
A profound exploration of Gozo’s liturgical art heritage was held on Friday, 21st June 2024, through a seminar titled ‘L-Arti Nisranija f’Għawdex. Minn fejn tlaqna u fejn sejrin?’ (Christian Art in Gozo: Where We Started and Where We Are Going?). The seminar, which began in the morning, offered seminarians an immersive experience through visits to four significant cultural and religious sites on the island.

The seminar kicked off at the Museum of the Gozo Cathedral, where Mons. Dr. Joseph Bezzina provided an enlightening talk on the historical evolution and significance of the artifacts housed within the museum. His deep insights into the cathedral’s treasures set the tone for a day rich in learning and reflection.

The second visit took the seminarians to the Gozo Cathedral itself. Paul Muscat, director of the restoration company ReCoop, led this session. He detailed the meticulous restoration processes that have preserved the cathedral’s grandeur, offering participants a behind-the-scenes look at the techniques and challenges involved in maintaining such a historic structure.

Next, the group visited Eikon, a renowned liturgical art centre. Here, iconographer Fr Roberto Gauci guided the seminarians through the intricacies of iconography, highlighting the spiritual and artistic elements that define this sacred art form. His expertise provided a deeper appreciation for the devotional and aesthetic qualities of liturgical icons.

The final stop of the seminar was the chapel of Santa Luċija in Kerċem, Gozo, where contemporary artist Austin Camilleri delivered an engaging talk. He discussed modern interpretations and expressions of liturgical art, bridging the traditional with the contemporary. Camilleri’s perspective invited seminarians to contemplate the evolving nature of religious art in the modern era.

The seminar was meticulously organized and coordinated by Jason Farrugia, whose efforts ensured a seamless and enriching experience for all participants. The primary aim of the seminar was to deepen the seminarians’ knowledge and appreciation of liturgical art in Gozo, fostering a greater understanding of its past, present, and future.

This unique educational journey allowed the seminarians not only to gain intellectual insights but also to experience firsthand the profound connection between art and spirituality in Gozo’s religious heritage. The seminar was a resounding success, leaving participants with a renewed appreciation for the island’s rich artistic legacy and its continuing evolution.

Last week another year of formation at the Seminary came to an end. On Tuesday 18th June, the seminarians had their last exam. In the evening, H.E. Mons. Anton Teuma, Bishop of Gozo, celebrated Mass in the Seminary chapel. The mass was attended by the seminarians and their families, the Franciscan sisters residing at the Seminary convent, workers, volunteers and members of the ‘Aħwa-Ħbieb tas-Seminarju’. After the mass, a reception was held in the courtyard at the Seminary’s entrance.

The following day, the seminary community gathered for the final meetings of the year and held together an annual evaluation. Later in the evening, the novel priest Rev. Franklin Micallef presided Mass at the Seminary chapel, as a thanksgiving for the gift of priesthood. Afterwards, the community went to the beach in Marsalforn to spend some time together during a a barbeque.

Last Friday, the 24th May 2024, the deacon Franklin Micallef, hailing from the parish of Our Lady of Perpetual Help and St Gregory the Great in Ta’ Kerċem, was ordained priest. The ceremony presided by H.E. Mgr Anton Teuma, Bishop of Gozo, took place at the Cathedral of the Assumption of Our Lady, in Victoria. Present for the ordination was H.E. Cardinal Mario Grech and numerous members of the Gozitan clergy. The ordination was well attended by many members of the parochial community of Ta’ Kerċem, as well as many of Fr Franklin’s family and friends, and other laypeople.

On the day before the ordination, a prayer vigil was organised at the Seminary at 8.00pm. The vigil was presided by the Vice-Rector the Rev. Fr Gabriel Gauci. Several psalms were sung during the celebration. The meditation was centred on two readings from the Sacred Scripture, 1 Pt 5:1-11 and 1 Cor 12:1-9. There was also a reading from the Regula Pastoralis of St Gregory the Great. This was followed by a meditation from Fr Gabriel.

During the last part of the vigil, the Blessed Sacrament was exposed. After a few minutes of silent adoration, the ordinand Franklin made a public prayer in front of our Lord, in which he praised God for being with him throughout his life and for showing him his vocation through various experiences and realties. The vigil concluded with the Eucharistic Benediction. After the vigil, a night of adoration held at the Seminary chapel commenced around 9.30pm. The adoration concluded on the following morning at 7.00am, with the singing of the Lauds and the Eucharistic benediction.

