
Institution of the Ministry of Lector to Seminarians Matthew Borg and Franklin Micallef

On Sunday 23rd January, the Sunday of the Word of God, seminarians Matthew Borg from the parish of Xagħra and Franklin Micallef from the parish of Ta’ Kerċem, both in their fifth year of formation, were conferred with the ministry of Lector by our Bishop H.L. Mgr Anthony Teuma. The conferral of this ministry took place during the 10.30 am Mass celebrated at the Fontana parish church. Following the reading of the Gospel, the candidates were presented to the Bishop. After the homily, the Bishop prayed upon the candidates and presented them the Bible. The Bishop encouraged both seminarians to keep the Word of God as a programme for life. Through the ministry of Lector, the seminarian gets more acquainted with the Word of God and, by letting God make him a worthy tool, he spreads the Word of God to humankind during liturgical celebrations and pastoral contexts.

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