
img_1012On Friday 24th June 2016, Feast of St John the Baptist, Mgr Mario Grech, Bishop of Gozo, administered the Sacrament of Holy Orders in the grade of Deacons at the Gozo Cathedral.  The two new Deacons are Michael Grima from Saint Laurence Parish and Carl Scerri from the Cathedral Parish.  Relatives, friends and a number of priests took part in the celebration.  The Ordination Mass was animated by the Youth Choir of the Diocese.

In his homily, Bishop Grech addressed the two new Deacons, telling them that it is his wish that they promote the culture of giving.

img_0999He referred to the episode of the birth of St John the Baptist, which is woven by the thread of the logic of giving.  The Lord showed great mercy with Elizabeth, who in her old age, gave birth to a child.  God was generous with Zachary and gave him not only the gift of speech but also the gift of trust in Him.  Even the name given to the child, ‘His name will be John’, means that the child is a gift.  John was really a gift of God to the Jewish people since he was the last prophet sent by God to help them welcome Christ, who is God’s greatest gift to us.  The Bishop continued that God’s nature in itself is a giving.  God is infinite love and He wants to share this love with others.  So He is continually spreading grace to mankind.

To conclude, the Bishop urged Michael and Carl not to be mean.  They should be generous in their service to man, especially to the poor.  He stressed that they should neither work out any calculations nor let their ministry be conditioned by the law of the market.


Il-Ġimgħa 10 ta’ Ġunju Mons. Isqof ingħaqad mal-komunità fil-kappella tas-Seminarju għall-Quddiesa fi tmiem is-Sena ta’ Formazzjoni.  Kienu mistiedna għal din il-Quddiesa l-familjari tas-seminaristi flimkien mal-Aħwa Ħbieb tas-Seminarju.  Tul din il-Quddiesa s-seminaristi Michael Grima u Carl Scerri ġew ammessi bħala kandidati għall-ordni sagri.

Permezz tal-prietka Mons. Isqof stqarr li għandu għal qalbu ħafna s-Seminarju u jixtieq li jibqa’ dar miftuħa li tagħti kontribut siewi fid-djoċesi tagħna.  Dan hu l-post fejn komunità ta’ żgħażagħ twettaq l-eżerċizzju tad-dixxerniment fid-dawl tal-vokazzjoni saċerdotali.  Hu stqarr li barra li jissaħħaħ is-Seminarju Maġġuri tal-Qalb ta’ Ġesù jeħtieġ li jissaħħu wkoll il-familji, is-seminarji ż-żgħar.  Huwa fihom li jiġu mrawma l-vokazzjonijiet.  Hu importanti li s-saċerdoti flimkien mal-bqija tal-komunità jaħdmu sabiex kull familja, anki dawk li huma feruti, ikomplu joffru lok fejn il-Mulej ikompli jsejjaħ aktar żgħażagħ biex jimxu warajh.

Wara l-omelija r-Rettur Dun Tony Sciberras mssp ippreżenta lil Michael Grima u lil Carl Scerri li min-naħa tagħhom wieġbu “iva” għall-mistoqsijiet li għamlilhom Mons. Isqof.  Hekk huma ġew milqugħa bħala kandidati għall-ordinazzjoni djakonali li se jirċievu l-Ġimgħa 24 ta’ Ġunju 2016.

Is-seminaristi bdew il-vaganzi tas-Sajf nhar is-Sibt 11 ta’ Ġunju 2016.  Dan il-perjodu jkun għalihom żmien ta’ esperjenzi pastorali u fih huma jqattgħu aktar ħin ma’ tal-familja tagħhom.

On Friday 10th June, Bishop Grech joined the community for Mass at the Seminary Chapel to mark the end of the Year of Formation. The relatives of the seminarians and the members of Aħwa Ħbieb tas-Seminarju attended the celebration.  During Mass, seminarians Michael Grima and Carl Scerri were accepted as candidates for the Sacrament of the Holy Orders.

