlormu ddeskriva lill-kjeriku, il-persuna kkonsagrata, bħala bniedem li s-sehem tiegħu huwa Alla. San Ġlormu, is-saċerdot li ttraduċa l-Kotba Mqaddsa mill-Grieg għal-Latin, jgħallimna li “min ma jafx l-Iskrittura Mqaddsa ma jafx lil Kristu”. Għaldaqstant l-Isqof ħeġġeġ lis-saċerdoti sabiex ikunu qrib l-Iskrittura u jagħrfu jittraduċuha għaż-żminijiet tal-lum. Għal din l-Ewkaristija kienu mistiedna l-professuri, il-familjari tas-seminaristi u l-membri tal-Aħwa Ħbieb tas-Seminarju. Fi tmiem il-Quddiesa saret bibita.

Omelija ta’ Mons. Isqof – Alla huwa l-wirt tagħna

IMG_4529The Community of the Seminary started another year of formation on Monday, 21st September. During the summer holidays, there were occasions when the members of the community met and shared moments of prayer. One such occasion was a half-day retreat, led by Fr Martin Cilia MSSP, at Manresa House on 11th August.

On Monday, 21st September, the seminarians gave a helping hand in the clean-up and preparation of the premises for the coming year of formation. The following morning, Tuesday 22nd September, we joined in the celebration of Mass and then shared our summer experiences of voluntary service in the community. We had our first meeting with Fr Giovanni Curmi, our pastoral mentor, who, during the year, is going to accompany us in our pastoral experiences in the parishes. That same afternoon, the community started its annual retreat at St Joseph Nuns’ Covent at Rabat, Malta. Mgr Anton Gouder led the retreat which ended on Saturday, 26th September.

On Wednesday, 30th September, Mgr Bishop Mario Grech celebrated the Mass of the Holy Spirit, which marked the beginning of the academic year. That day happened to be the feast day of St Jerome, and during his homily the Bishop shared with us some of St Jerome’s reflections. The saint describes the member of the clergy, the consecrated member, as a person who has to focus his life on God. The same saint, who translated the Sacred Scriptures from Greek to Latin, teaches us that “he who does not know the Scripures does not know Christ”. The Bishop encouraged the priests to embrace the Scriptures and to apply their teachings to modern times. Professors, relatives of seminarians and the members of Aħwa Ħbieb tas-Seminarju participated in the celebration of the Holy Eucharist. They were later invited for refreshments.

Bishop’s Grech Homily

ordination (15)Nhar is-Sibt, 20 ta’ Ġunju 2015, fil-Knisja Katidrali, Mons. Mario Grech, Isqof ta’ Għawdex amministra s-Sagrament tal-Ordni Sagri fil-grad tad-Djakonat lil Joseph Attard mill-Parroċċa taż-Żebbuġ, Massimo Buttigieg mill-Parroċċa tal-Katidral, u Mario Curmi mill-Parroċċa tax-Xagħra, fil-preżenza tal-familjari u l-ħbieb flimkien ma’ numru sabiħ ta’ saċerdoti. Il-Quddiesa tal-Ordinazzjoni ġiet animata mill-Kor Djoċesan taż-Żgħażagħ.

Fl-omelija tiegħu, Mons. Isqof qasam mat-tliet seminaristi li ġew ordnati djakni x-xewqa tiegħu li ma jitwieldux djakni għajjenin.

L-Isqof Grech silet il-ħsieb tiegħu mill-Vanġelu tal-Liturġija tal-ġurnata, li jirrakkonta dwar kif Kristu sikket it-tempesta fuq il-Baħar tal-Galilija.  Ġesù, qal l-Isqof, kien mimli ħeġġa biex jaqsam lejn in-naħa l-oħra tal-għadira, lejn Ġerasa, il-post li jirrappreżenta l-komunità pagana, għax lilhom ried iwassal il-Kelma.  Eku ta’ dan hi s-sejħa tal-Papa Franġisku biex inkunu Knisja li toħroġ, taqdef ’il barra biex tevanġelizza fil-periferiji tas-soċjetà.  Hemm bżonn li anki aħna “naqsmu għal Ġerasa”, qal l-Isqof Grech, u ma nsofrux mill-“kumpless ta’ Ġona” li ttenta jaħrab mir-rieda ta’ Alla li jħabbar l-indiema lill-pagani midinba.

