On Wednesday 17th February, Mr Andrew Azzopardi led a meeting of formation for seminarians at the Seminary. Mr Azzopardi is the head of the Kummissjoni tal-Ħarsien tat-Tfal u l-Adulti Vulnerabbli, a commission under the auspices of the Church in Malta and Gozo. He talked about the new policy regarding the protection of children, which the Church Commission is working on at present. He explained the various aspects related with the different types of abuse which vulnerable persons may go through. He said that the Church should play a positive role that is; the Church should protect the vulnerable people while upholding her struggle against any form of abuse.
Seminar dwar Public Speaking
Nhar il-Ġimgħa 12 u s-Sibt 13 ta’ Frar il-komunità tas-Seminarju nġabret f’Dar Stella Maris fiż-Żebbuġ għal seminar dwar public speaking. Is-seminar tmexxa mis-Sur Victor Formosa. Fl-ewwel parti tas-seminar ingħataw tips fuq kif wieħed jista’ jxandar aħjar il-Kelma ta’ Alla. Fit-tieni sessjoni s-Sur Formosa offra għajnuniet prattiċi fuq kif wieħed jista’ jħejji ruħu tajjeb biex jitkellem fil-pubbliku, b’mod speċjali fejn tidħol l-omelija.
Seminar on Public Speaking
On Friday 12th and Saturday 13th February, the Seminary community met at Dar Stella Maris in Żebbuġ for a seminar on public speaking. The seminar was led by Mr Victor Formosa. In the first part of the seminar, Mr Formosa explained the best ways in which the Word of God can be spread. During the second part, Mr Formosa gave practical tips on how one can train himself to speak in public, especially when it comes to the delivery of homilies.
Jum ta’ talb għall-Vokazzjonijet fil-Qala
Nhar il-Ħamis 11 ta’ Frar ġie organizzat jum ta’ talb ieħor għall-vokazzjonijiet. Filgħodu bdejna bil-programm tas-soltu fis-Seminarju. Filgħaxija mbagħad, din id-darba mess lill-Parroċċa tal-Qala sabiex tospitana għas-siegħa adorazzjoni animata. L-ewwel parti ta’ din is-siegħa kienet immexxija mir-Rettur li għamel ħsieb marbut ma’ dan iż-żmien qaddis tar-Randan b’riferiment għal waħda mill-kitbiet ta’ Dun Mikiel Attard. Fit-tieni parti xi seminaristi komplew l-adorazzjoni permezz ta’ xi ħsibijiet marbuta mar-Randan u anke mat-tema tal-ħniena. Għalaqna l-Adorazzjoni permezz tal-Barka Sagramentali. L-appuntament għal Ħamis ieħor ta’ talb għall-vokazzjonijiet hu għal nhar il-Ħamis 10 ta’ Marzu, filgħodu fil-kappella tas-Seminarju u fil-5.00pm fil-knisja tax-Xewkija.
A Day of Prayer for Vocations at Qala
Thursday 11th February was another day of prayer for vocations. The day started with the usual programme at the Seminary. In the afternoon, the Qala Parish hosted us for an hour of adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. The first part was led by Father Rector who talked about Lent. He based his reflection on the works of Fr Mikiel Attard. In the second part the seminarians proceeded with thoughts associated with Lent and Mercy. The Sacramental Blessing concluded the Hour of Adoration. The next day of prayer for vocations will be held on Thursday 10th March at the Xewkija Parish.
Temmejna l-Ewwel Semestru
Is-seminaristi temmew l-ewwel semestru għal din is-sena nhar il-Ġimgħa 22 ta’ Jannar. Tmiem ta’ perjodu ta’ studju jġib miegħu l-eżamijiet. Dawn saru bejn l-Erbgħa 27 ta’ Jannar u s-Sibt 6 ta’ Frar. Fi tmiem l-eżamijiet il-komunità kellha jumejn ta’ mistrieħ f’Malta. B’dan il-mod kulħadd kien ippreparat biex jagħti bidu għat-tieni semestru ta’ studju, li beda nhar il-Ġimgħa 12 ta’ Frar.
End of the First Semester
On Friday 22nd January the seminarians ended the first semester for the year. The end of a semester is marked by examinations. This year the exams were held between Wednesday, 27th January and Saturday, 6th February. After the exams the community spent two days in Malta. Then we were to begin our second semester, which started on Friday 12th February.
