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Lorem gravida nibh vel veliauctor aliquen sollicitudin, lorem quis bibendum auctor, nisi elit consequat ipsutis sem nibh id elit. Duis sed odio sit amet nibh vulputate cursus a sit amet mauris. Morbi accumsan ipsum velit. Nam nec tellus a odio tincidunt auctor a ornare odio. Sed non mauris vitae erat consequat auctor eu in elit. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra inceptos himenaeos. Mauris in erat justo. Nullam ac urnamiumimus felis dapibus sit amet. Sed non neque elit. Lorem gravida.

It-Tnejn 17 u t-Tlieta 18 ta’ Ġunju immarkaw l-aħħar jumejn ta’ formazzjoni fis-Seminarju għal din is-sena. Il-komunita kollha nġabret wara tmiem il-ġimgħa għall-aħħar laqgħat qabel nagħtu bidu għaż-żmien tas-sajf.

It-Tnejn is-superjuri u s-seminaristi nġabru f’Dar Ġużeppa Dedono f’Għajnsielem għar-Revision de Vie, fejn huma rriflettew dwar l-esperjenzi u l-frott tal-formazzjoni matul is-sena. Din il-laqgħa ntemmet bit-talba tal-għasar u l-adorazzjoni ewkaristika. Wara l-komunita nġabret flimkien mas-sorijiet Franġiskani fil-bajja ta’ Ħondoq fejn tlabna r-rużarju u wara għamilna barbikju.

It-Tlieta l-komunita kellha l-aħħar laqgħat u saret l-Evalwazzjoni tas-Sena. Wara, l-E.T. Mons Isqof Mario Grech mexxa quddiesa ad unur il-Qalb Imqaddsa ta’ Ġesu, fil-preżenza tas-superjuri, is-seminaristi u l-familjari tagħhom. Wara kien hemm bibita.

Monday the 17th and Tuesday the 18th of June marked the last two days of formation in the Seminary. The whole community gathered after the weekend to have its last meetings prior to the beginning of the summer vacation.

On Monday the formators and seminarians gathered in Dar Guzeppa Debono in Għajnsielem for the Revision de Vie, where they reflected upon the experiences and fruits of formation of the whole year, the meeting ended with Vespers and Eucharistic Adoration. After that the whole community gathered with the Franciscan Sisters in Ħondoq Bay to pray the rosary and a Barbeque.

On Tuesday the community had the last work meetings and the Evaluation of the Year. After Mons. Mario Grech, Bishop of Gozo presided the Holy Eucharist in honour of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, with the presence of the formators, seminarians and their families. Refreshments were served.

On Thursday, 13th June, the seminarians had their last examinations for this scholastic year.  That same afternoon, preparations kicked off for an evening of prayer to be held on the occasion of the priestly and deaconal ordinations which were to take place the following day.  The evening of prayer was held in the playground of the Minor Seminary and started at 8pm.  The theme was: The Vergin Mary  – Queen of Priests.  A painting, commissioned by Fr Elia of the Crucified Christ of the Order of the Discalced Carmelites.  The painting, by artist Manuel Farrugia, features the Vergin Mary, together with the Prophet Elia and Saint Therese of Avila, who are central figures in the Theresean family.  The two ordinands, Mario Mercieca as deacon and Fr Elia as monk, shared with the congregation their prayer to God on the eve of their ordination.  The second part of the evening was a eucharistic celebration.

On the morrow, Friday 14th June, the ordinations were held at the Gozo Cathedral at 6.50p.m.

Il-Ħamis 13 ta’ Ġunju s-seminaristi lestew l-eżamijiet tal-aħħar tas-sena u waranofsinhar bdew il-preparamenti għall-velja annwali ta’ talb li ssir bi tħejjija għall-ordinazzjoni li tkun l-għada. Il-velja saret fil-grawnd tal-iskola tas-Seminarju Minuri u bdiet fit-8pm. It-tema kienet ‘il-Verġni Marija – is-Sultana tas-Saċerdoti’. Flok l-ikona tpoġġiet pittura kkummissjonata minn Patri Elija ta’ Ġesù Msallab tal-Ordni tal-Karmelitani Skalzi. Il-pittura, xogħol Manuel Farrugia, tirrappreżanta lill-Verġni Mbierka, mdawra mill-Profeta Elija u Santa Tereża ta’ Avila, figuri ċentrali tal-familja Tereżjana. Fil-velja, iż-żewġ ordinandi, Mario Mercieca għad-djakonat u Patri Elija għall-presbiterat, qasmu mal-ġemgħa t-talba tagħhom lil Alla lejlet l-ordinazzjoni. It-tieni parti tal-Velja kienet Ċelebrazzjoni Ewkaristika.

L-għada, il-Ġimgħa 14 ta’ Ġunju, l-ordinazzjoni djakonali u dik presbiterali saru fil-Katidral t’Għawdex fis-6.30pm.

On Sunday, 19th May, the Gozo seminarians organised Festa Abbatini.  Altar boys from all over Gozo attended the activity, which was held on the parvis of Ta’ Pinu Sanctuary.  The altar boys gathered on the parvis of the sanctuary at 5.30pm.  A short play on the life of Don Bosco opened the activity.  The play showed how Don Bosco took the role of a father in the life of many orphans.  Don Bosco showed us also what a great gift we received from God when we were given Mary for a mother.  The Bishop delivered a message linked with the celebration of the Marian Year which is being held in the diocese. The altar boys were then invited into the Sanctuary to pray Our Lady for more vocations.