L-Isqof interpreta l-biża’ tad-dixxipli bħala l-biża’ tagħna wkoll li nidħlu għal din l-avventura evanġelika, għax jogħġbuna iżjed l-ambjenti komdi li drajna fihom u nibżgħu minn xi tempesta!  “Tfittxux imwejjed mifruxin”, wissa lid-djakni, hu u jfakkarhom fil-missjoni tagħhom li jkunu qaddejja tal-komunità.  Ħeġġeġ ukoll biex ma naqilgħux tempesti għall-komunità, imma nħallu lil Ġesù jaħdem fina.

IMG_3965Bi tħejjija għal dawn il-mumenti qawwija l-Knisja ta’ Għawdex ġiet mistiedna biex il-Ġimgħa, 19 ta’ Ġunju, tinġabar fis-Seminarju biex tingħaqad mal-ordinandi u titlob flimkien magħhom. Din il-velja ta’ talb, li ġiet imxandra b’mod dirett fuq Radju Marija, kienet tikkonsisti f’żewġ mumenti partikulari.  Fl-ewwel mument ġiet iċċelebrata l-liturġija tal-Kelma, fejn wara l-qari ta’ siltiet mill-Iskrittura, r-Rettur tas-Seminarju spjegaha permezz tal-omelija.  Fi tmiem il-prietka ġie espost Ġesù Sagramentat għal ftit mumenti ta’ adorazzjoni.

Wara il-Barka Sagramentali, Ġesù Ewkaristija ġie meħud imbagħad fil-kappella u baqa’ espost il-lejl kollu sabiex il-fidili setgħu jinġabru għat-talb personali.  Mons. Isqof Mario Grech għalaq il-Velja billi wassal il-messaġġ tiegħu tal-okkażjoni.


ordination (15)On Saturday 20th June, 2015, Joseph Attard from Zebbug Parish, Massimo Buttigieg from The Cathedral Parish and Mario Curmi from Xaghra Parish were ordained deacons by Mgr Mario Grech, Bishop of Gozo.  The Ordination Ceremony was held at the Gozo Cathedral.  Relatives, friends and a number of priests took part in the celebration.

In his homily, the Bishop shared with the three deacons his vision of a proactive diaconate.  The homily was based on the Gospel of the day that narrates the episode of Christ calming the storm on the Sea of Galilee.  The Bishop said that Christ was eager to cross over to the other bank towards Gerasa, the place that was associated with a pagan community.  It was to this pagan community that Christ wanted to preach.  Pope Francis’ call to us to be a Church that sails out of port to evangelize the suburbs of society is reminiscent of Christ’s eagerness to reach Gerasa.  We too need to cross over to Gerasa and to overcome the “complex of Jonah”, who tried to ignore God’s will to preach repentance to the pagan sinners.

Like the disciples, we too are afraid to embark on this evangelical adventure, since we are too taken in by modern commodities and are afraid of landing in a storm.  The Bishop urged the deacons not to “search for tables which are already laid” since the deacon’s mission is to serve the community.  He urged them also not to raise storms in the community and to let Christ work in them.

IMG_3965As preparation for the ordination, the Gozo diocese invited the community to join the ordinands for an evening of prayer at the Seminary on Friday, 19th June.  This evening of prayer, transmitted live on Radju Marija, included two particular moments.  The first was the celebration of the Liturgy of the Word.  The Seminary Rector explained the readings in his homily.  The second was the exposition of the Holy Eucharist.  After the Sacramental Blessing, the Holy Host was taken to the chapel where it was exposed for the night.  The Bishop ended the evening with a messagg to the congregation.


IMG_3928Il-Ħamis 11 ta’ Ġunju s-seminaristi temmew l-eżamijiet tagħhom.  Ta’ kull sena, dan il-mument jimmarka t-tmiem tas-sena ta’ formazzjoni.  Il-Ġimgħa 12 ta’ Ġunju s-seminaristi ngħaqdu mal-Knisja fiċ-ċelebrazzjoni tas-Solennità tal-Qalb Qaddisa ta’ Ġesù.  Is-Sibt u t-Tnejn huma kellhom xi laqgħat konklużivi.  F’dawn l-aħħar ġranet is-seminaristi raddew ħajr u awguraw lil Dun Michael Curmi fi tmiem is-servizz tiegħu bħala Viċi Rettur tas-Seminarju u fil-bidu tal-ministeru l-ġdid tiegħu bħala Arċipriet f’Ta’ Sannat.

