Nhar il-Ġimgħa, 15 ta’ Ġunju, id-djaknu Joseph Hili (ix-Xagħra), ġie ordnat saċerdot minn Mons. Isqof Mario Grech waqt quddiesa fil-Katidral ta’ Marija Assunta, il-Belt Victoria. Numru sabiħ ta’ saċerdoti u laċji kienu preżenti għal dan il-mument tant importanti għal Joseph. Bi tħejjija l-Knisja f’Għawdex ġiet mistiedna biex il-Ħamis, 14 ta’ Ġunjugħal velja ta’ talb u lejl adorazzjoni fis-Seminarju stess.
Tiġi fi tmiemha s-Sena Akkademika 2017-2018
Id-djaknu Joseph Hili, tul ix-xahar ta’ Mejju, kellu l-eżami finali għall-Baċellerat fit-Teoloġija, mogħti mill-Università Pontifiċja ta’ San Tumas f’Ruma, li magħaha s-Seminarju huwa afflijat. Dan filwaqt li l-bqija tas-seminaristi, nhar l-Erbgħa 30 ta’ Mejju temmew il-lekċers tagħhom għal din is-sena, u wara kellhom l-eżamijiet li saru bejn is-Sibt 2 ta’ Ġunju u l-Ħamis 14 ta’ Ġunju.
End of the Academic Year 2017-2018
In the month of May, Deacon Joseph Hill sat for the comprehinsive examination (de universa), which marked the end of his academic studies at the Seminary. Lectures for the other seminarians ended on Wednesday, 30th May. Examinations for this year started on Saturday, 2nd June, and ended on Thursday, 14th June.
Barbecue for the students of the Vocations Groups of the Diocese
When the MATSEC examinations were over, students who are members of the Vocations Groups of the Diocese were hosted at the Seminary for an evening of prayer and a barbecue. On Tuesday, 29th May, the students joined the seminarians in the Seminary chapel where the Blessed Sacrament was exposed. There was the reading of Psalms. Then the whole group proceeded to the roof of the Seminary where the barbecue was held.
Barbikju għall-Istudenti tal-Grupp Vokazzjonali tad-Djoċesi
Fi tmiem l-eżamijiet tal-MATSEC l-istudenti tal-Grupp Vokazzjonali tad-Djoċesi ġew mistiedna fis-Seminarju għal mument ta’ talb u għal barbikju flimkien mal-Komunità tas-Seminarju. It-Tlieta 29 ta’ Mejju filgħaxija l-istudenti ngħaqdu mas-seminaristi fil-kappella tas-Seminarju fejn sar mument ta’ adorazzjoni li inkorpora fih it-talb tas-Salmi. Fi tmiem l-adorazzjoni dawk kollha preżenti telgħu fuq il-bejt tas-Seminarju, fejn is-seminaristi ħadu ħsieb iħejju barbikju f’atmosfera mill-isbaħ.
Isiru l-wegħdiet marbuta mal-Ordinazzjoni
Il-programm tas-Sibt 19 ta’ Mejju kien xi ftit differenti minn tas-soltu. Il-komunità sebħet kmieni sabiex tagħmel il-pellegrinaġġ annwali lejn is-Santwarju tal-Madonna Ta’ Pinu, fl-Għarb. L-atmosfera kalma ta’ filgħodu għenet sabiex il-komunità titlob it-talba tar-Rużarju. X’ħin wasalna fis-Santwarju, l-komunità nġabret fil-kappella tad-dehra u hemm ġiet iċċelebrata l-Quddiesa. Wara l-Vanġelu, b’id waħda fuq il-Kelma ta’ Alla, quddiem ix-xbieha tal-Assunzjoni ta’ Marija u fil-preżenza tal-Ewkristija, id-djaknu Joseph Hili għamel il-wegħda taċ-ċelibat u l-professjoni tal-fidi, qabel l-Ordinazzjoni Presbiterali
Id-djaknu Joseph se jiġi ordnat presbiteru fil-Katidral ta’ Għawdex nhar il-Ġimgħa 15 ta’ Ġunju.
Deacon takes Vows associated with the Priestly Ordination
The programme of activities for Saturday 19th May was different from the usual programme. The community left the Seminary early in the morning for its annual pilgrimage to the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Ta’ Pinu at Għarb. The calm morning atmosphere helped the community concentrate more on the recital of the Rosary, the prayer advocated by the Virgin Mother.
When we arrived at the Sanctuary, the community retreated to the inner chapel where Mass was celebrated. After the reading of the Gospel, Deacon Joseph Hili made the vows preceding the Priestly Ordination
The Priestly Ordination of Deacon Joseph is to be celebrated in the Gozo Cathedral on Friday, 15th June.
MR, MRS, MX – It-teorija tal-gender
Is-Seminarju organizza seminar ta’ aġġornament lil dawk li kienu interessati jkunu jafu iktar dwar it-teorija tal-gender. Is-seminar kien jinkludi 5 sessjonijiet li saru kull nhar ta’ Ħamis fis-Seminarju stess. L-attendenza kienet numeruża u żgur li kull min attenda rċieva nformazzjoni utli ħafna fid-dinja tal-lum.
MR, MRS, MX – The Gender Theory
The Gozo Major Seminary organised a seminar on the theory of gender. The seminar was organised for all persons interested in getting to know more about this theory. The seminar was spread over five sessions, held at the Seminary on five consecutive Thursdays. Many people attended the seminar and showed their appreciation of the useful information they received on this topic.
Seminar on Public Speaking
On Friday 27th and Saturday 28th April, the Seminary community invited Dr Joseph G Agius to address a seminar on Public Speaking skills. Dr Agius gave practical tips that may be useful whenever a person plans to address an audience. It was an interesting seminar which delved deeply into the theme and the seminarians appreciated the information received. They will surely use the tips when they chair a meeting and when they preach to a congregation.
Seminar dwar Public Speaking
Nhar il-Ġimgħa 27 u s-Sibt 28 ta’ April fis-seminarju sar seminar dwar Public Speaking skills. Is-seminar tmexxa minn Dr Joseph G. Agius, speech language pathologist. Dr Agius offra għajnuniet prattiċi fuq kif wieħed jista’ jħejji ruħu tajjeb biex jitkellem fil-pubbliku. Kien seminar u utli speċjalment għal-laqgħat u forom oħra ta’ diskors pubbliku.