
Profession of Faith and Oath of Fidelity

This morning, during mass at 7.00am, in the Immaculate Conception Chapel of our Seminary, the deacon Mario Mercieca and the seminarian Andrew Grima made their profession of faith and oath of fidelity in the presence of H.L. Mgr Mario Grech, Apostolic Administrator for the Diocese of Gozo.  This was done in view of their presbiteral and diaconal ordination, respectively, which is to be held on the 19 of June at the National Sanctuary of Our Lady of Ta’ Pinu.

In his homily, Bishop Grech, spoke about doubt in pursuing one’s vocation.

Certainty is wonderful; but as much as it is necessary it may be of a disadvantage.  When one feels certain of himself, one does not feel the necessity to question more and thus certainty may become an obstacle for one to continue growing.  From you who are approaching Sacred Orders, one expects that you are certain of the step you are going to make; but I would appreciate it if in you there was a little doubt.  When I was still at the Seminary, the Servant of God, Fr Mikiel Attard used to tell us that before the Ordination, it was enough for one to have “reasonable conviction”.  There is no need of absolute certainty, indeed it is better not to have this certainty, because this would mean a great blockage for one to become more mature in his vocation.  Lack of doubt conceives in one the presumption that he knows everything. 

Bishop Mario Grech
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