
18698475_732643516916949_4045291883832576608_nFil-weekend tas-27 u t-28 ta’ Mejju l-komunità tas-seminarju flimkien ma xi voluntiera nġabru x-Xewkija sabiex jimlew żewġ containers sabiex ikunu jistgħu jintbgħatu fil-Gwatemala. Kienu ħafna l-persuni li offrew affarijiet ta’ użu għal ħutna fil-Gwatemala.


18698475_732643516916949_4045291883832576608_nDuring the weekend 27th – 28th May, the Seminary community and a number of volunteers met at Xewkija to help pack two containers which are to be sent to Guatemela.  Many people offered goods to be sent to Guatemala.


18698148_740460766133210_2390878020074172423_nNhar il-Ġimgħa, 26 ta’ Mejju, id-djakni Michael Grima (San Lawrenz) u Carl Scerri (Victoria – Katidral) ġew ordnati saċerdoti minn idejn Mons. Isqof Mario Grech waqt quddiesa fil-Katidral ta’ Marija Assunta, il-Belt Victoria.  Numru sabiħ ta’ saċerdoti, il-membri tal-komunità tas-Seminarju, membri mill-komunitajiet parrokkjali ta’ San Lawrenz u tal-Katidral, flimkien ma’ diversi persuni oħra akkumpanjaw lil dawn ħutna f’dan il-mument tant importanti f’ħajjithom.  Bi tħejjija għal dawn il-mumenti qawwija l-Knisja ta’ Għawdex ġiet mistiedna biex il-Ħamis, 25 ta’ Mejju, tinġabar fis-Seminarju biex tingħaqad mal-ordinandi u titlob flimkien magħhom.


18698148_740460766133210_2390878020074172423_nOn Friday 26th May, Deacons Michael Grima (San Lawrenz) and Carl Scerri (Cathedral – Victoria) were ordained priests by Bishop Mario Grech during a Mass celebrated at the Cathedral of the Assumption in Victoria.  A number of priests, members of the Seminary community, members of the parrochial communities of San Lawrenz and the Cathedral, and other people from various parishes were present for this very important event in the life of these two new priests.  On the eve of the Ordination, the Gozo Church was invited to join the ordinands for an evening of prayer, held on Thursday 25th May, at the Seminary.


Fi tmiem l-eżamijiet tal-MATSEC l-istudenti tal-Grupp Vokazzjonali tad-Djoċesi ġew mistiedna fis-Seminarju għal mument ta’ talb u għal barbikju flimkien mal-Komunità tas-Seminarju.  It-Tlieta 23 ta’ Mejju filgħaxija l-istudenti ngħaqdu mas-seminaristi fil-kappella tas-Seminarju fejn sar mument ta’ adorazzjoni animat mis-Seminaristi.

Fi tmiem l-adorazzjoni dawk kollha preżenti, flimkien mal-formators telgħu fuq il-bejt tas-Seminarju, fejn is-seminaristi ħadu ħsieb iħejju barbikju. Kien mument sabiħ ħafna!

When the MATSEC examinations were over, the Seminary community invited the members of the Vocations Group of the diocese for an evening of prayer in the Seminary chapel. This event took place  on Tuesday, 23rd May. The seminarians led the Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament.  Then a barbecue followed, prepared by the seminarians themselves, on the roof of the Seminary.  The Seminary formators were also present. It was a really relaxing evening!

IMG_3076Il-programm tas-Sibt 20 ta’ Mejju kien xi ftit differenti minn tas-soltu.  Il-komunità sebħet kmieni sabiex tagħmel il-pellegrinaġġ annwali lejn is-Santwarju tal-Madonna Ta’ Pinu, fl-Għarb. L-atmosfera kalma ta’ filgħodu għenet sabiex il-komunità titlob it-talba tar-Rużarju, tant mixtieqa minn Marija.

Fi tmiem il-pellegrinaġġ il-komunità nġabret fil-kappella tad-dehra fis-Santwarju Ta’ Pinu u hemm ġiet iċċelebrata l-Quddiesa.  Wara l-Vanġelu, b’id waħda fuq il-Kelma ta’ Alla, quddiem ix-xbieha tal-Assunzjoni ta’ Marija u fil-preżenza tal-Ewkristija, is-seminarista Joseph Hili, u d-djakni Michael Grima u Carl Scerri, għamlu l-wegħdiet ta’ qabel l-Ordinazzjoni Djakonali u Presbiterali rispettivament.

Id-djakni Michael u Carl se jiġu ordnati presbiteri fil-Katidral ta’ Għawdex nhar il-Ġimgħa 26 ta’ Mejju.  Is-seminarista Joseph se jiġu ordnat djaknu fl-istess Katidral nhar il-Ħamis 15 ta’ Ġunju.



IMG_3076The programme of Saturday, May 20th was different from that of other Saturdays.  The community set off early in the morning on a pilgrimage to the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Ta’ Pinu at Għarb.

The stillness of the morning helped the community concentrate on the reciting of the Rosary, a prayer which is greatly treasured by Our Lady.  At the end of the pilgrimage, the community gathered in the inner chapel of the Sanctuary where Mass was said.  After the reading of the Gospel, seminarian Joseph Hili and Deacons Michael Grima and Carl Scerri placed their hand on the Bible and, in front of the holy picture of The Assumption of Our Lady and in the presence of the Holy Eucharist, made their vows prior to their ordination.  Deacons Michael Grima and Carl Scerri are to be ordained priests on Friday 26th May.  Seminarian Joseph Hili is to be ordained deacon on Thursday 15th June.  The ordination ceremonies are to be held at the Gozo Cathedral.




Bħala parti mill-attivitajiet ta’ fundraising għall-Gwatemala, nhar il-Ħadd 7 ta’ Mejju saret Sunday Funday ġewwa Ta’ Mena Estate f’ Marsalforn. Għal din l-attività attendew ħafna nies speċjalment familji bi tfal żgħar. L-attività bdiet filgħodu fl-10.30am b’quddiesa mmexxija mir-rettur u mbagħad issoktat b’ġurnata ta’ divertiment minn diversi kantanti, bands lokali u logħob organizzat għat-tfal. Kien hemm ukoll stands tal-ikel, tax-xorb u bela’ kafè u pasta ma naqsitx!


bbbbbAs part of the fundraising activities for Guatemala, a Sunday Funday was held at Ta’ Mena Estate in Marsalforn on Sunday, May 7th.  Many people, including families with small children, met at the venue during the day.  The activity started with the 10.30 Mass said by the Rev. Rector of the Seminary and then proceeded with various slots, including singing and games for children. At the venue there were also stands which offered delicacies, beverages, coffee and pastries.


Nhar il-Ġimgħa 28 u s-Sibt 29 ta’ April sar weekend ta’ formazzjoni umana fil-Kunvent tal-patrijiet tal-MSSP fiż-Żebbuġ. Dan tmexxa minn Ms Maria Vella. Is-seminaristi kellhom ħin ta’ riflessjoni u sharing fuq il-materjal li ingħatalhom.

On Friday 28th and Saturday 29th April, the seminarians shared a weekend dedicated to Human Formation, held at the MSSP Convent at Zebbug.  Ms Maria Vella led the sessions of reflection and sharing on topics discussed during the weekend.