
On Sunday 27th October 2018, the seminarians and their superiors donated blood as a gesture to mark the activities linked with Missions Week and invited friends to join them.  They met at 11.00am at the Blood Donation Unit in Xewkija. Since the number of regular donors in Gozo is gradually decreasing, the seminarian community deemed it fit to urge their friends to donate blood.  Mr Alvin Scicluna from CVC media joined them in this activity to take a short film and to register comments from the seminarians and from Rector Fr Richard N Farrugia.  The short clip and the comments will feature in the news bullettin in the coming days. Donating blood is a noble gesture which may save the life of those who need blood transfusion.  All it needs is some encouragement and sacrifice. Such an act leads to the donation of the most precious present to others – life.  So, we encourage all to follow our example, overcome fear and donate blood!

On 24th Wednesday October 2018,  the Seminary community attended a lecture regarding the use of the Automated External Defibrillator – AED.   The apparatus was donated to the Seminary by the CCU Foundation.  Mr George Bonello, Managing Director of Sidroc Services, showed us how to perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation, both manually and with the AED.

The Seminary community would like to thank the CCU Foundation for this donation which can save lives in an emergency. The community would like to thank also Mr Bonello for the information and for the time he dedicated to us.

Nhar l-Erbgħa 24 ta’ Ottubru 2018, saret laqgħa ta’ informazzjoni għall-komunità tas-Seminarju dwar l-użu tal-“Automated External Defibrillator” – AED. Dan l-apparat ġie rregalat lilna mis-CCU Foundation. Waqt din il-laqgħa, is-Sur George Bonello, li huwa Managing Director tal-kumpanija Sidroc Services, uriena kif wieħed jagħmel “cardiopulmonary resuscitation” b’mod manwali u anke bl-AED.

Nirringrazzjaw kemm lis-CCU Foundation ta’ dan ir-rigal li kapaċi jsalva l-ħajjiet f’każ ta’ emergenza, u anke lis-Sur Bonello tal-ħin u l-għarfien li qasam magħna.

It-Tnejn 15 ta’ Ottubru, ilqajna fostna bħala propedewtiċi lil Anthony Joe Borg, mill-parroċċa tat-Twelid ta’ Marija Bambina x-Xagħra, u lil Fabio Cini, mill-parroċċa ta’ Marija Assunta ż-Żebbuġ.  Nilqgħuhom fostna bil-ferħ u nitolbu għalihom fil-mixja ta’ dixxerniment li bdew.

On Monday 15th of October we received into our community as members of the propaedeutic year Anthony Joe Borg, from the Parish of the Nativity of Our Lady in Xaghra and Fabio Cini from the Parish of the Assumption of Our Lady in Zebbug, we welcome them with joy and pray for them in the way of discernment they have started.



Matul il-ġimgħa li għaddiet, il-Grupp Missjunarju-Liturġiku ħa ħsieb jorganizza diversi attivitajiet dwar il-missjoni.  It-tema magħżula kienet “Int Missjunarju?”, fejn il-messaġġ li xtaqna nwasslu kien li kull bniedem għandu missjoni.  Din il-missjoni tibda issa, fl-ambjenti li fihom ngħixu.  Mhux neċessarju li mmorru f’artijiet fqar biex inwettqu missjoni. Dak huwa mod sabiħ ħafna kif ngħixu l-missjoni, peròrridu nibdew inwettqu l-missjoni tagħna minn issa.  Din il-missjoni hija li ngħixu l-imħabba vera.  Dan jitlob minna li nkunu sensittivi għall-bżonnijiet ta’ dawk ta’ madwarna u nfittxu li dejjem nibnu relazzjonijiet tajbin bejnietna.

Il-progamm għal din il-ġimgħa beda billi t-Tnejn filgħaxija s-seminaristi segwew il-film dwar il-ħajja tal-Isqof Óscar Arnulfo Romero y Galdámez, li sar qaddis fl-14 ta’ Ottubru 2018.  Dan il-qaddis riċenti għex fi żmien diffiċli ħafna fil-pajjiż ta’ El Salvador.  Ħadem bis-sħiħ favur il-libertà taċ-ċittadini, li kienet qed tiġi maħnuqa minn politika korrotta.

