
DSC_0056On Sunday, 25th November 2015, the first Sunday of Advent, seminarian Michael Grima, from the parish of St Laurence, and seminarian Carl Scerri, from the Cathedral parish, were conferred with the Ministry of Acolyte by Bishop Mario Grech.  The Seminary community was joined by the relatives of the seminarians for Mass at the Basilica of St George in Victoria.

In his homily, the bishop shared his reflections on the Gospel of the day.  He said that Christ wanted to disrupt continuity and bring about “new skies and new land”.  The bishop explained that our religion helps every Christian build a true relationship with God.  This relationship should be one that is neither a burden nor an obstacle.  Nor should it be enslaving.  Our religion defends the weak.  The bishop urged the two seminarians and the priests present for the celebration, to renew the Church of Gozo and make it a Church that goes out to meet man and accompany him in life.  They should never lose heart but should help families and couples who are going through hard times to feel that the kind hand of the Lord is again reaching out to them

The homily was followed by the institution of the ministry of Acolyte.  Michael and Carl were presented with bread and wine in a paten and a chalice.  From now on they can distribute communion to the faithful and to the sick and expose the Blessed Sacrament for Adoration.



IMG_4876Mument sabiħ fis-Seminarju seħħ nhar is-Sibt 28 ta’ Diċembru.  Dakinhar saret it-tħabbira tal-Avvent Imqaddes u saret ukoll il-preżentazzjoni tal-ikona għal din is-sena ta’ formazzjoni. 

Waqt din iċ-ċelebrazzjoni, ir-Rettur, Dun Tony Sciberras qasam mal-komunità l-ħsieb tiegħu fil-bidu ta’ din is-sena liturġika.  Ma naqasx ukoll il-kant Maranathà u innijiet oħra marbuta ma’ dan iż-żmien tal-Avvent.  B’differenza mis-soltu, din is-sena l-ikona nħadmet minn seminarista.  Daniel Mercieca ngħata dan l-impenn.  L-ikona hija kopja mpittra tal-logo uffiċċjali tal-Ġublew tal-Ħniena (l-orġinali sar mill-pittur famuż Fr Marko Ivan Rupnik).  Għalhekk filwaqt li ppreżenta l-ikona, Daniel spjega x’tifsira għandha.  L-ikona turi lil Ġesù Kristu jerfa’ fuq spallejh ruħ mitlufa raffigurata fil-persuna ta’ Adam.

Temmejna din iċ-ċelebrazzjoni bit-talba tar-rużarju.




IMG_4876On Saturday, December 28th, the Seminary hosted a joyful celebration related with the heralding of Advent and the presentation of the icon for the coming year of formation.

During the celebration, Rector Fr Tony Sciberras shared with the community his thoughts for the start of the new liturgical year.  Then we sang the Maranathà and other hymns related with Advent.  The icon for this year was painted by Seminarian Daniel Mercieca.  The icon is a painted copy of the official logo of the Jubilee of Mercy.  The original was painted by the famous artist Fr Marko Ivan Rupnik.  At the presentation, Daniel gave an explanation of the icon which shows Jesus Christ bearing on his shoulders a lost soul, represented in the figure of Adam.

Rosary was recited at the end of the celebration.



Ta’ kull sena, f’dawn l-aħħar snin, il-manifestazzjoni djoċesana fl-okkażjoni tas-Solennità ta’ Kristu Re kienet qed tibdel il-forma tagħha sabiex tiġi enfasizzata t-tema tas-sena.  Din is-sena, peress li qed tiġi fi tmiemha s-sena ddedikata lill-ħajja kkonsagrata, it-tema marbuta ma’ dan l-għan.  Għaldaqstant il-manifestazzjoni saret il-Ħadd 22 ta’ Novembru, fis-Santwarju Ta’ Pinu.  Għaliha kienu mistiedna b’mod speċjali s-saċerdoti, ir-reliġjużi, il-lajċi kkonsagrati u s-seminaristi.  Kien mument sabiħ fejn id-djoċesi, bl-għajnuna ta’ Mons. Isqof setgħet tapprezza l-ħidma b’risq il-ħajja kkonsagrata li qed issir fi ħdan il-Knisja Għawdxija.  Mons. Grech enfasizza l-fatt li lkoll kemm aħna għandna ngħożżu lill-erwieħ ikkonsagrati filwaqt li stieden biex dawn il-persuni jgħinu lill-bniedem jiddixxerni r-rieda ta’ Alla għalih.