During the homily, Bishop Grech said that he was grateful for the Seminary which he hoped would continue to give its fruitful contribution to the diocese.  It is at the Seminary that young men discern their priestly vocation.  The Bishop said that the strengthening of the Major Seminary should run parallel to the strengthening of the family, which he referred to as a minor seminary.  It is in the environment of the family that priestly vocations are rooted.  It is important for priests and society in general to work hard so that more priestly vocations find roots within the families, including those families who are passing through a hard time.

After the bishop’s homily, Rector Fr Tony Sciberras MSSP presented Michael Grima and Carl Scerri as candidates for the ordination of deacons.  The candidates answered ‘yes’ to the questions set by the bishop, thus paving the way for their ordination on Friday, 24th June, 2016.

The seminarians started their holidays on Saturday, 11th June 2016.  During the holidays, they will be doing pastoral work and will have time to spend with their family.

Huma ħafna dawk li jistaqsu dwar x’joqogħdu jagħmlu s-seminaristi fil-ġranet li fihom ikunu fis-Seminarju.  Is-seminarista, għal seba’ snin sħaħ, iqatta’ ħafna ġimgħat ‘magħluq’ f’din id-dar ta’ formazzjoni, biex iħejji ruħu tajjeb għall-ħajja saċerdotali.

Is-Seminarju jgħin sabiex iż-żagħżugħ jikseb formazzjoni integrali.  Qabel kollox, is-seminarista jkollu l-għajnuna biex jaħseb u jirrifletti fuq is-sejħa għas-saċerdozju, li hu jkun qed iħoss f’qalbu.  Tul dawn is-seba’ snin hu jrid jasal li flimkien mal-Knisja jikkonferma li Alla tassew qed isajjaħlu għal dan it-tip ta’ ħajja.  Għaldaqstant il-formators (persuni ta’ esperjenza magħżula biex jakkumpanjaw lis-seminarista) jgħinu lil dan iż-żagħżugħ jifhem u jaċċetta aktar lilu nnifsu, u anki jikber fil-ħajja spiritwali tiegħu.  L-esperjenzi pastorali li s-seminarista jwettaq fil-weekend u anki fis-sena intermedjarja, ikomplu jgħinu biex hu jiżżejjen dejjem aktar b’qalb ta’ ragħaj.

Sadanittant is-seminarista għandu wkoll ir-responsabbiltà li jħejji lilu nnifsu tajjeb akkademikament għal din il-missjoni impenjattiva.  Għal din ir-raġuni, tul iż-żmien li fih ikunu fis-Seminarju, is-seminarista jitħarreġ fix-xjenzi tal-filosofija u tat-teoloġija.  Dan l-istudju jkun ta’ livell terzjarju (fil-fatt il-fakultà tat-teoloġija fis-Seminarju ta’ Għawdex hi affiljata mal-Angelicum Pontificia Università San Tommaso d’Aquino) u jsir mit-Tnejn sal-Ġimgħa filgħodu (barra l-Ħamis). Diversi huma l-lecturers li ta’ kuljum jiġu fis-Seminarju biex jagħtu lectures marbuta ma’ dawn is-suġġetti.

Id-djaknu Massimo Buttigieg, tul ix-xahar ta’ Mejju, kellu l-eżami de universa (comprehensive), li permezz tiegħu għalaq l-istudji akkademiċi tiegħu fis-Seminarju ta’ Għawdex.  Dan filwaqt li l-bqija tas-seminaristi, nhar il-Ġimgħa 27 ta’ Mejju temmew il-lectures tagħhom għal din is-sena, u wara kellhom l-eżamijiet li saru bejn it-Tlieta 31 ta’ Mejju u l-Ġimgħa 10 ta’ Ġunju.

One may wonder how the seminarian spends his time at the Seminary.  For seven whole years, the seminarian is boarder at this house of formation where he prepares himself to embrace the life of priesthood.

