On Tuesday 5th February, on the eve of Ash Wednesday, the Seminary community celebrated the heralding of Lent. The community gathered in the chapel at 7pm and Fr Richard N Farrugia led the celebration. First, the heralding was sung, then the artal and the ambone were adorned with the violet vestments while the community sang the ‘Attende Domine’. The Reading for the First Sunday of Lent was read, followed by a reflection on the same Reading. The Rev Rector suggested changes to the daily programme proposed for Lent, mainly: the community will gather for the Noon Prayers before lunch is served; silence is to be observed on Frinday evenings; prayers associated with Lent are to be said during the day. The celebration came to an end by the singing of the psalm of the Liturgy of the First Sunday of Lent.
Nibdew il-mixja tar-Randan
Nhar it-Tlieta 5 ta’ Frar, lejliet Ras ir-Randan, ġiet iċċelebrata t-tħabbira tar-Randan. Fis-7pm il-komunità nġabret fil-kappella fejn ir-Rettur, Dun Richard N. Farrugia, mexxa ċ-ċelebrazzjoni. Wara li tkantat it-tħabbira, l-artal u l-ambone ġew imlibbsa l-kulur vjola waqt li tkanta l-innu ‘Attende Domine’. Wara li ġie mxandar il-Vanġelu tal-ewwel Ħadd tar-Randan, ir-Rettur għamel spejgazzjoni tas-silta fid-dawl tal-bidu ta’ dan iż-żmien ta’ riflessjoni u tiġdid. Wara r-Rettur ippropona xi bidliet li ser isiru fil-programm tul dan iż-żmien sabiex jgħinu lill-komunità tgħix aħjar dan iż-żmien. Fost oħrajn: il-komunità tinġabar għat-talba ta’ nofs il-jum qabel l-ikel, il-Ġimgħa filgħaxija jinżamm is-silenzju, u jkun hemm mumenti fejn jiġi reċitat talb devozzjonali marbut ma’ dan iż-żmien. Għalaqna billi kantajna flimkien is-salm tal-Liturġija tal-ewwel Ħadd tar-Randan.
Tmiem l-ewwel simestru
Nhar is-Sibt, 2 ta’ Frar, il-komunità tas-Seminarju temmet l-ewwel simestru tas-sena. L-aħħar jum ta’ ġimagħtejn ta’ eżamijiet kien ikkaratterizzat bi studju u talb. Il-komunità kellha ħin għall-mistrieħ u attivitajiet flimkien f’Malta qabel ma kompliet bl-attivitajiet normali tas-Seminarju u b’bidla fil-korsijiet tat-tieni semestru tas-sena.
Ending the first semester
On Saturday 2nd February, the community of the Seminary ended the first semester of the year with the last day of two weeks of examinations marked by study and prayer. A time for rest and common activities was carried out by the community in Malta before continuing with normal seminary activities and the change of courses of the second semester of the year.
Mument Ekumeniku ta’ Talb
Nhar l-Erbgħa, 16 ta’ Jannar 2019, saret ċelebrazzjoni ekumenika bejn il-komunità tas-Seminarju tad-Djoċesi t’Għawdex u l-kongregazzjoni Anglikana ta’ Ommna Marija u San Ġorġ tad-Djoċesi tal-Ewropa. Fis-6pm bdejna bir-radd tas-salib. Wara saru xi talbiet ta’ maħfra, segwiti mil-liturġija tal-Kelma. Il-qassis Anglikan Rev. Simon Godfrey qasam magħna riflessjoni qasira dwar l-irwol tas-saċerdot fil-Knisja Anglikana u dik Kattolika Rumana, kif ukoll l-importanza tal-formazzjoni sħiħa taż-żgħażagħ f’seminarju bi tħejjija għall-ordinazzjoni saċerdotali. Komplejna dan il-mument ta’ talb billi tajna l-paċi, wara stqarrejna flimkien il-Kredu ta’ Niċea u fl-aħħar saru xi talbiet. Għalaqna dan il-mument billi talbna flimkien it-talba tal-Missierna.
Dan il-mument kien segwit minn bibita qasira fis-sala tas-Seminarju. Aktar tard, Rev. Simon Godfrey tkellem mas-seminaristi dwar is-similaritajiet u d-differenzi li jeżistu bejn iż-żewġ knejjes. Huwa wieġeb ukoll xi mistoqsijiet li kellhom is-seminaristi dwar dan. Hu għalaq billi qal li hemm aktar x’jgħaqqadna flimkien milli x’jifridna, u għalhekk mumenti bħal dawn għandhom jinkoraġġuna biex inkomplu naħdmu fuq dak li jgħaqqadna flimkien.
Ecumenical Worship Service
On Wednesday, 16th January, 2019, the Seminary community of the Diocese of Gozo joined the Anglican congregation of St Mary and St George of the Diocese of Europe in an ecumenical celebration.
The ceremony started at 6pm with the Sig of the Cross, prayers for forgiveness and the Liturgy of the Word. Afterwards, Rev. Simon Godfrey shared with us some reflections on the role of the priest in the Anglican Church and the Roman Catholic Church and on the importance of a holistic formation for seminarians on their way to priesthood. Then we exchanged peace and recited the Nicean Creed. We said some prayers and the celebration came to an end with the Lord’s Prayer.
We then proceeded to the Seminary hall where refreshments were served. Later, Rev. Simon Godfrey discussed with the seminarians the similarities and differences between the two churches. He concluded by saying that there are more similarities than differences and that such celebrations help bridge the differences between the two churches.
The blessing of the Icon
An annual event in the life of the Seminary is the blessing of the Icon that represents the theme for the current year. Usually, this event coincides with the announciation of Advent, but this year, due to various circumstances, the celebration was held on Saturday, 12th January, at 11am, when the icon for the current year was presented and blessed.
