
A Moral Case Study concerning the use of the COVID-19 Vaccine

On Tuesday 23rd November 2021, a moral case study concerning the use of the COVID-19 vaccine was presented by seminarian Matthew Bajada. This moral case study was presented as part of the Moral Theology course entitled “The Value and Inviolability of Human Life”, whose lecturer is Can. George Frendo. First, the case was read, and it was about a couple who was convinced that the production of the vaccine against the COVID-19 pandemic contains cells that are taken from aborted foetuses. For this reason, the couple considered the production and use of this vaccine as immoral and gravely irresponsible, and therefore they were determined not to take it. Following the reading of the case, seminarian Matthew Bajada presented his paper as an answer. The biological clarification on the various types of the vaccine was the starting point of this paper. This was followed by presenting the proper context, which led to the objective discernment and a just ethical assessment of the couple’s conscientious objection. A detailed evaluation of the Church’s teaching regarding this subject was also given to form a solid base for answering this moral case study. Lastly, a proposal was given in order to help this couple in the formation of an objectively right conscience. This moral case study was attended by seminarians, formators, and priests from the Diocese of Gozo.

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