

Iż-żmien liturġiku tar-Randan, minnu nnifsu hu żmien li jitlob eżerċizzju fit-talb, fis-sawm u fil-karità.  Is-Seminarju, għal din is-sena wkoll, offra l-opportunitajiet kollha biex is-seminaristi, kemm fuq livell personali kif ukoll bħala komunità, ikunu jistgħu japprofittaw tajjeb minn dan iż-żmien.  Fil-programm żdiedu l-mumenti tat-talb, fosthom it-talba ta’ nofs il-jum, il-Via Sagra u l-Via Matris. It-Tlieta 20 ta’ Marzu saret ukoll ċelebrazzjoni penitenzjali għas-seminaristi.  L-Erbgħa 21 ta’ Marzu saret il-korrezzjoni fraterna u l-Via Sagra fuq l-Għolja t’Għammar. Din is-sena s-seminaristi ħadu ħsieb jorganizzaw half day of recollection għall-istudenti tas-Seminarju Minuri tal-Qalb ta’ Ġesù kif ukoll l-eżerċizzi għat-Tfal tal-Iskola Primarja tar-Rabat fil-Kulleġġ ta’ Għawdex. Kull nhar ta’ Ħamis, tul ir-Randan, is-seminaristi żaru wkoll l-eżerċizzi li kienu qegħdin jingħataw fil-parroċċi u fil-knejjes sabiex jiġbru l-offerta ġeneruża tal-poplu ta’ Alla għas-Seminarju Maġġuri tal-Qalb ta’ Ġesù.  Fil-ġranet tal-Ġimgħa Mqaddsa s-seminaristi kellhom l-irtir tagħhom u wara huma kellhom il-vaganzi.  Il-komunità rritornat fis-Seminarju nhar it-Tnejn 9 ta’ April 2018.


IMG_3495Lent is in itself a time of exercise in prayer, in fasting and in charity.  Once again this year too, the Seminary offered various opportunities to the seminarians to reap the spiritual benefits of Lent, both for themselves and for the community as a whole.  The programme dedicated more time to prayer, including the Mid Day prayer, the Way of the Cross and the Via Matris.  The penitential celebration for the seminarians was held on Tuesday, 20th March.  The fraternal correction and the Way of the Cross on Ghammar Hill were held on Wednesday, 21st March.

This year, the seminarians organised a half day of recollection for the students of the Minor Seminary of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.  They organised also the spiritual exercises for the students of the Primary School of the Gozo College.  Every Thursday, during Lent, the seminarians visited the churches where spiritual exercises were being held. The congregation gave donations for the Major Seminary.  During the Holy Week, the seminarians had their spiritual retreat and then they left the Seminary for their Easter holidays.  The community returned to the Seminary on Monday, 9th April 2018.


thumbnail_20180304-0099emIs-seminaristi Andrew Grima (San Lawrenz), Daniel Mercieca (Rabat – Katidral) u Mario Mercieca (Rabat – Katidral) li jinsab fil-ħames sena ta’ formazzjoni, irċievew il-ministeru tal-Lettorat nhar il-Ħadd 4 ta’ Marzu 2018.

Mons. Isqof Mario Grech istitwixxa lil dawn is-seminaristi f’dan il-ministeru waqt Quddiesa fil-knisja arċipretali tan-Nadur.  Diversi qassisin ikkonċelebraw waqt il-Quddiesa, fosthom il-formators tas-Seminarju.  Kienu diversi dawk li attendew għal din iċ-ċelebrazzjoni.

Wara l-Vanġelu Andrew, Daniel u Mario ġew ippreżentati lil Mons. Isqof bħala kandidati għal dan il-ministeru.  Fl-omelija l-Isqof tkellem dwar il-bżonn li l-bniedem ikollu memorja tajba u ma jinsiex dak li għamel miegħu Alla. Irrefera għax-Shema Israel li dwiet fl-Antik Tetsment u ħeġġeġ lil-Letturi l-ġodda, li issa għandhom il-ministeru propju li jxandru l-Kelma fil-Liturġija biex permezz tal-istess kelma jgħinu lill-poplu ta’ Alla ma jitlifx il-memorja ta’ Alla. Wara l-prietka Mons. Isqof Mario Grech talab fuq il-kandidati u offrielhom l-Bibbja, filwaqt li sejħilhom sabiex ifasslu ħajjithom fuqha.


thumbnail_20180304-0099emFifth year seminarians Andrew Grima (St Laurence Parish), Daniel Mercieca and Mario Mercieca (Cathedral Parish) received the ministry of the Lectorate on Sunday 4th March, 2018.

Mgr Bishop Mario Grech bestowed the ministry to these seminarians during Mass at the parish church of Nadur.  Various priests, including the formators of the Seminary, concelebrated.  Relatives and friends attended the celebration.

Following the Reading from the Gospel, Andrew, Daniel and Mario were presented to the Bishop so that he could bestow upon them the ministry.  During the homily, the Bishop stressed  the need that man should never forget what God has done for him.  He referred to the Shema Yisrael that echoes throughout the Old Testament. He urged the new Lectors to spread the Word in the Liturgy so that through the same Word, they can help the people of God keep strong the memory of God.  Following the homily, the Bishop prayed on the candidates and gave them the Bible.  He invited them to plan their life on it.