Ġimgħa ta’ talb għall-Għaqda fost l-Insara
Bejn it-Tnejn 18 u t-Tnejn 25 ta’ Jannar il-Knisja ċċelebrat il-ġimgħa ta’ talb għall-għaqda fost l-Insara. Il-komunità tas-Seminarju organizzat diversi mumenti ta’ talb biex titqajjem awareness fost is-seminaristi fuq it-tema tal-ekumeniżmu. Is-seminaristi pparteċipaw ukoll fis-servizz ekumeniku li jiġi organizzat ta’ kull sena fil-knisja ta’ Santu Wistin fir-Rabat.
A Week of Prayer for Unity among Christians
During the week Monday 18th January – Monday 25th January, the Church held a week of prayer for unity among Christians. The Seminary community organized various moments of prayer to make the seminarians aware of ecumenism. The seminarians participated also in the ecumenical service held annually at St Augustine Church in Victoria.
L-Awgurju fil-Bidu tas-Sena
Nhar is-Sibt 16 ta’ Jannar is-saċerdoti Għawdxin inġabru fis-Seminarju għall-awgurju tal-bidu tas-sena. Mons. Isqof jieħu din l-okkażjoni biex jawgura s-sena t-tajba lis-saċerdoti kif ukoll iwassal il-messaġġ tiegħu fil-bidu tas-sena l-ġdida. F’riflessjoni ta’ madwar siegħa dwar is-saċerdozju bħala “ministeru tal-miżerikordja”, l-Isqof saħaq fuq iċ-ċentralità tas-sagrament tar-Rikonċiljazzjoni. L-ewwel huma s-saċerdoti li jridu jemmnu fil-qawwa tal-Qrar u jfittxuh, biex jistgħu jiġbdu lill-penitenti lejn Alla, li ma jegħja qatt jaħfer. Id-diskors għalaq b’sett ta’ tmien suġġerimenti prattiċi li jistgħu jgħinu li fil-Ġublew tal-Ħniena tikber l-intensità tal-Qrar. Hu talab biex darba fil-ġimgħa l-knejjes jibqgħu miftuħa sa tard biex jipprovdu servizz ta’ Qrar, u biex f’kull parroċċa jkun hemm konfessuri disponibbli u post dinjituż “fejn tiġi mħarsa s-sagralità u l-kunfidenzjalità” mitluba minn dan is-sagrament. Is-seminaristi attendew ukoll għal din l-attività.
New Year’s Greetings
On Saturday, 16th January, the Gozitan priests met at the Seminary to exchange greetings. On this occasion, Bishop Grech exchanges greetings with the priests and delivers his message for the new year. In his address, which lasted about an hour and which focused on priesthood as the “ministry of mercy”, the bishop stressed the importance of the Sacrament of Reconciliation. It is the priests themselves who have to believe in the power of this sacrament and cherish it, so that they then can attract penitents to God, who never tires of forgiving. The address concluded with a set of eight practical suggestions that can help intensify the importance of the Sacrament of Reconciliation during the Jubilee of Mercy. He suggested that once a week the churches remain open till late so that the faithful can have the opportunity to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation. He recommended that priests be present in every parish to administer the sacrament and that a decent place where confidentiality and holiness, characteristics of this sacrament, can be safeguarded. The seminarians attended this activity.
Ir-Raba’ Ħamis b’talb għall-Vokazzjonijet, fil-Munxar
Nhar il-Ħamis 14 ta’ Jannar ġie organizzat ir-raba’ Ħamis b’talb għal iktar vokazzjonijiet. Filgħodu bdejna bil-programm tas-soltu fis-Seminarju. Fl-4.00pm ġiet fi tmiemha l-adorazzjoni u wara l-komunità żaret il-parroċċa tal-Munxar. Hemm is-seminaristi flimkien mar-Rettur mexxew siegħa adorazzjoni għat-tfal u l-adolexxenti tal-parroċċa. Fl-ewwel parti tal-adorazzjoni r-Rettur tkellem ftit fuq il-Vanġelu tal-ġurnata b’riferiment għal waħda mill-prietki ta’ Dun Mikiel Attard. Fit-tieni parti xi seminaristi għamlu ħsieb għat-tfal fuq l-episodju mill-Vanġelu meta Ġesù stieden lil Pietru jistad fil-fond. Fi tmiem dan l-episodju Pietru ġie msejjaħ biex ikun sajjied tal-bnedmin.
L-appuntament li jmiss se jkun nhar il-Ħamis 11 ta’ Frar fis-6.30pm, fil-Parroċċa tal-Qala.