
Two Christmas Activities for the Gozitan Altar Boys and Vocational Groups

During Advent 2021 the Seminary community organised two activities for the altar boys and vocational groups of the Gozo diocese. The first activity took place on Tuesday 7th December and catered for the altar boys of year 10 and above. The activity was inspired by the Diocese’s pastoral plan theme for Advent, the contrast of light and darkness. During the first part of the activity, a reflection on the Parable of the ten virgins was held. The group was divided into three subgroups, and each subgroup rotated at three different places of the Seminary. In each place, a reflection on a particular Parable aspect was held. Then dinner took place, followed by some games.

On Saturday 11th December another activity was held, this time for the altar boys between year 3 and year 9. The theme of the contrast between light and darkness was also taken for this activity. The group was divided into two subgroups according to the ages, and a reflection was carried out for each group. Both reflections were based on the wise men’s search for baby Jesus. The reflection was followed by some games. The bishop of Gozo H.L. Mgr Anthony Teuma payed a visit and shared a word with the altar boys during the activity.

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