
The Feast of the Immaculate Conception at the Seminary

On Tuesday 8th December our community joined the rest of the Catholic Church in the celebration of the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception. This is a special feast for our community since the chapel of our Seminary is dedicated to Our Lady, the Immaculate Conception. In the morning we prayed the Invitatory, the Office of Readings, and sang the Lauds. These prayers were led by our vice-rector Fr Samuel Grech. At 9.30am the community participated in the Pontifical Mass of the feast of Immaculate Conception at the parish church of Qala, during which our bishop H.L. Mgr Anthony Teuma conferred the ministry of Acolyte to seminarian Gabriel Vella. In the evening we continued the feast celebrations in our chapel, where we prayed the Holy Rosary and sang the Vespers, which were led by our rector Fr Richard-Nazzareno Farrugia. During the Vespers Seminarian Gabriel Vella shared some thoughts for this occasion. We concluded this moment by singing the antiphon “Beata Mater” and afterwards we received the Eucharistic Benediction.

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