It-Tnejn 15 ta’ Ġunju Mons. Isqof Mario Grech mexxa l-Quddiesa t’għeluq is-sena.  Ikkonċelebraw flimkien miegħu l-formators tas-Seminarju u Dun Joseph Curmi (ħu Dun Michael Curmi).  Għal din il-Quddiesa kienu mistiedna l-ġenituri u l-familjari tas-seminaristi, flimkien mal-Aħwa Ħbieb tas-Seminarju, il-ħaddiema u l-helpers tas-Seminarju.

IMG_3915F’din l-okkażjoni Mons. Isqof ibbaża l-ħsieb tiegħu fuq il-Vanġelu tal-ġurnata (Mt 5,38-42).  Dan il-Vanġelu jfakkarna kemm l-umanità tagħna hi tassew dgħajfa u għaldaqstant ifakkarna kemm hu meħtieġ li aħna naħdmu biex nikkoreġuha.  Jekk dan jgħodd għal kull Nisrani, jgħodd b’mod speċjali għall-ministri ta’ Alla.  L-umanità tagħhom hija kanal importanti biex il-grazzja u l-Bxara t-tajba jaslu għand il-bnedmin.  Hu għalhekk li fis-Seminarju tingħata ċerta importanza lid-dimensjoni umana tal-formazzjoni tas-seminaristi.  Saċerdot verament uman jista’ jagħmel possibbli li l-Knisja tkun tassew il-messaġġiera ta’ Ġesù Kristu “veru Alla u veru bniedem”.  Mons. Isqof temm ir-riflessjoni tiegħu billi radd ħajr lill-formators tas-Seminarju li jaħdmu kontinwament biex is-seminaristi jikbru tassew fl-uman tagħhom.  Hu radd ħajr fuq kollox lill-familjari tas-seminaristi.  Huma dawn li sa mill-bidu sawru l-personalità ta’ kull seminarist.

Fi tmiem il-Quddiesa r-Rettur, f’isem Mons. Isqof, il-formators, is-seminaristi, is-sorijiet, il-ħaddiema, il-helpers u l-Aħwa Ħbieb tas-Seminarju, ippreżenta rigal ta’ apprezzament lil Dun Michael Curmi.  Min-naħa tiegħu Dun Michael wera l-apprezzament tiegħu u wiegħed li se jżomm lis-Seminarju u lis-seminaristi f’talbu u f’qalbu.  Kollox ġie fi tmiemu permezz ta’ festin.



IMG_3915Thursday, 11th June, marked the end of examinations for the seminarians, thus marking also the end of another year of formation.  On Friday, 12th June, the seminarians joined the Church for the celebration of the Solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.  On Saturday and on Monday they attended the final meetings of the year.  The seminarians thanked Fr Michael Curmi for his service as Vice Rector of the Seminary and wished him success in his new ministry as Archpriest of Sannat.

On Monday, 15th June, Bishop Mario Grech led the celebration of Mass to mark the end of the year of formation.  The Seminary formators and Fr Joseph Curmi, brother of Fr Michael Curmi, concelebrated.  Parents and relatives of the seminarians, the Ahwa Ħbieb tas-Seminarju and helpers of the Seminarju were present for the occasion.

IMG_3928Bishop Mario Grech based his homily on the Gospel of the day (Mt 5, 38-42).  This reading brings to mind the fragility of human nature and the need to strive to make up for this fragility. This reading applies to all Christians, but especially to members of the clergy, who are a medium through which Grace and the Good News reach mankind.  It is for this reason that our Seminary emphasizes the humane dimension of the formation of seminarians.  A really humane priest may make it possible for the Church to be the messenger of Jesus Christ, “true God and true man”.  Bishop Grech thanked the formators of the Seminary who strive to strengthen the humane characteristic in each and every seminarian.  He thanked also the relatives of the seminarians. The Bishop said that the seminarians owe the formation of their personality to their relatives.

On behalf of Bishop Grech, formators, seminarians, nuns, workers, helpers and the Ahwa Ħbieb tas-Seminary, the Rector presented a gift to Fr Michael Curmi.  Fr Curmi thanked the community and promised to remember the Seminary and the seminarians in his prayers.  Refreshments were then served.

