
A Human Formation Seminar on Addictions

Between Friday 11th and Saturday 12th February 2022 our community joined the Seminary community of the Archdiocese of Malta for a human formation seminar on addictions. This seminar was held at the Archbishop’s Seminary in tal-Virtù, Rabat Malta and was led by Fr Joseph Farrugia, who hails from our diocese of Gozo. Our rector Fr Richard N. Farrugia and our vice-rector Fr Samuel Grech joined us for this seminar. On Friday evening our community joined the Maltese Seminary’s community for a moment of Eucharistic Adoration and prayer. Afterwards, we had dinner together and spent some time together on a night stroll in the silent city of Imdina. On Saturday morning we started our human formation seminar. During the first session of this seminar, Fr Joseph treated the relationship between attachment problems and addictions. Afterwards, we had a short break. A second session followed, and this treated the brain’s functioning within addictions. After this second session, we had some time for questions. At noon we celebrated the Holy Mass together, and this was led by our rector. In the afternoon we attended a third session that dealt with addictions in religious life. This was followed by a short break. A fourth and final session was held, dealing with the methods that a religious person can adopt in order to live a healthier life and prevent addictions. This final session was followed by question time. During this formation seminar, we had the opportunity to spend some time with the seminarians of the Archdiocese of Malta. Most of all, this seminar helped us to reflect upon our lifestyles as seminarians, especially our relationships.

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