For the past few years, the diocesan manifestation on the occasion of the Solemnity of the Feast of Christ the King has been changing its format to coincide with the theme of the current year.  Since this year was dedicated to consecrated life, the theme of the manifestation was in fact consecrated life.  The manifestation was held at Ta’ Pinu Sanctuary on Sunday November 22nd.  Priests, religious persons, seminarians and the laity present at Ta’ Pinu could appreciate the work done by the local Church to promote consecrated life.  Bishop Mario Grech emphasized the fact that we should respect consecrated persons and these in turn should help the laity to discern God’s will.

IMG_2911Dis-sena, b’differenza mis-soltu, il-lungo passeggio sar billejl.  Din il-mixja ġiet organizzata fil-lejl bejn il-Ġimgħa 20 u s-Sibt 21 ta’ Novembru.  Is-seminaristi flimkien ma’ xi formators telqu bil-mixi mis-Seminarju għall-ħabta ta’ nofsillejl u mxew lejn il-kappella ta’ San Dimitri.  Minn hawn irħewlha lejn Wied l-Għasri u wara għal Marsalforn.  Il-mixja kienet ftit impenjattiva minħabba l-għejja tal-lejl u anki minħabba r-riħ li kien hemm f’dik il-lejla partikulari.  Għall-5.00am tas-Sibt is-seminaristi waslu Marsalforn fejn ġiet iċċelebrata l-Ewkaristija fil-Kunvent tas-Sorijiet Franġiskani tal-Qalb ta’ Ġesù, li jinsab fil-Qbajjar.  Wara, is-seminaristi flimkien mal-formators ħadu l-kolazzjoni f’restorant f’Marsalforn stess.  Imbagħad, kulħadd inġabar f’daru għall-mistrieħ.  Għalkemm kulħadd kien xi ftit għajjien, kulħadd kien kuntent li dan il-lungo passeggio rnexxa.



IMG_2911This year, the lungo passeggio was different from that of earlier years.  It was held on the night between Friday 20th and Saturday 21st November.  The seminarians and some formators started their hike from the Seminary at about midnight.  They proceeded to the chapel of St Dimitri, on to Wied l-Għasri and Marsalforn.  The hike was quite exhausting, mainly because it was windy.  The hikers reached Marsalforn at about 5.00am.  Mass was celebrated at the chapel of the convent of the Franciscan Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus at Qbajjar.  Then the seminarians and formators had breakfast at Marsalforn before returning home.  Everybody was tired but happy that this lungo passeggio had been a success.




For the fourth consecutive year, the Seminary community celebrated vocations week in a chosen parish.  This year, the parish of Our Lady of Loretu of Għajnsielem hosted the seminarians between Sunday 15th and Friday 20th November.  The aim of vocations week was to promote vocations among the younger generation.  For this reason, the seminarians met the youth and adolescents of the village for discussion and prayer.

The Seminary community joined the parochial community for Mass and the seminarians paid visits to the Għajnsielem Primary School and MCAST IMG_4846which is in the same village.  There were moments of Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and meetings with children at catechism centres and at the MUSEUM and with youth groups and priests serving in the parish.  However, the home visits were the central activity of the week.  From Monday to Thursday, the seminarians paid visits to several families who are raising adolescents and youths.  At the end of this experience, the superiors of the Seminary and the seminarians thanked God, Archpriest Fr Frankie Bajada and the parish of Għajnsielem for this opportunity of reaching out to the People of God.