The Seminary helps the seminarian to acquire a holistic formation.  First of all, the seminarian is helped to reflect on his vocation.  Throughout these seven years of formation, he has to reaffirm his conviction that he is being called for priesthood.  For this reason, formators who are chosen to accompany the seminarian help the young man to understand what he is being called for and to grow spiritually.  The pastoral work that the seminarian is called to carry out during the weekends and during the intermediary year help him to enhance his vocation.

During these seven years, the seminarian has also to prepare himself academically for his arduous mission.  For this reason, he reads for courses in philosophy and theology.  The faculty of Theology at the Seminary is affiliated with the Angelicum Pontificia Università San Tommaso d’Aquino.  Lectures at tertiary level are held daily from Monday to Friday and are delivered by qualified lecturers.

During May, Deacon Massimo Buttigieg sat for the de universa (comprehensive), the exam which marked his end of academic studies at the Seminary.  The other seminarians ended their lectures for the year on the 27th May and sat for their annual exams between 31st May and 10th June.

Fi tmiem l-eżamijiet tal-MATSEC l-istudenti tal-Grupp Vokazzjonali tad-Djoċesi ġew mistiedna fis-Seminarju għal mument ta’ talb u għal barbikju flimkien mal-Komunità tas-Seminarju.  It-Tlieta 24 ta’ Mejju filgħaxija l-istudenti ngħaqdu mas-seminaristi fil-kappella tas-Seminarju fejn sar mument ta’ adorazzjoni li inkorpora fih it-talb tas-Salmi.  Dan it-talb sar b’tali mod li l-istudenti setgħu jidħlu f’ambjent ta’ riflessjoni u jimmeditaw fuq dawn is-siltiet sbieħ mill-Iskrittura.  Fi tmiem l-adorazzjoni dawk kollha preżenti, flimkien mal-formators u ma’ Mons. Isqof telgħu fuq il-bejt tas-Seminarju, fejn is-seminaristi ħadu ħsieb iħejju barbikju.

On Tuesday afternoon 24th May, when the MATSEC exams were over, students members of the Vocational Group of the Diocese were invited by the Seminary community for moments of prayer, followed by a barbecue.  The students joined the seminarians in the Seminary chapel for the Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and the reciting of the Psalms.  The students had time to reflect on the readings from the Holy Scriptures.  Later on in the evening, the students were joined by Bishop Grech and the formators of the Seminary for a barbecue on the roof of the Seminary building.   The barbecue was organised by the seminarians.

ordinazzjoni-pres-2Nhar il-Ġimgħa, 20 ta’ Mejju, id-djakni Joseph Attard (Żebbuġ), Massimo Buttigieg (Katidral – Victoria) u Mario Curmi (Xagħra) ġew ordnati saċerdoti minn idejn Mons. Isqof Mario Grech waqt quddiesa fil-Katidral ta’ Marija Assunta, il-Belt Victoria.  Numru sabiħ ta’ saċerdoti, il-membri tal-komunità tas-Seminarju, membri mill-komunitajiet parrokkjali taż-Żebbuġ, tal-Katidral u tax-Xagħra, flimkien ma’ diversi persuni oħra akkumpanjaw lil dawn ħutna f’dan il-mument tant importanti f’ħajjithom.  Bi tħejjija għal dawn il-mumenti qawwija l-Knisja ta’ Għawdex ġiet mistiedna biex il-Ħamis, 19 ta’ Mejju, tinġabar fis-Seminarju biex tingħaqad mal-ordinandi u titlob flimkien magħhom.

ordinazzjoni-pres-2On Friday 20th May, Deacon Joseph Attard (Żebbuġ), Massimo Buttigieg (Cathedral, Victoria) and Mario Curmi (Xagħra) were ordained priests by Mgr Bishop Mario Grech, during Holy Mass celebrated at the Assumption Cathedral in Victoria.  A number of priests, members of the Seminary community and members of parochial communities of Żebbuġ, the Cathedral and Xagħra were present for this great event in the life of these three young men.  On the eve of the Ordination ceremony, the Gozo Church was invited to an evening of prayer held at the Seminary, to pray for and with the three ordinands.

