
Mission Week 2020

Last week the Liturgical and Missionary Group organised various activities in view of the World Mission Sunday celebrated on 18th October 2020. The theme of this week was inspired by the phrase “We are all in the same boat” which was used by Pope Francis during his Urbi et Orbi blessing last March. The message that the Group wished to convey was that every human being can spread God’s love, even during these particular times of the COVID-19 pandemic.

This Mission Week started on Monday 12th October 2020. On this day the community prayed for Fr Manuel Cutajar, who is a Gozitan missionary in Albania.

On Tuesday 13th October 2020, the Seminary community made a video call with Fr Victor Zammit MSSP, who is a Gozitan missionary in Peru. During this video call Fr Victor shared with the community his missionary experience of these last 17 years. He also talked about the difficulties encountered, especially during these times of the COVID-19 pandemic. Fr Victor emphasised the importance of inculturation and evangelisation which render mission a beautiful adventure. He also prayed that each one of us would have a mission-oriented heart. Each member of the community had the opportunity to ask him questions.

On Wednesday 14th October 2020, the Seminary community prayed for bishop George Bugeja OFM, who is a Gozitan missionary in Tripoli. After dinner the seminarians watched the film “Alla luce del sole”. This film is about the life of Don Pino Puglisi, a Sicilian priest killed by the mafia on his birthday because of his emphasis against corruption.

On Thursday 15th October 2020, the Seminary community welcomed Fr Joseph Camilleri, who is a Gozitan missionary in Guatemala. Fr Joseph celebrated mass, in which he shared his missionary experience. The community also made a prayer for his mission.

On Friday 16th October 2020, the Seminary community prayed for Fr Mario Curmi, a Gozitan missionary in Guatemala.

On Saturday 17th October 2020, the Seminary community prayed for bishop Giovanni Cefai MSSP, who is a Gozitan missionary in Peru. During this day the community attended a half-day seminar at Manresa Retreat House in Victoria, led by Fr Noel Debono. This year’s theme is inspired by 1 Kings 19, 1-15.

Apart from the above mentioned activities, every day a poster with an extract from the Pope’s message for the Mission Sunday was uploaded on the Seminary’s Facebook and Instagram page. Also, a brief video prepared by the Liturgical and Missionary Group was sent to all the Gozitan secondary schools so as to deliver a message for this week. The activities for the Mission Week came to an end during the weekend, where the seminarians continued to spread the message among the groups in the parishes where they are assigned for their pastoral work. Although this Mission Week was quite different due to the COVID-19 restrictions, its message was still delivered effectively.

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