
A Meeting on the Commitment in Civil Service

On Wednesday 25th November 2020 our Seminary hosted Ms Carmen Ogilvie-Galea and Mr Eugene Bugeja who shared with us their experience of commitment within the civil service. Ms Ogilvie-Galea, who is the Director General of the Operations Division within the Ministry for Gozo, shared with us her civil work experience. She explained the several divisions within the Ministry for Gozo and talked about the importance of maintaining commitment, order, and flexibility. These values help in serving the people in a better way. Civil service, being a service for the people, is a way of practicing Christian values. Mr Bugeja, who is the Assistant Director (Human Resources Management) of the Corporate Services Directorate within the Ministry for Gozo, also shared with us his long work experience within the civil service. At the end of this meeting we were given the opportunity to ask questions.

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