The activity proceeded on the parvis of the sanctuary where the altar boys participated in various activities which included the bouncy castles, sports games, and works of art in mosaic and pottery.  The activity was animated by the children’s choir Madonna tas-Sokkors from Kercem parish, together with Joseph Vassallo.

The activity ended at 8pm.

Nhar il-Ħadd 19 ta’ Mejju, is-seminaristi t’Għawdex organizzaw “Festa Abbatini.” Din l-attività, li saret fuq iz-zuntier tas-Santwarju Ta’ Pinu, kienet miftuħa għall-abbatini kollha tad-djoċesi. Fil-5.30pm l-abbatini nġabru quddiem id-daħla tas-Santwarju fejn bdew b’laqgha li kienet tikkonsisti fi dramm qasir dwar il-ħajja ta’ Don Bosco. Permezz ta’ dan id-dramm rajna kif ħafna tfal iltiema sabu lil Don Bosco bħala missierhom. Ddon Bosco uriena wkoll x’rigal tana Alla meta tana lil Marija bħala ommna. Fl-okkażjoni tas-sena Marjana li qed niċċelebraw din is-sena fid-djoċesi, l-Isqof wassal messaġġ qasir lill-abbatini u wara stedinhom jidħlu fis-Santwarju fejn talbu għal aktar vokazzjonijiet bl-interċessjoni tal-Madonna ta’ Pinu.

Wara, it-tfal ħarġu mill-ġdid fuq iz-zuntier fejn kien hemm diversi attivitajiet divertenti għaddejjin, fosthom logħob sportiv, bouncy castles, xogħol tal-mużajk u xogħol fil-fuħħar. Ingħaqad magħna wkoll il-kor tat-tfal Madonna tas-Sokkors tal-parroċċa ta’ Kerċem flimkien ma’ Joseph Vassallo li tawna xi kanzunetti. L-attività ntemmet għall-ħabta tat-8pm.

Is-Sibt 18 ta’ Mejju, il-komunità tas-Seminarju bdiet il-ġurnata b’pellegrinaġġ lejn is-Santwarju tal-Madonna ta’ Pinu. Tul it-triq, il-komunità talbet it-talba tar-Rużarju. Mal-wasla fis-Santwarju, ġiet iċċelebrata Quddiesa fil-kappella tas-Santwarju li tmexxiet mill-E.T. Mons. Isqof Mario Grech. Wara l-Evanġelju, is-seminarista Mario Mercieca mill-parroċċa Katidrali ta’ Marija Assunta għamel il-wegħdiet taċ-ċelebat u l-fedeltà, u għamel ukoll il-professjoni tal-fidi bi tħejjija għall-odrinazzjoni djakonali. Fl-omelija tiegħu, Mons Isqof fakkar lil Mario li dawn l-wegħdiet mhumiex xi rit li jsir għax soltu jsir, imma huma wegħdiet li jitolbu impenn sħiħ sabiex il-ħajja djakonali tkun mgħixa bl-aħjar mod.

On Saturday, the 18th of May, the Seminary community started the day with a pilgrimage to the Ta’ Pinu Sanctuary.  On the way, the community recited the Rosary. H.L. Mgr Mario Grech celebrated Mass in the chapel of the sanctuary.  After the reading of the Gospel, seminarian Mario Mercieca, who hails from the Cathedral parish of the Assumption of Our Lady, made the vows of celibacy and faithfulness and the profession of faith prior to his ordination as deacon.  In his homily, Mgr Grech said that these vows are not just a rite to be taken lightly. These vows demand a commitment so that the diaconal life is led in the best way.

Nhar it-8 ta’ Mejju, il-komunità tas-Seminarju attendiet għal taħdita mill-Professur Joseph M. Pirotta dwar ir-realtà politika fil-Gżejjer Maltin u l-irwol tal-Knisja f’din id-dinamika.  It-taħdita kienet tinkludi ħarsa storika lejn is-sitwazzjoni politika u t-tendenzi, kemm qabel u kemm wara l-Indipendenza.

Attivitajiet bħal dawn huma organizzati mis-Seminarju sabiex l-istudenti jifhmu l-implikazzjonijiet u l-impatt li l-politika għandha fuq il-ħajja ta’ kuljum tal-Poplu Malti, ir-relazzjonni tiegħu mal-Knisja o l-effetti fuq il-ħajja pastorali li s-seminaristi jkunu se jesperjenzaw aktar ’il quddiem bħala saċerdoti.

On the 8thof May, the Seminary community attended a lecture by Professor Joseph M. Pirotta on the political reality of the Maltese Islands and the role of the Church in these dynamics. The lecture included a historical overview of the political situation and trends, both before and after Independence.

These kind of activities are held by the seminary for the students to understand the implications and the impact of politics on the daily life of the Maltese people, their relation with the Church and the effects on pastoral life which the seminarians will experience later on as priests.

On the 4th and 5th of May, the seminarians were hosted at the summer residence of the Franciscan sisters at Qbajjar for a human formation weekend on fatherhood.  Fr Joseph Farrugia and Fr Daniel Sultana held sessions regarding the topic.  These sessions helped the seminarians assert the importance of the paternal figure in Christain life.  We often project the paternal figure on our relationship with God.  The priest should also be a father to the community which he is entrusted with.  Therefore, the priest-to-be has to be trained to take the sensitive role of a father so that his priesthood will be worthy of the role.