28946900_2036629473226365_1742488379_oNhar is-Sibt 3 ta’ Marzu, is-seminaristi Maltin flimkien mal-formators tagħhom żaru s-Seminarju ta’ Għawdex.  Dan hu wieħed mill-ftit mumenti li fih is-seminaristi Maltin u Għawdxin jkollhom mument ta’ fraternità flimkien.

Ir-rettur tas-Seminarju Maġġuri ta’ Malta, Dun Albert Buhagiar, mexxa l-quddiesa u wara ħadna l-kolazzjon flimkien u kellna mument fratern flimkien. Dun Richard, wera l-apprezzament tiegħu lill-komunità tas-Seminarju tal-Arċisqof, għaż-żjara tagħhom.


28946900_2036629473226365_1742488379_oOn Saturday, 3rd March, the Maltese seminarians and their formators paid a visit to the Gozo Seminary.  It is one of the few occasions when the seminarians from Malta and Gozo share some time together.  Fr Albert Buhagiar, Rector of the Major Seminary of Malta, celebrated Mass.  Then we had breakfast together.  Fr Richard thanked the Maltese seminarians for their visit.


IMG_8200Mument sabiħ fis-Seminarju kien it-Tlieta 13 ta’ Frar, lejliet Ras ir-Randan, meta saret it-tħabbira tar-Randan Imqaddes.

Fil-bidu ta’ din iċ-ċelebrazzjoni li tmexxiet mir-Rettur, Dun Richard N. Farrugia, l-artal u l-ambone ġew imlibbsa għal dan iż-żmien liturġiku. Ir-Rettur għamel spjegazzjoni tas-silta tal-Vanġelu tal-Ewwel Ħadd tar-Randan (Mk 1, 12-15). Ma naqasx ukoll il-kant ta’ innijiet marbuta ma’ dan iż-żmien.  Wara, ir-Rettur indika xi tibdiliet fil-programm tal-komunità, li kellhom jieħdu posthom tul ir-Randan, biex ifakkruna li dan hu żmien speċjali.

IMG_8200On Tuesday, 13th February, the eve of Ash Wednesday, the Seminary celebrated the annunciation of Lent.  At the beginning of the celebration, which was led by  Rev. Rector Richard N. Farrugia, the artal and ambo were clad their Lenten vestments. The Rev. Rector explained the Reading of the First Sunday of Lent (Mk 1, 12-15). Lenten hymns were sung during the celebration which ended with the sharing of the new programme of activities for Lent.

IMG_7928Is-seminaristi temmew l-ewwel semestru għal din is-sena nhar il-Ġimgħa 19 ta’ Jannar. Bħal dejjem, tmiem ta’ perjodu ta’ studju jġib miegħu l-eżamijiet.  Dawn saru bejn l-Erbgħa 24 ta’ Jannar u l-Erbgħa 7 ta’ Frar.  Fi tmiem l-eżamijiet il-komunità kellha jumejn ta’ mistrieħ f’Malta.  B’dan il-mod kulħadd kien ippreparat biex jagħti bidu għat-tieni semestru ta’ studju, li beda nhar it-Tnejn 12 ta’ Frar.


IMG_7928On Friday, 19th January, the seminarians ended the first semester of the year.  This time of the year is Examination time. This year the examinations lasted from Wednesday, 24th January, to Wednesday, 7th February.  A two-day spree of activities in Malta served as a break before the start of the second semester on Monday, 12th February.


IMG_7150Nhar is-Sibt 13 ta’ Jannar is-saċerdoti Għawdxin inġabru fis-Seminarju għall-awgurju tal-bidu tas-sena.  Mons. Isqof jieħu din l-okkażjoni biex jawgura s-sena t-tajba lis-saċerdoti kif ukoll iwassal il-messaġġ tiegħu fil-bidu tas-sena l-ġdida. Mons. Isqof saħaq li l-Knisja trid tqiegħed idejha fost l-oħrajn fuq il-laħam tal-marid, ta’ min hu bla xogħol, ta’ min qed ibati l-inġustizzja, ta’ min qiegħed f’relazzjoni affettiva irregolari u ta’ min għandu kriżi ta’ fidi. L-Isqof kompla billi qal li d-diskors dwar Alla jsir ħafna astratt jekk mhux ukoll kiebi, meta jkun distakkat mill-esperjenza umana. Żied jgħid li lill-bniedem wieħed jista’ jifhmu u jirrispettah biss fl-isfond tal-infinit. Is-seminaristi attendew ukoll għal din l-attività.


IMG_7150On Saturday, 13th January, the Gozitan priests met at the Seminary to exchange greetings for the new year. Every year, Bishop Mario Grech joins in the exchange of greetings and shares his thoughts for the coming year.  On this occasion, he said that the Church should be closer to the sick, to the unemployed, to those who are being treated unjustly, to those who are in an irregular relationship and to those whose Faith is in a crisis.  The Bishop said that words about God sound abstract and even sad when they are not associated with human experience.  Man can be understood and respected only in terms of his relationship with the Infinite. The seminarians attended this activity.