Last Saturday, 18th May, the deacon Franklin Micallef hailing from the parish of Our Lady of Perpetual Help and the St Gregory the Great in Ta’ Kerċem, made his solemn vows of celibacy and obedience at the National Shrine of Our Lady of Ta’ Pinu, in Għarb. This ceremony took place in view of his forthcoming presbyteral ordination which will take place at the Cathedral of the Assumption of Our Lady in Victoria on the 24th of May.

Early in the morning, at 6.30am, the Seminary Community gathered together to pray the rosary while walking to Ta’ Pinu. Afterwards, the community, led by the Rector the Rev. Fr Joseph Bajada, sang the Morning Prayer. Immediately after the lectio brevis of the lauds, Rev. Franklin made his vows.

On Saturday 11th May, our Seminary organised a Pasta Night in the Seminary’s main hall for the second consecutive year. The event was well attended.

The menu consisted of bruschetta, three pasta dishes – lasagne, fusilli melanzana and penne al salmone – and a cherry cheesecake cup. Various volunteers prepared and cooked all the food in the Seminary’s kitchen.

Those who attended the Pasta Night had the opportunity to participate in a raffle and win one of the various prizes available, all donated by various generous benefactors of our Seminary. Also, several flowers and cakes were for sale, which made a perfect gift for Mother’s Day, celebrated the day after.

Between Thursday 9th and Saturday 11th May, our Seminary had the pleasure of hosting the Rev. Fr Dominik Jurczak OP, Dean of the Faculty of Theology at the Pontifical University of St Thomas Aquinas, commonly known as the ‘Angelicum’.

This year the Institute of Theological studies at our Seminary is celebrating its 30th anniversary from its affiliation with the University of St Thomas Aquinas in Rome, run by the Dominican Order. The Seminary was affiliated to this university by a decree issued by the Congregation for Catholic Education on the 13th April 1994.The Dean arrived in Gozo on Thursday afternoon. In the evening he had an official meeting with the Bishop Mgr Anton Teuma, and the lecturers and the academic staff of the Seminary. This meeting was followed by a dinner in the Seminary refectory. On Friday morning, at the Seminary the deacons Franklin Micallef and Matthew Borg had their final comprehensive oral exam. The Dean was one of the five examiners present. On a happy note both deacons passed and achieved their Baccalaureate. On Saturday morning, Fr Jurczak met the seminarians in the Seminary Conference Room. Afterwords, accompanied by Fr Joseph Ellul OP, he departed to Malta.

On Thursday, 25th May, our Seminary organised an Open Day for the Year 10 Sacred Heart Minor Seminary students. This Open Day was organised in collaboration with the school’s Pastoral Team.  

All the students were gathered in the Seminary’s chapel, where the Seminarians gave a welcome. The Seminarians and the school’s Spiritual Director also delivered a small message.

After that, all the students were divided into two groups, and both groups had a tour around the Seminary together with a description of the Seminarian’s daily life at the Seminary. The students had the opportunity to visit the Seminarian’s living quarters, the kitchen, the dining room, the T.V. room, and the classrooms, among other places.

On Sunday, 14 April, the Sunday before Vocation’s Sunday, the Seminary community organised Festa Abbatini, which has now become an annual event marked on the Gozitan calendar.

The event took place on the parvis of the National Sanctuary of Ta’ Pinu and mainly aimed at all the altar boys and girls of the Gozitan Diocese and their families. Despite the weather not being favourable, the event was very well attended.

This year’s Festa Abbatini was themed on Abraham’s call. The Seminarians organised an introductory meeting divided into three interactive sections. Each section was placed at a different location of the sanctuary’s parvis and treated one of the following aspects: Abraham’s call, Abraham’s test, and the fulfilment of the promise made by God to Abraham. The altar boys and girls who attended were divided into three groups, and they visited each of the three sections by turn.

In the meantime, a catechesis was organised for all the parents who attended. Fr Joseph Bajada, the Rector of our Seminary, gave the catechesis that was also themed on Abraham’s call.

After both meetings were finished, both the altar boys and girls and their parents had the opportunity to enjoy different fun activities and food stalls. Members from the Diocese’s Family Commission were also present, offering a cup of coffee while doing an outreach with the parents present.

During the third and fourth weeks of this year’s Lent, the seminarians organised four Lenten meantings, to which the altar boys groups of our Diocese were invited. Several altar boys groups attended.

The meetings took place at the seminarians’ living quarters, and a special setup was prepared. Each meeting was divided into three parts. The first part consisted of reciting some psalms and prayers of intercession. The second part consisted of reading the Parable of the Prodigal Son, followed by a reflection that also referred to the Sacrament of Confession, as this year’s Diocesan Pastoral Plan focuses on this Sacrament. The Rector, the Vice-Rector, and the deacons Franklin Micallef and Matthew Borg gave the reflections. The last part consisted of a moment of adoration that concluded with the benediction of the Blessed Sacrament.

