
Proclamation of Advent

Last Saturday, 27th November 2021, the Church commenced a new liturgical year with the beginning of Advent. The Seminary community prepared for the starting of this liturgical season with the proclamation of Advent, held at the Seminary Chapel.

The celebration, which began at 11.30am, was divided into four parts. During the first part, the Word of God was enthroned on the altar and after the initial greeting and Advent proclamation by the celebrant, the Rector Can. Richard N. Farrugia, the first Advent candle was lit. The second part of the celebration was the Liturgical Lectio. This Lectio was about the First Preface of Advent. The third part consisted of a moment of reflection. The fourth and final part of the celebration consisted of the celebrant’s blessing on the community. During this Advent, particular moments will be added to the ordinary program. Before mass, at 6.10 am, the community will be meeting to pray the Office of Readings in the chapel. Also, during mass, the celebrant will be making a short reflection after reading the Gospel. The Christmas Novena will start on Tuesday 15th December. During this time of Advent, our community will be welcoming various vocational groups for a live-in and for activities related to this time of the year.

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