

For the Solemnity of All Saints and the Commemoration of All Souls, celebrated on the 1st and 2nd of November, the Seminarians had a change of the daily routine, as no lectures took place.

On the night between the 31st of October and the 1st of November, the Seminarians, accompanied by the Rector and the Vice-Rector, made the yearly lungo passeggio. This year’s hike started from the Seminary in Victoria and finished at the Immaculate Conception’s Chapel in Qala, passing through the villages of Ta’ Sannat, Ix-Xewkija and Għajnsielem. During the last part of the hike, the Seminarians walked along the coast from Żewwieqa bay to Ħondoq bay. After the hike, each Seminarian went to his home.

On the 1st of November in the morning, all the Seminarians had some time off. In the evening, the Seminarians gathered again at the Seminary to pray the vespers and celebrate Mass on the solemnity of All Saints.

On Thursday, the 2nd of November, in the afternoon, the Seminary community celebrated Mass at Għarb’s parish cemetery. Mass was offered to the dead relatives of all the Seminarians. After the Mass, each Seminarian went to the parish where he is doing the pastoral experience.

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