After the adorations, the altar boys had some time to explore the seminarians’ living quarters and were invited for supper with the seminarians. 

Last Sunday, 21January, the Sunday of the Word of God, sixth year seminarians Samuel Aquilina and Marlon Victor Bajada were instituted lectors by H.L. Mgr Anton Teuma Bishop of Gozo. The seminarians Samuel and Marlon hail from the Parish of St George Martyr in Victoria, and the Parish of Our Lady of Perpetual Help and St Gregory the Great in Ta’ Kerċem, respectively.

The ceremony took place during a solemn mass celebrated at 8.30am in the Parish Church of the Shipwreck of St Paul in Munxar. After the homily, Bishop Teuma prayed upon the candidates and presented to them the Sacred Scripture. Several priests, including the Seminary formators concelebrated. The mass was attended by the newly-instituted lectors’ families and friends and members of the parish community of Munxar.

As readers and bearers of God’s word, the new lectors have been given a responsibility in the service of the faith, which is rooted in the word of God. It is their duty to proclaim this word in the liturgical assembly, instruct children and adults in the faith and prepare them to receive the sacraments worthily. They are also charged with bringing the message of salvation to those who have not yet received it. Thus, by their help, men and women will come to know God the Father and his Son Jesus Christ, whom he sent, and so be able to reach eternal life.

The month of December is synonymous with celebration of the nativity of our Lord Jesus Christ. During the time of Advent and Christmas the Church not only reflects on the coming of our Lord in the event of the incarnation, but also on his glorious coming at the end of time.

This season in the Church’s year is also a special time for the Seminary. The premises don many Christmas decorations. The community’s daily programme is slightly altered. During Advent, the seminarians and their formators meet in the Chapel earlier in the mornings, at 6.10am, to pray together the Office of Readings. Also, during this brief liturgical time the formators daily share a brief homily during mass. From the 15 December onwards, the community celebrated the Novena in preparation for Christmas. Each day during mass, one of the seminarians shared a reflection about different figures in the crib. This theme was the same one adopted by the Diocese of Gozo on the occasion of the 800 anniversary from when St Francis made the first crib in Greccio.

During advent the Seminary community also organised a vocational meeting for the altar servers above age 13. This moment of prayer and adoration took place on Tuesday 12 December. Those who attended were then invited to dinner at the Seminary. On Wednesday 20 December, the seminarians spent an afternoon together as a community at Manresa House in Victoria, doing a fraternal correction under the guidance of the spiritual director Rev. Tony Calleja SI.

The first term at the Seminary came to closure on the 22 December. In the evening, at 6.00p.m., H.E. Mgr Anton Teuma, Bishop of Gozo, celebrated mass at the Seminary chapel, together with the formators, the seminarians and their families, the Franciscan sisters, and the members of the association ‘Aħwa-ħbieb tas-Seminarju’. After mass, all present gathered for a reception in the refectory to exchange their wishes for this festive season. Later in the evening, the seminarians went home with their families for two weeks of Christmas holidays. They will return back to the Seminary on Monday, 8 January 2024, to commence the second term.

On Friday 8 December, the Seminary community, together with the rest of the Universal Church, celebrated the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of Our Lady, which also happens to be the titular of the Seminary chapel. At 6.40am, the community gathered in the chapel to pray the Invitatory Psalm and the Office of Readings. Afterwards, a Solemn Mass presided by the Rector Rev. Joseph Bajada, assisted by the deacon Franklin Micallef, was celebrated. The deacon Franklin delivered the sermon. The mass was animated by the seminarians in Gregorian chant with the execution of the popular Missa de Angelis, the antiphon Tota Pulchra, and Ave Maria. At the end of the Mass, the antiphon Beata Mater, set to a musical arrangement widely attributed to Mro Giuseppe Giardini Vella which is executed only in our Seminary, was sung.

At noon, the community gathered once again in the chapel to sing the Midday Prayers, presided by the deacon Franklin Micallef. At the end, the antiphon Beata Mater was again sung. Present also were H.E. Mons. Anton Teuma, members of the academic staff of the Seminary, and the Franciscan students currently studying at the Seminary. Afterwards all proceeded to the refectory for the festive luncheon.

In the evening, at six, the community gathered again in the chapel for a holy hour. After the exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and a period of personal reflection, the rosary was prayed. It was followed by the singing of the Second Vespers of the Solemnity, again presided by the deacon Franklin Micallef. After vespers, the Eucharistic benediction was given, and then, the antiphon Beata Mater was sung for the third and final time.