Nhar il-Ħamis 11 ta’ Mejju ġie organizzat jum ieħor ta’ talb għall-vokazzjonijiet.  Filgħodu sar il-programm tas-soltu fis-Seminarju.  Filgħaxija mbagħad, din id-darba mess lill-Parroċċa taż-Żebbuġ sabiex tospita lill-komunità għas-siegħa adorazzjoni animata.  L-ewwel parti ta’ din is-siegħa kienet immexxija mir-Rettur li għamel ħsieb marbut man-Novena tal-Ispirtu s-Santu, fil-kuntest tal-aħħar parti ta’ żmien il-Għid.  Hu għamel dan b’riferiment għal waħda mill-kitbiet ta’ Dun Mikiel Attard.  Fit-tieni parti xi seminaristi komplew l-adorazzjoni permezz tar-Rużarju, fil-kuntest tax-xahar ta’ Mejju.  Għalaqna l-Adorazzjoni permezz tal-Barka Sagramentali.  L-aħħar appuntament għal din is-sena se jinżamm nhar il-Ħamis 9 ta’ Ġunju, fil-kappella tas-Seminarju.

Thursday 11th May was another day of prayer for vocations.  The programme followed the usual schedule: morning prayers and adoration at the Seminary, followed by an hour of adoration at the parish church of Żebbuġ.  The first part of the activity at Żebbuġ was animated by the Rev. Rector.  Since it happened to be Easter time, the Rev. Rector linked his reflections, based on Dun Mikiel Attard’s writings, with the Novena of the Holy Spirit.  The afternoon of prayer proceeded with the recital of the Holy Rosary, since May is the month dedicated to the Holy Virgin.  The Adoration came to end with the Sacramental Blessing.  The last appointment for this year is for Thursday 9th June at the Seminary chapel.

Il-programm tas-Sibt 7 ta’ Mejju kien xi ftit differenti minn tas-soltu.  Il-komunità sebħet kmieni sabiex tagħmel il-pellegrinaġġ annwali lejn is-Santwarju tal-Madonna Ta’ Pinu, fl-Għarb.  L-atmosfera kalma ta’ filgħodu għenet sabiex il-komunità titlob it-talba tar-Rużarju, tant mixtieqa minn Marija.  Id-Direttur Spiritwali spjega li fil-kuntest tal-Ġublew tal-Ħniena dan il-pellegrinaġġ għandu jieħu dimensjoni ta’ pellegrinaġġ penitenzjali.

weghdietTul l-aħħar parti tal-mixja, ir-Rettur tas-Santwarju Dun Gerard Buhagiar, għamel ħsibijiet marbuta man-niċeċ li hemm tul it-triq li tagħti għas-Santwarju. Imbagħad sar id-dħul mill-Bieb Imqaddes u l-komunità nġabret fil-kappella tad-dehra u hemm ġiet iċċelebrata l-Quddiesa.  Wara l-Vanġelu, b’id waħda fuq il-Kelma ta’ Alla, quddiem ix-xbieha tal-Assunzjoni ta’ Marija u fil-preżenza tal-Ewkristija, is-seminaristi Michael Grima u Carl Scerri, u d-djakni Joseph Attard, Massimo Buttigieg u Mario Curmi, għamlu l-wegħdiet ta’ qabel l-Ordinazzjoni Djakonali u Presbiterali rispettivament

Id-djakni Joseph, Massimo u Mario se jiġu ordnati presbiteri fil-Katidral ta’ Għawdex nhar il-Ġimgħa 20 ta’ Mejju.  Is-seminaristi Michael Grima u Carl Scerri se jiġu ordnati djakni fl-istess Katidral nhar il-Ġimgħa 24 ta’ Ġunju.