IMG_4735Għar-raba’ sena konsekuttiva l-komunità tas-Seminarju organizzat ġimgħa ta’ missjoni f’parroċċa partikulari.  Din is-sena saret bejn il-Ħadd 15 u l-Ġimgħa 20 ta’ Novembru fil-parroċċa tal-Madonna ta’ Loretu, f’Għajnsielem.  L-iskop tal-missjoni kien wieħed vokazzjonali.  Għaldaqstant kien hemm diversi mumenti sbieħ matul din il-ġimgħa li fihom is-seminaristi setgħu jiltaqgħu ma’ adolexxenti u żgħażagħ.

Għal aktar minn darba l-komunità tas-Seminarju ċċelebrat l-Ewkaristija mal-komunità parrokkjali, is-seminaristi żaru wkoll l-Iskola Primarja t’Għajnsielem u l-Istitut tal-MCAST li jinsab ukoll f’Għajnsielem.  Ġew organizzati diversi mumenti ta’ adorazzjoni u anki saru laqgħat lit-tfal fid-djar tad-duttrinaIMG_4846 u tal-MUSEUM.  Saru laqgħat lill-gruppi tal-adolexxenti u liż-żgħażagħ fiċ-Ċentru Parrokkjali.  Fi tmiem il-ġimgħa ġie organizzat ukoll mument ta’ fraternità maż-żgħażagħ u mas-saċerdoti tal-parroċċa.  Madankollu l-aktar attività ċentrali tul din il-ġimgħu kienet il-home visits.  Is-seminaristi, bejn it-Tnejn u l-Ħamis, kellhom iċ-ċans iżuru diversi familji li għandhom ulied adolexxenti jew żgħażagħ.  Fi tmiem din l-esperjenza s-seminaristi flimkien mas-superjuri tas-Seminarju raddew ħajr lil Alla, lill-Arċipriet Dun Frankie Bajada u anki lill-parroċċa t’Għajnsielem talli offritilhom din l-opportunità sabiħa biex permezz tagħha huma setgħu jħossuhom aktar qrib tal-Poplu ta’ Alla.



IMG_4705Nhar is-Sibt 14 ta’ Novembru l-Aħwa Ħbieb tas-Seminarju flimkien mas-Seminarju u voluntiera oħra organizzaw l-Ikla ta’ San Martin.  L-ikla għandha skop ta’ ġbir ta’ fondi.  Din l-ikla għandha storja twila ħafna u dejjem ġiet marbuta mal-festa ta’ San Martin ta’ Tours li taħbat fil-11 ta’ Novembru.  Din is-sena wkoll, kien hemm numru sabiħ ta’ nies li attendew u kellhom ix-xorti li tul l-ikla jiġu servuti mis-seminaristi.  Hi tradizzjoni antika li s-seminaristi, waqt din l-ikla jagħmluha ta’ waiters.  Fi tmiem l-ikla Mons. Isqof u Dun Tony Sciberras mssp raddew ħajr lil kulħadd għall-preżenza tagħhom.



IMG_4705On Saturday November 14th, the Aħwa Ħbieb tas-Seminarju, together with the Seminary community and volunteers, organised a fund-raising activity which consisted of a dinner linked with the feast of St Martin of Tours, celebrated on November 11thThis activity has a long history, and, as usual, it was attended by a great number of guests who were served at table by the seminarians.  Serving at table is a traditional role that the seminarians play every year.  At the end of the activity, Bishop Grech and Fr Tony Sciberras MSSP thanked the guests for having participated in the activity.



IMG_4682Wara li Sr Maria Micallef FCJ temmet il-ħidma tagħha fis-Seminarju u ħalliet il-komunità tagħna tul is-sena li għaddiet, il-komunità kollha kienet qed tistenna li titħabbar il-miġja ta’ soru oħra.  Nhar l-Erbgħa 11 ta’ Novembru filgħaxija, b’sorpriża, ġejna nfurmati li ngħaqdet soru ġdida.  Dlonk kulħadd mar isellmilha.  Din hi Sr Pierantonia Muscat FCJ.  Sr Pierantonia hija min-Nadur u issa se tkun qed taqdi fis-Seminarju flimkien ma Sr Giuseppina.

Merħba fostna Sr Pierantonia!