L-Erbgħa, fis-1.00pm, is-seminaristi mexxew il-laqgħa annwali tal-Jum Missjunarju fl-iskola tas-Seminarju Minuri. Tul din il-laqgħa s-seminaristi tkellmu dwar il-missjoni li għandu kull bniedem li jgħix l-imħabba.  Kienet mistiedna Francienne Muscat, żagħżugħa Għawdxija li taħdem bħala avukat u li dan is-sajf wettqet esperjenza missjunarja fil-Gwatemala flimkien mal-grupp Gozo Half Marathon.  Hija qasmet l-esperjenza tagħha mal-istudenti u tkellmet dwar kif dak li wettqet u esperjenzat fil-Gwatemala għadha tgħixu llum f’Għawdex.

Il-Ħamis filgħodu s-seminaristi marru l-iskola Sir M.A. Refalo fejn hemmhekk daru l-klassijiet kollha biex iwasslu dan il-messaġġ lill-istudenti Għawdxin li jistudjaw hemm.

Is-seminarista Carlos Vargas ipprepara tpenġija li tqassmet waqt it-talksf’forma ta’ bookmark.  Din it-tpenġija turi l-missjoni tagħna li flimkien għandna ngħixu din l-imħabba.  Fuq wara tas-santa hemm silta mill-messaġġ tal-Papa Franġisku għal dan il-Jum Missjunarju: “Kull raġel u mara huma missjoni, u għalhekk jinsabu hawn fl-art. Il-qalb, l-aktar f’età żagħżugħa, tħoss żewġ tqanqiliet: tħossha attirata u tħossha mibgħuta. Inħossu fina l-qawwa tal-imħabba li twegħedna futur u timbuttana ‘l quddiem fil-ħajja. Ħadd daqs iż-żgħażagħ ma jħoss dik il-qawwa tal-ħajja li tinfed u tattira. Hi sfida kbira li ngħixu b’ferħ ir-responsabbiltà li għandna lejn id-dinja.”

Il-Ġimgħa filgħaxija s-seminaristi ppreparaw Adorazzjoni Missjunarja.  Waqt dan il-mument ta’ talb talbu flimkien it-talba tar-Rużarju bil-misteri missjunarji. Kull posta ġiet offruta għal kontinent partikolari madwar id-dinja.  Fl-aħħar inqrat silta mill-Evanġelju skont San Mattew (Mt 28:16-20) u saret riflessjoni dwar din is-silta.

Is-Sibt filgħodu, waqt il-quddiesa li ġiet iċċelebrata minn Dun Alex Cauchi, Dun Alex u Sr Josepha Gauci qasmu l-esperjenza missjunarja tagħhom mas-seminaristi.

Din il-ġimgħa waslet fi tmiemha billi s-seminaristi komplew iwasslu dan il-messaġġ attwali fil-gruppi li magħhom jiltaqgħu fi tmiem il-ġimgħa waqt il-ħidma pastorali li jwettqu fil-parroċċi li fihom huma assenjati.

Last week, the Liturgy and Mission Group organised various activities related with the Missions.  The theme was ‘Are you a Missionary?’ The message which the Group wished to convey is that every human being has a mission to accomplish. Being a missionary does not necessarily mean going to poor countries, although this is a noble way of realising our mission. Our mission is realised in the immediate environment where we live. Our mission is to live true love by being sensitive to the needs of the people around us and to try to bridge the differences between us.

The week’s programme started on Monday afternoon when the seminarians watched the film about Bishop Óscar Arnulfo Romero y Galdámez, who was proclaimed saint on the 14thOctober 2018.  The new saint lived in difficult times in El Salvador.  He worked steadfastly in favour of  freedom which was being stifled by corrupt politics.