During the celebration, Fr Richard N. Farrugia, our rector, read a passage from the Gospel of St Mark (4:1-9). This passage, especially the line ‘But some seeds fell in good soil, and the plants sprouted, grew, and produced corn’, was the inspiration of the icon. Fr Joseph Mercieca, who was responsible for the theological explanation of the technique, explained the principal details of the icon. Every detail in the icon has a profound significance that serves as an inspiration to whoever wants to delve deeper into the biblical message of the passage through the icon. This year, Loreta Grech started the icon but had to renounce it for health reasons. The icon was then completed by Manuel Farrugia.
Tberik tal-ikona
Mument annwali fil-ħajja tas-Seminarju tagħna huwa t-tberik tal-ikona li tkun tirrappreżenta t-tema li tkun intgħażlet għal dik is-sena. Issoltu dan il-mument isir waqt it-tħabbir tal-Avvent, però din is-sena, minħabba diversi ċirkostanzi, dan ma kienx possibbli. Għalhekk, nhar is-Sibt 12 ta’ Jannar fil-11am, ġiet ippreżentata u mbierka l-ikona li ser tmexxi lill-komunità tul din is-sena.
Waqt din iċ-ċelebrazzjoni, ir-Rettur, Dun Richard N. Farrugia,qara s-silta mill-Vanġelu skont San Mark (4:1-9). Din is-silta kienet l-ispirazzjoni tal-ikona, speċifikament il-vers “oħrajn waqgħu f’art tajba u għamlu l-frott”. Wara Fr. Joseph Mercieca, li akkumpanja lill-awtur tal-ikona tul il-proċess fir-rigward tat-tifsira teoloġika tat-teknika, fisser id-dettalji prinċipali tal-ikona. Kull dettall fl-ikona għandu sinifikat profond li jagħti lok sabiex wieħed dejjem aktar japprofondixxi fil-messaġġ bibbliku tas-silta permezz tal-ikona. Din is-sena l-ikona bdiet tinkiteb minn Loreta Grech, però tkompliet minn Manuel Farrugia peress li Loreta ma setgħetx tkompli minħabba raġunijiet tas-saħħa.
Greetings for the New Year
The hall of our Seminary was the place chosen by H.L. Bishop Mario Grech to congratulate the priests of the diocese for the New Year. Presided by a replica of the painting of Our Lady of Ta’ Pinu, and in the light of the Marian year proclaimed in the Diocese of Gozo, the act included some thoughts as well from the Bishop on Our Lady and pastoral work. The meeting ended with the sharing of refreshments.
Awguri tal-Ewwel tas-Sena
L-Eċċellenza Tiegħu l-Isqof Mario Grech għażel is-sala tas-Seminarju tagħna biex jawgura s-Sena t-Tajba lis-saċerdoti tad-Djoċesi. Billi din is-sena kienet ipproklamata Sena Marjana fid-Djoċesi t’Għawdex, din l-attività, li kienet saret taħt il-ħarsien ta’ replika tal-kwadru tal-Madonna Ta’ Pinu, kienet tinkludi wkoll xi ħsibijiet mill-Isqof dwar il-Madonna u dwar il-ħdima pastorali. Il-laqgħa ntemmet b’bibita tal-okkażjoni.
Attività għall-Abbatini u għall-Gruppi tal-Vokazzjonijiet
Nhar is-Sibt 15ta’ Diċembru filgħodu, l-abbatini tad-djoċesi tagħna kienu mistiedna għall-attività annwali tal-abbatini li ssir fis-Seminarju. Il-laqgħa saret fis-salatas-Seminarju. Fil-bidu nqrat ittra li kienet indirizzata lill-abbatini miġbura, miktuba minn Marija omm Ġesù. Tul l-ittra Marija ħeġġet lit-tfal iħejju qalbhom biex fiha jitwieled Ġesù tarbija.
Wara,is-seminaristi qassmu lit-tfal fi tliet gruppi, organizzawlhom logħob adattat għall-okkażjoni u anki kien hemm bibita qasira. Fl-aħħar tal-attività,is-seminaristi qassmu r-rigal tal-Milied imħejji minnhom għal din l-okkażjoni.Din is-sena r-rigal kien ktejjeb li jġib l-isem “L-Avventura tal-Abbati”. Il-ktieb ifisser il-Quddiesa pass pass u jgħin lill-abbati jifhem aħjar is-servizz li jwettaq tul il-Quddiesa. Jinkludi wkoll spegazzjoni ta’ mkejjen sagri fil-knisja, oġġetti liturġiċi li jintużaw waqt il-Quddiesa u deskrizzjoni tal-ilbies liturġiku.
Min jixtieq akkwista kopja ta’ dan il-ktejjeb jista’ jkellem lil xi ħadd mis-seminaristi.
An Activity for the Altar Boys and Vocations Groups
On Saturday morning, 15th December, the altar boys of our diocese were hosted at our Seminary for an activity which is held annually. The activity was held in the Seminary hall. A letter, written in the name of Mary, Mother of Christ, was read to the altar boys. The letter encouraged the altar boys to open their heart to welcome the birth of Baby Jesus.
The altar boys were then divided into three groups and were engaged in different games prepared by the seminarians. Later, the altar boys were invited to a drink. At the end of the activity the seminarians distributed a Christmas present to the altar boys. The present, which the seminarians themselves had prepared for this occasion, was a booklet called L-Avventura tal-Abbati, (The Adventure of the Altar Boy), which gives a step-by-step explanation of the Mass. and helps the altar boys understand better the service they give during Mass. It also pinpoints the sacred places in the church and the liturgical objects used during Mass, and gives a description of the liturgical garments.
Anyone who would like to have a copy of the booklet is kindly asked to contact the seminarians.