On Wednesday, at 1.00pm, the seminarians led the meeting held annually on Missions Day at the Minor Seminary.  The seminarians talked to the students about the mission that every human being has: to live love.  Dr Francienne Muscat, a Gozitan lawyer who, this summer, joined the Gozo Half Marathon group on a missionary experience in Guatemala, explained to the students how this experience has marked her way of life in Gozo.


On Thursday morning, the seminarians visited the Sir M.A. Refalo school.  They talked to the students about the main theme of this year’s theme of Mission Day.

During the visit, the students were presented with a bookmark drawn by seminarian Carlos Vargas.  The drawing on the bookmark symbolizes our mission to live love together.  On the back of the bookmark, there is the message of Pope Francis for Mission Day: ‘Every man and woman are a mission and they are on earth for this reason.  The heart, especially in youth, feels two emotions: it feels attracted and it feels sent. We feel the strenght of love that promises a future and that pushes us ahead in life.  Nobody feels that strenght of love that penetrates and attracts as much as young people do.  To live happily the responsability that we have towards the world is a big challenge’.

On Friday evening, the seminarians prepared moments of Adoration linked with Missions Day.  They prayed the Rosary, with every mystery dedicated to a particular continent.  The evening ended with the reading of a selection from the Gospel of St Matthew (Mt 28:16-20), followed by a reflection on the text.

On Saturday morning, during the mass which was celebrated by Fr Alex Cauchi, Fr Alex and Sr Josepha Gauci shared their missionary experience.

The activities for the week came to an end during the weekend when the seminarians continued to spread the message among the groups in the parishes where they are assigned for their pastoral work.

Il-Ħamis 14 ta’ Ġunju s-seminaristi temmew l-eżamijiet tagħhom.  Ta’ kull sena, dan il-mument jimmarka t-tmiem tas-sena ta’ formazzjoni.  Il-Ġimgħa 15 ta’ Ġunju s-seminaristi ngħaqdu mad-djaknu Joseph Hili f’jum l-ordinazzjoni presbiterali tiegħu fil-Katidral tal-Assunta. Is-Sibt u t-Tnejn huma kellhom xi laqgħat konklużivi u l-Quddiesa mmexxija minn Mons. Isqof Mario Grech. Kollox ġie fi tmiemu permezz ta’ festin li għalih kienu mistiedna l-ġenituri u l-familjari tas-seminaristi, flimkien mal-Aħwa Ħbieb tas-Seminarju, il-ħaddiema u l-helpers tas-Seminarju. Wara dan, is-seminaristi bdew il-vaganzi tas-sajf. Waqt dan iż-żmien huma jistrieħu, iqattgħu aktar ħin mal-familji tagħhom, ikunu preżenti aktar fil-parroċċi u jagħmlu xi esperjenzi ta’ volontarjat.

The seminarians ended their examinations on Thursday 14th June.  This date marks the end of the current year of formation.  On Friday, 15th June, the seminarians joined Deacon Joseph Hili in the Cathedral of the Assumption for his priestly ordination.  On the following Saturday and Monday, they had their final meetings  and on Monday they attended Mass celebrated by Bishop Mario Grech, thus bringing to an end the current year of formation.  Mass was followed by a party to which parents and relatives of the seminarians were invited. The Aħwa Ħbieb tas-Seminarju, members of the staff and helpers at the Seminary were also present.  Summer holidays started the following day.  In summer, the seminarians  have time to relax, spend more time with their families  be more present at their parishes and do voluntary work.


On Friday, 15th June, Deacon Joseph Hili (Xagħra) was ordained priest by Mgr. Bishop Mario Grech at the Gozo Cathedral.  A number of priests, members of the Seminary community, members of the Xagħra parrochial communities and the laity accompanied Deacon Joseph Hili through this ver important moment in his life.  On Thursday, 14th June, the Church of Gozo was invited to join Deacon Joseph to an evening of prayer held at the Seminary in preparation for this great moment.